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Open Letter To Red-Shirt Leader Dr Weng Tojirakarn


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Open letter to red-shirt leader Dr Weng Tojirakarn

By Dr Veerasak Chongsuwiwatwong

Dear Weng,

I have thought for days on whether it's a good idea to write to you, due to many concerns. I don't know whether it is too late, as some incident might happen that prevents you from reading this letter. Or it is possible that you and your people might not like this letter and subsequently bring trouble to me and my family on the grounds that I should not be involved in this conflict. However I eventually decided to write to you to exchange views that might be useful.

Many people ask whether I know you. I can say that I have known you very well since I was your senior student activist. I met you for the first time in 1969. I know you are a mathematical and scientific genius and are interested in Buddhism. You were among the first student group to have a chance to learn Buddhism from Bhuddathat Pikkhu's Wat Than Nam Lai, in the days before the monk was well known. Later you became a student leader and joined the October uprising (in 1973).

I have not met you often since then, but learnt from media that you are still interested in political participation and democracy. I have joined an anti-coup movement since our country stepped backward after the last coup. Seizure of power by force, and inequality before the law, as you point out, are problems. Your movement is useful for the country.

Many middle class people, whom I know, see you in a negative light since you joined the movement of people who lost power. Many people argue that you aren't involved with those who lost power but have some things in common. I don't know whether such things are right or wrong. What I have seen is that you and your movement have a political talent, as you can mobilise a mass rally against the government.

Your organisation and tactics are better than those of the government. You are able to reinforce your movement in a short period after a crackdown. I think your opponents cannot compete with you in this sense. Your strong and well-organised movement and legal team are not second to the government. If the game goes in this way, I bet you could defeat the military eventually. Your ability to obstruct the state is something that strategists, politicians and military experts in the future should study as a lesson.

However, I should remind you that with talent comes the necessity for morality. As Bhuddathat said, morality is more important than talent. The monk always told politicians that "Drammacracy" (Thamma Thipatai) is our social choice, not democracy, which relies on a majority decision. (Dramma in this sense means justice.) You might argue that to judge whether something is just or unjust, it is necessary to take a majority vote. But I would say that if the majority does not care about the minority, politics and war are divided by a very thin line.

I have seen you and your opponents use all means to defeat each other, for the victory alone. The experience teaches both of you that capital and a political party are not enough; you also need lawyers and the media. The latter is more important than tanks and machine-guns. Both sides have news networks and the ability to chase and corner the other.

It seems that you employ your talent just for victory. The eagerness to win is a flame in your heart. You began with a peaceful demonstration but later the desire to win forced you to use all means, including creating trouble for the public. You might believe that you are working for the nation and urge people to tolerate this crisis for your victory. For me, I think you are making the wrong move. People who are suffering as a result of your struggle see that you are not a peaceful movement. You might get support from some groups, but you will lose the support of others.

Whether you or the opposition wins, the fire in your heart will burn the country's peace, credibility and economy. Some might not mind, but as long as people are dying, I think you should stop fighting for this victory.

Worse, Thai society is greatly damaged. People who don't know each other have to come out to fight each other and hurt each other. We have no reason to be angry with each other. How will Thai people live together in the long run?

Dear Weng, how can we help to end this major conflict in Thailand? Regions of the country are divided and dominated by conflicting political factions. How can we live together like this in this land? I think of your talent and how you can to use it to bring peace to all of us.

Dr Veerasak Chongsuwiwatwong is a professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University, and the winner of the 2009 best national researcher award from the National Research Council.


-- The Nation 2010-04-28


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Now with more people in Thailand who can think as straight as this person

Problem solved

Showed the wife his letter and she said in Thai, he should be in Paliement not the idiots we now have

Please spare the BS, as anyone with half a brain can see that this "letter" was just fabricated to try once again to sway opinions in favour of the terrorists.

It's very clear for most people to see that this movement is so singlemindedly meant to achieve one thing and that's to assist Taksin at the expense of thailand. Obviously there is a ton of money being exchanged to achieve this, but I'll betcha the people living in the streets won't see any of it at the end of the day.

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Now with more people in Thailand who can think as straight as this person

Problem solved

Showed the wife his letter and she said in Thai, he should be in Paliement not the idiots we now have

Please spare the BS, as anyone with half a brain can see that this "letter" was just fabricated to try once again to sway opinions in favour of the terrorists.

It's very clear for most people to see that this movement is so singlemindedly meant to achieve one thing and that's to assist Taksin at the expense of thailand. Obviously there is a ton of money being exchanged to achieve this, but I'll betcha the people living in the streets won't see any of it at the end of the day.

Thoughtful and respectful OP, versus Bigbore. Wonder which side will carry more sway. Peace for Thailand, less brutish grammar for Bigbore. Sally ho.

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I hope this letter will appear in every political thread on this forum. First of all it might help destroy the myth that the UDD is lead by morons as so many on here choose to believe. It also might help destroy the notion that the UDD is just a "mob". It is a very well organized movement and has constantly outsmarted the government forces.

The question at the end..."what can we do to help you end the conflict"...has already been answered by Weng....many times.

This mans heart is in the right place (we hope) ...I wonder if he sent a copy to the PM and each MP as well.....the sentiment applies to everyone in this conflict.

Kind words do not solve inequality and injustices....only actions can do that....but kind words are a good start.

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Outstanding. The government needs him on their public affairs team...

I hope the adressed Mr. Weng is touched by the way of speaking. But he manoeuvered himself in a corner from which it is hard to escape. His fellow red-shirt comrades probably will prevent him from moving out.

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Please spare the BS, as anyone with half a brain can see that this "letter" was just fabricated to try once again to sway opinions in favour of the terrorists.

It's very clear for most people to see that this movement is so singlemindedly meant to achieve one thing and that's to assist Taksin at the expense of thailand. Obviously there is a ton of money being exchanged to achieve this, but I'll betcha the people living in the streets won't see any of it at the end of the day.



I guess I don't have half a brain. Did you fail to read this part?


It seems that you employ your talent just for victory. The eagerness to win is a flame in your heart. You began with a peaceful demonstration but later the desire to win forced you to use all means, including creating trouble for the public. You might believe that you are working for the nation and urge people to tolerate this crisis for your victory. For me, I think you are making the wrong move. People who are suffering as a result of your struggle see that you are not a peaceful movement. You might get support from some groups, but you will lose the support of others.

Whether you or the opposition wins, the fire in your heart will burn the country's peace, credibility and economy. Some might not mind, but as long as people are dying, I think you should stop fighting for this victory.



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Now with more people in Thailand who can think as straight as this person

Problem solved

Showed the wife his letter and she said in Thai, he should be in Paliement not the idiots we now have

Please spare the BS, as anyone with half a brain can see that this "letter" was just fabricated to try once again to sway opinions in favour of the terrorists.

It's very clear for most people to see that this movement is so singlemindedly meant to achieve one thing and that's to assist Taksin at the expense of thailand. Obviously there is a ton of money being exchanged to achieve this, but I'll betcha the people living in the streets won't see any of it at the end of the day.

It's funny how red supporters believe that anyone that is protesting against the government is there of their own accord and because of their own personal beliefs.

As soon as anyone says anything against the reds, they are government lackies.

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Please spare the BS, as anyone with half a brain can see that this "letter" was just fabricated to try once again to sway opinions in favour of the terrorists.

It's very clear for most people to see that this movement is so singlemindedly meant to achieve one thing and that's to assist Taksin at the expense of thailand. Obviously there is a ton of money being exchanged to achieve this, but I'll betcha the people living in the streets won't see any of it at the end of the day.


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Second the opinion that this is indeed a very refreshing analysis and response to the crisis.

Somebody who uses his talent (reasoning and writing) to talk with people for the ultimate goal of solving a very difficult problem.

This letter should indeed be published in every possible news paper and read aloud on TV.

Following that, he should run of office. In the spirit of this letter I think he would make a perfect MP or PM.

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I think this letter is giving too much credit to Dr. Weng "strategies".

First, because I'm pretty sure he's not controlling that much of the strategies (it even looks like the whole movement itself is not far from being out of control)

Then, and most importantly, because these "moves" are successful only thanks to the appalling lack of strategy and vision of the other side.

IMHO, Thai politics is a game where you just have to wait for your opponent to dig its own grave.

While this looks like an opposition of 2 sides, it's actually a big mess of groups with overlapping interests, each working backstage on their own agenda.

Dr. Weng might be shouting orders on the deck, but everyone is paddling in their own direction. Thats why the boat is not moving, and hasn't been moving for years.

On another hand, I agree with previous posters: it is refreshing to see there are people trying to push towards rationality, intelligence and long-term vision.

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Now with more people in Thailand who can think as straight as this person

Problem solved

Showed the wife his letter and she said in Thai, he should be in Paliement not the idiots we now have

Please spare the BS, as anyone with half a brain can see that this "letter" was just fabricated to try once again to sway opinions in favour of the terrorists.

It's very clear for most people to see that this movement is so singlemindedly meant to achieve one thing and that's to assist Taksin at the expense of thailand. Obviously there is a ton of money being exchanged to achieve this, but I'll betcha the people living in the streets won't see any of it at the end of the day.

Thoughtful and respectful OP, versus Bigbore. Wonder which side will carry more sway. Peace for Thailand, less brutish grammar for Bigbore. Sally ho.

He truly is a big bore. This letter is an insightful call for peace.

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Very good letter by a very capable man. It probably reflects what many in the neutral corner are feeling. There have been many appeals for reason and common sense to either side of the conflict by several highly respected persons, including an impressive interview with Taksin former mentor in Chiang Mai. The messages/appeals are very clear but unfortunately it necessites open minds and open ears and neither side offers it.

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First off, I don't think this letter needs to be anchoring a new thread. There are already so many threads on T.Visa which focus on the ongoing protest.

Secondly, I think the writer, though a refined and thoughtful person, is pussy footing around the issue. In true Thai fashion, he doesn't get to the meat of the matter. The first half and the last part of the letter refer to his personal relationship with Weng. He also states the sobering issue that he was trepidatious about writing the letter for concerns of recriminations against him, his family and his property. That's a concern in this imbroglio: anyone who speaks out against the Reds risks bodily harm, to himself, his family and his property. It's like speaking out against the mafia (in the US or Italy) or speaking out against anything Chinese in China.

With dire restrictions like that, it's no wonder there aren't more people speaking out against the Reds shirts. No one wants threats from rowdies with automatic weapons and bombs who have proven they're eager to use them.

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Winston Churchill would have been proud or this letter.

Seems there might be a fox in the henhouse.

Previous postings by Dr Veerasak Chongsuwiwatwong:

'Britain warns nationals against travel to Thailand'

'Chavalit slams govt for 'cold-blooded murder', frame-up over 'terrorism'

'Thaicom 'cleared' over interference'

'Govt wants Thaicom concession revoked'

'Newin vows to protect the monarchy'

'CRES okays live rounds against protesters'

'Gov warns of tough action'

'Reds dismiss claim they plan to harm monarchy'

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First off, I don't think this letter needs to be anchoring a new thread. There are already so many threads on T.Visa which focus on the ongoing protest.

Secondly, I think the writer, though a refined and thoughtful person, is pussy footing around the issue. In true Thai fashion, he doesn't get to the meat of the matter. The first half and the last part of the letter refer to his personal relationship with Weng. He also states the sobering issue that he was trepidatious about writing the letter for concerns of recriminations against him, his family and his property. That's a concern in this imbroglio: anyone who speaks out against the Reds risks bodily harm, to himself, his family and his property. It's like speaking out against the mafia (in the US or Italy) or speaking out against anything Chinese in China.

With dire restrictions like that, it's no wonder there aren't more people speaking out against the Reds shirts. No one wants threats from rowdies with automatic weapons and bombs who have proven they're eager to use them.

It is a letter written by a Thai for his Thai fellows. Your reference to true Thai fashion seems frankly said useless in that relation. You would have to read between the lines to get the message.

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It's funny how red supporters believe that anyone that is protesting against the government is there of their own accord and because of their own personal beliefs.

As soon as anyone says anything against the reds, they are government lackies.

personal belief? who? not even Weng

looking forward to the next group with red-yellow head bangers (no more clappers) :) - hint - hint - the winners

Edited by elcent
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spacer.gif why should dr weng acknowledge or take a blind bit of notice anything that is published in the nation??

It has already been at the forefront of the goverment's

propaganda campaign to totally discredit the guy..

with tabloid type garbarge like "doing the weng"

making out the guy only talks rubish..

now they come at him with a different angle.

Edited by gymboy33
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Outstanding. The government needs him on their public affairs team...

"Whether you or the opposition wins, the fire in your heart will burn the country's peace, credibility and economy. Some might not mind, but as long as people are dying, I think you should stop fighting for this victory.

Worse, Thai society is greatly damaged. People who don't know each other have to come out to fight each other and hurt each other. We have no reason to be angry with each other. How will Thai people live together in the long run?"

What this wise man said is true. And he made many things pretty clear without stepping on others' toes. Doesn't he state clearly that he's against

Mr. Weng, using very polite words and sentence structures.

" Whether you win or not, the fire in your heart will burn all." " I think you should stop fighting for this victory seems to be more than an advice."

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Winston Churchill would have been proud or this letter.

Seems there might be a fox in the henhouse.

Previous postings by Dr Veerasak Chongsuwiwatwong:



jfk, not sure what your intent is with this post, or perhaps you have made a mistake.

As it is obviously untrue, as written, I would suggest you edit your post, or perhaps the moderators could remove it.

Edited by rabo
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First off, I don't think this letter needs to be anchoring a new thread. There are already so many threads on T.Visa which focus on the ongoing protest.

Secondly, I think the writer, though a refined and thoughtful person, is pussy footing around the issue. In true Thai fashion, he doesn't get to the meat of the matter. The first half and the last part of the letter refer to his personal relationship with Weng. He also states the sobering issue that he was trepidatious about writing the letter for concerns of recriminations against him, his family and his property. That's a concern in this imbroglio: anyone who speaks out against the Reds risks bodily harm, to himself, his family and his property. It's like speaking out against the mafia (in the US or Italy) or speaking out against anything Chinese in China.

With dire restrictions like that, it's no wonder there aren't more people speaking out against the Reds shirts. No one wants threats from rowdies with automatic weapons and bombs who have proven they're eager to use them.

He's getting to the matter, but not using vocabulary like you did. He isn't 'pussy footing' around the issue. Let's say he was very careful which words to use and how to bring them on paper.

This guy has got a brain. Wouldn't you be also very careful to make a statement like that, especially in his position???

He said so many things against Weng, why don't you read it again?

I hope more people like him will follow to make an end. It's time for a change, when people start to kill other people they don't even know. Not even mentioning the violence in the south and other problems.

Edited by Sisaketmike
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Secondly, I think the writer, though a refined and thoughtful person, is pussy footing around the issue. In true Thai fashion, he doesn't get to the meat of the matter. ...

Dear Farang USA,

In case you don't know this is Thailand, it is a letter from a Thai to a Thai concerning a political situation in Thailand. This is not the USA.

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There is nothing special about this manipulative letter - is just an elaborate attempt to make Weng feel guilty.

Right - let's get this in perspective.

What the NATION would have us believe is an influential social commentator, is actually an otherwise unknown old teacher who knew Weng in 1969, kept tabs on him through 1973.

Christ, 1969 - that's so long ago - the Vietnam war was still, the Beatles hadn't split up and the Boeing 747 made its maiden flight, heralding the age of air travel for the masses.

There must be so many more people who know Weng much more recently, and I daresay some of those might support his cause. I wonder why the NATION doesn't give them a say too. I doubt that Weng even remembers who this nobody is, let alone gives a dam_n about what he thinks.

More NATION propaganda - scraping the barrel for anything it can use in its hopeless cause, no matter how ridiculous. They'll be telling us next that Thaksin is dead.

Edited by clockworkorange
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First off, I don't think this letter needs to be anchoring a new thread. There are already so many threads on T.Visa which focus on the ongoing protest.

Secondly, I think the writer, though a refined and thoughtful person, is pussy footing around the issue. In true Thai fashion, he doesn't get to the meat of the matter. The first half and the last part of the letter refer to his personal relationship with Weng. He also states the sobering issue that he was trepidatious about writing the letter for concerns of recriminations against him, his family and his property. That's a concern in this imbroglio: anyone who speaks out against the Reds risks bodily harm, to himself, his family and his property. It's like speaking out against the mafia (in the US or Italy) or speaking out against anything Chinese in China.

With dire restrictions like that, it's no wonder there aren't more people speaking out against the Reds shirts. No one wants threats from rowdies with automatic weapons and bombs who have proven they're eager to use them.

hmm i think there is a lot of emotion around here and i dont think it needs another person throw their ideas around telling people what to do...

Hes put the letter in a good way by saying;

  1. 1 - "Hey Friend, We share some common goals and I understand the work you have been doing and share the same passion you have." - This establishes a common interest and lowers an emotional barrier that might be in the way because of the current situation.
    2 - "While I share your goals, i dont believe you are going about it the right way. I am concerned that you are putting the need for victory above the need for moral values" - Saying to someone 'hey i like your idea but how about doing this too' is better then saying 'hey your shit stinks and you need a bullet in the head'
    3 - "I know you have talent and can help bring about a solution for Thailand. Lets work together to make this a great nation" - Hes reconfirming that he wants his help to make Thailand a great nation, rather then working against the guy.

The aim of this letter is to get this guy on side and work together for resolution... The last thing Thailand needs now is another guy whos not willing to compromise (or pussy foot around - see it as you will)

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Christ, 1969 - that's so long ago - the Vietnam war was still, the Beatles hadn't split up and the Boeing 747 made its maiden flight, heralding the age of air travel for the masses.

WOW ! Clockwork now providing a history chronicle of the 20th Century.

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Now why on earth would the NATION dredge up one of Weng's old teachers from years back and use him to call on the red shirts to back down, and not the government. Strange how the NATION would take a position like that, when it is normally so neutral.

Shows your ignorance. Veerasak was a student activist under Weng and no vice versa. They have once be sharing the same cause.

There is nothing special about this manipulative letter - is just an elaborate attempt to make Weng feel guilty.

Study the background. Veerasak has been an activist for many of the basic issues that are now requested by the (real) red shirts. He does not question the legitimate right of the (poorer) population to fight for their basic rights. He just points to the fact on how far off track the cause has been steering lately with the use of questionable, violent methods and the involvement of people who couldn't give a shit about the cause. It is a matter of personal integrity that you wouldn't understand and by the way, everything can always be dismissed as manipulated without further elaboration.

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