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Whats The Most Radical Thing You'Ve Done


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I admit to being fairly conservative and only every had a wild 80's asymmetrical haircut back in the 80's --oh and coloring my hair red at the same time. it looked fab and very trendy at the time. But, well, its only hair and it grows back so I can't say I consider that really radical.

So, for the past year or so I've actually been considering a small tattoo. My sister got her tattoos after she was 30, she figured if she still wanted after 30 then she really wanted it. But, I dunno, it hurts and I am not really into pain.

So, then I thought, maybe I'll go back to red hair, again its just hair and it grows back.

So, what about you ladies? what have you done and what would consider doing?

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Not that it is really radical, but I changed my hair colour to red in uni as figured they would take a loud obnoxious red-head more seriously than a loud obnoxious blonde - is like getting the fire put back in your soul everytime I get it recoloured (fades fast when diving). There are so many shades of red to choose too, and the fading is kinda cool as it is more dynamic that way. Hardly ever get the same exact shade twice.

You certainly tend to stand out a bit in Thailand with the sii daeng too.

as someone told me when I was young "a blonde is just a redhead with the fire #$%@ed out of them!"

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have been wanting to get a tatoo since I was 19 but still can't decide what... of course it will hurt, but then it is done and there forever

I know a girl (a psch nurse actually) that went into a tatoo parlour on her 40th birthday and kissed the back of their business card with he red lippy and got that tatooed on her backside in just one colour, looks exactly like a kiss, and a perfect 40th present to herself

if you really want it then do it : )

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still pondering sub. would have to be something that really struck me as being "me" if I were to do it. What do you think of the red hair idea as a stopgap for me? Just feel like a change, I guess.

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When I was 19 I shaved off my beard, got my hair cut, swapped my glasses for contact lenses and pretended to be a new starter when I went into work.

Probably not a practical option for most of you ladies, though...


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go red sbk! if you hate it you can always go back

most radical thing I've done...?

the dumbest comes to mind: ran with the bulls in Pamplona - by accident after a rather big night out in a nearby town awoke to find myself at the back of the crowd in the starting area... I survived... somehow

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Go red. You'd suit it!


Ive had pink hair, bIue hair, piIIarbox read hair, haIf bIonde and haIf bIack hair, ribbons in it, wierd jeweIs twisted in it...you name it, except shaved it. My ex waaaaaaay back thought it wouId Iook cooI if i shaved the sides and Ieft a Iong mohikan(sp?)...but never had the courage.

9 piercings, none of which i use anymore. WeII, maybe the ears sometimes.

4 tattoos, as yet stiII no regrets about them, and figuring someday i might go for a Sak Yant tattoo..when i feeI its the right time (no, its not just for decoration).

I used to wear a Iot of crazy stuff. Thigh boots, pvc, pIastic fantastic...and thats even in the daytime..haha! Went to a Iot of weird cIubs. My ex at that time, a good friend stiII, never changed, he got more extreme. I tamed..a Iot. ProbabIy wouIdnt even know i once was that way by Iooking at me now.

I recaII once attending a wedding of a famiIy member or my ex's. We were 18. We wore top hats and taiIs. Sounds odd, but actuaIIy Iooked very good...we decorated everything..it was a pimped up traditionaI wedding outfit (weII..aIthough i was wearing a guys suit too). I suppose we foIIowed a sort of "Quireboys" image...a sort of sIeazy gIam rock styIe. The funny thing was his cousin was so pissed off because the cameraman fiImed us more than her and her husband! Haha. :lol: Our Iook aIso got us some random work. At that time (Iate 90's) rock was a big deaI, particuIarIy where we Iived at the time (NewcastIe). So we got a Iot of odd jobs promoting things IocaIIy and poster advertisements.

Was a fun time, no regrets!


Go red, sbk. Go red.

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^pics? biggrin.gif

Sounds great. I've got a couple of tattoos and some piercings, but to me they're not really radical, more the norm I think at my age (26). I would love to have to nerve to get an undercut but I'm too chicken. Had my hair various colours- worst time was at school and I had dyed my hair a really dark greeny blue colour and some lads complained that I was allowed to keep my hair that colour when they had previously been expelled for bleaching their hair. I was told to change it or be expelled lol... it was in the middle of my exams so didn't really have a choice. Not being too experienced with colouring hair I decided to try and bleach out the colour and my hair turned bright green so had no option than to put a dark brown dye on it. sad.gif

A few years ago I started getting parts of it bleached and eventually moved onto a full head of almost white blond hair. Decided I wanted to try putting some dark blue lowlights, disaster. When I washed it out of my hair the blue dye basically ran into all my blond and turned turquoise. I was gutted. Only other dye I had was a plum colour so put that in but it was almost neon purple under light and as I washed it got lighter and lighter til it was a shade of lavender. Then got a more natural brown colour put on at the hairdresser. dry.gif

Here's a couple of pics

this one when I started with some blond patches, loved this


and when my hair went lavender ish


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Have never been a 'radical' type of person, but I had my hair straightened a few years back. All was fine (even though nobody else liked it), until my hair started breaking off - I ended up looking like Rob Stewart!

The funny thing is that I liked it - but everybody else hated it :( and just (subtly) asked what had happened to my hair....

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this one when I started with some blond patches, loved this


I really like this! Did you get it done in Thailand? I might steal your idea :whistling::D

I got dreadlocks when I was in my early 20s.. paid a shiteload for them and then hacked them off after only 4 months because in my dead straight hair they were too hard to maintain and so uncomfortable to sleep! Also had an eyebrow ring that grew out and left a scar, tongue ring that lasted 6 months cos I was wrecking my teeth with the ball, my first tattoo when I was 17, they used too much ink (or something?) and it "leaked" outside the edges so it's a blurred image (thank goodness it's in a place never seen!).. so all my forays into rebellion were destined t to failure!! Have since had 3 other tattoos that mean something to me and the pain only lasts an hour or so and then you're left with an image that hopefully you'll love forever. Am thinking of getting a Thai language tatt on my trip over next month!

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My whole life has been extreme in many ways, was a fearless wild child, an even more fearless teenager, traveled young, alone, with no plan & hardly any money & not much idea of where I would end up, nearly died after nearly losing my hand in a drunken window climbing accident in South Africa but still carried on traveling for a further 4 month (never even crossed my mind to go back to UK for follow up & when I think back now it's a wonder I didn't get gangrene & die or at least have my hand amputated. :ermm: )

Married a man no one in my family met, got my first tattoo at 17 (not really radical for me, my dad was a biker so tattoos are part of life) Have had every hair colour you can think of & just as many hairstyles (no bald or Mohawks though)

Was on recreational drugs from about 13, acid, weed, coke, e's, stopped of my own free will at 18 & not touched since, used to go to raves for days on end without telling anyone, hitchhiked from london to wales for one once, mum called Interpol that time as I had been gone for 4 days :rolleyes:

Thats just the tip of the iceberg really, I've forgotten more stories than I remember these days ( must be the drugs! :whistling: ) but it's been my life, I've bowed to no one, put up with very little shit from anyone & never will, I live how I want, not how others think I should. Possibly radical :D

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I'm already a red head. I went blond once.

I've just had my hair cut off to chin level and am loving it. Wash it, throw some mousse on and let it dry naturally.

No tattoos, I did have pierced ears but am allergic to anything but gold and can't afford that.

I did the drugs thing too. Cocaine and e's were my downfall. I have been clean of drugs for 3 years now (did it on my own) except the occasional puff of a funny cigarette.

I do drink alot of alcohol but have noticed that even that I am slowly cutting back on. Maybe creeping slowly up to the 50 years of age helps!!

One thing, I haven't lost my sense of humour!!

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Hi, i realise this is girl talk in here & I rarely visit or interject, anyway....

sbk, could i suggest you experiment with some henna tattoos for a while? See how you like them, try different ones. Then if you like something inparticular & are sorry when it eventually washes away, bite the bullet & go for the real thing.

I think 1 or 2 small, subtle tattoos look sexy on a girl. Such as a butterfly (other options are available) on shoulder blade or ass cheek. Huge big ones all over the place are a right turn off.

All: Not a subject I know much about, but I thought too much hair bleaching/dying could badly damage hair?

Patsy, I have noticed that my wish for and ability to process alcohol has slowed considerably since i was about 48.

Its interesting that quite a few of you here have had a bit of a wild child and/or drugs background and that you are now living in Thailand.

I guess somewhere in there, there is some kind of connection.....

Free spirits, individualists, sense of adventure, something different from the norm.

Good on ya I say.

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Hi, i realise this is girl talk in here & I rarely visit or interject, anyway....

sbk, could i suggest you experiment with some henna tattoos for a while? See how you like them, try different ones. Then if you like something inparticular & are sorry when it eventually washes away, bite the bullet & go for the real thing.

I think 1 or 2 small, subtle tattoos look sexy on a girl. Such as a butterfly (other options are available) on shoulder blade or ass cheek. Huge big ones all over the place are a right turn off.

All: Not a subject I know much about, but I thought too much hair bleaching/dying could badly damage hair?

Patsy, I have noticed that my wish for and ability to process alcohol has slowed considerably since i was about 48.

Its interesting that quite a few of you here have had a bit of a wild child and/or drugs background and that you are now living in Thailand.

I guess somewhere in there, there is some kind of connection.....

Free spirits, individualists, sense of adventure, something different from the norm.

Good on ya I say.

I like your henna tattoo idea, thanks lancashirelad! If I do it, I have decided to wait until Mr Boo returns to Thailand and have him do it. I know he'll do a good job and I trust him. (course, it helps that Boo is there to back me up!)

I may pass on the red hair idea, dunno. Although I come from a red haired family and have the same skin tone as they do, I like to wear alot of pinks, corals and reds and think it would clash with red hair. I don't want to change my hair and then have to change my wardrobe!

I am totally gray and color my hair every 3 weeks, so not sure how problematic highlights are - but lowlights are an option, maybe I will get eek to photoshop a pic for me :) (hint hint)

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Even though I say I am a red head, see av!!, which I am, I have quite a few grey hairs in there too.

I was thinking of buying one of those hair dyes that lasts about 10 washes. But am a bit nervous, I may go back to the hairdresser and ask her opinion. She only uses Oreal products which are pretty good, if not the best.

Lancashirelad, I live in Switzerland and only holiday in Thailand (last time, 3 or four years ago, sob). I think Boo lives in England. I wouldn't dream of touching drugs in Thailand where, I have been told and know - even a puff of a funny cig can cause major problems, whereas here they are readily available. I just outgrew them and so did a lot of my friends. The cost and some not nice situations (theft, violence etc) did it for me. Also, that niggling voice in the back of my mind!!

Edited by Patsycat
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Concerning a tattoo, a scene from "Bounty Hunter" movie with Jen Anniston springs to mind. She walks into a tough looking tattoo parlor and when asked "What do ya want, a cute little butterfly?", answers "No. A full-body panther. With the paws on my bust and the tail on my midsection" . Quite extreme, what you think sbk? :)

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