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Is Chiang Mai A 'foodie's' Heaven


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It has been remarked-upon before, how many C.M. sub-forum threads seem to be food-related, and I wondered whether this was in-any-way significant ?

Are we all simply past-it, so that food is the best fun remaining ? Is there something special about the food here ? Or are we all just so relaxed, that thinking up new ideas for food-threads, is the most intellectual thing we can find to do ?

What do others think ? :)

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Sawasdee Khrup Khun Ricardo,

Some of us live by our wits, others by their bellies ?

But why shouldn't food be a 'most popular' topic here: our human inhabitant came here, long ago, when he was still in exclusive ownership of his meat-form, as much for Thai food as for the other ambrosial delights of the Kingdom !

A healthy enjoyment of food, and convivial socializing around food, surely is part of the "rich life," unless you are, perhaps, an ascetic of some form ?

And for some: if truth is: "If food be the music of love, eat on," rather than, as Duke Orsino sayeth: "If music be the food of love, play on" well ... so what ?

We'd say that, in general, deep-water fishing in the waters of TV CM is a waste of bait.

best, ~o:37;

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many C.M. sub-forum threads seem to be food-related, and I wondered whether this was in-any-way significant ?

That's a good question -- and you are not the only one wondering -- but it is a bad topic to open here.

Good question, for two reasons:

First: For a small city in the middle of the jungle, at the end-of-the-line to civilization, CM offers amazing variety and quality of food.

You don't see anything similar in most end-of-the-line towns, such as, say, Broken Hill, Australia or Yellow Knife, Canada.

But in CM, we have a cornucopia.

So, it is a significant comment about both expats and visitors here -- there are many who appreciate good food.

And, it is worthwhile to add, good wine, too.

Second: Food is one of the topics which is attacked least, by those posters who delight in pushing every discussion off-topic.

The attackers will pile on every topic, but somewhat less on food topics, (or topics about buying a specific item).

So, it is a significant comment about the sort of posts one sees on this forum.

Food topics are "safe" compared to some other topics.

For the bad part, simply look at what happens when anyone posts a thoughtful topic, or asks a thoughtful question.

Then the attackers come out in droves.

They are either drunk and angry, or resentful and angry, or bored and angry.

They've learned they can "vent" their anger on various Internet forums, at no risk to themselves.

You can observe them de-constructing every open forum related to Thailand, and most others as well.

("Open" describes the style of moderation, but that is not what I'm discussing here -- merely defining my terms.)

So, the preponderance of food topics is a significant indicator that many other topics, which might be posted here, are not posted here.

For myself, I'd much prefer to explore non-food topics.

Everyone on this forum shares a common interest in Thailand; the people, culture, social behavior, history, and current events.

Such topics would be much more interesting to me, and to a few others here.

But start any thoughtful topic, and watch it quickly get de-constructed into chaos, where "Lord of the Flies" rules.

Not just on this forum, but on every other forum I've seen about Thailand.

On the other hand, if I have missed a forum with consistently coherent and thoughtful discussions (on the subject of Thailand), I hope someone will let me know by private message.

-- Oneman



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But in CM, we have a cornucopia.

Isn't it just off Loi Kroh ? :)

Levity aside, thanks for your thoughtful & interesting response. :D

Don't be silly! Cornucopia is a beach in Rio.

What other city of this size, as remote as Chiang Mai is (and though when we live here we don't always consider it, it is remote - 800Km from the nearest large city. Mountains on 3 sides etc etc) has the sheer range of restaurants we have here. just consider:

Thai: Lanna, Central Isaan, Muslim

Other Asian: Chinese Japanese Korean, Vietnamese, Indian, Pakistani,

Farang: French Italian, Spanish, Middle Eastern, American, British, German, Dutch/Belgian, Mexican,

I'm sure this list is not exhaustive!

Many of these are good old mom and pop home cooking restaurants of the type that are being buried under the welter of chian resturants back home.

Bon Appetit!

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Food here is great. Everything from 20 B curry noodles to haute cuisine.

Doesn't hurt that on the CM forum, we have some of the most seriously food-obsessed individuals on the face of the planet. :D

You know who you are. :)

Hey, no prob with me...I always enjoy reading about new dining places.

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Good god! All you bums from Chiangmai talk about is food. Are you all fat pigs? Is that it? Can't you guys think of anything more intellectual than stuffing you faces? Go get some exercise.

(Okay, for those who don't get it, that was purely tongue in cheek. I thought Oneman from Chiangmai might feel disappointed if there was not at least one sophmoric attack in the string. icon6.gif)

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Good god! All you bums from Chiangmai talk about is food. Are you all fat pigs? Is that it? Can't you guys think of anything more intellectual than stuffing you faces? Go get some exercise.

If you are lucky, you earned a place on that infamous - something like a thousand strong - poster ignore list!


Edited by Ulysses G.
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Good god! All you bums from Chiangmai talk about is food. Are you all fat pigs? Is that it? Can't you guys think of anything more intellectual than stuffing you faces? Go get some exercise.

(Okay, for those who don't get it, that was purely tongue in cheek. I thought Oneman from Chiangmai might feel disappointed if there was not at least one sophmoric attack in the string. icon6.gif)

Please tell me....... How can anyone really appreciate food ...... if their tongue is Thaied ?????? :)

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Tongue in cheek! I wish! Tongue is a wonderful, flavorful, delicate and tender meat. OH GAWD did I just open myself up for some ribbing!

Ribbing! I love ribs! with a nice bbq sauce...

another great pun

reminds me of the foodie show by Heston Blumenthal, "Hestons medieval feasts"

one episode was 'four n twenty blackbirds baked in a pie'

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One of the things about Chiangmai being a foodie's haven is that it's so easy to get around from one place to another. You can easily wander around the inside of the moat checking out menus and looking through hundreds of restaurants, stalls, and cafes for the atmosphere that suits you. To get to the furthest river side BBQ joints is only a few minutes away by car/taxi/tuk tuk.

Bangkok has plenty of good places to eat but they can be far apart from each other and it's not so easy to just stroll around looking for some place to dine.

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Speaking of food... Is there a list somewhere around here of really good places to eat in Chiang mai.

Although I prefer street food, I'm kinda interested in the restaurant, pub, bistro, cafe (or whatever else you want to call it) scene. :)

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Speaking of food... Is there a list somewhere around here of really good places to eat in Chiang mai.

Although I prefer street food, I'm kinda interested in the restaurant, pub, bistro, cafe (or whatever else you want to call it) scene. :)

Just scroll down this page and you'll see " My Food Map of Chiang Mai" That's a good start to your gastronomic career.

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The quality of farang food in Chiangmai is extremely poor and way overpriced. To pay 150/200 baht for a couple of scrawny bangers and mash or for a meat pie filled with something mushy, slightly resembling meat, is quite poor....and a few slices of cucumber and a bit of lettuce on the plate to make it look bigger, doesn't really fool anyone.

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One of the things about Chiangmai being a foodie's haven is that it's so easy to get around from one place to another. You can easily wander around the inside of the moat checking out menus and looking through hundreds of restaurants, stalls, and cafes for the atmosphere that suits you. To get to the furthest river side BBQ joints is only a few minutes away by car/taxi/tuk tuk.

Bangkok has plenty of good places to eat but they can be far apart from each other and it's not so easy to just stroll around looking for some place to dine.

That is definitely one of the attractions.

Uptheos: I fear you are in a minority. BTW the Bangers and Mash at The Olde Bell are 140 baht and if you live in Chiang Mai and are entitled to an Olde Bell Gold Card, you 10% off that price. 126 baht for Bangers & Mash. 'ow about that guvner?

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One of the things about Chiangmai being a foodie's haven is that it's so easy to get around from one place to another. You can easily wander around the inside of the moat checking out menus and looking through hundreds of restaurants, stalls, and cafes for the atmosphere that suits you. To get to the furthest river side BBQ joints is only a few minutes away by car/taxi/tuk tuk.

Bangkok has plenty of good places to eat but they can be far apart from each other and it's not so easy to just stroll around looking for some place to dine.

That is definitely one of the attractions.

Uptheos: I fear you are in a minority. BTW the Bangers and Mash at The Olde Bell are 140 baht and if you live in Chiang Mai and are entitled to an Olde Bell Gold Card, you 10% off that price. 126 baht for Bangers & Mash. 'ow about that guvner?

but does it come with free water and NO Riff Raff

I willl not be Hunting for a reply

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