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Thai/Farang Wedding - Nakhon Si Thammarat


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My boyfriend (Thai) and I (Australian) are getting married in my BF's home town early next year. The planning and preparations have commenced and as we are currently living in Australia we will be relying heavily on my BF's family in particular his wonderful mother to organise the majority of the wedding for us, in particular she will arrange a suitable venue for the wedding party, along food etc.

We are endeavoring to organise the rest.

So my questions are as follows if anyone is able to assist:

  1. We are looking for hotel accommodation in Thung Song for our Australian guests, we are aware of the Grand Southern Hotel but are there any others in the area?
  2. Does anyone know of or are aware of wedding photograghers in NST?
  3. Entertainment suggestions? Obviously we will be catering to both Thai & Aussies alike.
  4. We have taken care of our Australian invites but need to arrange to have 700 Thai invitations printed a month before the wedding are there any websites people could direct me to, to organise these?

Thanks in advance for your input !

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can i ask , how much is he giving ur mom and u for sinsot ?


:D :D :D

:D me= never married, youngish, no kids, university educated, full set of teeth....I think the price should be set at 1 million baht with 10 baht of gold?... or should mum request more?

Seriously though it has been discussed !

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I got married 4 years ago......paid 100,000 THB sinsot....not because I am a poor sucker, but because my wife and her family didn't want me to pay more....one week previous my wife's neighbor were married to a Farang and she got 3 million THB sinsot....so she was bragging all over the place that she got 2.9 million THB more sinsot than my wife..... and my wife told her, 'yes, but I don't need 3 million THB, I just need a caring and loving husband and a few children....and I am happy" :lol:

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even though it has been discussed I was being facetious in my earlier post in relation to sinsot, too much time spent on TV I guess !! its been agreed between our 2 families that they will contribute equally to the wedding even though I take issue with this due to the disparity in earnings, apparently the offer has been made and still stands .. I have no say ! biggrin.gif But I do still require assistance if anyone can offer any ! Would also be interested in hearing everyone else's thai wedding experiences . I really enjoy reading TV experiences !cheers jap.gif

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A good friend of mine got married in Trang last year it's was nice relaxed occasion that started at 10.00am and finished at 1.00am. Started by walking into the village everybody except the bridemaid(s) there's was a Buddhist ceremony lunch and then back to a resort. The speeches started early evening and then dinner, music and drinking mostly by the Falangs!! The Thais disappeared straight after dinner and we finished about 2.00am. They gave sinsot of 600,000 but 540,000 was returned just a show of face.

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Grand Southern have great rooms for the price (800 Baht a night) also they do an international buffet lunch Monday to Friday for 99 Baht, nice food and tasty. Bars and restaurants :) Som Beer, Fom Nom, dairy hut for decent food...... just a few to start with. PM me if you want anymore information, i am local in Thung Song.

Edited by callum06
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