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Thai - Tourist Visa To Aust - Bank Statement

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Hello all,

I am looking to get a tourist visa (time has run out to get a spouse visa) to Aust.

How much is required for bank staement?

We are only going for 10 days -Someone told me 500,000-1Mil? That seems alot.

Anyone know?


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They say you must provide evidence that you have sufficient funds to adequately support yourself during the stay, so I presume you need to provide evidence, six months bank statements and/or original bank book, that you can afford the trip and would not be arriving with no cash. I suppose you will have to provide costed details of your proposed trip and evidence that it's affordable.

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As the Old Git says, you need sufficient funds to support the applicant/applicants.

I take it that two of you are coming here and you are an Aussie? Are you resident in Oz, working and supporting a partners application? if so you will need to supply 6 months worth of payslips as proof of income.

If you are resident in Thailand, then you will have to show a bank account balance. How much is required is situational. Are you staying at a private address or at a hotel, Is there a third party assisting with funds, etc....

It is hard to state how much is enough as all visa applications are different and are processed on an individual basis by the Embassey.

You dont need to provide costed details of the trip.

How is it that you have run out of time for a Spouse visa?? I wasnt aware that there was a time limit on when you could apply for one.

Edited by gburns57au
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As the Old Git says, you need sufficient funds to support the applicant/applicants.

I take it that two of you are coming here and you are an Aussie? Are you resident in Oz, working and supporting a partners application? if so you will need to supply 6 months worth of payslips as proof of income.

If you are resident in Thailand, then you will have to show a bank account balance. How much is required is situational. Are you staying at a private address or at a hotel, Is there a third party assisting with funds, etc....

It is hard to state how much is enough as all visa applications are different and are processed on an individual basis by the Embassey.

You dont need to provide costed details of the trip.

How is it that you have run out of time for a Spouse visa?? I wasnt aware that there was a time limit on when you could apply for one.

Sorry GB whilst I agree with what you say almost most of the time, this time I take a somewhat differing view, that being said, I am in agreement with some of what you say.

With regards to a s/c 676 visa the Migration Regulations 1994 state that an applicant must have adequate fund, or access to adequate funds for the purpose/duration of their proposed visit (DIAC policy and reg's). Therefore a visitor planning to travel to Australia, staying in 4/5 resorts would need more funds than an applicant staying with a friends for three months where accommodation is provided. Ultimately is comes downs to duration + purpose = adequate funds. This can be addressed in a well worded letter of support.

The second hurdle is what weight (if any) DIAC attaches to an accompanying letter of support. Although there is no legal requirement for you to provide a letter of support, DIAC wants to at least see a moral obligation that the provider will provide the said support (accommodation, financial. incidentals etc, Solid Proof of at least six months minimum contact is a good starting point. Unless of course the applicant has a savings history that shows adequate funds.

If you require any assistance please do not hesitatet to PM me or contact me through the Thai Visa Express banner at the top



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Yeah pretty much what I said.

I am thinking that the OP is actually living in Thailand and has been in the relationship for a while, possibly married.

I am also thinking that they are coming for a specific event, hence the ten days only.

Yeah I know I may be assuming somewhat but I was just trying to keep it general until further clarification was given.

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We are both living and working in Thailand (both have senior positions).

We met at Uni in Oz and moved here 4yrs ago. 6yrs together.

Spouse Visa tkes a lot longer to process I believe. Just returning to stay with family (been a few yrs since we went back) holiday.

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We are both living and working in Thailand (both have senior positions).

We met at Uni in Oz and moved here 4yrs ago. 6yrs together.

Spouse Visa tkes a lot longer to process I believe. Just returning to stay with family (been a few yrs since we went back) holiday.

The 500K to 1 mill seems excessive as I presume you will be staying with family. Cant advise on exactly how much is enough as that will be determined by the Embassy. As Bridge rightly points out, a well worded covering letter is a sound idea, explaining your accommodation, etc... It comes down to you being able to show that the amount you have is sufficient for your 10 day holiday, Make sure that you state in the letter that the visa is for the purpose of visiting friends and family.

Spouse visa applications are taking about a month to 6 weeks for a well presented and complete application these days. Bear in mind that as you are living in Thailand and I presume not planning on moving back for a while, a spouse visa may not be granted to her at this stage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My wife got her Subclass 676 Tourist Visa approval today.

Interestingly, they did not issue a visa label into her passport. Rather, they provided a letter confirming granting of the visa and advising that the visa details are retained electronically.

We had provided copies of return plane tickets, confirmed accommodation, employer letter from my local (Thai) employer, marriage certificate (married 9 years), bank passbooks for her, me, and our joint account, her Thai ID, tabien-baan, and copies of my passport/work permit. The only original document which they retained was my wife's bank passbook (showing in excess of 6 months transactions with average monthly balance of a few hundred thousand baht). The visa application was done without a sponsor as my wife had previously had 5 visa applications approved over the past 8 years, but all these were done in at the Aust. High Commission in Singapore (which are generally approved on the spot, versus the 5 days approval turnaround time in Bangkok).

Today, before confirming approval, the embassy called her and asked how long we've been married (notwithstanding the marriage certificate was copied with the application), and how long is the proposed visit to Sydney (nothwithstanding that copies of the e-tickets were attached to the application, and the visit details included in the appropriate space on the Form 48R). I guess they do this as additional over-the-phone verification purposes to confirm genuine-ness of the overall visa application.

Edited by mark5335
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My wife got her Subclass 676 Tourist Visa approval today.

Interestingly, they did not issue a visa label into her passport. Rather, they provided a letter confirming granting of the visa and advising that the visa details are retained electronically.

We had provided copies of return plane tickets, confirmed accommodation, employer letter from my local (Thai) employer, marriage certificate (married 9 years), bank passbooks for her, me, and our joint account, her Thai ID, tabien-baan, and copies of my passport/work permit. The only original document which they retained was my wife's bank passbook (showing in excess of 6 months transactions with average monthly balance of a few hundred thousand baht). The visa application was done without a sponsor as my wife had previously had 5 visa applications approved over the past 8 years, but all these were done in at the Aust. High Commission in Singapore (which are generally approved on the spot, versus the 5 days approval turnaround time in Bangkok).

Today, before confirming approval, the embassy called her and asked how long we've been married (notwithstanding the marriage certificate was copied with the application), and how long is the proposed visit to Sydney (nothwithstanding that copies of the e-tickets were attached to the application, and the visit details included in the appropriate space on the Form 48R). I guess they do this as additional over-the-phone verification purposes to confirm genuine-ness of the overall visa application.

Congrats...I would say that her previous history worked well in her favour. Also it sounds like it was a well presented application containing the relevant documents and evidence.

For a 676 tourist visa:

While she had a few hundred thousand baht in the bank over 6 months, I would like to re-iterate that having money in a bank account is not necessary as long as the applicant has access to sufficient funds.

A sponsor is not required, an additional funds provider is required if the applicant has no savings to speak of. An additional funds provider merely needs to be listed on the application form, have proof that they have sufficient income or funds and providing a covering letter explaining the level of financial support comes in handy.


Edited by gburns57au
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