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Butter Is Better


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Butter is Better has added some vegan, 100% whole wheat baked goods that no one else in Chiang Mai has - although they do not have them every single day: whole wheat biscuits, cinnamon rolls, cookies, etc. They taste good and are more healthy than the white flour versions.

They also are selling the famous Elvis sandwich with natural peanut butter, bacon and bananas that Elvis used to love.

Minus the bacon, George :)

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Butter is Better has added some vegan, 100% whole wheat baked goods that no one else in Chiang Mai has - although they do not have them every single day: whole wheat biscuits, cinnamon rolls, cookies, etc. They taste good and are more healthy than the white flour versions.

They also are selling the famous Elvis sandwich with natural peanut butter, bacon and bananas that Elvis used to love.

We have added quite a few items made with 100% whole wheat flour. Such as scones, cinnamon buns and sticky buns. We found a whole wheat flour that stays soft in pastries so even the sticky buns and cinnamons buns stay very soft.

We are also currently making whole wheat peanut butter cookies. They are made with our own home made peanut butter and no oil is added. These cookies are vegan since we use coconut oil as a shortening. They are sweetened with unrefined coconut palm sugar which according the always reliable internet has a low glycemic index which supposedly puts less stress on your endocrine system. We just like it because coconut palm sugar tastes great. We are thinking of adding jam made with coconut palm sugar to the top of the peanut butter cooker. Does that sound interesting to you?

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They also are selling the famous Elvis sandwich with natural peanut butter, bacon and bananas that Elvis used to love.

Don't be so mean, UG. Elvis was straight. Don't know about these 2 clowns in the video though. :)

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We have added quite a few items made with 100% whole wheat flour... We are thinking of adding jam made with coconut palm sugar to the top of the peanut butter cookies. Does that sound interesting to you?

I tried the whole wheat pancakes with unrefined palm sugar syrup today and they were really tasty. The natural jam on whole grain peanut butter cookies sounds like a good idea too.

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If the typical Chiang Mai operation is anything to go by, they might not be using much butter. Not all butters were created equal anyway - the bakery supplies shop on the road north from Sripoom corner has cheap butter - but I always get New Zealand.

I think it is BS for you to say, 'Not all butter are created equally'.

There are two kinds of butter, salted and un-salted.

I'm not sure who's BS'ing here, but Toolz is very right when he says "Not all butters were created equal"

Saying that "There are two kinds of butter, salted and un-salted" is very short-sighted and would be equal to saying there's only two kinds of beer, draft and bottled.

Of course there's many kinds of butter, and I don't refere to margarine or such.

There is many different type's of butter available in and around Chiang Mai and it depends on the products you're baking or cooking which one suites best.

My opinion is that the reffered bakery is using a good butter for their products.

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Hubby and I had lunch at Butter is Better today and tried the potato salad. It's almost as good as my mother's and much, much better than mine. I plan to buy it again in the future as "take away", add some slivers of hard-boiled eggs, small pieces of dill pickles, French dressing and a splash of pickel juice and call it my mother's recipe!

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We have added quite a few items made with 100% whole wheat flour... We are thinking of adding jam made with coconut palm sugar to the top of the peanut butter cookies. Does that sound interesting to you?

I tried the whole wheat pancakes with unrefined palm sugar syrup today and they were really tasty. The natural jam on whole grain peanut butter cookies sounds like a good idea too.

I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea about our restaurant. While we do make lots of 100% whole what versions of bread and pastry, you can still eat at our place and feel plenty guilty. The main disadvantage we labor under in being deleterious to your health, is that we don't use transfats such as margarine or crisco. To counterbalance that, I like to think that our pastries, pies, and cakes are so delicious that you will eat way too much of them.

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The wife and I tried this place a few days ago, and lo and behold, their coffee is simply divine. We both are budding coffee snobs, and didn't expect anything beyond the ordinary. The menu already indicates that this is a place that cares deeply, and is enthusiastic and forthright with the plan of operation, ingredients used, the fact that the cheese blintz is a recipe passed down over three generations (four?), etc. So, for coffee, it explains how they use "peaberry coffee beans" (sorry, I'd never heard of it), what they are, and how they are basically really tasty. Also, they use a ___ machine (forgot the make), which is meant to be top top notch. Anyway, we couldn't stop ordering cafe lattes, they were so dam_n good.

As for the food, we recommend anything that is baked. Scones, pies, bread or cakes - it all looked and smelled great. As for the menu, it seems to also cover many "comfort foods", though missing a few spots (imho). Grilled cheese sandwiches, BLTs, lots of peanut butter items, even sausage and biscuits, which they didn't have the day we went.

Two request to the owner:

1. We figured there would be a special emphasis on butter (I know that's being quite literal), but no butter came with the bread we ordered.

2. put some ham on that menu - i.e., a ham and cheese melt. Ham and biscuits, etc. Or did I just miss it?

Anyway, it's a new place, with two owners (farang and Thai wife) who are trying very hard to make their customers happy. If this cafe being a sponsor of Thaivisa makes one cynical, don't be. I'm giving this place "big ups" purely on merit. The food can be a little pricey, but you get what you pay for. Coffee is exactly on par with most cafes.

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The wife and I tried this place a few days ago, and lo and behold, their coffee is simply divine. We both are budding coffee snobs, and didn't expect anything beyond the ordinary. The menu already indicates that this is a place that cares deeply, and is enthusiastic and forthright with the plan of operation, ingredients used, the fact that the cheese blintz is a recipe passed down over three generations (four?), etc. So, for coffee, it explains how they use "peaberry coffee beans" (sorry, I'd never heard of it), what they are, and how they are basically really tasty. Also, they use a ___ machine (forgot the make), which is meant to be top top notch. Anyway, we couldn't stop ordering cafe lattes, they were so dam_n good.

As for the food, we recommend anything that is baked. Scones, pies, bread or cakes - it all looked and smelled great. As for the menu, it seems to also cover many "comfort foods", though missing a few spots (imho). Grilled cheese sandwiches, BLTs, lots of peanut butter items, even sausage and biscuits, which they didn't have the day we went.

Two request to the owner:

1. We figured there would be a special emphasis on butter (I know that's being quite literal), but no butter came with the bread we ordered.

2. put some ham on that menu - i.e., a ham and cheese melt. Ham and biscuits, etc. Or did I just miss it?

Anyway, it's a new place, with two owners (farang and Thai wife) who are trying very hard to make their customers happy. If this cafe being a sponsor of Thaivisa makes one cynical, don't be. I'm giving this place "big ups" purely on merit. The food can be a little pricey, but you get what you pay for. Coffee is exactly on par with most cafes.

I meant to say "Coffee prices are exactly on par with most cafes."

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The wife and I tried this place a few days ago, and lo and behold, their coffee is simply divine. We both are budding coffee snobs, and didn't expect anything beyond the ordinary. The menu already indicates that this is a place that cares deeply, and is enthusiastic and forthright with the plan of operation, ingredients used, the fact that the cheese blintz is a recipe passed down over three generations (four?), etc. So, for coffee, it explains how they use "peaberry coffee beans" (sorry, I'd never heard of it), what they are, and how they are basically really tasty. Also, they use a ___ machine (forgot the make), which is meant to be top top notch. Anyway, we couldn't stop ordering cafe lattes, they were so dam_n good.

As for the food, we recommend anything that is baked. Scones, pies, bread or cakes - it all looked and smelled great. As for the menu, it seems to also cover many "comfort foods", though missing a few spots (imho). Grilled cheese sandwiches, BLTs, lots of peanut butter items, even sausage and biscuits, which they didn't have the day we went.

Two request to the owner:

1. We figured there would be a special emphasis on butter (I know that's being quite literal), but no butter came with the bread we ordered.

2. put some ham on that menu - i.e., a ham and cheese melt. Ham and biscuits, etc. Or did I just miss it?

Anyway, it's a new place, with two owners (farang and Thai wife) who are trying very hard to make their customers happy. If this cafe being a sponsor of Thaivisa makes one cynical, don't be. I'm giving this place "big ups" purely on merit. The food can be a little pricey, but you get what you pay for. Coffee is exactly on par with most cafes.

Thanks for the thumbs up and even more for the suggestions.

You're right about the butter. I thought our staff did serve butter with the bread. I'll look into it.

And as for ham and swiss, we really should do that since my wife is now making real deli rye with caraway. It tastes just like the rye I used to get from the jewish bakeries on the lower east side. Which I suppose makes it a sin to profane it with ham. Actually, I did buy GM ham and real Emmentaler (commonly called Swiss cheese although ours comes from France) last week and promptly forgot about it. I'll see about getting it on the menu tomorrow (Thursday, may 26).

I do keep track of our prices vis-à-vis our competitors and I think we mostly match them although occasionally costs necessitate a somewhat higher price. We do make our sandwiches pretty big. I guess I should check our competitors’ prices again.

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I am all for cheap prices, but I honestly don't see how you can keep up the same quality and match your competitors prices. It is still quite a deal to pay a little more and get baked goods that taste exactly like the same thing in a decent bakery in a major city back home. Very, very few foreign bakeries - anywhere in Thailand - can claim the same thing.

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I'm confused. I was there about two weeks ago around 11:45 in the morning. The only menu I was given was a breakfast menu offering 3 or 4 sets and the biscuits and gravy. There may have been other breakfast items, I forget. Is there another menu? I had the eggs and sausage patties with the potatoes cooked in olive oil and English muffins. The food and the coffee were very, very good. Is there another menu with lunch type items that is not given before 12:00 or something?

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There is a breakfast and a lunch menu and you can order from either. However, in the morning the waiter tends to just hand you the breakfast menu unless you ask for both.

(There are also a bunch of other things like blintzes and pancakes/french toast and such that are separate from the breakfast sets).

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There is a breakfast and a lunch menu and you can order from either. However, in the morning the waiter tends to just hand you the breakfast menu unless you ask for both.

(There are also a bunch of other things like blintzes and pancakes/french toast and such that are separate from the breakfast sets).

Thanks UG. I'll give it another go.

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Enjoyed an excellent salmon cream cheese toasted bagel. Not skimpy with the portions and the bagel was just right. Followed by a superb coffee with the best oatmeal cookie I've ever had. I will definitely be back to eat myself through the menu. Saw a cheese blintz on the menu.

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I was by the last week to grab a Chocolate Ganache Torte for some friends last week. It's basically an awesome brownie with a thick thick layer of hi quality ganache (French for fudge basically) across the top. The thing is so dense and creamy you only need a 2x2 square to go with your coffee really. But who can stop just there ? Anyway, whenever I bring one to an occasion I make sure n stick around to get my own little piece even though I already know what it tastes like.

Only problem was, that day their berry pie was staring me down. It's so gooey and good ! Think I'm gonna have to go back n have a piece with some milk.

Oh BIB ! It's hard to stop dreaming about your baked goods ! Heartless.

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The wife and I tried this place a few days ago, and lo and behold, their coffee is simply divine. We both are budding coffee snobs, and didn't expect anything beyond the ordinary. The menu already indicates that this is a place that cares deeply, and is enthusiastic and forthright with the plan of operation, ingredients used, the fact that the cheese blintz is a recipe passed down over three generations (four?), etc. So, for coffee, it explains how they use "peaberry coffee beans" (sorry, I'd never heard of it), what they are, and how they are basically really tasty. Also, they use a ___ machine (forgot the make), which is meant to be top top notch. Anyway, we couldn't stop ordering cafe lattes, they were so dam_n good.

As for the food, we recommend anything that is baked. Scones, pies, bread or cakes - it all looked and smelled great. As for the menu, it seems to also cover many "comfort foods", though missing a few spots (imho). Grilled cheese sandwiches, BLTs, lots of peanut butter items, even sausage and biscuits, which they didn't have the day we went.

Two request to the owner:

1. We figured there would be a special emphasis on butter (I know that's being quite literal), but no butter came with the bread we ordered.

2. put some ham on that menu - i.e., a ham and cheese melt. Ham and biscuits, etc. Or did I just miss it?

Anyway, it's a new place, with two owners (farang and Thai wife) who are trying very hard to make their customers happy. If this cafe being a sponsor of Thaivisa makes one cynical, don't be. I'm giving this place "big ups" purely on merit. The food can be a little pricey, but you get what you pay for. Coffee is exactly on par with most cafes.

Thanks for the thumbs up and even more for the suggestions.

You're right about the butter. I thought our staff did serve butter with the bread. I'll look into it.

And as for ham and swiss, we really should do that since my wife is now making real deli rye with caraway. It tastes just like the rye I used to get from the jewish bakeries on the lower east side. Which I suppose makes it a sin to profane it with ham. Actually, I did buy GM ham and real Emmentaler (commonly called Swiss cheese although ours comes from France) last week and promptly forgot about it. I'll see about getting it on the menu tomorrow (Thursday, may 26).

I do keep track of our prices vis-à-vis our competitors and I think we mostly match them although occasionally costs necessitate a somewhat higher price. We do make our sandwiches pretty big. I guess I should check our competitors' prices again.

Just to be clear: when I said "can be a little pricey", I meant vs. a 35 baht bowl of noodles or plate of fried rice. The usual budget meals for budget-conscious expats here. Compared to other quality sandwich/bakery shops.... oh wait. Scratch that, the field is pretty bare.

The one thing that's been missing here for as long as we can remember is a place with BOTH good bakery goods AND good coffee. They kind of go together... (and it's wonderful to find a place here finally that has both).

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Please Please Please get on meals on wheels delivery! :)

I'm hungry :D

Good news for you! We are scheduled to go on it when they do their next update. Below is a tentative list of what we will offer. Most of our baked goods are listed here with the exception of products that either can’t survive the heat, or if they do, you might not survive eating them. In the latter case I’m referring to baked goods that contain custards which have egg in them. Most of our cakes with icing are in the former category.

If there's anything else you might like, let us know. We are considering shipping the blintzes frozen.

When I copied my excel table into thaivisa all the formatting got lost. The numbers are the prices in Baht.


Bagel Plain 25 Genuine New York Style Bagel

Bagel with Sesame Seeds 25 Genuine New York Style Bagel

Bagel with Poppy Seeds 25 Genuine New York Style Bagel

Whole Wheat Bagel Plain 25 100% Whole Wheat No White Flour

100% Whole Wheat Bagel with Sesame Seeds 25 100% Whole Wheat No White Flour

100% Whole Wheat Bagel with Poppy Seeds 25 100% Whole Wheat No White Flour

English Muffins 25 Real Traditional English Muffins

Deli Rye Bread with Caraway Seeds 85 Authentic Deli Style Light Rye Bread

Italian Bread 35 Baguette Shaped Italian Style Loaf

Italian Bread with Sesame Seeds 40 Baguette Shaped Italian Style Loaf with Sesame Seeds

Seven Grain Bread 55 Multigrain Bread with a Touch of Honey

100% Whole Wheat Bread 55 Baguette Shaped Italian Style Loaf

Challah Bread 55 Traditional Bread Rich with Egg Yolk & Butter


Butter Scones 30 Genuine Traditional Scones Made with Butter & Cream

100% Whole Wheat Scones 30 Same as above but made with 100% Whole Wheat

Butter Blueberry Scones 35 Genuine Traditional Scones Made with Butter & Cream & Blueberries

100% Whole Wheat Blueberry Scones 35 Same as above but made with 100% Whole Wheat

Brownies with Walnuts 40 Dark, Dense, and Fudgy

Chocolate Chip Cookies 25 Made with Dark Belgian Chocolate & Butter

Oatmeal Cookies 25 Made with Old Fashioned Rolled Oats, Raisins, & Butter

Apple Pie 285 With a Flaky Buttercrust and Granny Smith Apples

Blueberry Pies 285 With Wild Blueberries and a Flaky Buttercrust

Cinnamon Buns 35 Soft Buns rich with Butter & Egg Yolk and Lots of Cinnamon and Icing.

100% Whole Wheat Cinnamon Buns 40 Soft Buns rich with Butter & Egg Yolk and Lots of Cinnamon and Icing. NO WHITE FLOUR

Sticky Buns 35 Tender Buns rich with Egg Yolk and Butter. Lots of Caramel Syrup

Blueberry Muffins 30 Made with Buttermilk and Whole Wild Blueberries

Banana Walnut Muffins 30 Made with Buttermilk, Bananas, and Walnuts

Banana Bread 125 Also Known as Banana Cake. With Real Banana and Walnuts

Chocolate Torte 240 Very Dark Dense Chocolate Cake with Dark Chocolate Icing

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Please Please Please get on meals on wheels delivery! :)

I'm hungry :D

Good news for you! We are scheduled to go on it when they do their next update. Below is a tentative list of what we will offer. Most of our baked goods are listed here with the exception of products that either can’t survive the heat, or if they do, you might not survive eating them. In the latter case I’m referring to baked goods that contain custards which have egg in them. Most of our cakes with icing are in the former category.

If there's anything else you might like, let us know. We are considering shipping the blintzes frozen.

When I copied my excel table into thaivisa all the formatting got lost. The numbers are the prices in Baht.


Bagel Plain 25 Genuine New York Style Bagel

Bagel with Sesame Seeds 25 Genuine New York Style Bagel

Bagel with Poppy Seeds 25 Genuine New York Style Bagel

Whole Wheat Bagel Plain 25 100% Whole Wheat No White Flour

100% Whole Wheat Bagel with Sesame Seeds 25 100% Whole Wheat No White Flour

100% Whole Wheat Bagel with Poppy Seeds 25 100% Whole Wheat No White Flour

English Muffins 25 Real Traditional English Muffins

Deli Rye Bread with Caraway Seeds 85 Authentic Deli Style Light Rye Bread

Italian Bread 35 Baguette Shaped Italian Style Loaf

Italian Bread with Sesame Seeds 40 Baguette Shaped Italian Style Loaf with Sesame Seeds

Seven Grain Bread 55 Multigrain Bread with a Touch of Honey

100% Whole Wheat Bread 55 Baguette Shaped Italian Style Loaf

Challah Bread 55 Traditional Bread Rich with Egg Yolk & Butter


Butter Scones 30 Genuine Traditional Scones Made with Butter & Cream

100% Whole Wheat Scones 30 Same as above but made with 100% Whole Wheat

Butter Blueberry Scones 35 Genuine Traditional Scones Made with Butter & Cream & Blueberries

100% Whole Wheat Blueberry Scones 35 Same as above but made with 100% Whole Wheat

Brownies with Walnuts 40 Dark, Dense, and Fudgy

Chocolate Chip Cookies 25 Made with Dark Belgian Chocolate & Butter

Oatmeal Cookies 25 Made with Old Fashioned Rolled Oats, Raisins, & Butter

Apple Pie 285 With a Flaky Buttercrust and Granny Smith Apples

Blueberry Pies 285 With Wild Blueberries and a Flaky Buttercrust

Cinnamon Buns 35 Soft Buns rich with Butter & Egg Yolk and Lots of Cinnamon and Icing.

100% Whole Wheat Cinnamon Buns 40 Soft Buns rich with Butter & Egg Yolk and Lots of Cinnamon and Icing. NO WHITE FLOUR

Sticky Buns 35 Tender Buns rich with Egg Yolk and Butter. Lots of Caramel Syrup

Blueberry Muffins 30 Made with Buttermilk and Whole Wild Blueberries

Banana Walnut Muffins 30 Made with Buttermilk, Bananas, and Walnuts

Banana Bread 125 Also Known as Banana Cake. With Real Banana and Walnuts

Chocolate Torte 240 Very Dark Dense Chocolate Cake with Dark Chocolate Icing

Why is it that you can do a blatant advert and my friend at Boutique Sexy shop in Pattaya got booted off?

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  • 1 month later...

I can't believe it. I tried one today. Finally. real French croissants in Chiang Mai made with 100% butter. They are the best that I have had for many years. Butter is better rules!

I don't no UG you shattered my illusions about you when you chose McDonald's over Burger king. Ugh yuk I listened to you and went there today. Ugh Yuk Burger King rules that is why it costs more. Ugh Yuk. But they do do a better job of salting there fries.

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I'm eating the croissants as I'm typing and they are good with black coffee.

I can't believe it. I tried one today.  Finally. real French croissants in Chiang Mai made with 100% butter. They are the best that I have had for many years. Butter is better rules!

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