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Advice On Clothes


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Hey everyone!! Im going to Thailand in a couple of mouths ( Hua Hin to be exact). Ill be 18 and im going there for my undergrad studies. So I wondering if wearing tights or leggings under a mid-thigh skirt is ok to wear. Due to the economic difficulties in the usa, I haven't been able to get a job, which mean no "before college shopping spree" for me, which ive been waiting 18 years for. But anyways any advice will be appreciated!

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Are you talking about university?

I thought Thai universities had a uniform?

Surely the best people to contact about the dress code would be your university.

I don't know why you would want to wear leggings and a skirt as it is warm here (unless it is a short skirt, which mid thigh probably is).

I recall something in the news last year about Thai university uniforms having shirts that were too short and they were making them longer... school uniforms generally reach the knee where we live.

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I think that yeah, it would be fine to wear leggings under a skirt. But, I don't think it's necessary. Ladies here seem to show MUCH more leg than at home. It's common to see mini skirts anywhere you go. Even a lot of the uniforms (students, nurses, store workers) are very short skirts.

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if you can't afford a shopping spree in the states and you are of a slim build, definitely wait until you are out here. Clothes are very cheap and very fashionable.

A (Thai) friend of mine who is doing her masters at the moment (so freestyle at uni) tends to wear mid thigh or above knee skirts. She does wear leggings as well (even though it's very hot). She also tends to wear heels. But remember on your top half, don't wear strappy tops.

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Shoulders should be covered at all times

Under short skirts you should ALWAYS wear shorts

(you can show as much leg as you like at age 18, but you NEVER allow a glimpse of underwear)

That's about it.


Clothing is very cheap, a new party type dress costs 100bht to 300bht

Edited by sarahsbloke
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Shoulders should be covered at all times

Under short skirts you should ALWAYS wear shorts

Says who? Up in Khon Kaen women wear halter tops & vests (shoulders uncovered) & no one wears a pair of shorts under their skirts. Same as in Samui. Clothes tend to be more of the cutesy style though, edgy really hasn't hit Thailand yet.

At work or even on school campus I would suggest being slightly more conservative but once you have been here a week you will see kids your own age & what they are wearing (imo much more boring conformist style fashion to kids back home) but in no way are they done up like mormons or wearing layers upon layers of clothing.

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what you wear will depend on where you are and how comfortable you are with attention. at the beach i wear short shorts and tube tops. i'd never be caught dead in that in the village! in the city it's somewhere in between. being that this is hua hin, i'd say they are more used to farang/bargirls showing skin, but do remember that it's thailand and they are generally more conservative. but boo is right. once you are there you'll see what is the norm, and can decide what you are comfortable with.

to answer your question though...a lot of girls (thai and farang) wear that style with the tights and shorter skirts. it should be perfectly fine (though the tights get hot!)

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