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Thai Boys Having Unprotected Sex From 14 Y. O.


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Boys having unprotected sex from 14

A majority of 350 male high-school students surveyed in Kalasin province claimed to have engaged in sexual intercourse for the first time at the age of 14, with only 4% admitting they had visited prostitutes.

Public health spokesperson Nittaya Chanruang Mahapol said yesterday 49% of the 17-year-old boys surveyed had sex for the first time with girls they knew well.

Mrs Nittaya said 76% of these did not wear condoms because they believed there was no risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

``Teenagers are choosing to have sex with people they are familiar with, and because they trust them they do not use condoms,'' she said. ``That is a big worry.''

Mrs Nittaya said 50% of those who visited prostitutes for their first sex wore condoms, up from only 17% in 2001.

However, condom use was much lower among boys who had sex for the first time with male partners, with only 29% taking appropriate precautions.

Mrs Nittaya said the average age for first-time sex had dropped to 14 from 16 years old, recorded in a similar survey completed in 1997.

--Bangkok Post 2003-11-17

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Without a Mercedes and Monte Carlo condo to look forward to, ambition must be sparse for a Kalasin lad.

Still, the best things in life are free, and he has an uninterrupted vista of teeny Isaan girls for rampant stagging.

So his life ain't so bad. Let him run amuk awhile.

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Guest IT Manager

Moog I will assume that you are just not very together tonight.

Let him run amuk for a while... Hmmm. lets see... 6 months ago we buried a 25 yr old in my village. Had the virus for at least 2 years in my estimation though we found out only 6 months before he went.

In I think 2 - 3 weeks we will cremate a 19 yr old.. again, probably 2 years ago infected, diagnosed 5 weeks ago.

In a few years I will cremate my son. Diagnosed at 11. Now 17.

Let them run amuk indeed.

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Hard to respond - particularly given ######'s situation.

All i'm saying is that 'boys will be boys' - possibly this applies to a peer group of 15 yr old Isaan lads more than most.

By all means educate them about 'safe sex' - but I think expecting celibacy is too ambitious.

I have had someone close to me contract HIV from a Thai lad. A generation is at risk.

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I have told the same thing before.

I see no social responsibility in Thailand other than the Royal Family doing some good work to the Thai Society.

People care only about them and money. Specially wonder how Thailand, India, China is getting exposed to sex more than the western countries even though they have such a strong religious believes among people.

I read this type of stories before among University Students. My Wife who is a student of the Bangkok University tells me how some University Girls go and finds money by selling them to foreigners.

The excuse they give is to find money to afford education. But unfortunately most of them getting end up loosing the education by getting addicted to money.

I have not seen much work done in Thailand other than to

1. Cover up the extent of AIDS in Thailand and

2. The small glass boxes those big supermarkets keep to collect Sathang to help poor victims.

Time to open up eyes atleast now.

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