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Had 150,000 Baht Taken From Me

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I am currently a little bemused with the customs here in thailand. I returned from the phils yesterday with my usuall 50 cartons of cigarretes of malbrough lights. I have been asked to put my bag through the x-ray which i have done before with exactly the same amount of cigs in, only this time they tell me i am under arrest for prohitited goods. I am then held in the airport for around 3 hours until they take me to some kind of big customs building i believe it was in bangkok, I am now a little worried as to what the ###### is going on. After some chap has told me that i am liable to pay 3980 baht per carton for fine i am even more shocked. The men then told me if i do not pay i will be taken to prison and wait until the judge can see me monday, this is friday evening so what am i to do, they take me with 4 men no uniforms in a car around to atm machines until i cannot draw any more out, they wanted over 200,000 but i could not get so they took 149,625, this was out rageous in my eyes, i have brought cigs before and they have never said anything. so a small fine would of been enough for me to realise not to do again. Now i know this must be a right long shot but is there anyway i can get any kind of money back, i am going back to england monday and all i have is a silly receipt that i cannot even read as its in thia, the british embassy was closed so there was not a lot i could do. Any comments/opinions welcome.

One peed off brit in bkk :o

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I noticed the new signs over the baggage claim clearly stating the limts, I was worried myself as I had 6 bottles of good aussie red and some spirits in my bag.

Luckily no xray.

Did you declare them??

I am currently a little bemused with the customs here in thailand. I returned from the phils yesterday with my usuall 50 cartons of cigarretes of malbrough lights. I have been asked to put my bag through the x-ray which i have done before with exactly the same amount of cigs in, only this time they tell me i am under arrest for prohitited goods. I am then held in the airport for around 3 hours until they take me to some kind of big customs building i believe it was in bangkok, I am now a little worried as to what the ###### is going on. After some chap has told me that i am liable to pay 3980 baht per carton for fine i am even more shocked. The men then told me if i do not pay i will be taken to prison and wait until the judge can see me monday, this is friday evening so what am i to do, they take me with 4 men no uniforms in a car around to atm machines until i cannot draw any more out, they wanted over 200,000 but i could not get so they took 149,625, this was out rageous in my eyes, i have brought cigs before and they have never said anything. so a small fine would of been enough for me to realise not to do again. Now i know this must be a right long shot but is there anyway i can get any kind of money back, i am going back to england monday and all i have is a silly receipt that i cannot even read as its in thia, the british embassy was closed so there was not a lot i could do. Any comments/opinions welcome.

One peed off brit in bkk :o

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Yeah Its tough alright.

40 quid a carton and ya dont even get to smoke em.

I am sure they destroyed them too!!!

Be interesting to see if any other members have noticed heightened scrutiny.

No did not declare them, but for god sake man 150,000 baht is well over 2000 pounds for a few poxy cigs. I am in shock.

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No did not declare them, but for god sake man 150,000 baht is well over 2000 pounds for a few poxy cigs. I am in shock.

The limit on importing cigarettes to Thailand is 200/1 carton.

When you buy a carton of Marlboro Lights for 510 Baht here why on earth would you want to import 50 cartons? :D ?

Have to agree though that import duty of 3980 Baht a carton is excessive and taking you for 150,000 Baht is just...well, theft!!! :o

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50 cartons of cigarettes and you didn't declare them??!!!! I'm gob-smacked that you think you could get away with it.

It clearly says on your customs declaration form that you fill out on the plane that the limit is 200 cigarettes (1 carton). You did not declare them and with the amount you brought in, you could not claim that they were for personal use. This means that you were intending to sell them. Punitive fine of twice the cost of the item is also clearly stated in the customs declaration form.

I usually bring in 3 to 4 cartons myself. If customs do see them, they know that it is for my personal use, and let me go with maybe a warning that next time, one carton only.

With 50 cartons undeclared, you were blatantly taking the p1ss. You got caught, you were clearly in the wrong, so, theres no point moaning about it. You stand no chance of getting your money back.

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No did not declare them, but for god sake man 150,000 baht is well over 2000 pounds for a few poxy cigs. I am in shock.

Tut tut....That gave them a chance to rip you off and probably they also have sold your cigs and make some extra money

How much you made out of your little ciggy traffic in the past?

Whatever it was you can consider it even because you could have ended up in bigger troubles than just loosing money

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I promised myself I would never do this but...

This has GOT to be a troll.

The standard allowed amount of all countries I have visited is one carton. Customs officials are usually not that worried if you bring in one or two extra, but bringing in 50 times the allowed limit - what were you expecting? Surely you cannot be that naive.

Also, it was Friday. Of course they wanted to take a trip to the ATM.

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I promised myself I would never do this but...

This has GOT to be a troll.

Troll or not, what does this topic have to do with "Visas, residency and WP"?

It should maybe be moved to "Smuggling, Getting caught and Still complaining" forum :o

Edited by ~G~
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I promised myself I would never do this but...

This has GOT to be a troll.

The standard allowed amount of all countries I have visited is one carton. Customs officials are usually not that worried if you bring in one or two extra, but bringing in 50 times the allowed limit - what were you expecting? Surely you cannot be that naive.

Also, it was Friday. Of course they wanted to take a trip to the ATM.

Chain smoking lucky your not in chains

How stupid can some people be.

You're going back to England try that trick at Heathrow.

I don't critisice often but you're a bloody fool and Bangkok of all the place and increased terrorist threats of course they are being more thorough.

Go home smuggle wine from France Ding Dong

Ps: Your lucky interpol weren't involved.

They will have your picture for sure now!

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My take on it, is that he flew from the Philippines into Bangkok.

My take is you're lucky to be flying anywhere.

By the way did you check the ID cards of the arresting officers.

You are entitled by law to a lawyer,see a doctor and make a telephone call.

The embassy has a 24 hour hotline so there are no excuses.

Even the Tourist Police would have assisted with the embassy.

Proves smoking is bad for your health and your wallet.

Taken to the ATM machine.

Listen mate get real charges need to be laid a court appearance and appropriate sentencing.

Like others have said you have won the xxxxx of the year award.

MP5 Out

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Do we have a ###### of the Decade Award ? :D

If you haven't I'm sure you could ###### invent one... :D

...I returned from the phils yesterday....

Where is the "phils"? :D

Was he coming INTO Thailand with 50 cartons and is leaving in Monday"? - heavy smoker, som nam naa or troll.

Why anybody would want to import that many fags I don't know ... ! It's not as if they are expensive...! :o

TROLL for sure

totster :D

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50 ctns........ what a <deleted>......... gotta be a Troll..... no one could be that stupid! :o


Don't exceed your allowance at Poipet.

The pimps in Poipet get a reward for dobbing you in if they see you buying more than 2 ctns or 2 bottles in Poipet.

I know an old guy who was jailed very quickly and the fine was 200bt a cig......

he had 5 ctns.

He was released after 48 hrs in the pokey in Aranyaphatet..

Still lives in Soi 22, and probably reads this forum. :D

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I would like to know what atm machine they took you too, i have never been able to get 150,000 baht i one go

One word for you


there are lots of others but i am sure the other posters are already calling you it

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I'm chuckling away here at everbody's disbelief that someone could be such a moron as to deliberately try to smuggle in 50 cartons of cigs....

.. my take on it is a bit different than the actual concept of it, more the physics involved - HTF do you fit 50 cartons of cigarettes in your bags in the first place? That's a ###### of a volume of boxes.


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One word for you


now that IS an interesting description for our wayward mega-ciggie smuggler..

is it an acronym???

Morons Usually Post Pretty Extroadinary Tall Tales, perhaps?


:D very good burma not quite what i meant but i will remember it for a later date :D

What i class as a muppett is someone with a hand stuck up there ar5e controlling everything they do like they have no control over their own body :D

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