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Extension Of Stay Based On Marriage

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I applied last year for 1 year extension of stay based on marriage in Chiangmai. The policy states you have to apply with immigration in the city where you actually and regularly live. The house registration book showed Nakhomphanom. So they said you have to go there. I did but it costs a lot of money to apply in a place where you don't live and have to travel there just because immigration in Chiangmai doesn't want to deal with you.

Any information that this year Immigration applies the law for 1 year extension based on marriage and that you have to apply in your actual place of residence where you rent a house and don't have a house registration.

Thank you

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You are always required to use the local office. Your wife should have her name transferred onto the local landlords home register if not living where you want to apply to be sure. I expect a formal lease could be used if luck is with you.

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Immigration in my experience really don't want to grant an extension of stay based on marriage, when I applied for this I had more than the required amount in the bank to get a retirement extension instead (mistake) although I insisted that I required a Marriage extension and not a retirement extension. After 2 days at the Imm. ofice when I had to take the manager of my condo to testify and produce pictures of me and the wife standing at the front door etc , eventually the officer made it clear that if I proceeded with the marriage extension applicatiomn the Bangkok big boys would come down to my coondo and it would not be what I wanted. All the while making it clear that a retirement extension was the 'easy' way to go. So I couldn't have been that much of a crook!!

In the end I left the office without anything as the process was obviously nothing to do with any legal system.

Half an hour after we got home got a phone call from a lady fixer saying she had been told by the head of the immigration office we wanted an extension by marriage and she could fix it for 15,000thb.

What they say to you has nothing to do with the law or legal requirements or honesty so forget them and start thinking more creatively.

No I did not accept the corrupt offer.

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If your 1-Year Extension of Stay based on Marriage was issued from Nakhon Phanom, you are required to renew at the same location where the extension of stay permit was granted. In the case that you want to have this renewal undertake in Chiang Mai, you would have to report to the Immigration in Chiang Mai of your desire to have your case (your profile) that was granted in Nakhon Phanom to be relocated to Chiang Mai.

But in order for you to be able to succeed with the profile transfer case, you must be able to clarify and would be able to convince the officer that you are residing in Chiang Mai, you would have to show the lease agreement executed by you and the land/property owner (this is an example of the supporting document, other supporting documents may be required based upon the officer’s discretion.

As you have mentioned that if you do not have the house registration, when executing a lease agreement, a copy of the house registration of the rented property should be attached to the lease agreement.


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