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Australian Red Shirt Speaker


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This guy is an embarrassment to foreigners. I was so sickened by his antics that I sent him a message through facebook telling him to stop embarrassing yourself and other foreigners. His reply? "I am perfectly prepared to place my knowledge of south-east asia against yours".

This guy is a loser. Although making up lies about his SAS military background does qualify him to be red shirt leader.

Stop embarrassing yourself and other foreigners with your stupid red shirt fiasco

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Are the Red Shirts hiring mercenaries now, people with SAS and other violent backgrounds?

I have been in a few bar brawls in my teens, that should at least put me in the shortlist of recruits.

Seriously, how did they vet this guy to allow him up on stage?

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Take him up on his offer....unless you scared you will lose.


I don't profess to have extensive knowledge of south-east Asia, having lived in Thailand since 95 I do know something the protests and the harm the red shirts are doing to this country. I also know that this guy is a "Billy Liar" and is making a fool of himself and thankfully the red shirts for entertaining him. Wonder if he on the payroll?

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One newspaper says this loser has no money and NO PASSPORT!! <deleted>!! Why isn't he banged up in the immigration prison?

Maybe the police haven't found a "convenient" time to arrest him.

Edit: spelling.

Edited by metisdead
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So embarassed as an Aussie.

However, I don't think much blame should be attributed to this chap who is obviously 'a kangaroo short in the top paddock'.

The blame IMHO lies with those who gave him stage time.

This man needs professional help, not jail time. He is ill. Zero grip on reality. I'd imagine he believes what he sprukes. Sad

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One newspaper says this loser has no money and NO PASSPORT!! <deleted>!! Why isn't he banged up in the immigration prison?

The police is sending the message; whoever you are, whatever you've done wrong, line up with the reds and we won't touch you.

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Clearly this guy has mental problems. For his own protection he needs to be deported. Can you imagine him running into a few of the business owners who have had to shut down for a month? Yikes

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The youtube video left me cringing. This guy is simply a muppet......a harmless fool.

What left me LMAO in the video is right near the start of his speech he said how he had been shot and tear gassed the night of the unrest on the 10th. This statement was met with loud applause from the reds. It looks like they are now numb to all the insane talks from their leaders on stage and simply clap and use their clappers at any pause in the speech.

Also interesting is you can see the ENTIRE thing was scripted. The translator was reading from a paper and not actually translating HIS words but what was written on the paper. Even at the end with the question(s), he appeared to be reading from the paper. Looks like they were very cautious of this guy.

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Thanks for that link. This guy is clearly a high achiever, reaching the rank of Colonel after seven years in the Australian Army (IMPOSSIBLE)! cadet-4 years, Basic training 1 year, 2nd Lt. 2 years, Lt. 2 years,

Captain 3 years, Major 3/4 years, Lt. Col 4 years then Colonel. Minimum to Colonel would be 18 years.

What a tosser!

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Victor, send him another message on Facebook and invite him to join this thread. Should help kill the boredom while it is raining.

good idea, I'll do that now

I'm sticking around for this. Let's hope he shows up! :)

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A couple of sausages short of a barbecue.

As an Aussie very embarrassing.

If he was a weekend warrior, this alone says enough. :)

Sharp as a sack of wet leather...

A little unfair to stereo-type all reservists though.

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A couple of sausages short of a barbecue.

As an Aussie very embarrassing.

If he was a weekend warrior, this alone says enough. :)

Sharp as a sack of wet leather...

A little unfair to stereo-type all reservists though.

You are right. A bit of tongue in cheek from me though

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Just going to make it hard for the rest of us white fellas here, thats all he is going to do....

When will people realise its not our F%@G fight and we should stay welllllllllll away from it.

bloody hel_l.....

Neither was apartheid in S.A or numerous other political problems around the world but nobody thought what you posted about the persons that took part in those areas....of course, this is Thailand and us mere foreigners should keep in our place...If the guy knows what he is talking about, good luck to him...am sure his past will become transparent soon enough to see the real truth.

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The bottom line here is what business has a foreigner getting actively involved in another countries politics.

None whatsoever

Rwanda, S.A. Iraq, Ireland.....its all politics........you could say Poland 1939 was.....best foreigners stayed away then?....if a person feels passionatly about something they beliefe in, isnt it good they stand up and be counted.

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