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Generic Medicines In Thai Gov Hospitals

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Generic Medicines in Thai Gov Hospitals

I have a step daughter fighting cancer in what I would call pretty well equipped Gov Hospital. What concerns me seems to be the observed son survival rate. Some of the specialist I do have confidence, seeing they are cancer specialist, but I really wonder if their hands are tied that they can only work with what is available. I have been told, due to cost restraints that generic drugs are used, I have absolutely no problem with that one little bit, but it concerns me that very possibly more modern and successful drugs that are still under patient are not available to the treating doctors.

For example, I have read recently that Pfizer Lipitor which is coming off a 20 year license mid 2011 is the most popular prescribed drug in the world that is not generic yet. No pharmacy around here nor this hospital stocks it. Every pharmacy I have tried in Bangkok or Pattaya does. What I am getting at is, the Bummagrad and western doctors thinks this is the best for particular people with particular conditions, but patients in this hospital due to the 50b a day cost of the pill are denied and subscribed an inferior medication. I do not want his thread to be about the Bum or Lipitor please, just an example I am aware of.

I am trying to find out if anyone knows if the medication that Thai Gov hospitals use is up to speed to what would be subscribed in the Bum for example. If not, is it to buy more modern drugs from Bangkok for Gov Doctors to use?

Honestly, very trying times, thanks for any advice.

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I'm sorry to read of your step-daughters fight.

If I understand your question properly, there is a word missing.

" If not, is it (best) to buy more modern drugs from Bangkok for Gov Doctors to use?"

That's a no-brainer, isn't it?

Please correct me if I have misunderstood you.

I wish your step-daughter a complete recovery. :)

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