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Poster's Origin


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I've noticed that some members enter where they are from so it is visible in their profile. Others do not.

Is there any possibility that, as with some fields, this particular section is mandatory so that we all know the nationality of the poster?

Better still, wouldn't it be nice to have a little flag or emblem that shows this at a glance from someone's profile?

I ask because obviously the country of origin of the member has a clear bearing on the quality of their advice or opinion...

(Yes, that last bit was meant to be a joke. :) )

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Thaivisa protect the privacy of its members.

It's voluntarily to state the location (which says nothing about a members nationality)

I'm not sure how knowing which country one originally hails from is an infringement of privacy but I take the point. A pity, because it would be most interesting to see which country opines the most. Good or bad. :)

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I'm not sure how knowing which country one originally hails from is an infringement of privacy but I take the point. A pity, because it would be most interesting to see which country opines the most. Good or bad. :)

Are you writing a book? what difference does it make? What is "most interesting'' ? It sounds like horseshit to me, you just want to stir the pot.

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Are you writing a book? what difference does it make? What is "most interesting'' ? It sounds like horseshit to me, you just want to stir the pot.

That's not very polite especially to a relatively new member.

The OP asked a valid question why the hostility?


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Abrasive maybe . . . . hostile not even close. While we are at it, lets add, Religion, race, education, political affiliations, sexual orientation and hat size. That way we can be sure they measure up to our assumptions.

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Thaivisa protect the privacy of its members.

It's voluntarily to state the location (which says nothing about a members nationality)

I'm not sure how knowing which country one originally hails from is an infringement of privacy but I take the point. A pity, because it would be most interesting to see which country opines the most. Good or bad. :)

Ever heard of racism, stereo typing, profiling or discrimination?

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I see one or two have decided my query had sinister undertones. To refute such a ridiculous notion would almost give their assumption credibility so I shan't bother.

I also think hostile was an appropriate choice of word:

Main Entry: hos·tile

Pronunciation: \ˈhäs-təl, -ˌtī(-ə)l\

Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from Latin hostilis, from hostis

Date: 1580

1 a : of or relating to an enemy <hostile fire> b : marked by malevolence <a hostile act> c : openly opposed or resisting <a hostile critic> <hostile to new ideas> d (1) : not hospitable <plants growing in a hostile environment> (2) : having an intimidating, antagonistic, or offensive nature <a hostile workplace>

2 a : of or relating to the opposing party in a legal controversy <a hostile witness> b : adverse to the interests of a property owner or corporation management <a hostile takeover>

I wonder why the need? Nowt wrong with disagreeing with an opinion, but the manner in which one does speaks volumes. Thanks for such a pleasant welcome.

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"A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker. "


Not necessarily the most sage of quotes nor the most applicable.

Far be it from me to question the words of wisdom of Buddha but I can think of several great men who were good talkers and spoke to the masses with vision ahead of their times. Gandhi, Luther King, Mandela; history has witnessed plenty of people who spoke out.

And it seems to me it is you who is doing all the talking. I merely posed a question that was succinctly replied to by a mod. Since then you are the one who has taken it upon themselves to aggressively insist I had ulterior motive.

I have not, and yet you continue to shout me down even though you know nothing about me. Your user name comes across as most appropriate. :)

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I am not surprised by your lack of understanding of Buddha. Lines that define Countries on maps are imaginary. However the learned prejudices, that some use to define others are almost tangible. Perhaps at some point you may choose to answer my original question. What about knowing the National Origin of a member, would you find "most interesting" regarding their opinion?

Thank you for the comment on my moniker.

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You must realise that you have to allow people their paranoia. Any little piece of information made public WILL lead to the secret service agents tracking them down to extract the vital information before sending them to feed the fishes.


Anonymity is the weapon of choice for all the best keyboard warriors. :)

I do agree it would be useful at times to know a poster's nationality then you can cut them a bit of slack if the English isn't up to scratch. Unfortunately however it would be used by many as the basis for nation bashing, racism in some instances and personal attacks.

Welcome to ThaiVisa. :D

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