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Brit Poses As A Millionaire To Steal Back His Son From The Thai Lady He Once Called His Wife


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Brit poses as a millionaire to steal back his son from the Thai lady he once called his wife

A UK father posed as a Ferrari-driving millionaire to find his ex-wife who had fled the country with their three-year-old son.

Sean Felton, 43, had been desperately searching for his son Jobe after his ex-wife Saowapak took him to her native Thailand.

Mr Felton and Saowapak, 30, met in Thailand and married in 2006 before moving to Cannock, England, where they had their child.

But early this year Mr Felton filed for divorce, and in March she fled to Thailand with Jobe.

Mr Felton contacted police and a private investigator, but when they failed to help he took to the internet in a bid to find her.

"I lay in bed one night imagining Jobe alone and scared, living in squalor, and it occurred to me that I might be able to find [saowapak] on Facebook," he told UK newspaper The Daily Mirror.

He searched through women named Saowapak on the website and eventually found her profile, despite the fact she had changed her surname.

Knowing he would not accept his friend request, he created a new profile with a fake name and an image of a man with a Ferrari.

"I knew she wouldn't accept a friend request from me so I came up with the idea of posing as a millionaire looking for love," he said.

"I set up a fake account with a picture of a man with a Ferrari and sent her a friend request. She fell for it."

With access to her full Facebook profile, Mr Felton was able to find clues about her whereabouts.

He found one photo of her with a French tourist, who he then contacted and explained what had happened.

The Frenchman gave him the name of the village where she was living, which was enough information to get the support of Thai police in taking back his child.

He entered the village with police and found Jobe in a house living with Saowapak.

"He looked scared to death at first but once he realised it was me he fell into my arms and kissed my cheek," Mr Felton said.

"His teeth were chipped and they'd cut his hair ... He looked like an orphan, it was so emotional to hold him in my arms again."

Mr Felton and his son flew back to the UK, while Saowapak told the Mirror she is "sick of fighting" but hoped to one day return to the UK to see her son.

-- Source: NineMSN, AU, 2010-10-03


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Very clever and cunning!

good luck to both of them. greed is a great way to go after people.

and the kid has chipped teath, probably head first over handle bars of a push bike or similar as most kids do at one time or another, and the mother not being able to afford treatment or maybe she is just a bitch, who knows! :angry:

anyway, at least the young lad is in good hands now.

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Very clever and cunning!

good luck to both of them. greed is a great way to go after people.

and the kid has chipped teath, probably head first over handle bars of a push bike or similar as most kids do at one time or another, and the mother not being able to afford treatment or maybe she is just a bitch, who knows! :angry:

anyway, at least the young lad is in good hands now.

How do you know the young boy is in good hands?

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Very clever and cunning!

good luck to both of them. greed is a great way to go after people.

and the kid has chipped teath, probably head first over handle bars of a push bike or similar as most kids do at one time or another, and the mother not being able to afford treatment or maybe she is just a bitch, who knows! :angry:

anyway, at least the young lad is in good hands now.

How do you know the young boy is in good hands?

jeez! not too hard to work out is it? :unsure:


First of all, I believe the story is from the Daily Mirror newspaper (I use that term gaurdedly) which has a proven dislike for anything Thai. See previous posts...in which simply living in Thailand is equated with living in "squalor" also by the Mirror.

Secondly, I don't disagree that the child may be better off financially and for lifestyle advantages in the U.K. I have no information regarding the child except what I read in this news story...so I assume that the boy is happier in the U.K. However, there is no proof of that is there? Just the word of the Daily Mirror and it's anti Thai bias to go on.

The point I want to make is that this story just automatically assumes that his MOTHER, being Thai, is somehow less likely to love the boy than her FATHER (who being a Brit is naturally superior to her). To be fair, for all I know she may be a true B_tch...but there is no proof of that.

I'm not quibbling here, but simply making the assumption that the boy living in the U.K. seperated from his mother, will automatically be happier than living in Thailand is something that may be an assertion...but requires proof to be true.


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One wonders what the police was doing. Since Thailand is not a signatory party to the treaty on parental abduction, the child was staying legally with the mother in Thailand. Thailand doesn't recognised a court order from a foreign judge. Why was the police involved?

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Very clever and cunning!

good luck to both of them. greed is a great way to go after people.

and the kid has chipped teath, probably head first over handle bars of a push bike or similar as most kids do at one time or another, and the mother not being able to afford treatment or maybe she is just a bitch, who knows! :angry:

anyway, at least the young lad is in good hands now.

How do you know the young boy is in good hands?

jeez! not too hard to work out is it? :unsure:


First of all, I believe the story is from the Daily Mirror newspaper (I use that term gaurdedly) which has a proven dislike for anything Thai. See previous posts...in which simply living in Thailand is equated with living in "squalor" also by the Mirror.

Secondly, I don't disagree that the child may be better off financially and for lifestyle advantages in the U.K. I have no information regarding the child except what I read in this news story...so I assume that the boy is happier in the U.K. However, there is no proof of that is there? Just the word of the Daily Mirror and it's anti Thai bias to go on.

The point I want to make is that this story just automatically assumes that his MOTHER, being Thai, is somehow less likely to love the boy than her FATHER (who being a Brit is naturally superior to her). To be fair, for all I know she may be a true B_tch...but there is no proof of that.

I'm not quibbling here, but simply making the assumption that the boy living in the U.K. seperated from his mother, will automatically be happier than living in Thailand is something that may be an assertion...but requires proof to be true.


I agree this story is VERY SUSS- Daily Mirror is obviously Pro-UK and Anti-Thai... NO WAY did he get the cooperation of the local VILLAGE POLICE to steal the boy back from the mother. Trust me I been in the situation and if the Mum does not wish you to see the child u have no HOPE.

He MUST have received court order by a Thai Judge to retrieve his son. The Mum obviously did not bother going to court when summoned, so she lost her child. Only a Mum who does not really give a dam would not show up. Yet a Mum who really cares regardless of her material wealth can have a HUGE extended family who Love the child.

If no court order then some corrupt police being paid off and the mother not in or could not be bothered to put up a fight...

Very one sided article- just goes to show you hown many people whom live here do not really know the country. As I found with the first dozen odd comments until came to the above reasonable unbaised view.

The UK guy could have seeked to get back the son only out of revenge and he an unemployed drunk- Who knows... He would have been annoyed to see his X on facebook with the French BF- revenge is a key motive.

Looking through Facebook I think I can see girl mentioned- as who has not done this easy task to an X if they born in the last half a century. Thanks for the details of your X- no privacy for Thais. Maybe she can get a few more dozen dates now- Lol. :lol: Lets get her view is what I say- interview her!!!

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One wonders what the police was doing. Since Thailand is not a signatory party to the treaty on parental abduction, the child was staying legally with the mother in Thailand. Thailand doesn't recognised a court order from a foreign judge. Why was the police involved?

May I suggest he was a UK citizen since he was born in the UK and not in Thailand therefore I would think his passport was a British one, although i do agree she could of fought a little and got a lawyer as the mother but in reality its seems she gave him up easily and his father went to so much trouble to find him i think he is probably better off with his Father.


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The upside of the story was receiving the co-operation of the new beau. Had the frenchman not done the right thing, this would not have been resolved. In respect to whether the child is in better hands, I would expect that the father will ensure that the child goes to school. I do not think the child would have been attending school in France. What kind of life could the kid have had being hidden in France? I wonder why there was no warrant issued by the UK authorities that could have been served in France?

BTW, I also wonder if the father received guidance from a TVF member on how to pose as a wealthy man?:whistling:

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The upside of the story was receiving the co-operation of the new beau. Had the frenchman not done the right thing, this would not have been resolved. In respect to whether the child is in better hands, I would expect that the father will ensure that the child goes to school. I do not think the child would have been attending school in France. What kind of life could the kid have had being hidden in France? I wonder why there was no warrant issued by the UK authorities that could have been served in France?

BTW, I also wonder if the father received guidance from a TVF member on how to pose as a wealthy man?:whistling:

Im not sure you understood the OP the Mother fled to Thailand not France


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The man should be prosecuted for child abuse.

Have any of you been to Cannock?

The child would be better off in Burma or Laos, let alone an Isaan village, where he can live a good life.

Cannock! Bah!!

:) I do believe you are joking sir, Cannock chase being a described as a place of outstanding beauty, many great childhood memorys visiting Cannock chase.



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Cannock Chase is not Cannock.

The town used to be a real dump.

RAF Cannock was an induction camp for new intakes (a boot camp) and all the old boots used to congregate outside the gates every evening.

I served there, went back in the 1990's for a construction job and the place was more dowdy and run down than I remembered it from the late 50's.

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Cannock Chase is not Cannock.

The town used to be a real dump.

RAF Cannock was an induction camp for new intakes (a boot camp) and all the old boots used to congregate outside the gates every evening.

I served there, went back in the 1990's for a construction job and the place was more dowdy and run down than I remembered it from the late 50's.

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The full article explains things in more details and answers some questions asked here


It was the moment Sean Felton had dreamt about.

Shaking, he knelt down and scooped his son up into his arms.

The lad's face split into a huge grin as he kissed his dad on the cheek and finally Sean knew his nightmare was over.

Six months earlier Jobe, three, had been taken 6,000 miles away by his Thai mother, Kim and Sean despaired of seeing his son again.

But after police failed to reunite them, he set a {cunning internet trap forex-wife Kim. He posed as a handsome young Ferrari-owning millionaire on Facebook convinced she would be unable to resist.

Sean says: "I was heartbroken when Kim took him to Thailand. I didnt want to livemy life not {knowing my son. She was {determined to evade me, so I hatched a plan I knew would reel her in.

Last week father and son returned to their four-bedroom house in Cannock, Staffs.

Sean, 43, who runs a decorating firm, met Kim while on holiday with a pal.

He says: The last thing I was looking for was love.

But he fell for Kim, 30, after she approached him in a bar and offered to show himaround.

After two weeks we were {inseparable, he says.

Sean who had been divorced for 10 years flew home a week later but could notstop thinking about her.

A month later he went back to see his beautiful Thai girlfriend and proposed after three weeks.

They wed on New Years Day 2006 in a Buddhist ceremony then came to England to start their life together.

In July 2007, Kim also known as Saowapak gave birth to Jobe.

But soon afterwards their {relationship began to founder.

Sean says: "I came home one day from work to find Jobe alone in his cot. Kim had gone out shopping with a friend. I explained mums don't do that here but she kept doing it.

"After a while she was going out at night with her friends she claimed they wereparties for Thai women only. But when I picked her up one night I saw a group of men coming out of her friends house.

"After months of sleeping in separate bedrooms I asked for a divorce.

"On March 26 this year Kim fled the country, taking Jobe with her."

Sean says: "She called me two days later laughing and said she was home."

Police and a private investigator failed to find his son. Then he had his brainwave.

He says: "I lay in bed one night imagining Jobe alone and scared, living in squalor, and it occurred to me that I might be able to find Kim on Facebook.

"After trawling through dozens of Saowapaks her face popped up. She'd changed her surname but it was her.

"I knew she wouldn't accept a friend request from me so I came up with the idea of posing as a millionaire looking for love. I set up a fake account with a picture of a man with a Ferrari and sent her a friend request. She fell for it."

With access to her profile, Sean scoured it for clues to her whereabouts. When he came across photos of Kim with a French tourist, Sean contacted him and told him what had happened.

The Frenchman confirmed that Kim and Jobe were in a hut in a remote village in Chiang Rai.

Sean went to the High Court to get legal custody of his son then flew to Thailand, where police agreed to help him search for Jobe.

He says: "My heart was pounding as we entered the village."

As police surrounded the house, Sean called out for Jobe. Kim stumbled out and pointed indoors.

Sean says: "Jobe was in the corner. I could hardly speak. I managed to say, 'Hello son', and crawl towards him with my arms out.

"He looked scared to death at first but once he realised it was me he fell into my arms and kissed my cheek.

"His teeth were chipped and they'd cut his hair. He looked like an orphan. It was so emotional to hold him in my arms again."

Sean had one final sleepless night away from Jobe before Kim and her family handed him over at the local police station.

Sean says: "Afterwards Kim and I flew to Bangkok because she wanted us to spend a week together before I took Jobe home. I was on tenterhooks. I didn't trust her. I kept thinking she'd try and take him.

"She told me she'd let him go if I paid for us all to stay in a five-star hotel. She claimed she wanted to spend time with Jobe but I think she just wanted a free holiday. I didn't let her out of my sight."

Finally, Sean flew home with his son.

He says: "I ran as fast as I could to the plane, carrying Jobe. I didn't breathe properly until we landed.

"Now he's starting to look like the boy who disappeared six months ago. Every day he looks healthier. Every moment is so precious. I've cried tears of joy ever since getting him home."

He adds: "I thought my relationship with Kim was genuine, but I was a fool."

Last night Kim denied she would leave Jobe alone in the UK and said: "Sean wouldn't get my British citizenship for me. What was I supposed to do? I don't feel bad about taking Jobe to Thailand. He is my son and I love him. I might have done wrong in the UK, but in my country I haven't.

"I agreed to let Sean take him back to the UK because I know he will look after him.

"We both love Jobe and I don't want to fight any more. I still want to see my son. I hope to come soon."

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Cannock Chase is not Cannock.

The town used to be a real dump.

RAF Cannock was an induction camp for new intakes (a boot camp) and all the old boots used to congregate outside the gates every evening.

I served there, went back in the 1990's for a construction job and the place was more dowdy and run down than I remembered it from the late 50's.

You may be correct Sir


Edited by DiamondKing
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One wonders what the police was doing. Since Thailand is not a signatory party to the treaty on parental abduction, the child was staying legally with the mother in Thailand. Thailand doesn't recognised a court order from a foreign judge. Why was the police involved?

Under Thai law both parents have equal rights and a man separated from his wife, can come and take his child and there is no kidnapping charge attached. As long as the parent proves relationship to the child he (and she) can take from the other without fear of reprisal of law.

If he gave a little 'something' to the police to assist this case, which he no doubt did, then you can get a glimpse of the legality and outcome with no investigation necessary.

I would also concur the boy will be far better off away from a 'village', especially with the description of his dental health. I have seen exact examples of that with a 7 year old girl with black stumps for teeth in a Southern village. The child is now living in Canada and has had the dental health issue corrected.

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Gee, a depressing story, with a good outcome (so far).

Sad to say, but these lines just continue to kill the image of Thai women on...

Baby sitting

"I came home one day from work to find Jobe alone in his cot. Kim had gone out shopping with a friend. I explained mums don't do that here but she kept doing it."

Being spiteful

"She called me two days later laughing and said she was home."

Loving money and Ferraris and the hi-so persona

"...so I came up with the idea of posing as a millionaire looking for love. I set up a fake account with a picture of a man with a Ferrari and sent her a friend request. She fell for it."

Making strange requests at untimely occasions

"She told me she'd let him go if I paid for us all to stay in a five-star hotel. She claimed she wanted to spend time with Jobe but I think she just wanted a free holiday. I didn't let her out of my sight."

Kudos to Sean, for teaching us how to 'fish' for Thai women on Facebook.

And a special THANKS to Mark Zuckerberg for coming up with Facebook.

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The Frenchman gave him the name of the village where she was living, which was enough information to get the support of Thai police in taking back his child.

He entered the village with police and found Jobe in a house living with Saowa


It certainly sends a signal that the Thai police may well be a little more professional than many posters on this forum seem to think.

Regarding the remark

How do you know the young boy is in good hands?

I personally am of the opinion going by the womans actions in fleeing with the child coupled with her obvious greed and also the police co-operation, the child is indeed in far better hands with his father, certainly seemed according to comments the boy was more than happy to be reunited with his father.

the expression,'' Lady,'' would normally refer to a classification of social status rather than sexual gender

I consider the term,'' Lady,'' totally inappropiate regarding the woman or females actions.

QUOTE "The word lady is a polite term for a woman, specifically the female equivalent to, or spouse of, a lord or gentleman, and in many contexts a term for any adult woman. Once relating specifically to women of high social class or status, over the last 300 years it has spread to embrace all adult women"

Maybe you could explain the term "Ladies' Night Out" as I have never heard it refered to as a Female Night Out or a Women's Night Out.

English is not the first language for many on this forum so please do not deride a common polite term for those of the female gender.

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How do you know the young boy is in good hands?

Come on , Scarecard, try to be objective. Not every momma is an innocent angel and not every pa is a child molester.

Your incinuations stink.

The woman in question clearly (look at the facts provided) married to get out of her Paradise, achieved her goal, produced the litter, than decided to use the kid as a trump card.

One thing I hate the most is how todays societies (everywhere) scream of gender eguality and give women preferencial treatment in every case in every family court. One thing, or the other, but you can't have both.

I admire the man and his actions.

I am also glad he didn't have to battle her 'motherly' rights. Were the child born in LOS, he would be doomed to be a proud Thai for life, never mind momma sleeping with every nation at the village, no education and chipped teeth.

A happy ending to a morbid story.

P.S. Just out of curiosity, and to prove my point: 1) Was momma doing what she is doing now before marriage? 2) What was the reason for divorce? (I'm not sure, but suspect the 'lady' tried to mix old habits with new duties???).

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