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I Fed 'a Dog Some Left Overs 'at 'a Restraurant.


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One thing I like about Thailand is that the vast majority of restaurants will give you a 'doggie bag' of uneaten food without question.

Then it's 'up-to-you', what you do with it.

do you think thats what australia/ thailand thought when they gave us our "sean" on tv. :)

sorry sean.

Edited by tigerfish
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In Thailand, especially in the northeast, if you get tired of the dog, you can always eat it. But I also agree with geriatrickid - you are comparing a human with a dog. Shame on you. Down boy, down boy...

Edited by toybits
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I see your parallel and raise you this one:

Dog is a man's best friend. Why is man then, so pre occupied with Women? Where is man's Loyalty to the Dog?

Afterall, if you stop giving the dog lamb cutlets, you can still pet him. If you stop buying Pim a drink, you can be sure she'll stop being your " friend".

Could it be your comparisson is giving the dog a rough ride?

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What is is that separates humans from dogs?

Dogs are more loyal, they won't steal your beer but they may mount your leg.

Just how do you tell which loves you more, your dog or gf/wife …….. Well I’ll tell you. I pondered this question some time ago, and come up with a fire proof test.

First you need to set aside a few hours of your precious day to get scientific on this one.

You’re going to need a car with a boot/trunk, then get your dog and gf/wife in the boot/trunk together (this can be difficult, use a small dog biscuit) and close and lock it, then off we go! Drive around for a bit, maybe stop for a beer, (park in the shade, it’s not meant to be cruel) after a couple of hours drive home.

Now the scientific part, open the boot/trunk and stand back……….. Which one is pleased to see you? Who do you thing, gf/wife or the dog?

Foot note: I’ve not actually tried this out yet, so if someone wants to give it a go and let me know how it all went……..All in the name of science, of course.

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^ Tonto, what are you talking about dude, the dog is always happy to see me. You can virtually do anything with the dog and he will always come up trumps.......the women however, is pure evil. :)

Neverdie, I is talking scientific theory testing. You can’t just make wild assumptions like that! Where is your proof man?……….You see I am a man of science (for this topic anyway) but I must say I tend to lean towards the k9 for being a nose in front, after all, where do you think my name comes from, “Tonto” a rough haired Jack Russell who was the most loyal friend I’ve ever had, or will probably ever know.

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I am the living scientific proof man......all women have an inner demon......most if they are honest (and most are honest) will admit it too.

You can keep the inner demon happy by applying useless girly <deleted> & its nothing like the man stuff either....they don't like fishing boats, beer, tity bars, motorcycles etc. Honestly, the scientific proof is all around you mate. I was going to write a book about it but was too scared to, just incase some of these shedevils set out after me. (You must appreciate, Ive taken great risk to share this info with you, some of them even lurk around on this very forum) :)

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^ Tonto, what are you talking about dude, the dog is always happy to see me. You can virtually do anything with the dog and he will always come up trumps.......the women however, is pure evil. :D

Neverdie, I is talking scientific theory testing. You can’t just make wild assumptions like that! Where is your proof man?……….You see I am a man of science (for this topic anyway) but I must say I tend to lean towards the k9 for being a nose in front, after all, where do you think my name comes from, “Tonto” a rough haired Jack Russell who was the most loyal friend I’ve ever had, or will probably ever know.

This thread is starting to give me a teary eye... :)

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^ Tonto, what are you talking about dude, the dog is always happy to see me. You can virtually do anything with the dog and he will always come up trumps.......the women however, is pure evil. :)

Neverdie, I is talking scientific theory testing. You can't just make wild assumptions like that! Where is your proof man?……….You see I am a man of science (for this topic anyway) but I must say I tend to lean towards the k9 for being a nose in front, after all, where do you think my name comes from, "Tonto" a rough haired Jack Russell who was the most loyal friend I've ever had, or will probably ever know.

It's all a matter of training; the dog will take to it quickest, but people will take to <deleted> if you give it to them long enough. Look at all Sean's fans on TV... :D

Edited by dobadoy
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"speciesism" is at the core of this debate, you can read about it here:


Actually, I think this may be more appropriate:

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the diagnostic classification system used in the United States, as "a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and a lack of empathy."[1]

The narcissist is described as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, and prestige.[2] Narcissistic personality disorder is closely linked to self-centeredness.



Edited by thaihome
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"speciesism" is at the core of this debate, you can read about it here:


What is your opinion, Mr Will? Should we give equally to the dogs on the verandah as the humans on the verandah, or should one species be trusted more than another?

I'm not sure its got anything to do with how much we can trust one over another.

I suppose I do think we should give equally as that is how I behave. I also equally do not eat either humans or animals however I am not convinced its got anything to do with morality (although suspect it might do).

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Came across this in the Washington Post yesterday.

Samuel Butler once wrote: “The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself, too.” We owners fling cash like idiots for no other reason than we are crazy about our pets, and because they, in their blasted, heartbreaking, loving ways, are crazy for us.

In defense of women - I might add that when we go for a walk she doesn't need to be on a leash nor do I need to carry a plastic bag to pick up her pooh.

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Came across this in the Washington Post yesterday.

Samuel Butler once wrote: “The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself, too.” We owners fling cash like idiots for no other reason than we are crazy about our pets, and because they, in their blasted, heartbreaking, loving ways, are crazy for us.

In defense of women - I might add that when we go for a walk she doesn't need to be on a leash nor do I need to carry a plastic bag to pick up her pooh.

Yeah but you have to put up with her poo one way or another

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At least the dog eats everything put down for her. Try that with a cat - Whiskas one week, Friskies the next, Sheba the next. Nose in the air.... Disdain all around. A wee purr occaisionaly - if you're lucky.

edit - never could spell occcaiiisssionallyy

Edited by Patsycat
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What is is that separates humans from dogs?

Dogs are more loyal, they won't steal your beer but they may mount your leg.

Just how do you tell which loves you more, your dog or gf/wife …….. Well I’ll tell you. I pondered this question some time ago, and come up with a fire proof test.

First you need to set aside a few hours of your precious day to get scientific on this one.

You’re going to need a car with a boot/trunk, then get your dog and gf/wife in the boot/trunk together (this can be difficult, use a small dog biscuit) and close and lock it, then off we go! Drive around for a bit, maybe stop for a beer, (park in the shade, it’s not meant to be cruel) after a couple of hours drive home.

Now the scientific part, open the boot/trunk and stand back……….. Which one is pleased to see you? Who do you thing, gf/wife or the dog?

Foot note: I’ve not actually tried this out yet, so if someone wants to give it a go and let me know how it all went……..All in the name of science, of course.

Interesting experiment but can't quite understand why the wife/gf would be lured into the boot/trunk by a small dog biscuit........gold or money maybe! The dog on the other hand wouldn't need any invitation more than an open boot/trunk lid. Any chance for a trip out..........

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