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Beentheredonethat Is In Bumrungrad Hospital


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Just wanted to let everyone know that BEENTHEREDONETHAT checked into Bumrungrad Hospital with a ruptured appendix last night and had surgery this morning. He appears to be doing well at the moment but the Dr. says he needs to stay in hospital for at least 5 days to monitor for complications.

I am sure he would appreciate hearing from a few of you. I will leave my laptop with him so he can pass the time on the net and get back to posting when he is feeling a bit better.


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A ruptured appendix is not good, glad to hear all went well and that you now only have to deal with the joys of hospital food. (get someone to run downstairs and get some food from the hospital lobby)

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I feel for old Beentheredonethat, I had a ruptured appendix a couple of years ago it was extremely painful.

That said, 'at least five days in hospital' sounds a bit extreme. I spent three days in hospital on the same basis of checking for any after infections.

Best wishes to BTDT for a swift recovery when you speak to him.

Edited by GuestHouse
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Best wishes, BTDT.

I caught mine before it ruptured and managed to have it extracted. But for a few hours, I could have been where you are.

Speedy recovery.

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Five days does seem a bit long but he wasn't in the best of shape by the time he got to the hospital. Also he hates to admit it but he isn't the youngest kid on the block anymore. I'm hoping that there will be no complications and the Dr. are just giving a safe estimate of how long he will have to remain in the hospital.


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Get well soon BTDT. I know what you're going through. Happened to me about 10 years ago. Had an appendectomy just before rupture. was in hospital for 2 days then sent home. Back in hospital 1 day later spiking a fever of 104 degrees F. which kept me in hospital for 7 more days on intravenous antibiotics., because of an infection. Exercise as tolerated to avoid clotting. Wish you a speedy recovery. Chok dee. :jap:

Edited by mizzi39
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best wishes from me too

I really do empathise! I know the frustration of not being able to eat all the good food that one craves! (yes yes I know I may have a problem with my priorities :P )

hope you feel better real soon!! :)

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Get well soon BTDT.appendicitis i believe is very painful and can be dangerous if not diagnosed as early as possible.On the plus side once the healing begins start dreaming of soothing massages by trained loveley thai nurses.

You are correct. Mine ruptured and it was no picnic. The first doctor told me food poisoning, but by the second day I was in so much pain, the second guy rushed me into the operating room. Wish it happened in Thailand. American hospitals are evil. I only got to stay in the hospital 1 day before they kicked me out the door. My family carried me to the car and into the bed at home where I remained for 5 days.

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Happened to me a year ago in Thailand. I was in the hospital on IV antibiotics for 9 days after the operation. After I got home I went to a clinic daily to have the bandage changed, Slight infection in the incision which oral antibiotics cleared up.

Good luck hope you are well soon.

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BTDT is now on the Surgical Floor and out of CCU. Still not feeling too good and I think the 5 days was probably an accurate estimate at this point. Still not allowed food or liquids. Says it is making him grumpy and not his sweet and lovable self.

He said to say thanks for all the well wishes and when he is up to it he will post and thank you himself.


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Best wishes for a complete recovery. Like the Snoopy card that I got for my father who is also in the hospital says, there's no speed limit on the road to recovery.

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