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Tb Cert After Appeal Hearing

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As some you you all know me and my wife have won our appeal, so now she is just waiting for the paperwork to go through to the embassy so she can get her stamp. I was going through her application pack and came across her TB certificate, which is now out of date not to our fault but the length of the appeal process. Should we get a new cert done or bring the old one with us when I goto pick her up.

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The TB cert has to be valid when the application is submitted, not when the visa is granted.

However, there is a chance that on her first entry she will be asked to produce it, and if it is out of date she could be sent to the medical centre for a chest x-ray or other screening before being allowed to enter. This could cause a long delay.

Up to you if you want to take the chance of a long delay on arrival in the UK or pay to get a new certificate.

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