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The Thaksin Sickness – Obsessiveness & Addiction


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The Thaksin Sickness – Obsessiveness & Addiction

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Whatever has happened in the past or will happen with Thaksin in the future, there is a certain group of people who will, like Italian Paparazzi, follow the man and news about him with an obsessiveness that is so scary that a Medical Specialist and/or even Shrink would worry about this rare Thai phenomenon if one or more of these people were their patients.

The difference between Paparazzi and these people is that Paparazzi are getting paid for their hunting and following down (in)-famous people, making photos and videos because it's their profession.

With the Thaksin addicts it's a bit different.

Some of them seem to have a whole Thaksin library, stored on their harddiscs, and will, like magicians, show you a special photo of the man within the blink of an eye, even from many years ago.

Most people reading this have a certain interest in Thaksin and that includes the writer but I know very well when something has become an ADDICTION and an OBSESSION.

Addictions are very serious sicknesses and someone can be addicted to smoking, drinking, drugs, gambling or sex although the rare Thaksin addiction is not a substance related addiction but an addiction nevertheless.

An addiction as described in Wiki:

„..the term addiction is used to describe a recurring compulsion by an individual to engage in some specific activity, despite harmful consequences, as deemed by the user himself to his individual health, mental state, or social life."

I recall 2 particular addiction cases on Thaivisa (although there are many of course) and both cases were alcohol addicts who opened their own topics, admitting they were addicted.

That's an extremely brave step do to!

One was a member in Northern Thailand who was so sick and addicted that he lost everything, including his beloved wife and children.

The other one was a member who also admitted he was an alcohol addict but living abroad (of Thailand), very happily married and a child he adored.

He was very proud he managed to stop drinking, all by himself, without help. Bravo!

The problem was that he was shouting the news from the roofs, proud as he was he managed to stop drinking.

His own topic went silent after a while and I understood he moved to Thailand. No further news since he never replied to his own topic anymore.

Brave man, but he didn't understand he needed help instead realizing that addiction is a serious sickness and not something you can do on your own.

I also know about another sick man, a SEX-ADDICT; he's one of my friends who I rarely see anymore though.

A friend I met more than 30 years ago on a than virgin tropical beach…Hat Patong on Phuket.

He was an unbelievable sportsman but so unbelievable that he was and still is addicted to sports, running in particular on a daily basis, next to his sex-addiction;

I remember him when he said on more than one occasion that he was going to „run" a bit and when I asked where he said, „I'm going to run a bit from Patong beach to Phuket city"…in the bloody heat and over the hills :o

He's in his late fifties now and divorcing his beautiful wife of more than 25 years now, both having 3 beautiful children together. His wife is a highly intelligent Lady and, together with the 3 children, paying the price for the addiction of her husband.

This „friend" is a 100% sex-addict and HAS TO HAVE sex more than 5-6 times per day….and that for his whole life.

Yet, he says that it was already in the stars and his marriage was going downhill.

Fact ist hat he exchanged his wife for a 21 year old Balinese girl, who of course, can deal much better with such an addiction rather than his wife in her fifties.

The point ist hat I have a lot of respect for both previous individuals, admitting they were alcohol addicted and obsessed and it takes GREAT courage to even start writing and admitting you are addicted and sick. On the other hand I have bitter feelings about that friend of mine who's addicted to sex and denying he's addicted.

But, about the Thaksin Addicts – Obsessed and Sick.

The problem with these addicts ist hat they will always deny that they are obsessed and addicted to an individual, a foreign individual for heavens' sake, a man called Thaksin Shinawatra.

These addicts will never admit they're sick and that all that time they're sitting behind a computer spending, writing and thinking about that man could be exchanged for precious and valuable time together with their loved ones (if they have any….), trying to enjoy the outdoors again, life in general, flora and fauna, family!

What a waste of time and what a lack of self reflection, but of course, they're sick but I wish they could find the courage to see a specialist, a shrink to help them cure from a nonsense compulsive addiction for a man like Thaksin.

An addiction that, no doubt, can be cured.

But, we all know they won't listen.

What a waste – how sad and how sick they are. The problem is that they are too cowardly to admit they're addicted and thus, the sickness is eating their brain...:(

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By the looks of that long post your the obsessed and addicted one :blink:

Welcome to Thaivisa.....you, being a member for 11 days, you will learn fast enough who's addicted and who's not :lol:

Happy reading.


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By the looks of that long post your the obsessed and addicted one :blink:

Welcome to Thaivisa.....you, being a member for 11 days, you will learn fast enough who's addicted and who's not :lol:

Happy reading.


Yes LaoPo, its always the same ones that harp on about the same political stuff. Some of them even get banned from Thai Visa and then come back under a new nic and then start spewing stuff all over the thread again. Some of them just have multiple thai visa personalities, its easy enough to see. Next time something of Political newsworthyness (or not) comes to media attention, watch these morons flock to thai visa to wave their little red flags.

must be an illness :rolleyes:

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By the looks of that long post your the obsessed and addicted one :blink:

Welcome to Thaivisa.....you, being a member for 11 days, you will learn fast enough who's addicted and who's not :lol:

Happy reading.


Yes LaoPo, its always the same ones that harp on about the same political stuff. Some of them even get banned from Thai Visa and then come back under a new nic and then start spewing stuff all over the thread again. Some of them just have multiple thai visa personalities, its easy enough to see. Next time something of Political newsworthyness (or not) comes to media attention, watch these morons flock to thai visa to wave their little red flags.

must be an illness :rolleyes:

I thought name calling and baiting was against TV rules ?????


P.S never been banned if your reffering to me

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When you highlight the signs to such addicts, they turn your help on its head and seem to need to call you a Taksin redshirt loving terrorist.

No problem; it only shows a kind of non-intellect if someone would do so ;)

The topic is not about me but about Thaksin addicts.


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By the looks of that long post your the obsessed and addicted one :blink:

Welcome to Thaivisa.....you, being a member for 11 days, you will learn fast enough who's addicted and who's not :lol:

Happy reading.


Yes LaoPo, its always the same ones that harp on about the same political stuff. Some of them even get banned from Thai Visa and then come back under a new nic and then start spewing stuff all over the thread again. Some of them just have multiple thai visa personalities, its easy enough to see. Next time something of Political newsworthyness (or not) comes to media attention, watch these morons flock to thai visa to wave their little red flags.

must be an illness :rolleyes:

I thought name calling and baiting was against TV rules ?????


P.S never been banned if your reffering to me

<_<..in your first post in this topic YOU called me "the obsessed and addicted one". Did I refer to TV rules when I answered ?

Pot Kettle Black ?


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<_<..in your first post in this topic YOU called me "the obsessed and addicted one". Did I refer to TV rules when I answered ?

Pot Kettle Black ?


Wow there are some very sensitive people on here when I first saw your post my thought was WOW this guy spent all that time to type out a long and drawn out post attacking a certain group of people, I thought it rather strange that you would take all that time only to attack a group and thought that it was the action of someone obsessed rather than someone with a level head

No name calling just an observation but if you guys think that is a normal post NO PROBLEM I shall bow out and leave you to it

have a nice day


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Wow there are some very sensitive people on here when I first saw your post my thought was WOW this guy spent all that time to type out a long and drawn out post attacking a certain group of people, I thought it rather strange that you would take all that time only to attack a group and thought that it was the action of someone obsessed rather than someone with a level head

No name calling just an observation but if you guys think that is a normal post NO PROBLEM I shall bow out and leave you to it

have a nice day


I think you've read my OP completely wrong.

I attack nobody, instead trying to reach a hand in an effort to help people who are addicted to Thaksin. It didn't take me that long to write the post since I'm quite fast in typing, bringing my thoughts onto paper.

Please, don't try to withdraw the attention away from the original post which is about Thaksin obsessiveness, addiction and sickness.

It's not about you nor me.

It seems you're enjoying TV already :rolleyes:


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Wow there are some very sensitive people on here when I first saw your post my thought was WOW this guy spent all that time to type out a long and drawn out post attacking a certain group of people, I thought it rather strange that you would take all that time only to attack a group and thought that it was the action of someone obsessed rather than someone with a level head

No name calling just an observation but if you guys think that is a normal post NO PROBLEM I shall bow out and leave you to it

have a nice day


I think you've read my OP completely wrong.

I attack nobody, instead trying to reach a hand in an effort to help people who are addicted to Thaksin. It didn't take me that long to write the post since I'm quite fast in typing, bringing my thoughts onto paper.

Please, don't try to withdraw the attention away from the original post which is about Thaksin obsessiveness, addiction and sickness.

It's not about you nor me.

It seems you're enjoying TV already :rolleyes:


Seems Thaksin has a lot of support in this country almost to the point that he would win an election if he was able to run, and that means there is an aweful lot of people that fall within your categorization of Obsessivness and addiction it could also be put on the other foot for all those against him and his followers who seem just as obsessive and addicted and sick.

Dont you think


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Seems Thaksin has a lot of support in this country almost to the point that he would win an election if he was able to run, and that means there is an aweful lot of people that fall within your categorization of Obsessivness and addiction it could also be put on the other foot for all those against him and his followers who seem just as obsessive and addicted and sick.

Dont you think


Yes, I agree; the problem is that this is an English forum which doesn't reach the Thai speaking population but only the "audience" on this forum.


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The problem of this forum discussing Thai politics is that it is in fact 99.999% non Thai audience here.

As such it is a lot like a bunch of eunuchs sitting around discussing sexual intercourse prowess. ;)

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^ :rolleyes: Of course you are right, I forgot only Thai people are allowed to have an opinion on thier politics. :lol: I guess I can't comment on the results of the Commonwealth Game, they were held in Indai, the crashing of the USD because thats American or the miners being rescued in Chile, just to name a few. :crazy:

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^ :rolleyes: Of course you are right, I forgot only Thai people are allowed to have an opinion on thier politics. :lol: I guess I can't comment on the results of the Commonwealth Game, they were held in Indai, the crashing of the USD because thats American or the miners being rescued in Chile, just to name a few. :crazy:

Sorry you missed it

Of course you can sit around & discuss it all you like.

But like eunuchs sitting around discussing sexual intercourse prowess the end result is the same eh?

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By the looks of that long post your the obsessed and addicted one :blink:

Welcome to Thaivisa.....you, being a member for 11 days, you will learn fast enough who's addicted and who's not :lol:

Happy reading.


Yes LaoPo, its always the same ones that harp on about the same political stuff. Some of them even get banned from Thai Visa and then come back under a new nic and then start spewing stuff all over the thread again. Some of them just have multiple thai visa personalities, its easy enough to see. Next time something of Political newsworthyness (or not) comes to media attention, watch these morons flock to thai visa to wave their little red flags.

must be an illness :rolleyes:

Uhhh, you sure it isn't cut and paste distorted images of the Prime Minister that was deposed by a military coup? The image of the other former PM shown as a gorilla hit one of the lowest points on TV.

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By the looks of that long post your the obsessed and addicted one :blink:

Absolutly spot on reply! Bravo

Usually the addict is quick to point out other peoples obsessions but very slow to address their own :whistling:

Poor old Laopo....sitting in a darkened room obsessing about others obsessive behaviour and posting about it on anonymous websites :lol:

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By the looks of that long post your the obsessed and addicted one :blink:

Absolutly spot on reply! Bravo

Usually the addict is quick to point out other peoples obsessions but very slow to address their own :whistling:

Poor old Laopo....sitting in a darkened room obsessing about others obsessive behaviour and posting about it on anonymous websites :lol:

Talk about roping in some of TV's finest koookes :giggle: .

How are you old mate?

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By the looks of that long post your the obsessed and addicted one

Absolutly spot on reply! Bravo

Usually the addict is quick to point out other peoples obsessions but very slow to address their own

Poor old Laopo....sitting in a darkened room obsessing about others obsessive behaviour and posting about it on anonymous websites

:lol: A Thaksin addict ? Me?

No, I don't think so but if you don't believe me I kindly invite you to search for yourself in my previous posts. Enjoy the ride :lol:

You will be surprised and disappointed.

Dark room ? No, my room is comfortable, light and bright and when I look outside I see green and beautiful trees. :rolleyes:

But addictions ? I have had a few, yes, like when I was addicted to smoking and stopped 3 years ago, cold turkey.

In the past I was also addicted to a certain woman which was a horrible mistake, I admit, I'm very happily married now.

Another addiction ?

I am courageous enough to admit I was, at a certain stage, addicted to Thaivisa but I decided it's not worth anymore and a waste of time to spend so much time to and for people who are not worth my time.

If I see that a number of members, who ran a faster race than me (since I became a member 6 years ago) on Thaivisa with a much higher number of posts I pity them since they are seriously addicted to Thaivisa and that's very unhealthy I tell you.

Have a nice day and beware of that rare "Farang" Thai addiction to a Thai, named Thaksin; he's not worth the time. ;)

BTW: big man, what's YOUR addiction or addictions ? I'm curious if you are courageous enough to admit an addiction or two or just courageous enough to attack the OP, drawing the attention away from the real problem.....sick and obsessed Thaksin members

Says more about you than me.


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By the looks of that long post your the obsessed and addicted one :blink:

Absolutly spot on reply! Bravo

Usually the addict is quick to point out other peoples obsessions but very slow to address their own :whistling:

Poor old Laopo....sitting in a darkened room obsessing about others obsessive behaviour and posting about it on anonymous websites :lol:

Talk about roping in some of TV's finest koookes :giggle: .

How are you old mate?

Put out the bait and i'll bite :)

I'm very well, yourself? ;)

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Is it an addiction or a witch hunt?

I have seen this in the past when the media choose a suitable victim to be on the receiving end of some vicious reporting techniques, preferably a celebrity who has fallen by the wayside, or a politician that has a love, hate relationship with the public.

For example if the media choose to portray a well respected public figure in an undesirable manner, such as a monarch, politician or anyone well revered in the public eye, there would be a backlash and they would quickly fall out of favour.

They are extremely skilful at exaggerating what they would have us believe is the undesirable activities of some public figures. Princess Diana was a classic case of persecution and ridicule by the media. Presently these media thugs are turning they’re attentions to the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, regarding his bedroom romps and they will not be satisfied until they draw blood.

In a way this is an incitement to mob violence and persecution of an individual. Whether you love them or hate them I think the line should be drawn somewhere.

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Is it an addiction or a witch hunt?

I have seen this in the past when the media choose a suitable victim to be on the receiving end of some vicious reporting techniques, preferably a celebrity who has fallen by the wayside, or a politician that has a love, hate relationship with the public.

For example if the media choose to portray a well respected public figure in an undesirable manner, such as a monarch, politician or anyone well revered in the public eye, there would be a backlash and they would quickly fall out of favour.

They are extremely skilful at exaggerating what they would have us believe is the undesirable activities of some public figures. Princess Diana was a classic case of persecution and ridicule by the media. Presently these media thugs are turning they're attentions to the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, regarding his bedroom romps and they will not be satisfied until they draw blood.

In a way this is an incitement to mob violence and persecution of an individual. Whether you love them or hate them I think the line should be drawn somewhere.

Interesting; but I wasn't speaking of the media, hunting for a suitable victim, in the OP's case, Thaksin Shinawatra and his red movement.

I was speaking about individuals, obsessed and addicted with a compulsive behavior to spend so much time of their precious lifes, hating, hunting for and expressing their disgust to a case and/or certain individual, over and over again over a period of many years.

The fascinating thing about this is that there is nothing to gain; they have no real power and are not part of the establishment in Thailand nor do they have an important voice in the local Thai media outlets, whether they're printed, spoken or aired on radio and television.

So, in fact, there's no money or power involved other than their own satisfaction about the words they're writing to/for a very limited audience.

Would it be possible to draw a line in such circumstances when people have such a compulsive behavior ?

I suppose only the individuals could answer that question when he/she discovers: "enough is enough .....I'm ruining my own life...."

But, that's easier written than accomplished since people with compulsive behavior, combined with obsessiveness and addiction will never admit they're sick and need help.

Sad really.

I've been addicted myself, as I wrote earlier, and I'm very happy I was able to walk out free of any addictions; I've been there, seen it.

It's horrible to experience.

But, it's even more horrible knowing you're too much of a coward to admit you're sick.


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Is it an addiction or a witch hunt?

I have seen this in the past when the media choose a suitable victim to be on the receiving end of some vicious reporting techniques, preferably a celebrity who has fallen by the wayside, or a politician that has a love, hate relationship with the public.

For example if the media choose to portray a well respected public figure in an undesirable manner, such as a monarch, politician or anyone well revered in the public eye, there would be a backlash and they would quickly fall out of favour.

They are extremely skilful at exaggerating what they would have us believe is the undesirable activities of some public figures. Princess Diana was a classic case of persecution and ridicule by the media. Presently these media thugs are turning they're attentions to the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, regarding his bedroom romps and they will not be satisfied until they draw blood.

In a way this is an incitement to mob violence and persecution of an individual. Whether you love them or hate them I think the line should be drawn somewhere.

Interesting; but I wasn't speaking of the media, hunting for a suitable victim, in the OP's case, Thaksin Shinawatra and his red movement.

I was speaking about individuals, obsessed and addicted with a compulsive behavior to spend so much time of their precious lifes, hating, hunting for and expressing their disgust to a case and/or certain individual, over and over again over a period of many years.

The fascinating thing about this is that there is nothing to gain; they have no real power and are not part of the establishment in Thailand nor do they have an important voice in the local Thai media outlets, whether they're printed, spoken or aired on radio and television.

So, in fact, there's no money or power involved other than their own satisfaction about the words they're writing to/for a very limited audience.

Would it be possible to draw a line in such circumstances when people have such a compulsive behavior ?

I suppose only the individuals could answer that question when he/she discovers: "enough is enough .....I'm ruining my own life...."

But, that's easier written than accomplished since people with compulsive behavior, combined with obsessiveness and addiction will never admit they're sick and need help.

Sad really.

I've been addicted myself, as I wrote in my OP, and I'm very happy I was able to walk out free of any addictions; I've been there, seen it.

It's horrible to experience.

But, it's even more horrible knowing you're too much of a coward to admit you're sick.


Do not know for sure LaoPo, I’m no expert or claim to be. I can only use my resource of experience from being in the world for so long and what I have witnessed and learned in the past

There are many addictions and people suffering from obsessive behaviour problems.

What about those such as guys who become obsessed with a women, willing to give all for a gold digger, extremists, fanatics, those addicted to porn, drugs, alcohol and so on?

I mean, everyone have some sort of addiction or obsession in their lives, I smoke cigarettes and take the occasional drink, that’s just normal human behaviour. I’m talking about when these habits become extreme and excessive.

Could it be that these people are just lacking something, perhaps confidence, or confused with themselves in the real world. Possibly non entities with a need to find themselves and become noticed?

This is a very interesting thread and enjoy reading posters views especially those using logic and not simply prejudice.

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Do not know for sure LaoPo, I'm no expert or claim to be. I can only use my resource of experience from being in the world for so long and what I have witnessed and learned in the past

There are many addictions and people suffering from obsessive behaviour problems.

What about those such as guys who become obsessed with a women, willing to give all for a gold digger, extremists, fanatics, those addicted to porn, drugs, alcohol and so on?

I mean, everyone have some sort of addiction or obsession in their lives, I smoke cigarettes and take the occasional drink, that's just normal human behaviour. I'm talking about when these habits become extreme and excessive.

Could it be that these people are just lacking something, perhaps confidence, or confused with themselves in the real world. Possibly non entities with a need to find themselves and become noticed?

This is a very interesting thread and enjoy reading posters views especially those using logic and not simply prejudice.

I was obsessed with a woman once myself, not in Thailand but my own home country and it has been a horrible experience, a horrible few years of my life. Lost years in fact.

She almost destroyed me.

Later, specialists found out that she actually was a multiple person, she had a multiple personality disorder to be exact.

She was able to change within a split second from the loveliest sweetest woman you've ever met into a real shouting monster....unbelievable and very frightening to experience.

But, I was obsessed with her......sadly enough :(...but, I managed to step out of the on-and-off relationship and came out better, much better!

There's a lot of info around:

Addictive behavior



What are addictive behaviors ?



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Some political figures tend to generate cults around themselves. Particularly in a certain other Asian country which Thailand wouldn't like to be compared with. The members of these cults have more knowledge about the cult-figure than can be found at Wikipedia (sometimes even more than WikiLeaks too, if applicable).

As for this case, I used to refer to such people as shinawatra-fags (ex-PM Thaksin S. is not to be confused with King Taksin the Great). I know it sounds 4chan-esque and juvenile to use this kind of language about people who suffer from obsessions, but it really seems like certain people are gay for Thailand's former PM. I wonder what people find so impressive about him? Was it his strength to fight crime (drug-dealing police-officers can kill their competitors)? Was it his independence ("the UN is not my father!")? Or was it his xenophobia disguised as nationalism with his "thai mai rak farang"-party?

If there is one good thing he did, however, then it's his work with the NPM-reform in the Thai government. Until then, the term "government worker" was even more oxymoronic than "military intelligence" or "educational television".

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