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Brit Poses As A Millionaire To Steal Back His Son From The Thai Lady He Once Called His Wife


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Once again we have the 'Defend Thailand at all costs' brigade wading in with their usual diatribe ........... 's-not fair!

The Child was removed from the UK without the father's consent, this in direct contradiction with UK law (which the mother and child where subject to at the time of the abduction).

It is also in contradiction with the Hague Convention, to which both the UK and Thai government's are signatories.

The mother's actions are indefensible, the father's commendable.

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First of all, I believe the story is from the Daily Mirror newspaper (I use that term gaurdedly) which has a proven dislike for anything Thai. See previous posts...in which simply living in Thailand is equated with living in "squalor" also by the Mirror.

Secondly, I don't disagree that the child may be better off financially and for lifestyle advantages in the U.K. I have no information regarding the child except what I read in this news story...so I assume that the boy is happier in the U.K. However, there is no proof of that is there? Just the word of the Daily Mirror and it's anti Thai bias to go on.

The point I want to make is that this story just automatically assumes that his MOTHER, being Thai, is somehow less likely to love the boy than her FATHER (who being a Brit is naturally superior to her). To be fair, for all I know she may be a true B_tch...but there is no proof of that.

I'm not quibbling here, but simply making the assumption that the boy living in the U.K. seperated from his mother, will automatically be happier than living in Thailand is something that may be an assertion...but requires proof to be true.


I have to agree that the daily wail seems to be completely anti-Thailand with any Thai bashing story possible being published.

Secondly who knows what position this lady was in financially and whether or not the childs upbringing would better in the UK.

Thailand's laws are strange with Mother usually taking the male children and the Father taking the girl, unless there is a reason such as neglect. The reason in this case was probably kidnapping <_<

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The full article explains things in more details and answers some questions asked here

It was the moment Sean Felton had dreamt about.

- Daily Mirror article reduced -


The fake "Ferrari-driving playboy" Mr. Felton

I agree with others that much of this story is unknown, particularly the police involvement as to participate in a foreigner parental abduction does not seem to be the norm.

Edited by Buchholz
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A very cunning plan...

Reminds me of when a friend left his mobile in a taxi and the driver kept the phone and kept using his sim. He got his GF to call up saying that he had won a prize and that he needed to go to xxx office to collect. He fell for it. Greed is a great way to get people to abandon their common sense.

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The original story is here: Man posed as Ferrari-driving playboy to get son back from runaway wife

Sean, 43, who runs a decorating firm, met Kim while on holiday with a pal.

He says: The last thing I was looking for was love.

But he fell for Kim, 30, after she approached him in a bar and offered to show himaround.

After two weeks we were {inseparable, he says.

Sean who had been divorced for 10 years flew home a week later but could notstop thinking about her.

A month later he went back to see his beautiful Thai girlfriend and proposed after three weeks.

They wed on New Years Day 2006 in a Buddhist ceremony then came to England to start their life together.

Pretty well sums it up. Just another of the same old, same old.

And not a single word from the mothers side. Very typical Mirror reporting.

White man comes to Thailand, get laid, falls in love/lust, takes woman back home away from family, friends, relatives and wants he to live in a foreign country. Very Cave Manish.

Looks like another case of money talking to get the locla police to do what they are not empowered to do and there is nothing here to substantiate any claims the kid was abused.

Just lots of emotive accusations without a single shred of proof of anything apart from the mother fleeing her husband for whatever reasons. Certainly no balance to this story.

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As a father of two sons, and facing a pending divorce I find this story to heart warming. My children's American passports are in a safe controlled by the Mother in law. I work for the family company, and if I try to inforce my rights, I am sure my visa would be stricken.

After a long 10 years of marriage, and the last 5 years spent sleeping in seperate bedrooms, the wife let me know she had a boyfriend, and was "his wife" and I was no longer her husband.

This all revealed to me, after I spent 100K USD towards the purchase of a 250K USD home. She also has another 70K worth of assets (town houses/property) (not to mention the 80K boob job she got 2-3 weeks prior to the revelation of the boy friend)

If any one knew how I could get my kids back, legally, I would also be willing to pay handsomley...

Rith now the divorce date is projected on October 14th to be held at the local Amphur.

I really do not care about the money, I just want my sons.

The wife is not poor, just poor ways. So I can not offer money to her or her family, they would only laugh and act offended.

Cheers to this guy

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I have seen exact examples of that with a 7 year old girl with black stumps for teeth in a Southern village.

No need to go as far as the south of Thailand. I was seeing this everyday in a Bangkok Primary school.

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One wonders what the police was doing. Since Thailand is not a signatory party to the treaty on parental abduction, the child was staying legally with the mother in Thailand. Thailand doesn't recognised a court order from a foreign judge. Why was the police involved?

May I suggest he was a UK citizen since he was born in the UK and not in Thailand therefore I would think his passport was a British one, although i do agree she could of fought a little and got a lawyer as the mother but in reality its seems she gave him up easily and his father went to so much trouble to find him i think he is probably better off with his Father.


The mother is Thai and if one of the parents is Thai then the child is Thai, besides having the British nationality. Without a Thai court order, the police had no grounds to interfere in this case.

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As a father of two sons, and facing a pending divorce I find this story to heart warming. My children's American passports are in a safe controlled by the Mother in law. I work for the family company, and if I try to inforce my rights, I am sure my visa would be stricken.

After a long 10 years of marriage, and the last 5 years spent sleeping in seperate bedrooms, the wife let me know she had a boyfriend, and was "his wife" and I was no longer her husband.

This all revealed to me, after I spent 100K USD towards the purchase of a 250K USD home. She also has another 70K worth of assets (town houses/property) (not to mention the 80K boob job she got 2-3 weeks prior to the revelation of the boy friend)

If any one knew how I could get my kids back, legally, I would also be willing to pay handsomley...

Rith now the divorce date is projected on October 14th to be held at the local Amphur.

I really do not care about the money, I just want my sons.

The wife is not poor, just poor ways. So I can not offer money to her or her family, they would only laugh and act offended.

Cheers to this guy

A Thai court is unbiased towards foreigners and will act according to what is perceived to be the best interest of the child. Thai courts don't like sole custody, so they will always give dual custody over the children with one as the prime caretaker. (Unless you can show that the other parents is unfit or a danger to the child).

So in your case it depends on who can show is the best parent for the child. Suggest you contact a competent lawyer regarding family law, such as Isaan Lawyers.

Only a non-contested divorce can be done at the amphur. Nice thing of divorcing at the amphur is that you can enter any agreement you want, including about the children. If one of the spouses disagrees divorce is only possible through the court, based on one of the grounds mentioned in the law.

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One wonders what the police was doing. Since Thailand is not a signatory party to the treaty on parental abduction, the child was staying legally with the mother in Thailand. Thailand doesn't recognised a court order from a foreign judge. Why was the police involved?

May I suggest he was a UK citizen since he was born in the UK and not in Thailand therefore I would think his passport was a British one, although i do agree she could of fought a little and got a lawyer as the mother but in reality its seems she gave him up easily and his father went to so much trouble to find him i think he is probably better off with his Father.

The mother is Thai and if one of the parents is Thai then the child is Thai, besides having the British nationality. Without a Thai court order, the police had no grounds to interfere in this case.

Agree, and even the operative word in the thread title is "steal"

Parental kidnappings are an aberration, from either side.

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Very clever and cunning!

good luck to both of them. greed is a great way to go after people.

and the kid has chipped teath, probably head first over handle bars of a push bike or similar as most kids do at one time or another, and the mother not being able to afford treatment or maybe she is just a bitch, who knows! :angry:

anyway, at least the young lad is in good hands now.

How do you know the young boy is in good hands?

Try rereading the story again and again until it sinks in :whistling:

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One wonders what the police was doing. Since Thailand is not a signatory party to the treaty on parental abduction, the child was staying legally with the mother in Thailand. Thailand doesn't recognised a court order from a foreign judge. Why was the police involved?

May I suggest he was a UK citizen since he was born in the UK and not in Thailand therefore I would think his passport was a British one, although i do agree she could of fought a little and got a lawyer as the mother but in reality its seems she gave him up easily and his father went to so much trouble to find him i think he is probably better off with his Father.


The mother is Thai and if one of the parents is Thai then the child is Thai, besides having the British nationality. Without a Thai court order, the police had no grounds to interfere in this case.

Come on Mario, everyone knows why & how they got involved, the reasons are always the same, a little bit of baht applied in the right places makes legislation irrelevant, remember? :lol:

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The original story is here: Man posed as Ferrari-driving playboy to get son back from runaway wife

Sean, 43, who runs a decorating firm, met Kim while on holiday with a pal.

He says: The last thing I was looking for was love.

But he fell for Kim, 30, after she approached him in a bar and offered to show himaround.

After two weeks we were {inseparable, he says.

Sean who had been divorced for 10 years flew home a week later but could notstop thinking about her.

A month later he went back to see his beautiful Thai girlfriend and proposed after three weeks.

They wed on New Years Day 2006 in a Buddhist ceremony then came to England to start their life together.

Pretty well sums it up. Just another of the same old, same old.

And not a single word from the mothers side. Very typical Mirror reporting.

White man comes to Thailand, get laid, falls in love/lust, takes woman back home away from family, friends, relatives and wants he to live in a foreign country. Very Cave Manish.

Looks like another case of money talking to get the locla police to do what they are not empowered to do and there is nothing here to substantiate any claims the kid was abused.

Just lots of emotive accusations without a single shred of proof of anything apart from the mother fleeing her husband for whatever reasons. Certainly no balance to this story.

Not sure that is a very fair assumption Sir as most Thai ladies I have met and many of my friends ladies wish to move to England or America and while I can understand this, just the fact that the tight knit familly life in thailand indicates that most would quickly become unhappy and long to return home.

In the case on money talking, the truth of the situation is she was living in the UK legally we presume with a UK born child and therefore, unlike in Thailand where the law is flounted at every turn, in the UK you actually have to follow the law, instead of just leaving she should of sought help in the UK, lets face it it is heavily in favor of women where splits are concerned, additionally getting divorced she would of got custody and support for her and her child if she wanted it, however she decided to skip the country with her child which broke the law in the UK and in many cases especially in the USA they refer to this as Kidnapping which the penalty is many years in jail.

He followed the letter of the law and went to a High court and was given an order of custody for a UK citizen his son.

It is unfortunate for the child as I am sure he loves his Mom just as much as he loves his Dad but i do believe that the child is better of with his father in this case as it seems the mother was already working on finding another farang and lets face with we know the child would of remained in the village with grandparents while she would be off on her next adventure and while that is understandable if the father is a deadbeat and does not provide support it is not acceptable when there is a loving father out there that wants to provide a better life and take care of his son but is not allowed to because his son was taken from him.


Edited by DiamondKing
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Thai lady woman. Let's have a bit of equality here.

Are you for real?

The good thing about Thailand is the somewhat escape from western Political Correctness.

Come to Thailand, forget feminism, enjoy femininity.

Hear hear.

You want PC...hey, come to Kanada, where the Ontario Human Wrongs Tribunal has just told a university who did not select a coloured feminazi to be a Dean of Law [sic] because she had been accused of plagiarism to actually appoint her.

Ah, freedom.....smell it...

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Very clever and cunning!

good luck to both of them. greed is a great way to go after people.

and the kid has chipped teath, probably head first over handle bars of a push bike or similar as most kids do at one time or another, and the mother not being able to afford treatment or maybe she is just a bitch, who knows! :angry:

anyway, at least the young lad is in good hands now.

How do you know the young boy is in good hands?

jeez! not too hard to work out is it? :unsure:


First of all, I believe the story is from the Daily Mirror newspaper (I use that term gaurdedly) which has a proven dislike for anything Thai. See previous posts...in which simply living in Thailand is equated with living in "squalor" also by the Mirror.

Secondly, I don't disagree that the child may be better off financially and for lifestyle advantages in the U.K. I have no information regarding the child except what I read in this news story...so I assume that the boy is happier in the U.K. However, there is no proof of that is there? Just the word of the Daily Mirror and it's anti Thai bias to go on.

The point I want to make is that this story just automatically assumes that his MOTHER, being Thai, is somehow less likely to love the boy than her FATHER (who being a Brit is naturally superior to her). To be fair, for all I know she may be a true B_tch...but there is no proof of that.

I'm not quibbling here, but simply making the assumption that the boy living in the U.K. seperated from his mother, will automatically be happier than living in Thailand is something that may be an assertion...but requires proof to be true.


Assumptions are well...... with this type of situation probably true. My guess she wasn't making money from the child (support) so she was happy to say goodbye. The police?? Must of been a financial trasation somewhere. Good work Dad and the Mirror.

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One wonders what the police was doing. Since Thailand is not a signatory party to the treaty on parental abduction, the child was staying legally with the mother in Thailand. Thailand doesn't recognised a court order from a foreign judge. Why was the police involved?

he showed the pic of his Ferrari ;)

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Once again we have the 'Defend Thailand at all costs' brigade wading in with their usual diatribe ........... 's-not fair!

The Child was removed from the UK without the father's consent, this in direct contradiction with UK law (which the mother and child where subject to at the time of the abduction).

It is also in contradiction with the Hague Convention, to which both the UK and Thai government's are signatories.

The mother's actions are indefensible, the father's commendable.

I agree with your first sentence. These are the same posters that are quick to rubbish Thailand when the government decides on a course which is not replicated in their home land. Whingers and moaners all!!

Isn't it amazing that when a story like this (albeit with an interesting twist) is advertised by a newspaper it becomes a big deal. There are hundreds if not thousands of instances where 'stupid farangs' have fallen for the very alert and clever Thai 'ladies' and later suffered the consequences. Few Thai girls (especially working girls) know how to bring up a child, or even want to know, as it is the grandmother and the village to whom this duty falls. Only when she is a grandmother will she have to learn childminding duties as her daughter will treat her exactly the same. This whole scenario is classified as "Thai Culture".

The interests of the children should always be paramount, but having said that if more of us 'farang gentlemen' were ruled by our big head rather than our small head the situation would not arise.

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Thai lady woman. Let's have a bit of equality here.

Are you for real?

The good thing about Thailand is the somewhat escape from western Political Correctness.

Come to Thailand, forget feminism, enjoy femininity.

Bravo! Well said! My sentiments exactly!

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The original story is here: Man posed as Ferrari-driving playboy to get son back from runaway wife

Sean, 43, who runs a decorating firm, met Kim while on holiday with a pal.

He says: The last thing I was looking for was love.

But he fell for Kim, 30, after she approached him in a bar and offered to show himaround.

After two weeks we were {inseparable, he says.

Sean who had been divorced for 10 years flew home a week later but could notstop thinking about her.

A month later he went back to see his beautiful Thai girlfriend and proposed after three weeks.

They wed on New Years Day 2006 in a Buddhist ceremony then came to England to start their life together.

Pretty well sums it up. Just another of the same old, same old.

And not a single word from the mothers side. Very typical Mirror reporting.

White man comes to Thailand, get laid, falls in love/lust, takes woman back home away from family, friends, relatives and wants he to live in a foreign country. Very Cave Manish.

Looks like another case of money talking to get the locla police to do what they are not empowered to do and there is nothing here to substantiate any claims the kid was abused.

Just lots of emotive accusations without a single shred of proof of anything apart from the mother fleeing her husband for whatever reasons. Certainly no balance to this story.


You say one-sided!! Did you read to the end of the report; I doubt it as here is the quote from the newspaper of Kim's comments!:

"He adds: "I thought my relationship with Kim was genuine, but I was a fool."

Last night Kim denied she would leave Jobe alone in the UK and said: "Sean wouldn't get my British citizenship for me. What was I supposed to do? I don't feel bad about taking Jobe to Thailand. He is my son and I love him. I might have done wrong in the UK, but in my country I haven't.

"I agreed to let Sean take him back to the UK because I know he will look after him.

"We both love Jobe and I don't want to fight any more. I still want to see my son. I hope to come soon.""

And here's the link to the full story if you can be bothered to read it! http://www.mirror.co...15875-22603969/

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The only foreigners( those whose first language is English) who I hear refer to Thai girls/women as "Ladies' are those who have normally just arrived in Thailand and for some reason (normally frequenting girlie bars too often and taking on board the staff's view of themselves and their pseudo inflated status ) forget themselves and call Thai females 'ladies'.

Funnily, men that refer to females that they have met outside of a bar environment, more often than not, refer to young females as' girls' and those older as 'women'. More apt, I'd say.

Those that continue to call Thai females 'ladies' are usually males who like to defend 'poor hard done by working girls', in the hope that it will distance them from the rest of the males who come to take advantage of these innocents, who then, more often than not, fleece their champion.

Lady Di was a Lady and I'm sure that Thai society has their equivalents.



The Frenchman gave him the name of the village where she was living, which was enough information to get the support of Thai police in taking back his child.

He entered the village with police and found Jobe in a house living with Saowa


It certainly sends a signal that the Thai police may well be a little more professional than many posters on this forum seem to think.

Regarding the remark

How do you know the young boy is in good hands?

I personally am of the opinion going by the womans actions in fleeing with the child coupled with her obvious greed and also the police co-operation, the child is indeed in far better hands with his father, certainly seemed according to comments the boy was more than happy to be reunited with his father.

the expression,'' Lady,'' would normally refer to a classification of social status rather than sexual gender

I consider the term,'' Lady,'' totally inappropiate regarding the woman or females actions.

QUOTE "The word lady is a polite term for a woman, specifically the female equivalent to, or spouse of, a lord or gentleman, and in many contexts a term for any adult woman. Once relating specifically to women of high social class or status, over the last 300 years it has spread to embrace all adult women"

Maybe you could explain the term "Ladies' Night Out" as I have never heard it refered to as a Female Night Out or a Women's Night Out.

English is not the first language for many on this forum so please do not deride a common polite term for those of the female gender.

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I agree this story is VERY SUSS- Daily Mirror is obviously Pro-UK and Anti-Thai... NO WAY did he get the cooperation of the local VILLAGE POLICE to steal the boy back from the mother. Trust me I been in the situation and if the Mum does not wish you to see the child u have no HOPE.


Looking through Facebook I think I can see girl mentioned- as who has not done this easy task to an X if they born in the last half a century. Thanks for the details of your X- no privacy for Thais. Maybe she can get a few more dozen dates now- Lol. :lol: Lets get her view is what I say- interview her!!!

I get 132 results on the name Saowapak. How did you narrow the field?

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Here;s something I picked up from the Cannock Chase Post; shed's more light on the subject.

May 24 2010 Janet Lee

Desperate hunt for lost son and wife

week-20-image-8-139515362.jpg A Norton Canes father has launched a desperate appeal for information about his wife and son, who left for Thailand two months ago.

Sean Felton, aged 39, from Poplar Street, is frantic for info about the wherabouts of Thai bride Kim and two-year-old Jobe, who was born in England and has a British passport.

He is worried about the current crisis in Thailand which has seen riots break out in the capital city - where his wife’s family live.

//New Chase MP Aidan Burley and Cannock CID are helping Mr Felton in his search.

Fighting back tears, Sean described how he returned home on March 26 to find everything looking completely normal, even down to the washing still on the line. None of his wife’s clothes were missing.

The night before they had sat together on the sofa watching TV.

But the following day his wife Kim and Jobe were gone.

A couple of days later he received a phone call from Kim saying: “Me and Jobe are in Thailand.”

He has since received a photo of his son, which breaks his heart.

The couple had been together for five years.

They met in 2005 when Sean was persuaded to take a much-needed break from work after not taking a holiday for seven years.

After a holiday romance Kim, aged 30, phoned him in England and the couple kept in touch.

Sean, who is a self employed painter and decorator, returned to Bangkok Airport to meet her and they enjoyed an idyllic holiday on an island paradise for two weeks.

They married in 2006 and Kim came to England three months later.

Kim worked at Sunflex, Hednesford, for two months until she became pregnant.

Cannock CID spoke to Kim about four weeks ago, but there has been no contact since.

Sean has visited the homes of Kim’s family and knows the conditions they endure.

“Jobe should be back in England,” Sean said. “I’m trying to carry on as normal but this is ripping me to bits.”

His son attended a mother and toddler group at Norton Canes Community Centre and according to his dad is ‘a bright little lad’.

Sean is haunted by Jobe’s voice when he spoke to him during a phone call from Thailand.

Cannock CID is investigating the case.

A Staffordshire Police spokesman said: “It is a missing persons’ inquiry and all steps are being taken to locate his wife and son.

“The situation is being treated with the utmost urgency.

“There is evidence to suggest they left the UK in March to Bangkok via Dubai.

“We are liaising with Interpol and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in an attempt to ensure that both are safe and well.”

Ok, so the reporting in the DM is never very accurate but I think it shed's light on a growing problem for those of us from mixed marriages (and not only to thais).

Looks like the police from Staffordshire had a lot of input into this situation and wasn't reported by the DM.

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Can not believe the suspicious &lt;deleted&gt; in some of these posts. The whole point here being a father's love for his son. Anyone have a son? Would you care to tell what you would do were you in this man's shoes. You can bet your last bit of currency I would do the same and more. A mother's love has its fair share of publicity, and a father's love gets pushed onto the back burner. People underestimate a father's love, and how much it can motivate a man to do extraordinary things.

As a father to be, with a son on the way, I find this story comforting, noble, and gratifying.

Were this is the USA, the man would now be in a federal prison, jobless, and being force-fed psychological examinations for abnormalities and anger issues.

The article posted says it all. There is no doubt in my heart that this man truly loves his son, and would gladly give his life for his betterment. He also saved his son from the indignities of growing up as a half/half in a racist-nurturing environment of young, male Thai animals.

Good on ya', Sean!

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A vile sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach, tears, anger and helplessness; these are just some of the emotions that consumes a parent whose child(ren) have been taken by an ex. Even with all the court orders and the law on your side it seems that the police are unable to help because they are too busy trying to interpret it the order than enforce it. Then you find out that the laws willingness to act (or not act) is often based upon your gender and appearance; especially if your ex looks like "Jabba the Hut/Slut" and you are perceived as someone who has had life handed to them on a silver platter.

If you're lucky, the police will finally get around to doing their job and find your child(ren); but you will not be allowed to pick them up from where your ex has been hiding them; nor will the police give you the address (which is required by law). You will be made to sit in a police station and watch your child(ren) being marched in like they are criminals.

Falling to your knees you grab your child(ren) and hug them as they are crying and asking you "Why didn't you come get us?" Between the hugs and kisses a murderous fury starts to build toward your ex who had put the children through hel_l just to hurt you. Out of the corner of your eye you notice your ex standing there with a smirk on their face and gloating because the police tells you that they will not arrest them for kidnapping. What your ex doesn't know that had they not been in a police station you would have wiped that obnoxious smirk off their face.....permanently.

For those people who question Sean Felton's dedication and love, it is obvious you have never known the pain of having a child or children hidden from you by an ex and you have not experienced what it is like to have no one help you; and I hope that you never do.

Sean Felton never gave up and he is the perfect example of the quote "Desperation can Lead to Inspiration" and Jobe is a very lucky boy to be loved so much.

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Very clever and cunning!

good luck to both of them. greed is a great way to go after people.

and the kid has chipped teath, probably head first over handle bars of a push bike or similar as most kids do at one time or another, and the mother not being able to afford treatment or maybe she is just a bitch, who knows! :angry:

anyway, at least the young lad is in good hands now.

How do you know the young boy is in good hands?

Get real man.

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