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Red-Shirts Must Realise Restraint Has Its Limitations


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The so called "terrorists" are demanding for an Independent Investigation into April 10th.

PTP party have called on the UN for an Independent Investigation.

The government refuses for an Independent Investigation.

Why not get the UN in to investigate as happened say in the Bhutto murder in Pakistan ? Why does Abhisit and his cohorts refuse ?

Well, I think most people around the world can guess.

One more time.

Why did the redshirts cover the security camera's?????? They could provide prove that the redshirts are innocent, or are they maybe not????????????

Let me explain.

Around the world governments have whole operations set ups to deal with "propaganda" more commonly called "communications" nowadays. These deal with halting news that is not wanted to get out and putting out "stories" that is wanted to be put out.

Fake photo's, tampered photo's and tampered video is just a small part.

Thailand's military is very good at this, it was used successfully against the Communists in the past and Sondthi, the CNS leader, is on record as saying that, after the coup, that "Thaksin and his forces" will be dealt with "by mass psychology, just as we did with the Communists".

So, in 2010 why would Reds cover government run camera's but allow the worlds free media to be present and film ?

Would it be perhaps that BBC/CNN/AFP/AJ and other media sources will not allow their video to be altered and tampered with, it will go out raw. Perhaps the Reds thought that government owned video, like the BTS at Silom, might not get released for a long time, time during which many of its contents could be changed.

Ask yourselfhy, why the Reds and the PTP have called for a UN Independent Investigation into the April 10th incident, AND YET the government and Abhisit in particular REFUSE this.

Normally its only the guilty who do not want Independent Investigations.

So ask yourself why Abhisit and his cohorts are refusing...........

They initially began covering BTS cameras the day that the leadership told them to destroy BTS stations. This was before April 10. Facts, please.

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The so called "terrorists" are demanding for an Independent Investigation into April 10th.

PTP party have called on the UN for an Independent Investigation.

The government refuses for an Independent Investigation.

Why not get the UN in to investigate as happened say in the Bhutto murder in Pakistan ? Why does Abhisit and his cohorts refuse ?

Well, I think most people around the world can guess.

One more time.

Why did the redshirts cover the security camera's?????? They could provide prove that the redshirts are innocent, or are they maybe not????????????

Let me explain.

Around the world governments have whole operations set ups to deal with "propaganda" more commonly called "communications" nowadays. These deal with halting news that is not wanted to get out and putting out "stories" that is wanted to be put out.

Fake photo's, tampered photo's and tampered video is just a small part.

Thailand's military is very good at this, it was used successfully against the Communists in the past and Sondthi, the CNS leader, is on record as saying that, after the coup, that "Thaksin and his forces" will be dealt with "by mass psychology, just as we did with the Communists".

So, in 2010 why would Reds cover government run camera's but allow the worlds free media to be present and film ?

Would it be perhaps that BBC/CNN/AFP/AJ and other media sources will not allow their video to be altered and tampered with, it will go out raw. Perhaps the Reds thought that government owned video, like the BTS at Silom, might not get released for a long time, time during which many of its contents could be changed.

Ask yourself why, why the Reds and the PTP have called for a UN Independent Investigation into the April 10th incident, AND YET the government and Abhisit in particular REFUSE this.

Normally its only the guilty who do not want Independent Investigations.

So ask yourself why Abhisit and his cohorts are refusing...........

i will tell you again as i did before in an earlier post in this thread and you ignored it:

they had a vote on it in Parliament

the Phua Thai lost the vote by over 100

that's real democracy in action, not at the end of a gun

what did they do?

typical Reds, they walked out on mass because they lost the vote

ahh diddums....

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'... unarmed peaceful people ...'

Go and have a shower, a cup of coffee and wake up man!

If you doubt that down here there are more than 20'000 absolutely harmless, unarmed civilians, families, women, men and children of all ages around then come here, take a good ice coffee and open your eyes. After that you can open your mouth again.

would we still need you as a bodyguard to accompany us, as you have offered your 'bodyguard services' to other Tv'ers in other threads?

why would that be if these were ''20'000 absolutely harmless, unarmed civilians, families, women, men and children of all ages'' ?

Wow...you are digging deep to get things totally out of context and write nonsense. At that time I was suggesting people to get here and see and experience the friendliness of the rural people at Rajprasong Resort for themselves. Sure many were afraid doing that... so I was jokingly asking whether I should offer the service and give anyone interested a guided tour around my neighborhood. And if people would still be afraid of it I could even act as bodyguard - doesn't mean that I personally would ever think anyone would need one down here as long as the army doesn't attack.

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Perhaps they refuse the demand for the simple reason it is being made by Terrorists. Just my guess, as I am not privy to their decision making process.

The so called "terrorists" are demanding for an Independent Investigation into April 10th.

PTP party have called on the UN for an Independent Investigation.

The government refuses for an Independent Investigation.

Why not get the UN in to investigate as happened say in the Bhutto murder in Pakistan ? Why does Abhisit and his cohorts refuse ?

Well, I think most people around the world can guess.

One more time.

Why did the redshirts cover the security camera's?????? They could provide prove that the redshirts are innocent, or are they maybe not????????????

Let me explain.

Around the world governments have whole operations set ups to deal with "propaganda" more commonly called "communications" nowadays. These deal with halting news that is not wanted to get out and putting out "stories" that is wanted to be put out.

Fake photo's, tampered photo's and tampered video is just a small part.

Thailand's military is very good at this, it was used successfully against the Communists in the past and Sondthi, the CNS leader, is on record as saying that, after the coup, that "Thaksin and his forces" will be dealt with "by mass psychology, just as we did with the Communists".

So, in 2010 why would Reds cover government run camera's but allow the worlds free media to be present and film ?

Would it be perhaps that BBC/CNN/AFP/AJ and other media sources will not allow their video to be altered and tampered with, it will go out raw. Perhaps the Reds thought that government owned video, like the BTS at Silom, might not get released for a long time, time during which many of its contents could be changed.

Ask yourself why, why the Reds and the PTP have called for a UN Independent Investigation into the April 10th incident, AND YET the government and Abhisit in particular REFUSE this.

Normally its only the guilty who do not want Independent Investigations.

So ask yourself why Abhisit and his cohorts are refusing...........

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Why is it that several people on one thread can claim to have visited the protest site at more or less the same times, and see totally different things?

How come some people on here KNOW--who those guys in black were...do they report to you?

Why is it that people are so critical of both sides for being so unreasonable, and then rip somebodys face off for having a different opinion on something?

Why does any well balanced and thoughtful post get virtually ignored...in favor of one line cheap shots?

I'm glad the Thais are running this crisis...if it was farangs, civil war would have broken out on day 2..... :)

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this is well beyond Thaksin by now...............

International groups are lending support

" The government, the army and the Yellow Shirts are afraid to face real democratic elections, as they know that they would lose since the majority of the poor support the Red Shirts. Ahbisit and the ruling elite are refusing the call for elections and are trying to buy time and even preparing for a violent crackdown. It is becoming clear that Ahbisit and the old elite are bringing the country towards a fascist dictatorship.

Thailand has entered a new phase of class war. The old ruling elite with the backing of the military are using all means to scrap democracy in Thailand. The pro-democracy Red Shirts comprised of the majority of the working class, peasantry and poor, have shown their real popularity and mobilising strength which has definitely shaken the royalists and the military. With the broadening of the masses’ support for the Red Shirts, it could be a new and important step in the struggle of the ordinary people in Thailand for the restoration of democracy and social justice. "


Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM), Working People's Association (PRP) of Indonesia, People’s Democratic Party (PRD) of Indonesia, Turn Left Thailand, Partido Lakas ng Masa (PLM) of the Philippines, Socialist Alliance of Australia, Solidarity (Australia)

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The real title is

Government and elites must realise restraint has its limitations.

The reds had been "has demonstrated extraordinary tolerance and showed restraint".

really, an average of two bombings a day since the rallys started in earnest and non have been directed at the reds

not one single red shirt hurt by a mystery bomb

now does that pose the question, who is doing the bomb throwing?

remarkable restraint?

i do not think so

just to keep up the daily batting average there are news reports of five bombings/attempted bombings

were any reds targetted ?

were any reds hurt?

i do not think so

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And for the benefit of those on this forum who repeatedly say this government is undemocratic, answer this;

All 480 MPs showed up at parliament in January 2009, the Democrats put forward their candidate for PM, the Puea Thai put forward theirs, everyone voted and Abhisit won. The Puea Thai were actually quite confident the other parties would vote for their man, they lobbied, voted, acted out the democracy process but lost. OK, so we all know there were backroom dealings (typical Thai and world politics), but they did accepted the rules, competed and lost, now they (and their supporters) cannot accept it. Why? Why didn't they just boycott the process for the farce it was? (like the Dems boycotting Thaksin's stillborn April 2006 election).

This govt has the right to govern to the end of its full term according to the rules. On a more practical level, a new mandate is desperately needed and the Abhisit govt admit this and have pledged a dissolution in 6 months, which should answer the Timesonline call for an election. An immediate dissolution or 30 days, is unacceptable to this govt since it's a clear cave in to mob rule. They have a strong point to resist this. The govt has just as much right in this standoff to set conditions for a settlement, and frankly they have been a lot more flexible than the UDD. The more the mob gets out of hand, the shorter the govt can hold on for, but you can't discount the voice of a counter-mob either. If you accept the 30 days of the reds, to return normality, how then do you pacify the 10,000 'coloured shirts', who might have just as much support.

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'... unarmed peaceful people ...'

Go and have a shower, a cup of coffee and wake up man!

If you doubt that down here there are more than 20'000 absolutely harmless, unarmed civilians, families, women, men and children of all ages around then come here, take a good ice coffee and open your eyes. After that you can open your mouth again.

would we still need you as a bodyguard to accompany us, as you have offered your 'bodyguard services' to other Tv'ers in other threads?

why would that be if these were ''20'000 absolutely harmless, unarmed civilians, families, women, men and children of all ages'' ?

Wow...you are digging deep to get things totally out of context and write nonsense. At that time I was suggesting people to get here and see and experience the friendliness of the rural people at Rajprasong Resort for themselves. Sure many were afraid doing that... so I was jokingly asking whether I should offer the service and give anyone interested a guided tour around my neighborhood. And if people would still be afraid of it I could even act as bodyguard - doesn't mean that I personally would ever think anyone would need one down here as long as the army doesn't attack.

sorry, that won't work, your attempts to whitewash your past posts, back peddle and say it was meant jokingly are admirable but it was clear to see the type of person you are in your previous exchanges, even down to your violent avatar (which you have now ditched) and your boasting of having training that would qualify you as a bodyguard to guide people through the red shirts

i would imagine you are right at home in the company of the red shirts bullies.

Edited by timekeeper
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'... unarmed peaceful people ...'

Go and have a shower, a cup of coffee and wake up man!

If you doubt that down here there are more than 20'000 absolutely harmless, unarmed civilians, families, women, men and children of all ages around then come here, take a good ice coffee and open your eyes. After that you can open your mouth again.

In the beginning, Abhisit did the right thing... warn people to go home..... educate where you could... but now it is time for tear gas and sound machines.... that will get them to think twice before they sit down and protest again. No, you don't have to shoot anyone. Just make it very very uncomfortable for the "innocent women and children." and eventually they will go home!

Just do to them, what they are doing to us....

Tear gas the whole place every morning.... no one dies, but you fumigate the place and disperse those who want to have their somtam and donuts in peace!

I have been saying for weeks, an attack by the army on the red shirts

except 5 mins before reaching the blockade change direction and go elsewhere

do this 3 or 4 times a night

helicopter flying in formation to the blockade

Take offensive action

no need for guns

a sleepless tired mob is very easy to control

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((((((why is that an excuse for not allowing people to vote now rather than in December ? )))))



To allow Thailand time to calm down

and the different sides to explain their policies

Oh I see that is the problem

The Reds have no Policies except

For Me, for Me, For me

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Oh my. The action by paid law breakers to overthrow the government of Thailand is the cause of suffering. What the Dictator Toxic could not accomplish one way has prompted him to use this tactic. Granted, the whole of Thai people do not have political representation is one issue. But the other more glaring attempt now is to give Toxic back ill gained money and restore him to POWER which he CRAVES. Thailand would deeply regret his being in a position of POWER ever again - I suspect.

Even Abhisit concedes that this problem goes way beyond Ratchaprasong now. The rural 'buffaloes' as the city folk lke to call them have turned out to be a lot stonger, smarter and resolute than our smug Abhisit ever dreamed, and he is paying for that. Ironically, Abhisit is more the prisoner now, cowering in his barracks under military protection, hated, it is hard to see when he will ever see the light of day again.

Assuming that this mess is all to do with Thaksin, and that it will all go away without him, is ignoring all the shades of grey. Thaksin helped the rural masses, and they respect him for it. More importantly, he gave them a taste of something that they will go on chasing with him or without him. It's a pity that Abhisit is only just starting to realise this - he had his chance and he blew it.

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this is well beyond Thaksin by now...............

International groups are lending support

" The government, the army and the Yellow Shirts are afraid to face real democratic elections, as they know that they would lose since the majority of the poor support the Red Shirts. Ahbisit and the ruling elite are refusing the call for elections and are trying to buy time and even preparing for a violent crackdown. It is becoming clear that Ahbisit and the old elite are bringing the country towards a fascist dictatorship.

Thailand has entered a new phase of class war. The old ruling elite with the backing of the military are using all means to scrap democracy in Thailand. The pro-democracy Red Shirts comprised of the majority of the working class, peasantry and poor, have shown their real popularity and mobilising strength which has definitely shaken the royalists and the military. With the broadening of the masses’ support for the Red Shirts, it could be a new and important step in the struggle of the ordinary people in Thailand for the restoration of democracy and social justice. "


Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM), Working People's Association (PRP) of Indonesia, People’s Democratic Party (PRD) of Indonesia, Turn Left Thailand, Partido Lakas ng Masa (PLM) of the Philippines, Socialist Alliance of Australia, Solidarity (Australia)

You are entitled to your opinion

But as you are not a Thai National

It is worth a big 0

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MCOT: Hand grenade found in front of emergency room of Chulalongkorn Hospital, bomb experts rush to defuse

Ooops. No doubt left by one of those 'peaceful' protesters. Nuff said

"In front of emergency room of Chulalongkorn Hospital". This area is inside the RED control zone.

So, me being brainless, it must be left by the anti-RED to warn the RED that they too can cause trouble.

I am open to other theories.

yes of course, it's so obvious, even for the brainless they think we all are.

all those grenades and bombs hurting anti-reds are coming from the anti-reds! the peaceful reds would never do that, they said so. i'm not sure it's abbhisit but that devil suthep has surely something to do with it. he's killing his own supporters (there aren't many left anyway) to blame the reds, great tactic and no one will suspect him. even those black terrorists are working for suthep. rumour has it suthep didn't like the commander in charge of the 10 april operation so he had him eliminated by his black friends. everyone knows suthep doesn't like banharn at all so this explains the banharn house bombing. unfortunately they missed.

p.s. i miss the guy who claimed all those bombs are just firecrackers, where is he? he's my real hero, what a man!

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The so called "terrorists" are demanding for an Independent Investigation into April 10th.

PTP party have called on the UN for an Independent Investigation.

The government refuses for an Independent Investigation.

Why not get the UN in to investigate as happened say in the Bhutto murder in Pakistan ? Why does Abhisit and his cohorts refuse ?

Well, I think most people around the world can guess.

One more time.

Why did the redshirts cover the security camera's?????? They could provide prove that the redshirts are innocent, or are they maybe not????????????

Let me explain.

Around the world governments have whole operations set ups to deal with "propaganda" more commonly called "communications" nowadays. These deal with halting news that is not wanted to get out and putting out "stories" that is wanted to be put out.

Fake photo's, tampered photo's and tampered video is just a small part.

Thailand's military is very good at this, it was used successfully against the Communists in the past and Sondthi, the CNS leader, is on record as saying that, after the coup, that "Thaksin and his forces" will be dealt with "by mass psychology, just as we did with the Communists".

So, in 2010 why would Reds cover government run camera's but allow the worlds free media to be present and film ?

Would it be perhaps that BBC/CNN/AFP/AJ and other media sources will not allow their video to be altered and tampered with, it will go out raw. Perhaps the Reds thought that government owned video, like the BTS at Silom, might not get released for a long time, time during which many of its contents could be changed.

Ask yourself why, why the Reds and the PTP have called for a UN Independent Investigation into the April 10th incident, AND YET the government and Abhisit in particular REFUSE this.

Normally its only the guilty who do not want Independent Investigations.

So ask yourself why Abhisit and his cohorts are refusing...........

I should have known. What a spin doctor you are, disgusting. Reds good - government bad. Thaksin nice guy - Abhisit bad guy.

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this is well beyond Thaksin by now...............

International groups are lending support

" The government, the army and the Yellow Shirts are afraid to face real democratic elections, as they know that they would lose since the majority of the poor support the Red Shirts. Ahbisit and the ruling elite are refusing the call for elections and are trying to buy time and even preparing for a violent crackdown. It is becoming clear that Ahbisit and the old elite are bringing the country towards a fascist dictatorship.

Thailand has entered a new phase of class war. The old ruling elite with the backing of the military are using all means to scrap democracy in Thailand. The pro-democracy Red Shirts comprised of the majority of the working class, peasantry and poor, have shown their real popularity and mobilising strength which has definitely shaken the royalists and the military. With the broadening of the masses’ support for the Red Shirts, it could be a new and important step in the struggle of the ordinary people in Thailand for the restoration of democracy and social justice. "


Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM), Working People's Association (PRP) of Indonesia, People’s Democratic Party (PRD) of Indonesia, Turn Left Thailand, Partido Lakas ng Masa (PLM) of the Philippines, Socialist Alliance of Australia, Solidarity (Australia)

You are entitled to your opinion

But as you are not a Thai National

It is worth a big 0

I've heard Al Qaida supports the red also.

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this is well beyond Thaksin by now...............

International groups are lending support

" The government, the army and the Yellow Shirts are afraid to face real democratic elections, as they know that they would lose since the majority of the poor support the Red Shirts. Ahbisit and the ruling elite are refusing the call for elections and are trying to buy time and even preparing for a violent crackdown. It is becoming clear that Ahbisit and the old elite are bringing the country towards a fascist dictatorship.

Thailand has entered a new phase of class war. The old ruling elite with the backing of the military are using all means to scrap democracy in Thailand. The pro-democracy Red Shirts comprised of the majority of the working class, peasantry and poor, have shown their real popularity and mobilising strength which has definitely shaken the royalists and the military. With the broadening of the masses’ support for the Red Shirts, it could be a new and important step in the struggle of the ordinary people in Thailand for the restoration of democracy and social justice. "


Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM), Working People's Association (PRP) of Indonesia, People’s Democratic Party (PRD) of Indonesia, Turn Left Thailand, Partido Lakas ng Masa (PLM) of the Philippines, Socialist Alliance of Australia, Solidarity (Australia)

You are entitled to your opinion

But as you are not a Thai National

It is worth a big 0

I agree, in fact 99% of TV members are not either.

George, please close down the website mate. It was good while it lasted but alas someone has figured out that our opinions don't count.

Next time around I suggest you call it Non-Thai-Visa.com, a website for non-Thais with no opinions.

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The so called "terrorists" are demanding for an Independent Investigation into April 10th.

PTP party have called on the UN for an Independent Investigation.

The government refuses for an Independent Investigation.

Why not get the UN in to investigate as happened say in the Bhutto murder in Pakistan ? Why does Abhisit and his cohorts refuse ?

Well, I think most people around the world can guess.

One more time.

Why did the redshirts cover the security camera's?????? They could provide prove that the redshirts are innocent, or are they maybe not????????????

Let me explain.

Fake photo's, tampered photo's and tampered video is just a small part.

Thailand's military is very good at this, it was used successfully against the Communists in the past and Sondthi, the CNS leader, is on record as saying that, after the coup, that "Thaksin and his forces" will be dealt with "by mass psychology, just as we did with the Communists".

I think the Red shirts should probably first look at their own actions in manipulating media and people. By now there are quite a few cases where they have been caught lying and there will be more. The Government handling of the media has been rather unfortunate but as a neutral observer, I so far still give them more credit in their fact reporting attempts than the other side.

LH, you should be careful in mentioning alledged record of statements, without properly backing them up. Even more so,if you refer to military and the period of the communist struggle. There are a few issues in that relation, that you don't want to bring up - especially since you seem to lack necessary knowledge of this period.

Other than that just keep rambling your one-sided propaganda. Funny enough, every time you hit out at the government you just point at your own short comings.

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Oh I see that is the problem

The Reds have no Policies except

For Me, for Me, For me

What nonsense. Pollies on both sides of the fence are corrupt. Abhisit bought Newin, after all. And he also says that he wants to wait until after the budget and appointment of the new army chief before he will consider dissolving the house. It doesn't take a genius to figure out why :)

Thaksin was also for me, but he did also do a lot for the people. Healthcare, microcredit, access to medication for AIDS. The Dems dod nothing over the years. No wonder that Abhisit is afraid to call an election - he would lose and he knows it. While Thaksin was seen as a man of the people who got things done, the Thai majority (i.e. includes outside Bangkok) think Abhisit is an arrogant and ineffectual puppet who in no way represents them.

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Thaksins comments regarding the Tak Bai massare.

“I regret the loss of lives in a way that should not have happened, due to suffocation. I will order a committee to be set up to investigate the situation,”

Thaksin Shinawatra

“There are some who died because they were fasting, and they were crammed in tight,”

It's a matter of their bodies becoming weak.”

Thaksin Shinawatra.

Compared to Thaksin Abihist is a compassionate caring man.

Not to mention the 2,500 victims of the War on drugs.

So far nothing has been done and no one has been brought to account for this loss of life

Isn't it also Thaksin that told each province on his last election, that if they don't vote for him not to expect any help or assistence?

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The so called "terrorists" are demanding for an Independent Investigation into April 10th.

PTP party have called on the UN for an Independent Investigation.

The government refuses for an Independent Investigation.

Why not get the UN in to investigate as happened say in the Bhutto murder in Pakistan ? Why does Abhisit and his cohorts refuse ?

Well, I think most people around the world can guess.

One more time.

Why did the redshirts cover the security camera's?????? They could provide prove that the redshirts are innocent, or are they maybe not????????????

Let me explain.

Around the world governments have whole operations set ups to deal with "propaganda" more commonly called "communications" nowadays. These deal with halting news that is not wanted to get out and putting out "stories" that is wanted to be put out.

Fake photo's, tampered photo's and tampered video is just a small part.

Thailand's military is very good at this, it was used successfully against the Communists in the past and Sondthi, the CNS leader, is on record as saying that, after the coup, that "Thaksin and his forces" will be dealt with "by mass psychology, just as we did with the Communists".

So, in 2010 why would Reds cover government run camera's but allow the worlds free media to be present and film ?

Would it be perhaps that BBC/CNN/AFP/AJ and other media sources will not allow their video to be altered and tampered with, it will go out raw. Perhaps the Reds thought that government owned video, like the BTS at Silom, might not get released for a long time, time during which many of its contents could be changed.

Ask yourself why, why the Reds and the PTP have called for a UN Independent Investigation into the April 10th incident, AND YET the government and Abhisit in particular REFUSE this.

Normally its only the guilty who do not want Independent Investigations.

So ask yourself why Abhisit and his cohorts are refusing...........

After 5 years of living in Thailand

I have never heard of Thais wanting Farang to judge, look at, control, supervise etc them

So the answer would be massive loss of face

Nothing to do with guilty or not

Your knowledge of Thai culture is incredible

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The timesonlineuk has a very good editorial calling for elections in Thailand. Abhisit must step down or be removed immediately. Aung San Suu Kyi's recent comments concur.

Step down, because some joblesses and a couple of grannies, told hem to do so?

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this is well beyond Thaksin by now...............

International groups are lending support

" The government, the army and the Yellow Shirts are afraid to face real democratic elections, as they know that they would lose since the majority of the poor support the Red Shirts. Ahbisit and the ruling elite are refusing the call for elections and are trying to buy time and even preparing for a violent crackdown. It is becoming clear that Ahbisit and the old elite are bringing the country towards a fascist dictatorship.

Thailand has entered a new phase of class war. The old ruling elite with the backing of the military are using all means to scrap democracy in Thailand. The pro-democracy Red Shirts comprised of the majority of the working class, peasantry and poor, have shown their real popularity and mobilising strength which has definitely shaken the royalists and the military. With the broadening of the masses' support for the Red Shirts, it could be a new and important step in the struggle of the ordinary people in Thailand for the restoration of democracy and social justice. "


Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM), Working People's Association (PRP) of Indonesia, People's Democratic Party (PRD) of Indonesia, Turn Left Thailand, Partido Lakas ng Masa (PLM) of the Philippines, Socialist Alliance of Australia, Solidarity (Australia)

You are entitled to your opinion

But as you are not a Thai National

It is worth a big 0

I've heard Al Qaida supports the red also.

I've heard Chavez supports the red also.

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Abhisit is more the prisoner now, cowering in his barracks under military protection, hated, it is hard to see when he will ever see the light of day again.

Please tell, why is so allegedly fearful of the peaceful reds? What would they do to him?

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Abhisit is more the prisoner now, cowering in his barracks under military protection, hated, it is hard to see when he will ever see the light of day again.

Please tell, why is so allegedly fearful of the peaceful reds? What would they do to him?

that's a good question AleG

if Abhisit did boldly emerge from the barracks, unarmed, unprotected by army or security guards to talk to the reds

what do TV'ers think would happen ?

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Oh I see that is the problem

The Reds have no Policies except

For Me, for Me, For me

What nonsense. Pollies on both sides of the fence are corrupt. Abhisit bought Newin, after all. And he also says that he wants to wait until after the budget and appointment of the new army chief before he will consider dissolving the house. It doesn't take a genius to figure out why :)

Thaksin was also for me, but he did also do a lot for the people. Healthcare, microcredit, access to medication for AIDS. The Dems dod nothing over the years. No wonder that Abhisit is afraid to call an election - he would lose and he knows it. While Thaksin was seen as a man of the people who got things done, the Thai majority (i.e. includes outside Bangkok) think Abhisit is an arrogant and ineffectual puppet who in no way represents them.

Spoken like a true politician

I ask about policies and after a mouthful of talking

I did not hear 1 policiy

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Just a question:

Who thinks that elections held right now, under the current constitution, are capable of returning a government that will be seen as legitimate by the side unable to stitch together a majority coalition?

If you answer "no" to that question, then we are in exactly the same situation that we're in now after the next election (regardless of winner) and that situation is incendiary.

What practical actions can be taken to move in the right direction to a situation where a sitting government (whether one voted for it or not) can be seen as legitimate?

The ultra-right conservative royalist military junta supporters who are the only ones that would vote for Abhisit would indeed be a bit peeved. Someone has to lose in a democracy. Wouldn't it be wonderful for it to be the most corrupt party in Thailand -= 64 years of feeding at the trough!

Cool, another one for the ignore list.

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