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Demonoid Torrent Site


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Demonoid is indeed very good and doesn't enforce a ratio. You don't need to join to download but as a non-member your downloads are somewhat restricted. Registration is open from time to time, just take a look every day.

What do you mean by doesn't enforce a ratio? I am pretty sure that ratio is the % you have uploaded so far...but the enforcement is something I don't understand???

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Some sites, like TheBox, TheEmpire require you to keep a certain ratio of upload to download,

otherwise you go into Ratio Warning and are liable to be banned if you do not upload enough.

To be fair to others you must be prepared to keep downloads on disk for a while so that people

can share. Alternatively you can make new material available for upload.

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Some sites, like TheBox, TheEmpire require you to keep a certain ratio of upload to download,

otherwise you go into Ratio Warning and are liable to be banned if you do not upload enough.

To be fair to others you must be prepared to keep downloads on disk for a while so that people

can share. Alternatively you can make new material available for upload.

I've been using TheBox for sometime now and recently joined TheEmpire but the last 2 weeks or so I get a 404 Not found every time I try open TheEmpire. Is it blocked? I am using True in Bangkok.

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Some sites, like TheBox, TheEmpire require you to keep a certain ratio of upload to download,

otherwise you go into Ratio Warning and are liable to be banned if you do not upload enough.

To be fair to others you must be prepared to keep downloads on disk for a while so that people

can share. Alternatively you can make new material available for upload.

I had a TheBox account, but I fell foul of their anti-leeching policy and it was taken away. They are simply a fantastic source of UK TV, stuff like Rick Stein's older series which are really hard to get.

Unfortunately you'll notice now they only hand out accounts via invitation as you'll see here:


Such a shame that. Really wish I wasn't such a leech whore now!

Ah well, that's life I suppose.

Generally the iPlayer has everything I need now.

As for everything non-UK related I use RS/MU/HF, instead of torrents, just for my nerves and as I get great upper range speeds (which are constant for most of the day) when using in conjuntion with FDM (alright it's $10 a month for this but as those speeds, I'm more than happy to pay it) here's a screenshot:


At those speeds we're talking a 700MB avi in just over 5 mins. I literally think of a film and have it ready, after I've gone to make a cup of tea!

It's about 1400 now, but after midnight, it kicks into overdrive and goes above 1700 and that's True 16M, I've never had a torrent at that speed I have to say.

Sometimes I have to use a torrent and yes, Demonoid is normally the way forward or Vuze.

I try to stay away from them where I can, just due to all ISPs stance, especially True who have the latest technology to use in the fight against P2P. I read an article about it the other day - but for the life of me can't remember where it was. The basic jist of it was that they are doing more than just packet shaping. They're ahead of the game. P2P in Thailand leaves me really cold.

It's annoying as if you're an MMO gamer like me, it messes that experience up for you too. Thailand are very very fond of their MMOs so it makes no sense to me.

Oh and thanks for the heads up about TheEmpire, I like the look of that. It's identical to TheBox in design and not invitation only. I think I might make an account now. Nice one astral!

Edited by ManInSurat
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Guys I know I said TheBox is dead, BUT it isn't. It's very much alive, if you're a torrent fan I really suggest you get yourself an account.

Just use this link here:

Sign Up!

Maybe they've just changed their policy and it's a conincidence or maybe they are trying to stem the flow of leechers (yes, like me!) from the main site URL. I really don't know but I don't care.

What a result this turned out to be. I know have a new confirmed account. Sweet! ThaiVisa is a little joy sometimes.


New Account!

As you'll see in there, and as quite rightly pointed out by astral, they do monitor how much you upload and download, which is annoying, but ultimately necessary.

Also you'll notice TheEmpire is a sister site to TheBox - although I haven't tried it yet I have a feeling just by the look of them that Empire is for US TV and Box for UK.

So....I'm well chuffed now!

Off to play with my Box (if you'll excuse me!)

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Also you'll notice TheEmpire is a sister site to TheBox - although I haven't tried it yet I have a feeling just by the look of them that Empire is for US TV and Box for UK.

Nothing to do with the US at all. TheEmpire is Commonwealth - Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and maybe the occasional contribution from other members. TheBox is exclusively UK.

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Both TheBox and TheEmpire are open for signup at the moment.

I gave up on TheEmpire, as I found it too difficult to maintain the ratio.

PS the USA has not been part of The Empire for over 200 years. :D

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Does anyone have an invite code to demonoid they don't mind sharing by PM? Hint hint nod nod ...

:jap: :D :jap:

If the invite works out, please thank Supernova! He got the account for me...and it is working fantastic! Torrents are way up today...this past week has been dismal...

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Invitations have been sent to those who asked and now I have no invitation left. :(

I hope you guys have fun downloading.


So I missed the train and are waiting some kind folk to give me an invitation. Please PM me if you are kind enough to spare me one.

Thanks & regards,


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Invitations have been sent to those who asked and now I have no invitation left. :(

I hope you guys have fun downloading.


So I missed the train and are waiting some kind folk to give me an invitation. Please PM me if you are kind enough to spare me one.

Thanks & regards,


Please check your profile, you'll find one.

I sent you one before my earlier post.


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Invitations have been sent to those who asked and now I have no invitation left. :(

I hope you guys have fun downloading.


So I missed the train and are waiting some kind folk to give me an invitation. Please PM me if you are kind enough to spare me one.

Thanks & regards,


Please check your profile, you'll find one.

I sent you one before my earlier post.


Hi JC,

Just try to register with Demoniod and was rejected due to Invalid invitation code or code already used

Anyway thanks for your invite.


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Invitations have been sent to those who asked and now I have no invitation left. :(

I hope you guys have fun downloading.


So I missed the train and are waiting some kind folk to give me an invitation. Please PM me if you are kind enough to spare me one.

Thanks & regards,


Please check your profile, you'll find one.

I sent you one before my earlier post.


Hi JC,

Just try to register with Demoniod and was rejected due to Invalid invitation code or code already used

Anyway thanks for your invite.


PM sent

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