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Thai Red Shirts Declare 'Class War'


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Jimmy barnes says he is a working class man.

That's better than all this europe history lesson. If you had that album or anything from cold chisel you were a party hero.

Let's get back to talking about blue collar. Or maybe in thailand should call it red collar these days.

Who will do the compilation album

We won't get fooled again who

99 lufte red balloons some lame girl

We can dance when we want to men without hats

Red red wine ub 40

Working class man jimmy barnes

I'm too sexy for my shirt. Right said fred

Calling mr wrong. Some euro trash band

We've got a convoy. Some country singer

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Abhisit is good but rich

Thaksin is bad but rich

Hi-Sos are bad and rich

Red Shirt Leaders are Hi-So..see above

Policemen and Soldiers and Politicians would like to be patrons: Good Bad and Rich

Non Thais are bad and poor

Kings and queens are good and VERY rich

Politicians are greedy bad and rich

Farangs love Thailand and are rich

Thais don't like farangs, well except when they enrich Issan, because they are rich

Rich Thais treat poor workers very badly

Like the comparisons with France..both as regards analysis..and what was DONE

Thanks to Jerrythe Young and Animatic

Oh tacky tourism..well I think its tacky because its mostly kitsch and down market, exploitative, ecologically disastrous and corrupt. Is Kamala Camelot?

Oh my god.

Please do not refer to Kings & Queens please.

Especially about the richness.

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In Abhisit's interview, he said "If money is the measure, Thaksin is many times more "ammat" than me." He is wasting his breath. Thaksin wants to be the only ammat and the vast majority of the Red Shirts still think this is about democracy. If it wasn't so sad, it would be funny.

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the reds...the yellows...2006 there was a coup by the army commended by .... to bring back the high classes back to complete control of the country...

again...is this right? in my own country i will take their way...revolution. but a revolution needs to come from minds and not from wallets. As they are all paying their own protesyers, we can understand that some yellow are now red and vise versa.

amazing thailand.

some of good guys are still in forced silence here, unfortunatly.

no one's clear in this, and small and medium classes are paying again and again...

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It's not a class war, Nuchanart.

It's a "give me my money" back war. If it was a class war it would of happened months / years ago.

Abhisit has once again put the right cards down. It'll be interesting now to see if the reds still want to negotiate.

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Away with the unelected elite military junta government, and the appointed judiciary.

Bring back democracy.

So say the "Rural Electoral Democracy Supporters"...

What you really mean is Bring Back Thaksin and his corruption.

Unfortunately now that he has been defeated, no-one really cares what you say now.

So keep on with the shouting of slogans.

You have nothing more to say.

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Too much power to army, means they rule!

police inbetween all, but salary comes from government...cannot buy the last toyota with only salary, isn't it?

all old generals and all old politics close to the r...y rule the country. in this case no democratie possible. as they have money more that they can keep... where this money come from?? up to you to give an answer, but each THAI CITIZEN can think and know where this money come from. With all the ongoing scams it is not difficult to know.

just a dissapointment, a day all this will have to stop as there is more schools all around and people will get more educated...by this they will expect more transpoarency and honesty. the same as the government expect from them!

this kind of "democratie" cannot last for long in any evoluated country.

Just look after UK!

the people, poor peolple , if they want . they will get the last word! and win!

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The last class war that I can remember was in China, between Mao and ... (sorry I don't remember the loser's name). The loser ran away and hide in Taiwan ever since.

I hope PAD will win this class war.

That would be Nationalist leader Chaing Kai Shek

No, he didn't hide, he created a working economy that integrated with the outside world and was a huge success

for decades before China finally changed it's ways and started EMULATING the parts of Taiwan

that could successfully feed the Chinese workforce... Taiwan has been a thorn in Chinas side

for years just because of it's success.

In todays context we have old guard Maoist and a rural peasantry under a rich leige lord trying to regain power,

coming against something more similar to the successful Taiwanese government in exile.

One must ask if the per capita income and quality of life is better in Taiwan with it's industrial integration,


mainland China and it's late turning from a philosophically bankrupt experiment on Proletariats Running the Collective Farm...

RUSSIA AND CHINA Ttwo glaring incidences of 'PEOPLES REVOLUTIONS' causing untold pain and suffering

for generations of the poor. Until replaced with something more resembling Abhisit and Korn.

Edited by animatic
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The last class war that I can remember was in China, between Mao and ... (sorry I don't remember the loser's name). The loser ran away and hide in Taiwan ever since.

I hope PAD will win this class war.

That would be Nationalist leader Chaing Kai Shek

No, he didn't hide, he created a working economy that integrated with the outside world and was a huge success

for decades before China finally changed it's ways and started EMULATING the parts of Taiwan

that could successfully feed the Chinese workforce... Taiwan has been a thorn in Chinas side

for years just because of it's success.

CHINA!!! what an example about human rights!!!!!

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It is not about Thaksin, Thaksin is at the very best the scapegoat, who was the face of the movement that tried to modernize Thailand. M

Maybe Jingthing can organize a poll here. Does anyone else ever get tired of these Thaksin apologists trying to say the red movement, funded by Thaksin, directed by Thaksin, and arranged with the sole purpose of whitewashing Thaksin, is somehow NOT only about Thaksin?


I will officially go on record right now. I will come out, arm in arm and support ANY red shirt protestor who goes on camera and say "Thaksin was a scumbag who violated the rights of millions of Thais and deserves every single punishment the court can throw at him and then some."

That person will have my support. Who is it? Anyone? Bueller? Nobody?

Stop trying to obfuscate the issue. The red movement is ONLY about Thaksin. All the other issues are secondary. You are lying to yourself if you think this movement will accept any scenario where Thaksin is not exonerated from his criminally abhorrent behaviour. The reds can have anything else they want, but they CAN NOT have Thaksin return. There will be civil war before that happens.

Thaksin is the divider. Thaksin is the reason we have these problems today. Thaksin is the element that needs to be eliminated.

Please. Stop lying to yourself. All red shirt apologists should simply admit they are hyprocritcal, selfish cretans without an ounce of moral fiber. Just admit that you don't care about anyone but yourselves because after Thaksin was finished stealing money from the rest of us, he gave a small portion to you, and therefore that makes him OK. I will at least respect you for being a selfish, unfeeling bastard if you admit you are a selfish, unfeeling bastard and proud of it.

My heart goes out to the people of Issan who have been mistreated by those more fortunate than them. But that does not give them the right to support a movement whose overriding aim is to whitewash the worst of the worst of the elite in Thailand. If you think you have been mistreated by the yellow elite, *I* have been mistreated by Thaksin. Why do the reds think they are more important than everyone else? They are selfish cretans, that's why.


Now, back to your regularly scheduled flaming.

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"I am a Pfannkuchenand" or "I am a Pfannkuchen" just doesn't have the same geopolitical and rhetorical flair or pizzaz to it as did the Cold War and Berlin Wall assertion that "I am a Berliner." Pres Kennedy's assertive statement of political and military support brought an immediate and loud cheer from the huge mass of Berliners assembled to see the president and to hear his speech.

How many people in Italy knew the esoteric differences within the Germany and Berlin of the ...

the Berliner Pfannkuchen is actually much more powerful than your Pres Kermit words, which brings you to nowhere, specially not when people not follow your star cult, but making jokes, you fail do understand. thanks loyality to kermit you make a fool of yourself. the Pfannkuchen and his culinary brother and sisters can help you to make good friends all over the world. it is a sweet treat, you can start a small talk about it, praise the local variant and tell them you have something similar at home, or whatever or kermit k's doughnut joke. sweet mouth, if you have some etiquette and table manners you will get well along. later you can talk business and turkey and show your photo album my kids, my car, my bbq, my house, my nobel laureate, my atomic-bomb, my kent state university, ...

Thanks for the lecture and for the most oft-used cultural cliche' of them all, the one about humor.

The End.


you really want miss the other parts of the story and break here up?

lets recap.

you did a perfect start with a version of Monty Python's killer joke war sketch

according to you the german phrase "Ich bin ein Berliner" is legit and come from

  • the West German Embassy in the US
  • German language experts at the State Department
  • and leading universities of the US.

that is a lot of brain power for a 4 word quote, how many Universities of the US did actually help in the end?

anyway. in the 80's reliable us-newspapers came up with the story that a berliner is a doughnut. which is totally untrue but started as a joke and some other journalist believed it.

early in the 90's Oliver Stone cashed in big time with doing a remake of the zapruder film, a 60's cult classic and 8mm home flick. the title JFK sounded cryptic enough to get the attention of the computer nerds and at the dawn of the eternal september one of the first AOL net legends was born "a berliner is a doughnut is a jelly fact" the rest is history.

Lulz and lot of drama whereever us.red and us.blue met each other inline to practice factomockcrazy. it is meanwhile a very old meme. now every dumb kid in internet think that what the pimp of Marylin Manson's mother had said is true "a berliner is a jelly doughnut". other argue is true because they read somewhere in the internet that the Prez had said it is grammatically correct. some say that it is grammatically incorrect but can't be false because NYT so it is eventually for sure not untrue.

that are so far the rumours on the internet, now i wanna reveal some hard facts of history how the cold war was won and the wall finally cracked.

1. Kennedy 1963 in Berlin "Ich bin ein Berliner"

as previous established it doesn't mean i am a jelly doughnut. but it still has more than one meaning.

before i explained that you will earned laughter when you order a Berliner in a bakery shop in Berlin, but you can order a Berliner in a pub. it is a beer, a pilsner. one of east germanies most popular beers.


unclear is if the CIA and/or Kennedy or any other western intelligence agency did had any knowledge of it

but at the east side the system got totally confused, did he just said that " i am a commie beer"? is he that dumb, is he crazy, is there a secret message? the commie apparatus could expose him for the laughter, but communism was dead serious and public laughter forbidden. the Kennedy visit got also nearly zero press coverage in east germany. a kept seceret, but everybody knew it somehow. lots of head honchos got totally gaga by endless laughter others got shizo by suppressed laughter and all developed somehow a drinking habit. a fair share of the politburo interpreted to be every day totally drunk as the way to the american success and thought they had to copy that. as a result the system got weaker and weaker, the other half declared win. if the president of the USofA declares he is a commie beer it is victory. lets celebrate. 5 years before evil commie scientis developed some secret formula. that turn people into loyal idiots, the downside was it had to be taken together with alcohol. the time was ripe, they put 3 liters of Berliner Pilsner per day and per head of the the working class immediately in a new 25 years economy plan. so the labour force became also drunkyards the productivity rates sank. and nobody was sober enough to realized the economic crisis. on the other hand election got fanatics poll results. 99,89% for the government. nobody really complained during the coming 25 years, except some religious groups of teetotalers.

2. Reagan 1987 in Berlin "Please Mr. Gorbatchov ...


do i have to say more? no-one heard the 2nd half of Reagans sentence in east berlin. they got the signal they had been waiting for ...

some historians say that have been planned and was intended by Reagan. the cia had figured out whats going on. since the mid 70's they secretly had supported some so called 'team kennedy' in the politbuero, thought of them as some faction of moderate commies, took some years until they finally discovered what the kennedy plan means and why the leaked top secret documents are impossible to decrypt.

1987 the 25 year economy plan came also to an end, switching to the a harder stuff alone wasn't the final drop. election 99,99953 % yes votes. all happy.

3. David Hassellhoff 1989 'Looking for Freedom (song) Germany number-one single charts March 31, 1989 – May 1


the CIAs secret plan 'red beach'. he attended a couple of politburo meetings since 1987 allready. they loved his red outfit. a side effect of the 'special beer'. David has an alcohol habit since. actually he got contacted by east berlin first. CIA instructed him. it was planned by the politbuero to declare him to the president of east germany in 1990. nobody expected the success of that stupid song. the downfall of the wall was an attempt take over west germany. thousand of east germans polluted west germany since month allready. but nobody kept in mind that the effects of the secret ingredient in berliner pilsner will quickly fading away if there isn't a steady supply. the plan was doomed, the rest is history.

Ich bin ein Amerikaner


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It is not about Thaksin, Thaksin is at the very best the scapegoat, who was the face of the movement that tried to modernize Thailand. M

Maybe Jingthing can organize a poll here. Does anyone else ever get tired of these Thaksin apologists trying to say the red movement, funded by Thaksin, directed by Thaksin, and arranged with the sole purpose of whitewashing Thaksin, is somehow NOT only about Thaksin?


I will officially go on record right now. I will come out, arm in arm and support ANY red shirt protestor who goes on camera and say "Thaksin was a scumbag who violated the rights of millions of Thais and deserves every single punishment the court can throw at him and then some."

That person will have my support. Who is it? Anyone? Bueller? Nobody?

Stop trying to obfuscate the issue. The red movement is ONLY about Thaksin. All the other issues are secondary. You are lying to yourself if you think this movement will accept any scenario where Thaksin is not exonerated from his criminally abhorrent behaviour. The reds can have anything else they want, but they CAN NOT have Thaksin return. There will be civil war before that happens.

Thaksin is the divider. Thaksin is the reason we have these problems today. Thaksin is the element that needs to be eliminated.

Please. Stop lying to yourself. All red shirt apologists should simply admit they are hyprocritcal, selfish cretans without an ounce of moral fiber. Just admit that you don't care about anyone but yourselves because after Thaksin was finished stealing money from the rest of us, he gave a small portion to you, and therefore that makes him OK. I will at least respect you for being a selfish, unfeeling bastard if you admit you are a selfish, unfeeling bastard and proud of it.

My heart goes out to the people of Issan who have been mistreated by those more fortunate than them. But that does not give them the right to support a movement whose overriding aim is to whitewash the worst of the worst of the elite in Thailand. If you think you have been mistreated by the yellow elite, *I* have been mistreated by Thaksin. Why do the reds think they are more important than everyone else? They are selfish cretans, that's why.


Now, back to your regularly scheduled flaming.


Great post!

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Just an historical correction:

French Revolution has started in Paris, by demonstrations from Paris suburb to Versailles palace where the French Monarchy was installed. It was the artisans managed by some middle Class leaders like Danton, Robespierre..... Later on, the French Revolution has been obliged to set up 5 Armies to tame the peasants who were supporting the aristocracy. The Military campaign against the peasants remains very famous because it has been very bloody in Vendee and Britanny.

In 1830, (what is called les 3 Glorieuses), again it is Paris which was leading the revolt. and in 1870, again a Paris's revolt against the Middle Class "Les Versaillais". Paris was under Prussian occupation and fully besieged, the "Commune" was communicating with the rest of the Country by pigeons, they tried to get the peasants moving... it has been unsuccessful and the Commune finished in a huge killings (around 10,000 "communards" shot on the "Mur des Federes").

So sorry but the French peasants are not at the origin of the French Revolution, on contrary they were opponents.

Jerrytheyoung, I believe (due to technical issues in your response quote), yours is a gentleman's post so your statements regarding the ca 1789 French peasantry are well taken and accepted. To be more clear and precise, I would state at this point that historically and generally the peasantry has been the basis of support of monarchy with some exception, most notably to me in England for the reasons I'd stated. The Great European War (1914-18) was an exception because it pretty much decapitated European monarchy due to the consensus of the devastated populations that the old order that created the shocking debacle should be expelled decisively. By 1917 in Russia the peasantry had turned against the monarchy and the subsequent tenuous civilian order in favor of Lenin's formula of "bread, peace and land." (Russians of course got something quite different, especially after Lenin's untimely death in 1924.) Mao won the peasants' loyalty thus cleverly winning the class war, and while Mao was indeed nuts, Mao didn't wear the collar of being a corporate billionaire (incidental to the point, later this year Mao will be demoted from the present RMB 100 note, the highest value note in the PRC, to the RMB 50 note, while Deng Xiao Peng will make his first appearance on the RMB on a new first time ever RMB note, the 500 - that's a plus factor of 10 for Deng).

So while in France the peasants did in fact remain loyal to their monarchy, and in England the monarchy was saved from itself by the middle classes, it's been generally true that once the peasantry feels terminally neglected they've put their monarchy into the history books, but only when they've been cleverly and well led. In the 21st century there are precious few instances to consider in this regard, i.e., clever and superior leadership.

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"I am a Pfannkuchenand" or "I am a Pfannkuchen" just doesn't have the same geopolitical and rhetorical flair or pizzaz to it as did the Cold War and Berlin Wall assertion that "I am a Berliner." Pres Kennedy's assertive statement of political and military support brought an immediate and loud cheer from the huge mass of Berliners assembled to see the president and to hear his speech.

How many people in Italy knew the esoteric differences within the Germany and Berlin of the ...

the Berliner Pfannkuchen is actually much more powerful than your Pres Kermit words, which brings you to nowhere, specially not when people not follow your star cult, but making jokes, you fail do understand. thanks loyality to kermit you make a fool of yourself. the Pfannkuchen and his culinary brother and sisters can help you to make good friends all over the world. it is a sweet treat, you can start a small talk about it, praise the local variant and tell them you have something similar at home, or whatever or kermit k's doughnut joke. sweet mouth, if you have some etiquette and table manners you will get well along. later you can talk business and turkey and show your photo album my kids, my car, my bbq, my house, my nobel laureate, my atomic-bomb, my kent state university, ...

Thanks for the lecture and for the most oft-used cultural cliche' of them all, the one about humor.

The End.


you really want miss the other parts of the story and break here up?

lets recap.

you did a perfect start with a version of Monty Python's killer joke war sketch

according to you the german phrase "Ich bin ein Berliner" is legit and come from

  • the West German Embassy in the US
  • German language experts at the State Department
  • and leading universities of the US.

that is a lot of brain power for a 4 word quote, how many Universities of the US did actually help in the end?

anyway. in the 80's reliable us-newspapers came up with the story that a berliner is a doughnut. which is totally untrue but started as a joke and some other journalist believed it.

early in the 90's Oliver Stone cashed in big time with doing a remake of the zapruder film, a 60's cult classic and 8mm home flick. the title JFK sounded cryptic enough to get the attention of the computer nerds and at the dawn of the eternal september one of the first AOL net legends was born "a berliner is a doughnut is a jelly fact" the rest is history.

Lulz and lot of drama whereever us.red and us.blue met each other inline to practice factomockcrazy. it is meanwhile a very old meme. now every dumb kid in internet think that what the pimp of Marylin Manson's mother had said is true "a berliner is a jelly doughnut". other argue is true because they read somewhere in the internet that the Prez had said it is grammatically correct. some say that it is grammatically incorrect but can't be false because NYT so it is eventually for sure not untrue.

that are so far the rumours on the internet, now i wanna reveal some hard facts of history how the cold war was won and the wall finally cracked.

1. Kennedy 1963 in Berlin "Ich bin ein Berliner"

as previous established it doesn't mean i am a jelly doughnut. but it still has more than one meaning.

before i explained that you will earned laughter when you order a Berliner in a bakery shop in Berlin, but you can order a Berliner in a pub. it is a beer, a pilsner. one of east germanies most popular beers.


unclear is if the CIA and/or Kennedy or any other western intelligence agency did had any knowledge of it

but at the east side the system got totally confused, did he just said that " i am a commie beer"? is he that dumb, is he crazy, is there a secret message? the commie apparatus could expose him for the laughter, but communism was dead serious and public laughter forbidden. the Kennedy visit got also nearly zero press coverage in east germany. a kept seceret, but everybody knew it somehow. lots of head honchos got totally gaga by endless laughter others got shizo by suppressed laughter and all developed somehow a drinking habit. a fair share of the politburo interpreted to be every day totally drunk as the way to the american success and thought they had to copy that. as a result the system got weaker and weaker, the other half declared win. if the president of the USofA declares he is a commie beer it is victory. lets celebrate. 5 years before evil commie scientis developed some secret formula. that turn people into loyal idiots, the downside was it had to be taken together with alcohol. the time was ripe, they put 3 liters of Berliner Pilsner per day and per head of the the working class immediately in a new 25 years economy plan. so the labour force became also drunkyards the productivity rates sank. and nobody was sober enough to realized the economic crisis. on the other hand election got fanatics poll results. 99,89% for the government. nobody really complained during the coming 25 years, except some religious groups of teetotalers.

2. Reagan 1987 in Berlin "Please Mr. Gorbatchov ...


do i have to say more? no-one heard the 2nd half of Reagans sentence in east berlin. they got the signal they had been waiting for ...

some historians say that have been planned and was intended by Reagan. the cia had figured out whats going on. since the mid 70's they secretly had supported some so called 'team kennedy' in the politbuero, thought of them as some faction of moderate commies, took some years until they finally discovered what the kennedy plan means and why the leaked top secret documents are impossible to decrypt.

1987 the 25 year economy plan came also to an end, switching to the a harder stuff alone wasn't the final drop. election 99,99953 % yes votes. all happy.

3. David Hassellhoff 1989 'Looking for Freedom (song) Germany number-one single charts March 31, 1989 – May 1


the CIAs secret plan 'red beach'. he attended a couple of politburo meetings since 1987 allready. they loved his red outfit. a side effect of the 'special beer'. David has an alcohol habit since. actually he got contacted by east berlin first. CIA instructed him. it was planned by the politbuero to declare him to the president of east germany in 1990. nobody expected the success of that stupid song. the downfall of the wall was an attempt take over west germany. thousand of east germans polluted west germany since month allready. but nobody kept in mind that the effects of the secret ingredient in berliner pilsner will quickly fading away if there isn't a steady supply. the plan was doomed, the rest is history.

Ich bin ein Amerikaner



SUPERCEDING STAMP ISSUED. (Subject to the merciful indulgence of Mods/Admin as, while this matter isn't with a 50km radius of the topic, it's become too precious at this point to excise.)

Speaking of exorcism (drum roll) , you know a place around here I can buy a Pilsner Lager? An icy cold Pilsner from Pilsen would give me a reason to continue a life that, since leaving access to Pilsner in the US, had long since become meaningless. I'd settle for a Pilsner even if it had a disgusting Barbarian sausage on the inside bottom (Barvarian?), or even jelly. People ask me what I miss most about the US since leaving in 1996 to teach English in East Asia, to include History and Social Science, and I immediately say Pilsner Lager from Pilsen, Deutschland (aka the German Democratic Republic, GDR, long ruled by the Ghengis Khan disciple, Walter Honniker). In fact, a late uncle combatant who chose to lead his WW 2 unit to Pilsen rather than to the Wolf's Lair and all of its gold, priceless art and wine and more wine, was shot thru the left lung by the Nazis but never the less got to Pilsen and the Pilsner, which he said was Germany's most valuable and prized asset, at least at that point in the war.

As for me, as pleased as I was in the US to have easy access to Pilsner Lager, it was a pain in the butt that the Pilsner brewery in Deutschland Uber Alles put four bottles in a pack. Heck, any time I bought Budweiser I got six cans in a pack. So on a Monday nites (Brits take notice "nites") while I could buy three six-packs of Bud, on Tuesdays I had to buy five 4-packs of Pilsner Lager (Lagre?). So, given that my luxury Washington DC apartment was across the street ("opposite" for you Brits) from the Foreign Beverage Boutique Center (Brits again take notice), on Tuesdays nites after my work in the Congress as professional staff I had to circle around the back of the mall to wheel the shopping carriage (yes, carriage, not fukcing "trolley") across (!) the busy intersection to my Tiber Island Waterside condo complex. Sheesh, while those Deutschlanders (GDR) spend so much time on quality, they yet have to gain some appreciation of the importance of quantity.

As to Reagan, no no no - he didn't say "Please Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall." Reagan only said "please" to 1st wife Jane Wyman who during divorce procedings stated in a deposition that "conjugational relations had long since ceased." Wyman said Reagan kept pleading "please" to her only for her to stop demanding conjugal activities. I got this from a Washington friend to knows a CIA agent who knows a Staatsi officer who knows a KGB colonel who saw the sealed deposition....but then I dunno because the KGB guy later poisoned the Staatsi officer after the CIA agent had defected to France, where in short order he proceded to knock up two daughters of Francois Mitterand, one from each of his simultaneous marriages as well as having an affair with all of Mitterand's mistresses.

And once and for all to set the record straight, JFK got the idea about the "Ich bin ein Berliner" line after having had an exceptional organism with Maryln Monroe at her Hollywood home. As the two lay there afterward doing pillow talk, with Bobby grumpily outside sitting at the pink marble table under a cherry tree playing peknuckle with the Secret Service, Jack felt an itch in the down below areas, causing him to say "I have an itch down hearhre and next week I have to be in Berlin." At which point Maryln in her dizzy and sexy whisper said, "Dahrling, you can't have an itch down there when you haave to beinBehrlin. By the way, how do you like my pink new polka dot bin?" However, it was at that instant Jackie called demanding to know if Jack were there. Maryln said she had no idea what Jackie was talking about. Jack, himself always being astute and clever, detected that Jackie, who had threatened divorce if Jack didn't break off the relationship, again was hot on his trail. Jack thought qualuudely, er, quickly. Jack took some of Marylin's sleeping barbituates and told her they were special sex enhancing aids created specially for him by the CIA in concert with MI6, and to take them for a great night's sleep and a morning to remember. The rest is history.

Edited by Publicus
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It is not about Thaksin, Thaksin is at the very best the scapegoat, who was the face of the movement that tried to modernize Thailand. M

Maybe Jingthing can organize a poll here. Does anyone else ever get tired of these Thaksin apologists trying to say the red movement, funded by Thaksin, directed by Thaksin, and arranged with the sole purpose of whitewashing Thaksin, is somehow NOT only about Thaksin?


I will officially go on record right now. I will come out, arm in arm and support ANY red shirt protestor who goes on camera and say "Thaksin was a scumbag who violated the rights of millions of Thais and deserves every single punishment the court can throw at him and then some."

That person will have my support. Who is it? Anyone? Bueller? Nobody?

Stop trying to obfuscate the issue. The red movement is ONLY about Thaksin. All the other issues are secondary. You are lying to yourself if you think this movement will accept any scenario where Thaksin is not exonerated from his criminally abhorrent behaviour. The reds can have anything else they want, but they CAN NOT have Thaksin return. There will be civil war before that happens.

Thaksin is the divider. Thaksin is the reason we have these problems today. Thaksin is the element that needs to be eliminated.

Please. Stop lying to yourself. All red shirt apologists should simply admit they are hyprocritcal, selfish cretans without an ounce of moral fiber. Just admit that you don't care about anyone but yourselves because after Thaksin was finished stealing money from the rest of us, he gave a small portion to you, and therefore that makes him OK. I will at least respect you for being a selfish, unfeeling bastard if you admit you are a selfish, unfeeling bastard and proud of it.

My heart goes out to the people of Issan who have been mistreated by those more fortunate than them. But that does not give them the right to support a movement whose overriding aim is to whitewash the worst of the worst of the elite in Thailand. If you think you have been mistreated by the yellow elite, *I* have been mistreated by Thaksin. Why do the reds think they are more important than everyone else? They are selfish cretans, that's why.


Now, back to your regularly scheduled flaming.

Excellent post.

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Yep the red propaganda is so obvious to the westerner. But the Thais are not nearly as experienced at western style propaganda. Especially rural folks with less then a sixth grade education who have never been exposed to this sort of thing.

Some would say that Tacksin is an expert at western style "democracy" and propaganda. :)

However it seems it's more a "democracy" like the one in Cambodia that he's after. :D

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It is not about Thaksin, Thaksin is at the very best the scapegoat, who was the face of the movement that tried to modernize Thailand. M

Maybe Jingthing can organize a poll here. Does anyone else ever get tired of these Thaksin apologists trying to say the red movement, funded by Thaksin, directed by Thaksin, and arranged with the sole purpose of whitewashing Thaksin, is somehow NOT only about Thaksin?


I will officially go on record right now. I will come out, arm in arm and support ANY red shirt protestor who goes on camera and say "Thaksin was a scumbag who violated the rights of millions of Thais and deserves every single punishment the court can throw at him and then some."

That person will have my support. Who is it? Anyone? Bueller? Nobody?

Stop trying to obfuscate the issue. The red movement is ONLY about Thaksin. All the other issues are secondary. You are lying to yourself if you think this movement will accept any scenario where Thaksin is not exonerated from his criminally abhorrent behaviour. The reds can have anything else they want, but they CAN NOT have Thaksin return. There will be civil war before that happens.

Thaksin is the divider. Thaksin is the reason we have these problems today. Thaksin is the element that needs to be eliminated.

Please. Stop lying to yourself. All red shirt apologists should simply admit they are hyprocritcal, selfish cretans without an ounce of moral fiber. Just admit that you don't care about anyone but yourselves because after Thaksin was finished stealing money from the rest of us, he gave a small portion to you, and therefore that makes him OK. I will at least respect you for being a selfish, unfeeling bastard if you admit you are a selfish, unfeeling bastard and proud of it.

My heart goes out to the people of Issan who have been mistreated by those more fortunate than them. But that does not give them the right to support a movement whose overriding aim is to whitewash the worst of the worst of the elite in Thailand. If you think you have been mistreated by the yellow elite, *I* have been mistreated by Thaksin. Why do the reds think they are more important than everyone else? They are selfish cretans, that's why.


Now, back to your regularly scheduled flaming.

Excellent post.

Well put! My wife's uncle attended the protests with several other villagers last weekend. He got paid for sure. I asked my wife if they would have attended if they did not get any money. She said "no way." Not so much because they couldn't afford it, because they could...but because they don't believe in the Red's that much. Only if they get something out of it immediately will they support it.

Get Thaksin out of the mix and I think they have a good cause. But of course they can't...who would fund this?

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Elite abisit government must be itching to send in "blue shirt" thugs against the REDS, the Rural electoral Democracy Supporters.

Just as in Pattaya and Bangkok, to agitate peacefull protesting by the Rural electoral Democracy Supporters..

Maybe he has realised there are a few more eyes on him this time around.

Whats keepin you lame duck abi...go on ....press the button.icon6.gif

Lets have elections and see where people put their vote.

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It's to Abhisit's advantage to string out the negotiations for discussions. The Reds are staying peaceful (thankfully), but their numbers are shaky. Some leaving, some arriving, back and forth to the provinces. Many are going to need money to continue attending, or at least free food and shelter, as well as the soundstage, and outhouses, etc., (which must be paid for). We all know who the prime paymaster is. Thaksin will keep paying for his alleged 'support' because it's a drop in the bucket compared to what he's aiming for - getting back the frozen assets. It's like you or me paying 500 baht a day for the possibility of a million baht pay-back. Big question: how much are the Red leaders getting paid?

Abhisit is playing his cards well. However, I'd suggest that he do one or two tangible things for the types of people who are attending the rallies. An example within the education sphere; allowing last year's books to be used by current year students. Currently, all students in Thailand must purchase brand new books every year. What happens to prior years' books? I don't know. Just by allowing books to be carried over, would save each student's family about Bt.1,200. Same could be done for uniforms and shoes. Additionally, nearly every family with school kids is essentially forced (peer pressure) to purchase brand new uniforms and shoes each year for school. By allowing 2nd hand uniforms, that would save each family about another Bt.1,200/year per student. A poor family with 4 kids could conceivably save around Bt.10,000 annually by just those two measures.

Abhisit could also announce a series of community meetings to take place - particularly in relatively impoverished regions of Thailand. Like 'town hall' meetings in the States, everyone would be welcome to attend and speak out. One focus would be on farming - what types of crops are best suited (rice is too water guzzling), and farming methods that are most effective/efficient (organic earns much more in the marketplace). The meetings could also address communities' other needs, such as infrastructure, roads, power needs, conservation, parks. In rural China, many villages are setting up methane digesters which wind up precluding the need for so much LPG (propane gas) usage. Thais are currently afraid of methane (explosion worries) but can be shown it's viable and cost saving.

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Your wife totally missed the point of the protests. It isn't so much about HI-SO and LO-SO, but about equal opportunities for all Thais, whether they are rich or poor.

not many here understand this concept lol

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Your wife totally missed the point of the protests. It isn't so much about HI-SO and LO-SO, but about equal opportunities for all Thais, whether they are rich or poor.

not many here understand this concept lol

What concept is that? The rich have all the opportunities they need...the poor have pretty much none. Doesn't seem equal to me....

Anyway, this is all about Thaksin. Plain and simple. No arguments about that.


Abhisit did just institute a program where the villagers got money for their rice. Some sort of guarantee? I am not 100% sure what it was, but my wife's mother was offered 20-40k Baht. She didn't take it as I believe it has to be paid back or something like that, but all of her relatives did. So he is doing something to help the poor...they really liked this deal he just did for them.

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"I am a Pfannkuchenand" or "I am a Pfannkuchen" just doesn't have the same geopolitical and rhetorical flair or pizzaz to it as did the Cold War and Berlin Wall assertion that "I am a Berliner." Pres Kennedy's assertive statement of political and military support brought an immediate and loud cheer from the huge mass of Berliners assembled to see the president and to hear his speech.

How many people in Italy knew the esoteric differences within the Germany and Berlin of the ...

the Berliner Pfannkuchen is actually much more powerful than your Pres Kermit words, which brings you to nowhere, specially not when people not follow your star cult, but making jokes, you fail do understand. thanks loyality to kermit you make a fool of yourself. the Pfannkuchen and his culinary brother and sisters can help you to make good friends all over the world. it is a sweet treat, you can start a small talk about it, praise the local variant and tell them you have something similar at home, or whatever or kermit k's doughnut joke. sweet mouth, if you have some etiquette and table manners you will get well along. later you can talk business and turkey and show your photo album my kids, my car, my bbq, my house, my nobel laureate, my atomic-bomb, my kent state university, ...

Thanks for the lecture and for the most oft-used cultural cliche' of them all, the one about humor.

The End.


you really want miss the other parts of the story and break here up?

lets recap.

you did a perfect start with a version of Monty Python's killer joke war sketch

according to you the german phrase "Ich bin ein Berliner" is legit and come from

  • the West German Embassy in the US
  • German language experts at the State Department
  • and leading universities of the US.

that is a lot of brain power for a 4 word quote, how many Universities of the US did actually help in the end?

anyway. in the 80's reliable us-newspapers came up with the story that a berliner is a doughnut. which is totally untrue but started as a joke and some other journalist believed it.

early in the 90's Oliver Stone cashed in big time with doing a remake of the zapruder film, a 60's cult classic and 8mm home flick. the title JFK sounded cryptic enough to get the attention of the computer nerds and at the dawn of the eternal september one of the first AOL net legends was born "a berliner is a doughnut is a jelly fact" the rest is history.

Lulz and lot of drama whereever us.red and us.blue met each other inline to practice factomockcrazy. it is meanwhile a very old meme. now every dumb kid in internet think that what the pimp of Marylin Manson's mother had said is true "a berliner is a jelly doughnut". other argue is true because they read somewhere in the internet that the Prez had said it is grammatically correct. some say that it is grammatically incorrect but can't be false because NYT so it is eventually for sure not untrue.

that are so far the rumours on the internet, now i wanna reveal some hard facts of history how the cold war was won and the wall finally cracked.

1. Kennedy 1963 in Berlin "Ich bin ein Berliner"

as previous established it doesn't mean i am a jelly doughnut. but it still has more than one meaning.

before i explained that you will earned laughter when you order a Berliner in a bakery shop in Berlin, but you can order a Berliner in a pub. it is a beer, a pilsner. one of east germanies most popular beers.


unclear is if the CIA and/or Kennedy or any other western intelligence agency did had any knowledge of it

but at the east side the system got totally confused, did he just said that " i am a commie beer"? is he that dumb, is he crazy, is there a secret message? the commie apparatus could expose him for the laughter, but communism was dead serious and public laughter forbidden. the Kennedy visit got also nearly zero press coverage in east germany. a kept seceret, but everybody knew it somehow. lots of head honchos got totally gaga by endless laughter others got shizo by suppressed laughter and all developed somehow a drinking habit. a fair share of the politburo interpreted to be every day totally drunk as the way to the american success and thought they had to copy that. as a result the system got weaker and weaker, the other half declared win. if the president of the USofA declares he is a commie beer it is victory. lets celebrate. 5 years before evil commie scientis developed some secret formula. that turn people into loyal idiots, the downside was it had to be taken together with alcohol. the time was ripe, they put 3 liters of Berliner Pilsner per day and per head of the the working class immediately in a new 25 years economy plan. so the labour force became also drunkyards the productivity rates sank. and nobody was sober enough to realized the economic crisis. on the other hand election got fanatics poll results. 99,89% for the government. nobody really complained during the coming 25 years, except some religious groups of teetotalers.

2. Reagan 1987 in Berlin "Please Mr. Gorbatchov ...


do i have to say more? no-one heard the 2nd half of Reagans sentence in east berlin. they got the signal they had been waiting for ...

some historians say that have been planned and was intended by Reagan. the cia had figured out whats going on. since the mid 70's they secretly had supported some so called 'team kennedy' in the politbuero, thought of them as some faction of moderate commies, took some years until they finally discovered what the kennedy plan means and why the leaked top secret documents are impossible to decrypt.

1987 the 25 year economy plan came also to an end, switching to the a harder stuff alone wasn't the final drop. election 99,99953 % yes votes. all happy.

3. David Hassellhoff 1989 'Looking for Freedom (song) Germany number-one single charts March 31, 1989 – May 1


the CIAs secret plan 'red beach'. he attended a couple of politburo meetings since 1987 allready. they loved his red outfit. a side effect of the 'special beer'. David has an alcohol habit since. actually he got contacted by east berlin first. CIA instructed him. it was planned by the politbuero to declare him to the president of east germany in 1990. nobody expected the success of that stupid song. the downfall of the wall was an attempt take over west germany. thousand of east germans polluted west germany since month allready. but nobody kept in mind that the effects of the secret ingredient in berliner pilsner will quickly fading away if there isn't a steady supply. the plan was doomed, the rest is history.

Ich bin ein Amerikaner


Perniciously_Disturbing give it a break...

Are you still fighting the cold war these days? Seems that way.

Note to author: You Lost That War.

Isn't it amazing that this 4 word phrase you deride with so much effort

is STILL resonating world wide 50 years later, and quoted, and relevant,

and you put such effort and verbal diarrhea to besmirch it even now...

Sorry no points for this lame effort, no point made, only your attempt at distraction

being more noticible for the lameness of it's framwork, and lack of clarity. Clutching straws.

Ooh and back to your incessant pictures posting style too.

Same same for Hangnail Von Toastie and Carlos the Jackle too.

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Abhisit is playing his cards well. However, I'd suggest that he do one or two tangible things for the types of people who are attending the rallies. An example within the education sphere; allowing last year's books to be used by current year students. Currently, all students in Thailand must purchase brand new books every year. What happens to prior years' books? I don't know. Just by allowing books to be carried over, would save each student's family about Bt.1,200. Same could be done for uniforms and shoes. Additionally, nearly every family with school kids is essentially forced (peer pressure) to purchase brand new uniforms and shoes each year for school. By allowing 2nd hand uniforms, that would save each family about another Bt.1,200/year per student. A poor family with 4 kids could conceivably save around Bt.10,000 annually by just those two measures.

School children already get an allowance for uniforms & text books are now free as part of the new education policy. I feel improving the quality of teaching & stopping rote learning would pay handsome dividends in the future. They need to arrest the declining average IQ, provide more moral & ethical guidance (after all the leaders in society are generally not ideal role models).

Television is an invaluable tool & if programming could be geared to reinforce the positive qualities rather than the mindless greed & power plays that pervade in the current entertainment model there would be a gradual improvement (anything like this would need to be sanook in order to maintain interest). Most importantly provide the poorer sections of society with good programmes that will enable them to stand on their own without having to resort to free handouts or be at the mercy of loan sharks.

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Elite abisit government must be itching to send in "blue shirt" thugs against the REDS, the Rural electoral Democracy Supporters.

Just as in Pattaya and Bangkok, to agitate peacefull protesting by the Rural electoral Democracy Supporters..

Maybe he has realised there are a few more eyes on him this time around.

Whats keepin you lame duck abi...go on ....press the button.icon6.gif

Lets have elections and see where people put their vote.

Arisman and your "peaceful protesters" didn't smash cars because of blueshirt provocations,

they are self provoking and pre-motivated to cause trouble for all they disagree with,

and barely rational in group terms. The rampages are solely the fault of the Red Shirt leaders agitations.

Another rebranding point lost for the Red PR team.

Edited by animatic
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