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Extending Non O Visa


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Hi there,

Please can someone advise me. I arrived back in thailand on a 3 month non immigrant o visa- through my thai husband. this runs out at the end of

march so where do i extend this- in BANGKOK or can i do it at the local immigrati office.

Also what paper work do i need to do this?- have heard a woman doesnt have to have money in a thai bank account.

In a few months i will be starting work- is it easy to get a work permit on this visa?

am confused please help :)


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Hi Vicky, welcome to the forum :)

I went to Samui immigration ( as that is where we are currently living) last month to do the extension. I took;

2 passport photos

My passport + 2 copies

Original wedding cert + 2 copies


Husbands thai id card + 2 copies

2 filled in application forms in English (got from immigration office the day before)

Sons thai passport + 2 copies

Sons Thai birth certificate + 2 copies

2 copies of husbands tabien baan

Hand drawn map of where our house is.

We also needed a photo of the 3 of us standing together (not sitting on a bed as one couple brought & were sent away) as every person mentioned in the application (so you & your husband) have to be in the photo.

We arrived at 9.30am, showed the reception the document & was told to wait.

10 minutes later the head of immigration came out, took us outside where he put his feet up, had a smoke & proceeded to ask my husbands some questions (in thai) about where we were living, how old our son was, where he went to nursery, what work hubby does & general chit chat. Very informal.

He then flicked through the papers & asked us to wait 5 minutes. We were called into the office where he filled in the forms for the thai husband (basically the extension is the husband asking on behalf of this wife so a thai form needed to be done in duplicate, which immigration guy filled in) he asked hubby how much he earned (no proof needed to show) & when hubby said it varies as he is self employed he wrote down 40k baht.?

He then paid the 1,900 baht & I was given a one month extension based on my year extension being under consideration, that's what the stamp says or to that effect. The paperwork is then sent to BKK I believe & I have to go collect it on the date specified where I will get a new stamp for the year extension.

After that it is just 3 month reporting. As we wont be in Samui then I can do that at any immigration office in the country so you can just apply for the extension at the office that covers where you live.

A work permit can be applied for using the Non-O visa & is better imo to keep the Non-O rather than get a Non-B cause if you ever find yourself out of work will need to pay for a new Non-O & also having a Non-O for 3 consecutive years will allow you to also apply for Thai citizenship in the future.

Any other questions please feel free to ask.

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Mario is of course correct, my post wasn't clear I should have said;

As we wont be in Samui then I can do that at any immigration office (where we will be living) in the country so you can just apply for the extension at the office that covers where you live.

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  • 4 months later...

I've got another question to add..

Does my husband need to show proof he has been paying taxes as I've been told? He's been out of Thailand for the last year and can show taxes he's paid in Canada. Will they accept that? Or will they even ask?

He officially lives with his parents in Phattalung, but we (I mean he.. ;) ) will be working in Ko Lipe... where do we apply and where can I check in? Phattalung? Satun? Lipe? (I assume the immigration checkpoint in Lipe would not accept this)

Thanks :)

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You need the Immigration office for the Province you are living in. It doesn't matter where he's registered. Not sure about the tax issue since he's been overseas, tho, you will have to ask the immigration office once you apply.

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Going back one step...does the 3 month initial visa need to be issued in the home country of the wife? I will be finishing my contract in a few months and I currently have a visa through my employer. After I finish my contract we will be staying in Thailand for a further 6 months to tinker around with our house and travel a bit. Will I need to go back to Australia to get a visa based on marriage to Thai hubby? Or do you think I can do it at another regional country (we take frequent holidays in Cambodia so I thought maybe I could apply there)? The info above on the 3-monthly reporting is great, one more bit of research I can tick off the list, :whistling:as we all know Thai hubby won't actually go and ask any "officials" about the process...

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