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More Information Needed On Sex In Deep South


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More information needed on sex in deep South

PATTANI: -- The Director of the Southern Border Provinces Peacekeeping Command (SBPPC), Gen. Sirichai Tanyasiri, says he has ordered soldiers stationing in Thailand's troubled southern border provinces to be careful and avoid having affairs with women in the areas.

The defence minister, the supreme commander and the army commander-in-chief have been briefed and officials have been sent to collect more evidence from a senator who broke the news, Gen. Sirichai told a weekly press conference in the southern border province of Pattani today.

The problem cannot be solved without proof, he said.

The SBPPC is prepared to listen to information from anyone and try to solve the root cause of the problem, he said.

The security chief was responding to the allegations made by the senator from the southern Narathiwat Province, Fadruddin Botor, who earlier filed a motion in the Senate alleging inappropriate conduct by soldiers stationed in the country's three troubled provinces of Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat.

Many soldiers have had sex with young Muslim women, both married and unmarried, and more than a hundred girls had been forced to marry soldiers

after becoming pregnant.

Gen. Sirichai also said it is government policy to appoint the commanding general of the 4th Army Area Command as the new director of the SBPPC.

The final decision would be made by Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, he added.

The proposed overhaul of the structure of SBPPC alone will not solve the unrest in the southern provinces, Gen. Sirichai said.

"The insurgency depends on several factors, including the militants’ strategy and the troops' actions," he said.

--TNA 2005-05-29

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So, they are saying that the insurgancy is occuring because the Thai Militairy men are stealing all of the Muslim women in the southern provice. And, ordering them to not have sexual relations, in order to circumvent the current insurgants deisre to continue their insurgancy?

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Islamic leader: End talk of sex

A Muslim leader in the South has called for an end to talk about soldiers having sexual relations with local Muslim women.

Abdullahman Abdulsomat, chairman of the Narathiwat Islamic Committee, said he did not want the matter to be further touched upon, to protect the dignity of Muslim women.

Identifying the women would also be against Islamic principles, he said.

Supreme Commander Gen Chaisit Shinawatra has asked Narathiwat Senator Fadruddin Botor to provide evidence of sexual liaisons he said occurred between troops and local Muslim women.

Mr Fadruddin, a Muslim, told the Senate last week that some soldiers deployed in Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat had behaved inappropriately. Many had sex with young Muslim women, both married and unmarried, and at least 100 girls had been forced to marry after becoming pregnant.

``The Nathariwat Islamic Committee has information regarding this matter as well, but we cannot reveal it to the public, not even to Mr Fadruddin or the army,'' Mr Abdullahman said. ``We can't do that. It is against our religious principles. It involves the dignity of Muslim women.''

His committee had learned from local Islamic leaders in Narathiwat that they had performed about 10 marriages between soldiers and Muslim women. The soldiers agreed to convert to Islam.

``When soldiers from the Northeast were moved back to their original units in April, some did not take their Muslim wives with them. This has caused problems,'' he said.

Some couples had remained together.

A source said the soldiers who married Muslim women were mostly draftees from the Khon Kaen-based 803rd Battalion operating in Waeng, Sungai Padi and Rangae districts of Narathiwat.

Some who had now left the military wanted to takes their wives back home. However, many of the women's parents did not want their daughters to go. Other soldiers had chosen to simply abandon their wives, the source said.

One of the men was reportedly shot dead just a few months after marrying a Muslim woman, the source said.

--Bangkok Post 2005-05-30

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