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Thaksin - Will Interpol Act?


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AGAIN ----- This thread is about Will Interpol Act? ---- Aljazeera and the foreign press reports suggest that it is indeed likely that Interpol will act.

More garbage from you. Interpol released a statement yesterday (Friday) saying that they have not even received a request from the Thai government (oops!) and they also said that they will not act on politically motivated charges.

:) I understand that after getting beaten down on your previous argument you still need to be nasty!

You are mixing things up again. They say they have not officially rec'd a request yet, that has no bearing at all on the question of will they act when officially asked. The ink on the warrant in Thailand is barely dry.

They did NOT say they will not act on politically motivated charges in the case of terrorism charges. They did make a statement about the warrant out for Thaksin regarding the Rachadapisek land deal. (They do not have as part of their charter, the ability to make arrests for corruption!)

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Do they get to lock Thaksin up regardless of whether they get a conviction of terrorism? Yes.

Did you read that in a fortune cookie? What if he doesn't come back and isn't extradited? Will they still get to lock him up? See how your sentences don't make any sense? Unless you're a fortune teller, of course. Or read that in a fortune cookie.

He has to be here to get the conviction ... but I understand your bating and flaming in light of your loss earlier.

Thaksin has a 2 year sentence he has to serve out. He cannot appeal it. If he arrives in Thailand he goes to jail.

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They did NOT say they will not act on politically motivated charges in the case of terrorism charges.

Uhm, yes they did. Read the BP today. Anyone that has read it will know you're talking garbage.

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AGAIN ----- This thread is about Will Interpol Act? ---- Aljazeera and the foreign press reports suggest that it is indeed likely that Interpol will act.

More garbage from you. Interpol released a statement yesterday (Friday) saying that they have not even received a request from the Thai government (oops!) and they also said that they will not act on politically motivated charges.

The Thai government needs to properly document a request to Interpol. Don't worry it will come. As for "they also said that they will not act on politically motivated charges." that was not in the released statement. Any request will be studied and more details will be asked if parts are unclear. The rules and regulations governing Interpol and its relations with member countries fill a cupboard and most people would find them incomprehensable I'm afraid (or maybe it's just me who has a problem with legal documents :) )

Edited by rubl
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The problem with the whole extradition process is that Thailand has the death penalty. And they already spoke about the death penalty against the red shirt leaders. So, assuming Thaksin is the man directing the red shirt leaders, as it is being said, he would obviously also be eligible for the death penalty. See, that's where the problem lies. Very few countries in the world will extradite someone if he faces the death penalty. And Thaksin has visited none of the countries that do.

The whole extradition story is a lot of smoke blowing, but both sides already know that it will lead to nothing.

If they didn't want him to leave, they should have arrested him when he was in Thailand. After all, the coup generals were in control back then.

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AGAIN ----- This thread is about Will Interpol Act? ---- Aljazeera and the foreign press reports suggest that it is indeed likely that Interpol will act.

More garbage from you. Interpol released a statement yesterday (Friday) saying that they have not even received a request from the Thai government (oops!) and they also said that they will not act on politically motivated charges.

Terrorism charges are different since terrorism is defined as a crime often of a political nature. There was a post earlier in this thread cut from an interpol website stating that acts of terrorism can never be justified or moderated on political, religious, etc., grounds.

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They did NOT say they will not act on politically motivated charges in the case of terrorism charges.

Uhm, yes they did. Read the BP today. Anyone that has read it will know you're talking garbage.

Can't find it on today's version of BP website, nothing on Interpol's site. Pointer?

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The problem with the whole extradition process is that Thailand has the death penalty. And they already spoke about the death penalty against the red shirt leaders. So, assuming Thaksin is the man directing the red shirt leaders, as it is being said, he would obviously also be eligible for the death penalty. See, that's where the problem lies. Very few countries in the world will extradite someone if he faces the death penalty. And Thaksin has visited none of the countries that do.

The whole extradition story is a lot of smoke blowing, but both sides already know that it will lead to nothing.

If they didn't want him to leave, they should have arrested him when he was in Thailand. After all, the coup generals were in control back then.

See, if you try you are capable of useful posts :)

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Saturday , May 29 , 2010

The Thai Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Thaksin on terrorism charges .........

<snip, full article above>

16 th April 2010: Red shirts bomb attacks at three high voltage electricity pylons in Ayuthaya's Bang Pa-in district were intended to plunge parts of Bangkok into darkness. See http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/security/3...lackout-averted (breach of item 2 as above-listed). On the same day , two high-ranking officers were taken hostage by Red Shirt protesters. See http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/world...i-1225854613652 (breach of item 3).

continued http://blog.nationmultimedia.com/ThaiTalk/2010/05/29/entry-1

All right! He explains the pylons. This one act is near conclusive prove that the whole show was planned from the start, including the assassination of army commanders and shooting of a 100 soldiers on April 10. If all 7 bombs had detonated, nothing would have been recorded that night. Probably the biggest oops of all by the reds.

Right in line with the reds destroying video cameras and shooting out street lights before the crackdown.

Ahhh, the pylons, and as hard evidence there is an link to a newspaper article which close with the following sentence:

" investigations have yet to identify the culprits behind the blasts."

sorry the whole letter is nothing more than some yellow propaganda, trash by someone who is clearly obssed with Thaksin and cannot get enough.

ultra right wing extremist and believer in conspiracy theories will never get objective.

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Saturday , May 29 , 2010

The Thai Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Thaksin on terrorism charges .........

<snip, full article above>

16 th April 2010: Red shirts bomb attacks at three high voltage electricity pylons in Ayuthaya's Bang Pa-in district were intended to plunge parts of Bangkok into darkness. See http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/security/3...lackout-averted (breach of item 2 as above-listed). On the same day , two high-ranking officers were taken hostage by Red Shirt protesters. See http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/world...i-1225854613652 (breach of item 3).

continued http://blog.nationmultimedia.com/ThaiTalk/2010/05/29/entry-1

All right! He explains the pylons. This one act is near conclusive prove that the whole show was planned from the start, including the assassination of army commanders and shooting of a 100 soldiers on April 10. If all 7 bombs had detonated, nothing would have been recorded that night. Probably the biggest oops of all by the reds.

Right in line with the reds destroying video cameras and shooting out street lights before the crackdown.

Ahhh, the pylons, and as hard evidence there is an link to a newspaper article which close with the following sentence:

" investigations have yet to identify the culprits behind the blasts."

sorry the whole letter is nothing more than some yellow propaganda, trash by someone who is clearly obssed with Thaksin and cannot get enough.

ultra right wing extremist and believer in conspiracy theories will never get objective.

Obviously (should I point out) this represents your own professional opinion. :)

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Do they get to lock Thaksin up regardless of whether they get a conviction of terrorism? Yes. Does that mean they can proceed with the approximately 19 outstanding cases against Thaksin that require his presence in court at least once to proceed? Yes

Do you know of any definitive list of the outstanding charges against Thaksin JD? I haven't been able to find one.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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The problem with the whole extradition process is that Thailand has the death penalty. And they already spoke about the death penalty against the red shirt leaders. So, assuming Thaksin is the man directing the red shirt leaders, as it is being said, he would obviously also be eligible for the death penalty. See, that's where the problem lies. Very few countries in the world will extradite someone if he faces the death penalty. And Thaksin has visited none of the countries that do.

The whole extradition story is a lot of smoke blowing, but both sides already know that it will lead to nothing.

If they didn't want him to leave, they should have arrested him when he was in Thailand. After all, the coup generals were in control back then.

See, if you try you are capable of useful posts :)

He tries :D

UAE has the Death Penalty.

There is nothing that would preclude Thailand from taking the death penalty off the table for the terrorism chage against Thaksin (but of course that would be double standards for him yet again! The first tie being his assets concealment case of 2001)

The Interpol regulations say specifically .....

REITERATES that criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public or in a group of persons or particular persons for political purposes, cannot be justified under any circumstances, irrespective of considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or other nature that may be invoked to justify them;

In other words if Thaksin is linked to the terrorism in Thailand --- there will be no excuse for the actions taken by the terrorists. The terrorist's political motivations do not matter and all that needs to happen is that the link between Thaksin and the rest of the terrorists be significant enough to warrant trial.

All Thailand has to do is show that the warrant is merited.

I have said all along that extradition may NOT be the ultimate goal of the government. The goal may simply be to restrict Thaksin's movement and access to funds. After all, NO country wants to be thought of as harbouring a terrorist. If thailand gets the international warrant from Interpol then they have done well enough :D

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The problem with the whole extradition process is that Thailand has the death penalty. And they already spoke about the death penalty against the red shirt leaders. So, assuming Thaksin is the man directing the red shirt leaders, as it is being said, he would obviously also be eligible for the death penalty. See, that's where the problem lies. Very few countries in the world will extradite someone if he faces the death penalty. And Thaksin has visited none of the countries that do.

The whole extradition story is a lot of smoke blowing, but both sides already know that it will lead to nothing.

If they didn't want him to leave, they should have arrested him when he was in Thailand. After all, the coup generals were in control back then.

smoke blowing, leads to nothing - yes.

but it isn't the deatn penalty. it are the terrorism charges itself that will really convince nobody outside Thailand who is in charge to make such decisions like an extradition.

after last years songkran, the burning buses and so on, wasn't that a similar offence? They charged Thaksin for that. And how many countries and how many Interpol organisation have helped since that time to arrest Thaskin? ZERO!

Because the Abhisit government is responsible for the 2010 Bangkok massacre, no foreign government will be now anyhow more impressed by this government demands in their Thaksin hunt.

get real. be objective!

all this interpol talk never will become true, that is just propaganda BS, food for the ultra right wing extremist and lunatics obsessed with Thaksin.

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Ahhh, the pylons, and as hard evidence there is an link to a newspaper article which close with the following sentence:

" investigations have yet to identify the culprits behind the blasts."

sorry the whole letter is nothing more than some yellow propaganda, trash by someone who is clearly obssed with Thaksin and cannot get enough.

ultra right wing extremist and believer in conspiracy theories will never get objective.

I once was a jury foreman (Boston, Massachusetts) in a case where a guilty defendant was acquitted for crimes involving home invasion, kidnapping and armed robbery. The prosecution's case was complete and there was absolutely no doubt in 11 of the 12 jurors' minds that the defendant was guilty (statements from the victims, other eyewitnesses, motive, earlier confession that was recanted, no alibi, fingerprints on the weapon, etc)

The lone holdout juryman admitted that he had trouble reconciling the facts of the case with his personal convictions that people are good and the government is bad. When I informed the judge the trial was halted and never retried due to lack of funds.

Mazeltov, I remember you. Were you in Boston in 2003?

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Do they get to lock Thaksin up regardless of whether they get a conviction of terrorism? Yes. Does that mean they can proceed with the approximately 19 outstanding cases against Thaksin that require his presence in court at least once to proceed? Yes

Do you know of any definitive list of the outstanding charges against Thaksin JD. I haven't been able to find one.

Nah ... I quit keeping track. They haven't even bothered to file the newest set of 6 afaik (the criminal cases that can go forward since Thaksin lost the assets forfieture case)

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your comments and excuses are complete garbage.
When you know you've been talking garbage and senseless excuses
Like I said, your excuses are garbage. Keep trying, you'll improve eventually.
More garbage from you.

Continued below...

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Anyone that has read it will know you're talking garbage.

Purely coincidental i'm sure, but there was a member known as clockworkorange who was banned on the same day you joined, who had an unnecessarily aggressive and rude style to the way he expressed himself much like you. It really does nothing except devalue what you are saying... and can lead to the same fate that sadly befell clockworkorange.

P.S. Sorry if you think i'm talking garbage. :)

Edited by rixalex
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after last years songkran, the burning buses and so on, wasn't that a similar offence? They charged Thaksin for that.

Did they? Do you have a source for that? I wasn't aware of any charges against Thaksin over the events of Black Songkhran.

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Do they get to lock Thaksin up regardless of whether they get a conviction of terrorism? Yes. Does that mean they can proceed with the approximately 19 outstanding cases against Thaksin that require his presence in court at least once to proceed? Yes

Do you know of any definitive list of the outstanding charges against Thaksin JD. I haven't been able to find one.

Nah ... I quit keeping track. They haven't even bothered to file the newest set of 6 afaik (the criminal cases that can go forward since Thaksin lost the assets forfieture case)

Bummer. It sure would be handy to have such a list.

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Do they get to lock Thaksin up regardless of whether they get a conviction of terrorism? Yes. Does that mean they can proceed with the approximately 19 outstanding cases against Thaksin that require his presence in court at least once to proceed? Yes

Do you know of any definitive list of the outstanding charges against Thaksin JD. I haven't been able to find one.

I would like to know that too.

the initial article of this topic mentioned 5 arrest warrants.

(Inflammatory statement deleted)

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Anyone that has read it will know you're talking garbage.

Purely coincidental i'm sure, but there was a member known as clockworkorange who was banned on the same day you joined, who had an unnecessarily aggressive and rude style to the way he expressed himself much like you. It really does nothing except devalue what you are saying... and can lead to the same fate that sadly befell clockworkorange.

P.S. Sorry if you think i'm talking garbage. :D


It doesn't matter. I caught him on every twist and wiggle.

Hmmm but you are right I din't notice the coincidence with clockwork!

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Do they get to lock Thaksin up regardless of whether they get a conviction of terrorism? Yes.

Did you read that in a fortune cookie? What if he doesn't come back and isn't extradited? Will they still get to lock him up? See how your sentences don't make any sense? Unless you're a fortune teller, of course. Or read that in a fortune cookie.

He's already been convicted and sentenced, so yes he would be locked up if he was brought back, he is a fugitive. Then they can try him on the terrorism charges and any other corruption related charges that haven't been in court yet.

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after last years songkran, the burning buses and so on, wasn't that a similar offence? They charged Thaksin for that.

Did they? Do you have a source for that? I wasn't aware of any charges against Thaksin over the events of Black Songkhran.

He was charged with multiple offenses for that --- but not Terrorism. The terrorism charge will very likely stick. The charges from 2009 would rate 5 years and 7 years respectively.

With only those 2 plus the terrorism charge plus the 6 charges that can be brought from the assetts seizure case we are already at 9 .... I'll see if I can find my notes but I have moved since I started compiling a list (and bought 2 new computers :)

add a LM charge in May 2009

Edited by jdinasia
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Saturday , May 29 , 2010

The Thai Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Thaksin on terrorism charges .........

<snip, full article above>

16 th April 2010: Red shirts bomb attacks at three high voltage electricity pylons in Ayuthaya's Bang Pa-in district were intended to plunge parts of Bangkok into darkness. See http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/security/3...lackout-averted (breach of item 2 as above-listed). On the same day , two high-ranking officers were taken hostage by Red Shirt protesters. See http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/world...i-1225854613652 (breach of item 3).

continued http://blog.nationmultimedia.com/ThaiTalk/2010/05/29/entry-1

All right! He explains the pylons. This one act is near conclusive prove that the whole show was planned from the start, including the assassination of army commanders and shooting of a 100 soldiers on April 10. If all 7 bombs had detonated, nothing would have been recorded that night. Probably the biggest oops of all by the reds.

Right in line with the reds destroying video cameras and shooting out street lights before the crackdown.

Ahhh, the pylons, and as hard evidence there is an link to a newspaper article which close with the following sentence:

" investigations have yet to identify the culprits behind the blasts."

sorry the whole letter is nothing more than some yellow propaganda, trash by someone who is clearly obssed with Thaksin and cannot get enough.

ultra right wing extremist and believer in conspiracy theories will never get objective.

Ah, yes. seven 5 kilogram C4 plastic explosive bombs rigged to alarm clock detonators to go off just when the reds attack the military on Saturday, obvious terrorism.

From the same article where you find a few words to defend Thaksin, but oops, no reference??? , ...........

Officials say they believe the blast at the third pylon occurred at the same time as those at the first two pylons on Saturday night. ''More importantly, the attacks are believed to have been aimed at causing a blackout in Bangkok. That means we are facing a kind of terrorist sabotage,'' an official said.

Plastic explosives planted at the base of the third pylon damaged four of its legs and nearly toppled power lines, provincial police commander Jaruvat Vaisaya said.

''Seven bombs were found at three electricity pylons. Four bombs exploded and the other three malfunctioned,'' he said.

A police source said the bombs weighed 5kg each and were ignited by alarm clocks.

Had all of the explosives detonated, power would have been cut to the northern Bangkok suburb of Rangsit, Ayutthaya governor Wittaya Phewpong said. ''Whoever planted them wanted to cause huge damage.

The governor said the bombings were a terrorist act." unquote

...........and you say mentioning fact in not being objective?? :)

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after last years songkran, the burning buses and so on, wasn't that a similar offence? They charged Thaksin for that.

Did they? Do you have a source for that? I wasn't aware of any charges against Thaksin over the events of Black Songkhran.

read this:

Thailand Revokes Thaksin's Passport, Arrest Warrant Issued For Thaksin Over Bangkok Riots


over one year old forum topic, the thread includes a couple of articles on that subject.

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Do they get to lock Thaksin up regardless of whether they get a conviction of terrorism? Yes. Does that mean they can proceed with the approximately 19 outstanding cases against Thaksin that require his presence in court at least once to proceed? Yes

Do you know of any definitive list of the outstanding charges against Thaksin JD. I haven't been able to find one.

Nah ... I quit keeping track. They haven't even bothered to file the newest set of 6 afaik (the criminal cases that can go forward since Thaksin lost the assets forfieture case)

So how do you know there are 19 outstanding charges if you stopped keeping track? More garbage :)

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He was charged with multiple offenses for that --- but not Terrorism. The terrorism charge will very likely stick. The charges from 2009 would rate 5 years and 7 years respectively.

With only those 2 plus the terrorism charge plus the 6 charges that can be brought from the assetts seizure case we are already at 9 .... I'll see if I can find my notes but I have moved since I started compiling a list (and bought 2 new computers :D

add a LM charge in May 2009

Finding your notes? Compiling a list? What are you? Part of the prosecution? Or just someone that takes things way too seriously?

We're spectators, nothing more. :)

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Saturday , May 29 , 2010

The Thai Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Thaksin on terrorism charges .........

<snip, full article above>

16 th April 2010: Red shirts bomb attacks at three high voltage electricity pylons in Ayuthaya's Bang Pa-in district were intended to plunge parts of Bangkok into darkness. See http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/security/3...lackout-averted (breach of item 2 as above-listed). On the same day , two high-ranking officers were taken hostage by Red Shirt protesters. See http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/world...i-1225854613652 (breach of item 3).

continued http://blog.nationmultimedia.com/ThaiTalk/2010/05/29/entry-1

All right! He explains the pylons. This one act is near conclusive prove that the whole show was planned from the start, including the assassination of army commanders and shooting of a 100 soldiers on April 10. If all 7 bombs had detonated, nothing would have been recorded that night. Probably the biggest oops of all by the reds.

Right in line with the reds destroying video cameras and shooting out street lights before the crackdown.

Ahhh, the pylons, and as hard evidence there is an link to a newspaper article which close with the following sentence:

" investigations have yet to identify the culprits behind the blasts."

sorry the whole letter is nothing more than some yellow propaganda, trash by someone who is clearly obssed with Thaksin and cannot get enough.

ultra right wing extremist and believer in conspiracy theories will never get objective.

Ah, yes. seven 5 kilogram C4 plastic explosive bombs rigged to alarm clock detonators to go off just when the reds attack the military on Saturday, obvious terrorism.

From the same article where you find a few words to defend Thaksin, but oops, no reference??? , ...........


The governor said the bombings were a terrorist act." unquote

...........and you say mentioning fact in not being objective?? :)


Yes, the article called it terrorism, but where is the connection to Thaksin?

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Do they get to lock Thaksin up regardless of whether they get a conviction of terrorism? Yes. Does that mean they can proceed with the approximately 19 outstanding cases against Thaksin that require his presence in court at least once to proceed? Yes

Do you know of any definitive list of the outstanding charges against Thaksin JD. I haven't been able to find one.

Nah ... I quit keeping track. They haven't even bothered to file the newest set of 6 afaik (the criminal cases that can go forward since Thaksin lost the assets forfieture case)

So how do you know there are 19 outstanding charges if you stopped keeping track? More garbage :)

I didn't say there are 19 charges --- I said approximately 19 outsanding charges that require his presence to proceed. There may be 21, 25, or only 18. I was keeping track for a long time and then stopped .. when I stopped it was in the mid teens.

But thank you for both misrepresenting what I said AND attempting to flame some more :D

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