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Is Thai Visa Losing Its Credibility


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I have noticed in the last few months, More and more Cynical remarks, I joined Thai Visa because It was the best forum about Thailand, In my opinion, It helped me with a few questions and answers, which i am great-full for, I myself have made some remarks that on hindsight, could have been put better or not at all, Some of the older posters seem to be disappearing or just lurking in the back ground, Are we losing a wealth of knowledge because of these remarks. or again should i not have posted this topic.

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Some may be awaiting the Messiah during this traditional millennial month, but I am still awaiting the Pickle King to deliver the same coup de grâce to TV that his presence delivered to the old soc.culture.thai usenet group.

Edited by Johpa
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Some may be awaiting the Messiah during this traditional millennial month, but I am still awaiting the Pickle King to deliver the same coup de grâce to TV that his presence delivered to the old soc.culture.thai usenet group.

Great post.

The "Pickle King " still lives ??

Bulgarian yoghurt from Chiangmai..............

One of the finer members of the Expat community.

LOL ( whatever that means........)


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I think its as GOOD as ever..otherwise...... :)

In the past it was all questions.....wherr is the nearest pub to?..I get into Bangers at 3 in the morninfg and want to go to............fill in the gaps....

need a hotel under 200Bt a night etc.....but as said above times change and new topics like the "reds under the beds" and limited political discussions fulfill the new gendre....and if you want to go deeper on the "cant talk about etc" ...just send a dink......lots of good emails and info from individual members (No Rednecks) ...but of course cant etc.... :D

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Your right TV is a great source of info from some very smart minds from all walks of life.. I for one am glad the resource is there

as for the drivel mongers...whatever floats their boat..they can be quite entertaining sometimes... sort of like reading the funny papers and expecting valuable comment...

....as someone once remarked to me .."TV is like a bunch of barking dogs in a narrow Soi"

fun though ain't it ....who needs credibility...TIT!

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There should always be an element of banter, I enjoy, but only if reasonably polite. Over the years the language of youth changes, some of the more mature members rise quite easily to expressions like 'loser'. Younger members tend shoot from the hip citing their 'experience', and little of much else. Many posters do not appear to have any method of assessing an alternative point of view until it drives right over them!!!.......As you note I am sure many sit back every now and then, and view as the newbies get their corners rubbed off by Thai visa and life in Thailand!!!........I hope the more mature active members are not lost......but due to the repetitve nature over a long period of time perhaps tend to be more selective in their responses...... :)

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Has a lot to do with the population of people using it and that its a general forum that draws people of heterogeneous interests and opinions.

If this was a narrow enthusiasts type forum it would be a lot more constructive and harmonious because people are pulling the same direction.

In the case of Thai visa you have a lot of cranky people with many different perspectives and motives.

It is what it is. Still the best source of Thailand info if not a study of personality disorders and mud wrestling.

I suppose the bright side is that the often adversarial discussions do filter out the inaccuracies.

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I agree with the Op .

Thaivisa has become a too much of a clique and some who think they know it all

but in fact know nothing at all about life in Thailand .

And ofcourse that creates much unpleasant posting .

The clique talk about nothing and they seem to enjoy it , seems they are the only ones ,

sorry most seem to be nice guys , but what the talk of the day is about ...who cares really ...

But anyways to stay at the background , like I do at the moment , seems to be the best thing ,

just don't feel the need for posting for the obvious reasons .

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Has a lot to do with the population of people using it and that its a general forum that draws people of heterogeneous interests and opinions.

If this was a narrow enthusiasts type forum it would be a lot more constructive and harmonious because people are pulling the same direction.

Very true, in fact in the various subforums here the conversations are a lot more polite.

For some reason, most posters seem to take the most negative possible interpretation and tone of other posters. Cynicism and contrarianism rule the day, at least in General Topics.

I get a lot more fun out of helping other posters with something practical.

I've always suggested the forum mandate every post has to be so many characters long, like 4 sentences or something, in order to discourage the flamers. But the forum is interested mostly in gross traffic for their advertisers methinks...

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It ebbs and flows with the weather and world politics. It happens to all forums. World politics and world economy affects everything and that is reflected in what concerns the masses.

very wise words

The Op states he has noticed 'in the last few months'........I guess the ebbing and flowing has only just reached TV

Perhaps the tide was out!!! :)

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."TV is like a bunch of barking dogs in a narrow Soi"
if not a study of personality disorders and mud wrestling.


: sums it up quite well.

I must admit it is wearing thin for me, so many expect Thailand to be like where they come from, but if thats what they want why not stay at home.

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If you want to visit the "pits" and see how nasty it could get, go to ajarn dot com!!!!! As a former teacher and retired principal, I am appalled at the "professionals" (and I use the term loosely) that post there.

TV is great. How did people get along with out before there was a forum? The amount of information I learn on a weekly basis, from immigration matters to FBAR to where there's an Indian grocery store...just unbelievable.

The policies of how it is all run are...hmmm...reasonable, and I usually understand why certain actions are taken. It's a tough job...I wouldn't wade into it if I were asked. Most of the moderators deserve a friendly pat on the back for doing such a great job.

There is a lot of whining. And there is a clique attitude that I experienced when I first joined over a year ago...at that point I often heard responses akin to -- you don't live here, so your opinion doesn't count. Then, after I moved here in retirement, it changed to -- you haven't lived here long enough, so your opinion doesn't count. I call it the Exclusionary Club...and I learned to just ignore it. My comments are just as valid as some drunk who sits on a bar stool every night down in Soi Cowboy who has been in a stupor for 20 years. :) Did I say that?????

It's a great forum.

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TV is great IMHO. Tough times all over the world are bringing courser talk maybe. Mods always have a thankless job. They need hit numbers and more members on the sites, but can't let the lunacy run amok.

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My comments are just as valid as some drunk who sits on a bar stool every night down in Soi Cowboy who has been in a stupor for 20 years. :D Did I say that?????

It's a great forum.

You have been here long enough to write a great post! :)

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Of course searching for information I also look beyond Thaivisa. But all too often, googling only leads to clicking on a link leading to another thaivisa thread. No way to get around it, seemingly.

Oh well, the forum is OK for me, I don't mind quickly scrolling down the trash looking for usable info.

Edited by keestha
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ut oh. :)

Please bear in mind that some of the quality you refer to came from people that have now left Thailand, either in a box or with boxes. There was an old veteran of the Malay colonial days that I first met years ago. He was a great source of knowledge. Not the stuff you get in books but experience. He showed me how to kill a papaya with jungle blade. One year I left and came back and discovered the old major had died. TV's like that. Although I certainly don't miss the wackos with their new age cures of colonic irrigation that drift in and out of here, or have warm and fuzzy feelings for the oddball that shows up to complain about a leaking abscess on his buttocks that was so large he had to wear a diaper.

I may be aggressive, acerbic even harsh at times, but never cynical :D i'm fed up with the comments about low IQs, or how everything is bad in the west or bad in Thailand. It's a <deleted> mixed bag of secret delights. This is a country where right can be wrong and wrong can be right, where the pretty girls are really men and some of the sweet ladies that will love you a long time may actually kill you. It's a place where the foreigners are often more devious and dishonest than the locals. It's why Thailand is both frustrating and loveable at the same time.

Read the special interest sections like animals or farming if you are feeling down, because there is no nonsense there.

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Actually, it has improved considerably thanks to strict moderation. It was much more rough and tumble a few years back. :)

Do you know who Britmav is? 25,000 (very odd posts :D ) and most if not all in support of the Reds.

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Outside of politically sensitive topics and anything involving bar girls, I thing TV is actually pretty good. A mine of useful information on some tricky topics, and if you can't find the answer to your question already it usually doesn't take long for someone to give it.

As for political topics... this is the way such things go. People with the same leanings tend to stick together, and the others mostly get scared away, so political arguments always end up a bit one-sided. Anyway, politics is the one subject you avoid discussing with your friends, if you want them to stay friends.

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