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Thaksin Is Seen In South Africa This Week

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Deny, lie, deny, lie, cast blame elsewhere, falsely accuse others, deny and lie some more. That has always been Thaksin haters modus operandi...Expect more of the same, ad nauseum.

Its get simple boring.

If you wanna nail Thaksin, fine, but do it with some real facts and in a manner that is free of trashy arguments that can easily exposed as lies or just being plain stupid rants by simpletons.

Such tactic doesn't help the cause, if Thaksin is 'attacked' by idiots just makes him look better and damage the credibility of those who have some more serious allegation against him.


(Does that tactic work?)

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That passport in he name of "Takki Shinegra" seems to be just a silly rumour or nothing more that a lie that get repeatedly told by conscious liars.

Thaksin or his lawyers even offered Bt1 million to anyone who can forward with evidence for it.

Yeah, link us to a post made by yourself on another thread. Why don't I just claim Thaksin is a bull buggering baby bashing bishop botherer on one thread and then post a link to it on another to prove it's true?

Leaving that aside however, if you cared to read what you quoted in your last post:

Kagoda however could not explain how the former Prime Minister of Thailand, Thaksin Shinawatra, a diplomatic passport in the names of Takki Shinegra.

Allegations about Shinawatra's passport were first made by Thailand's foreign Affairs Minister, Panich Vikitsreth in December last year. Government promptly denied the allegations then, but not on this occasion.

Why would the Ugandan government question how he came to get a passport if he never got one? And, more to the point, why is it that whenever a Thaksin thread comes on here, so many "it's not about Thaksin" red supporters come rushing on to defend him and bash all the horrid anti red posters for daring to make damningly unfair truthful statements about him?


For the benefit of the un-informed with snippy attitudes:


Uganda =

07 July 2010

Internal Affairs pressed to explain Thaksin Passport


Kagoda however could not explain how the former Prime Minister of Thailand, Thaksin Shinawatra, a diplomatic passport in the names of Takki Shinegra.

Allegations about Shinawatra’s passport were first made by Thailand’s foreign Affairs Minister, Panich Vikitsreth in December last year. Government promptly denied the allegations then, but not on this occasion.

“We still need a mechanism to ensure that certain people don’t access certain facilities” he said.

The Independent (Uganda)


That passport in he name of "Takki Shinegra" seems to be just a silly rumour or nothing more that a lie that get repeatedly told by conscious liars.

Do you mean Ugandan Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Dr. Stephen Kagoda:

Kagoda however could not explain how the former Prime Minister of Thailand, Thaksin Shinawatra, a diplomatic passport in the names of Takki Shinegra.

last year. Government promptly denied the allegations then, but not on this occasion.


Its get simple boring.


No one is contractually obligated to read or post in a thread.

Perhaps you should just bypass threads that you find tiresome.

which is certainly better than inflammatory name-calling

just being plain stupid rants by simpletons.



Deny, lie, deny, lie, cast blame elsewhere, falsely accuse others, deny and lie some more. That has always been Thaksin haters modus operandi...Expect more of the same, ad nauseum.

Its get simple boring.

If you wanna nail Thaksin, fine, but do it with some real facts and in a manner that is free of trashy arguments that can easily exposed as lies or just being plain stupid rants by simpletons.

Such tactic doesn't help the cause, if Thaksin is 'attacked' by idiots just makes him look better and damage the credibility of those who have some more serious allegation against him.


(Does that tactic work?)

Well, do you think that lies or posting a photo of Mugabe are valid, proper and intelligent arguments with lots of substance to expose Thaksin?


That passport in he name of "Takki Shinegra" seems to be just a silly rumour or nothing more that a lie that get repeatedly told by conscious liars.

Thaksin or his lawyers even offered Bt1 million to anyone who can forward with evidence for it.

Yeah, link us to a post made by yourself on another thread. Why don't I just claim Thaksin is a bull buggering baby bashing bishop botherer on one thread and then post a link to it on another to prove it's true?

Leaving that aside however, if you cared to read what you quoted in your last post:

Kagoda however could not explain how the former Prime Minister of Thailand, Thaksin Shinawatra, a diplomatic passport in the names of Takki Shinegra.

Allegations about Shinawatra's passport were first made by Thailand's foreign Affairs Minister, Panich Vikitsreth in December last year. Government promptly denied the allegations then, but not on this occasion.

Why would the Ugandan government question how he came to get a passport if he never got one? And, more to the point, why is it that whenever a Thaksin thread comes on here, so many "it's not about Thaksin" red supporters come rushing on to defend him and bash all the horrid anti red posters for daring to make damningly unfair truthful statements about him?

They could not explain how Thaksin got a passport in the names of Takki Shinegra, because it seems that such a passport never existed.

Simply there is no Ugandian passport in the name of Takki Shinegra. Only rumors of it and because of this rumours the Ugandan government got questioned.

And i am not defending Thaksin. But i think that a childish way to attack Thaksin with silly arguments doesn't help much to expose Thaksin.


Well, do you think that lies

you should take it up with the Ugandan Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Dr. Stephen Kagoda

or posting a photo of Mugabe are valid

Are you saying that isn't a valid photo of Mugabe or that Mugabe is not in charge of the country that Thaksin went to?

Why does posting a reminder that a tyrant like Mugabe is the despot of Zimbabwe, whose country Thaksin is visiting bother you to the extent you feel it necessary to post so repeatedly and so inflammatorily on the matter?



Well, do you think that lies

you should take it up with the Ugandan Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Dr. Stephen Kagoda

or posting a photo of Mugabe are valid

Are you saying that isn't a valid photo of Mugabe or that Mugabe is not in charge of the country that Thaksin went to?

Why does posting a reminder that a tyrant like Mugabe is the despot of Zimbabwe, whose country Thaksin is visiting bother you to the extent you feel it necessary to post so repeatedly and so inflammatorily on the matter?


If you read the full sentence you will get the full meaning.

yes i think that a photo of Mugabe isn't an intelligent argument with lots of substance to expose Thaksin.

Thaksin Shinawatra jetted in and out of South Africa this week, without the government knowing about it.

while in the country, which was arranged by an ex-air force general.

Sounds like he may be exporting his turmoil to yet another country, same as he did in Nicaragua, Montenegro, and Uganda, where his presence there created internal conflicts in those countries.

Do tell us, what turmoil has he been exporting to Nicaragua, Montenegro, and Uganda? Internal conflicts purely down to Thaksin, enlighten us please.

For the benefit of the un-informed with snippy attitudes:

Montenegro =

12 May 2009

In response to news that Thaksin had obtained a Montenegrin passport, managing director of the Network for Affirmation of the Non-governmental Sector, Vanja Calovic, contacted the Transparency International Organization to protest against the move.

European NGOs have demanded that Montenegro's interior ministry reveal the details of the issuance of the passport as well as Thaksin's qualifications for receiving it. They claim he is not eligible for a Montenegrin passport because he does not have Montenegrin citizenship.

TAN Network


Nicaragua =

22 April 2009

The Nicaraguan opposition party warns its president that issuing a diplomatic passport to Thai fugitive former PM, Thaksin Shinawatra, may be against the country's laws. Meanwhile, the vice president of Nicaragua denies any prior knowledge of the issue.

TAN Network


Uganda =

07 July 2010

Internal Affairs pressed to explain Thaksin Passport

Parliament has directed the Ministry of Internal Affairs to explain the procedure followed by government in issuing diplomatic passports.

The directive was issued by the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of Parliament to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Dr. Stephen Kagoda on Wednesday morning. Kagoda and a team of technocrats were appearing before the committee to answer queries raised by the Auditor General in reports for the financial years 2007/08 and 2008/09.

Calls for an explanation followed the failure by officials of the Ministry to explain the circumstances under which a Ugandan woman, Anne Birungi Bisaso, alias Gillian Kiconco, who was arrested at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi, Kenya with narcotics worth Shs.2.2 billion shillings, obtained two passports.

Kagoda explained that the ministry has not yet instituted biometric technology in the passport office. This, he said, would have helped avert possible allocation of two passports to the same person.

Kagoda however could not explain how the former Prime Minister of Thailand, Thaksin Shinawatra, a diplomatic passport in the names of Takki Shinegra.

Allegations about Shinawatra's passport were first made by Thailand's foreign Affairs Minister, Panich Vikitsreth in December last year. Government promptly denied the allegations then, but not on this occasion.

"We still need a mechanism to ensure that certain people don't access certain facilities" he said.

The Independent (Uganda)


Your first link from the anti-thaksin site.

Thaksin is involved in buying an island in Montenegro. One NGO complains to another NGO about Thaksin having obtained an Montenegran passport. European NGO's (number of or names of not specified) complain to the Montenegran Interior Minister claiming that Thaksin is not elegible for an Montenegran passport

Your second link from the TAN network

Nicuragua - The opposition party warns the President that issuing a diplomatic passport to Thaksin may be against their laws. Reports of Thaksin using that diplomatic passport to travel from the UAE are denied by the Nicuraguan Immigration and the Royal Thai Police.

Your third link from the Uganda Independant newspaper

Uganda - A diplomatic passport allegedly issued to Thaksin under the name Takki Shinegra by the Ministry of the Interior. No confirmation either way as to whether this happened, save an observation that the government hadn't denied that it happened this time, having previously denied it on two other occasions.

I'm not in a position to judge the legality or otherwise of the issuance of passports as shown above but

with an unbiased eye it's hardly "exporting turmoil" or creating "internal conflicts" as you suggest, is it?

Thaksin Shinawatra jetted in and out of South Africa this week, without the government knowing about it.

while in the country, which was arranged by an ex-air force general.

Sounds like he may be exporting his turmoil to yet another country, same as he did in Nicaragua, Montenegro, and Uganda, where his presence there created internal conflicts in those countries.

You're just making a song-and-dance about everything Taksin does, making a mockery of balanced debate about the man.

The examples you offered a few posts later of 'turmoil' and 'internal conflict' include a complaint made by a managing director of an NGO, an opposition party calling a ruling party to task over the issue and some conjecture over the Ugandan passport.

If this is 'turmoil' and 'internal conflict' to you, then your world must be a particularly unstable and loathsome place. You have my sympathy. But as for using these arguments as a way of garnering further hatred for Taksin, your misplaced observations serve only to foster a mistrust of you and your arguments. Ironically, with arguments as transparently weak as this, you may actually be making people think 'what's so wrong about Taksin?'. You may be doing more harm than good.


You're just making a song-and-dance about everything Taksin does, making a mockery of balanced debate about the man.

The examples you offered a few posts later of 'turmoil' and 'internal conflict' include a complaint made by a managing director of an NGO, an opposition party calling a ruling party to task over the issue and some conjecture over the Ugandan passport.

If this is 'turmoil' and 'internal conflict' to you, then your world must be a particularly unstable and loathsome place. You have my sympathy. But as for using these arguments as a way of garnering further hatred for Taksin, your misplaced observations serve only to foster a mistrust of you and your arguments. Ironically, with arguments as transparently weak as this, you may actually be making people think 'what's so wrong about Taksin?'. You may be doing more harm than good.

Would any of that had occur without the presence of Thaksin? No.

An opposition party making warnings to its president, over Thaksin, would certainly not. Especially when it spills over to:

President Daniel Ortega, remains quiet about this issue, fearful that it could be lead to a conflict between the two countries

In regards to Montenegro, concern of that country's policy of selling its citizenship to the likes of Thaksin led to condemnations and are directly related to a subsequent reversal of the governmental policy, which no doubt created at least a smidgen of "internal conflict" in the process.

In Uganda, it has Cabinet ministers being taken to task and meeting with parliamentary committee in order to answer embarrassing questions, in which they've been caught out in a contradiction, saying one thing one year and another the next.

I hadn't realize that if I didn't post the entire articles, that such issues would be completely blown over. Wrong of me to rely on just posting the links to this high brow discourse with phiphidon's snippy requests, sergei's name-calling, and your own usage of such derogatory terms as "loathsome" and "unstable."



Let's hope he gets ripped off and spat out by the Africans.

It will be great if the shoe is on the other foot for once and William Monson would agree.


You're just making a song-and-dance about everything Taksin does, making a mockery of balanced debate about the man.

The examples you offered a few posts later of 'turmoil' and 'internal conflict' include a complaint made by a managing director of an NGO, an opposition party calling a ruling party to task over the issue and some conjecture over the Ugandan passport.

If this is 'turmoil' and 'internal conflict' to you, then your world must be a particularly unstable and loathsome place. You have my sympathy. But as for using these arguments as a way of garnering further hatred for Taksin, your misplaced observations serve only to foster a mistrust of you and your arguments. Ironically, with arguments as transparently weak as this, you may actually be making people think 'what's so wrong about Taksin?'. You may be doing more harm than good.

Would any of that had occur without the presence of Thaksin? No.

An opposition party making warnings to its president, over Thaksin, would certainly not. Especially when it spills over to:

President Daniel Ortega, remains quiet about this issue, fearful that it could be lead to a conflict between the two countries

In regards to Montenegro, concern of that country's policy of selling its citizenship to the likes of Thaksin led to condemnations and are directly related to a subsequent reversal of the governmental policy, which no doubt created at least a smidgen of "internal conflict" in the process.

In Uganda, it has Cabinet ministers being taken to task and meeting with parliamentary committee in order to answer embarrassing questions, in which they've been caught out in a contradiction, saying one thing one year and another the next.

I hadn't realize that if I didn't post the entire articles, that such issues would be completely blown over. Wrong of me to rely on just posting the links to this high brow discourse with phiphidon's snippy requests, sergei's name-calling, and your own usage of such derogatory terms as "loathsome" and "unstable."


Would any of that had occur without the presence of Thaksin? No.

How disingenuous can you get?

That's like saying 'Would this exchange of posts have occurred without the presence of Buchholz or hanuman1?'

Of course it wouldn't, but that doesn't say anything of the propriety of the outcome of Taksin's presence in those countries or your or my presence on this thread.

Just as it is right and proper that we chew the fat in response to each others' posts, so it is right and proper that someone can complain on behalf of an NGO or opposition party over any given current affair that occurs. Why are you blowing it all out of proportion?

And as for the word 'conflict' - what does this mean to you? War? A discussion? A difference of opinion? According to your standards, you and I appear to currently be in a conflict. And I thought we were just trying to have a discussion.

Finally, I'm sorry you consider words such as 'loathsome' and 'unstable' as being derogatory. I will try to bear in mind your delicate sensibilities in future. Maybe they are the reason that Taksin has moved you to spend so many hours of your life finding ever more tenuous ways of trashing him despite the fact that there is ample evidence of far greater wrongdoings by him already in the public domain.

Keep up the good work, though, if that's what floats your boat.


But as for using these arguments as a way of garnering further hatred for Taksin, your misplaced observations serve only to foster a mistrust of you and your arguments. Ironically, with arguments as transparently weak as this, you may actually be making people think 'what's so wrong about Taksin?'. You may be doing more harm than good.

Yep, that is the point.


Would any of that had occur without the presence of Thaksin? No.

An opposition party making warnings to its president, over Thaksin, would certainly not. Especially when it spills over to:

President Daniel Ortega, remains quiet about this issue, fearful that it could be lead to a conflict between the two countries

In regards to Montenegro, concern of that country's policy of selling its citizenship to the likes of Thaksin led to condemnations and are directly related to a subsequent reversal of the governmental policy, which no doubt created at least a smidgen of "internal conflict" in the process.

In Uganda, it has Cabinet ministers being taken to task and meeting with parliamentary committee in order to answer embarrassing questions, in which they've been caught out in a contradiction, saying one thing one year and another the next.

I hadn't realize that if I didn't post the entire articles, that such issues would be completely blown over. Wrong of me to rely on just posting the links to this high brow discourse with phiphidon's snippy requests, sergei's name-calling, and your own usage of such derogatory terms as "loathsome" and "unstable."

And as for the word 'conflict' - what does this mean to you? War? A discussion? A difference of opinion? According to your standards, you and I appear to currently be in a conflict. And I thought we were just trying to have a discussion.

It certainly doesn't mean a war, which I never said nor implied, but it does mean that a degree of internal conflict occurred in those nations that are having anything to do with the wanted fugitive. It's even part of the quote from a President that you skipped over. When our discussion prompts such a level of response, then we'll be considered in conflict. It's internal conflict directly related to Thaksin's actions and presence. It's one of the reasons he's down to going to places like Uganda, Nicaragua, and Montenegro. So many other places don't want to have anything to do with him.

Finally, I'm sorry you consider words such as 'loathsome' and 'unstable' as being derogatory. I will try to bear in mind your delicate sensibilities in future.

Empty and feigned apology accepted.



Deny, lie, deny, lie, cast blame elsewhere, falsely accuse others, deny and lie some more. That has always been Thaksin haters modus operandi...Expect more of the same, ad nauseum.

Its get simple boring.

If you wanna nail Thaksin, fine, but do it with some real facts and in a manner that is free of trashy arguments that can easily exposed as lies or just being plain stupid rants by simpletons.

Such tactic doesn't help the cause, if Thaksin is 'attacked' by idiots just makes him look better and damage the credibility of those who have some more serious allegation against him.


(Does that tactic work?)

Not in the slightest.


Deny, lie, deny, lie, cast blame elsewhere, falsely accuse others, deny and lie some more. That has always been Thaksin haters modus operandi...Expect more of the same, ad nauseum.

Its get simple boring.

If you wanna nail Thaksin, fine, but do it with some real facts and in a manner that is free of trashy arguments that can easily exposed as lies or just being plain stupid rants by simpletons.

Such tactic doesn't help the cause, if Thaksin is 'attacked' by idiots just makes him look better and damage the credibility of those who have some more serious allegation against him.


(Does that tactic work?)

Well, do you think that lies or posting a photo of Mugabe are valid, proper and intelligent arguments with lots of substance to expose Thaksin?

It graphically puts in juxtaposition the hypocrisy of Thaksin in most international business dealings, and not coincidentally the positions in error, of several, verbal acolytes, and defenders of the faith, in 'The Church of Thaksin', that we see defending their demi-god regularly here.


Deny, lie, deny, lie, cast blame elsewhere, falsely accuse others, deny and lie some more. That has always been Thaksin haters modus operandi...Expect more of the same, ad nauseum.

Its get simple boring.

If you wanna nail Thaksin, fine, but do it with some real facts and in a manner that is free of trashy arguments that can easily exposed as lies or just being plain stupid rants by simpletons.

Such tactic doesn't help the cause, if Thaksin is 'attacked' by idiots just makes him look better and damage the credibility of those who have some more serious allegation against him.


(Does that tactic work?)

Well, do you think that lies or posting a photo of Mugabe are valid, proper and intelligent arguments with lots of substance to expose Thaksin?

It graphically puts in juxtaposition the hypocrisy of Thaksin in most international business dealings, and not coincidentally the positions in error, of several, verbal acolytes, and defenders of the faith, in 'The Church of Thaksin', that we see defending their demi-god regularly here.



Some members really need to think a little more about their own mind and health since it seems they don't even realize they're addicted:


Hopefully it's not to late yet to seek help.


The thread you started in General reflects your misunderstanding of what constitutes an addiction, as the criteria to meet that diagnosis that you posted yourself are impossible for you to know if they are being met in this situation.

In essence, you know nothing of the personal lives of people you amateurishly misdiagnose as addicted, and without that knowledge, it's impossible to label people as you have.

Anyway, if people wish to discuss that topic, they can go to your abandoned thread in General and leave the News forum for discussing news.


It's more than obvious that people who are addicted to Thaksin and the reds don't wish to admit they are addicted, ashamed as they are to admit their addiction; as most addicted people always deny they are addicted and sick.

It's very easy to notice someone who's addicted, especially if the one is obsessed and addicted at the same time.

That's a tragedy in itself but I'm sure, deep down, everybody who has an addiction knows so.

To come out, accept and search for help is something that needs courage, a lot of courage.

Not everybody is brave enough though to come out and look for help.




If he brings the cash, Mugabe will give him a home.

Wow, homes in Montenegro (third world country), and Zimbabwee (fourth world police state, on the brink of total ecomonic and structural collapse) , impressive!


Some members really need to think a little more about their own mind and health since it seems they don't even realize they're addicted:


Hopefully it's not to late yet to seek help.


The thread you started in General reflects your misunderstanding of what constitutes an addiction, as the criteria to meet that diagnosis that you posted yourself are impossible for you to know if they are being met in this situation.

In essence, you know nothing of the personal lives of people you amateurishly misdiagnose as addicted, and without that knowledge, it's impossible to label people as you have.

Anyway, if people wish to discuss that topic, they can go to your abandoned thread in General and leave the News forum for discussing news.


It's more than obvious that people who are addicted to Thaksin and the reds don't wish to admit they are addicted, ashamed as they are to admit their addiction; as most addicted people always deny they are addicted and sick.

It's very easy to notice someone who's addicted, especially if the one is obsessed and addicted at the same time.

That's a tragedy in itself but I'm sure, deep down, everybody who has an addiction knows so.

To come out, accept and search for help is something that needs courage, a lot of courage.

Not everybody is brave enough though to come out and look for help.


Your whole premise is based on a fallacy.

As you failed to reply to the point raised earlier, I reiterate that there is no such thing as a Thaksin addiction. If you dispute that, Dr. LaoPo, then please cite the professional reference link that addresses this as an established diagnosis. Failing to do that makes all that you speak of is unfounded supposition which detracts from the serious nature of true addictions. Your feeble attempt to attach the same repercussions for alcohol addiction to your non-existent addiction diminishes the importance of those un-imagined and very real addictions.

I refer you back once again to your own definition that you wrote on your thread in General and ask you how is that you know that the criteria is fully met from your definition, when, in fact, you know diddly squat about those aspects of people's lives that are necessary in order for the criteria to be fulfilled.

Again, your thread in General is a fallacy, but still, rather than take up space in the News forum with its balderdash, it's probably best to move your discussion to your corresponding thread in the General forum.



It's more than obvious that people who are addicted to Thaksin and the reds don't wish to admit they are addicted, ashamed as they are to admit their addiction; as most addicted people always deny they are addicted and sick.

As you correctly point out some people are completely obsessed bringing Thaksin or the reds into every thread, sometimes regardless of relevance.I'm not sure there is much to be done about this as it's a free forum.If it was done with analysis, context and grace nobody would really mind but I agree the Lord Haw Haw continuous stream of low level heavy handed propaganda that becomes...just boring.It's the Sarah Palin syndrome unfortunately.To echo Barbara Bush sometimes one wishes the people concerned, fine charecters though they may be, would sit quietly in their seaside villas and spare us their never ending droning.


I refer you back once again to your own definition that you wrote on your thread in General and ask you how is that you know that the criteria is fully met from your definition, when, in fact, you know diddly squat about those aspects of people's lives that are necessary in order for the criteria to be fulfilled.

Well, to be fair, we do know one aspect of people's lives that fits commonly held characteristics of addictive behavior. That is, voluntarily spending significant amounts of time nearly every day of the week engaged in repetitive behavior, which in this case is writing posts of varying tenuousness concerned with the wrongdoings of another person. And this even in threads which start off with having little or nothing to do with the man in the first place.

I don't doubt that you see this as normal, perfectly acceptable behavior and of course you are perfectly at liberty to do it, but your ubiquitous presence and monotone message just shows an increasing lack of respect for other people's browsing experience and at the end of the day makes threads end up being more about you than the actual matters at hand.

As a matter of fact, I find you much more fascinating than any of your posts.

P.S. Please don't hesitate to point out where I'm being derogatory towards you. I hope you don't take offense at being considered fascinating. Clinically, or otherwise.


...... I reiterate that there is no such thing as a Thaksin addiction.

If you say so....:rolleyes:

Addictive behavior is any activity, substance, object, or behavior that has become the major focus of a person's life to the exclusion of other activities, or that has begun to harm the individual or others physically, mentally, or socially.[1]

A person can become addicted, dependent, or compulsively obsessed with anything.


Every individual knows best if he/she is addicted and/or compulsively obsessed.....but most will deny they are and that's the danger of any addiction.

In a country like Thailand, with some 66 million people, and a large number of Reds' supporters and Thaksin lovers and haters there must be many Thaksin addicted and/or compulsively obsessed people; pro or contra.

So, I disagree with you if you say: "there is no such thing as a Thaksin addiction."

Interesting read:




...... it's probably best to move your discussion to your corresponding thread in the General forum.

You're right.


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