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Jack Russells Looking For Homes

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A friend of mine is returning to the US in a month for health reasons and has to find homes for her 15 (yes, fifteeen!) Jack Russells. Going free to good homes, they are all pure bred Jacks from imported American parents, long-leg / short-coat, males and females, brown and white / black and white / tri-colour, from three months old, in the Pattaya area.

Please PM me for her phone number if you can take one (or more!).

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to help things along a bit: post pics/age/sex.... personality traits a bit.... etc.... and there was someone recently on the forum looking for a jack russel to breed with/or add .. cnat remember but fairly recent u can search the pet/vet forum this year/past few months...


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Thanks for the suggestions, Bina, but they aren't mine and the first I knew about her leaving (and the number of dogs!) was yesterday, and we aren't close neighbours. She simply called me because I have helped her with advice on dogs before (I have plenty already, and little room for more).

Since there are 15 Jacks looking for homes I'd imagine that they cover just about all the possible combinations one could want from a Jack Russell - the one thing she does assure me of is that they are very effective "snake dogs"!

I'll have a look through the Forum and PM anyone I can find who was asking about Jacks recently. Good idea.

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Beware of this lot......they are not free.

I made considerable effort to go there as we were looking for a JR and they wanted 10,000b for an adult male.

Scammers and complete waste of time.

Since you are not clear whether I am included in "this lot" or if you think I am one of the "scammers" I will hold judgement on whether you are simply annoyed, possibly justifiably after a wasted journey, whether you are talking about a different person, or you are being unnecessarily offensive.

Prior to reading this I PM'd you in reply to the PM you sent me (sent after you had posted the above) detailing what had happened today. As I explained to you yesterday after I received your PM telling me that you had already made arrangements to go to Pattaya to see some Jack Russels you knew about: "No idea if its the same lady, as I don't know who you called! By the sound of it, though, it may well be the same. No photos, I am afraid, as I don't know her that well - the first I knew about quite how ill she was and how many dogs she had was yesterday."

I also told you that I could only give you directions to the area as "I can barely remember where her house is myself as I have only been there once a few years ago and we are not near neighbours".

As I explained in the PM I sent you a few minutes ago I still do not know if it is the same person as you have never told me her name or any other details and I have no idea where you first heard of these dogs.

As soon as I received your PM I informed the other posters who had PM'd me yesterday and advised them to wait until I had been able to confirm exactly what the situation was. During the time I have been writing this post one has already replied : "Thanks but I got her number from another member and I phoned her this morning. She told me, before I even asked , that all the free dogs were gone and only the older ones left at 10,000 Baht each. Discounted from 20,000." I can only presume that the younger free dogs I referred to here had already been snapped up locally and that all she had left were the parents I also mentioned, which she had brought with her from the States, which are American Kennel Club registered, and which when we spoke on the phone she intended to take home with her.

Since I gave you both my home and my mobile numbers to call in case you got lost I can't help thinking that it may have been better to have called me once you had been to Pattaya to let me know what had happened and to confirm whether or not it was the same person before posting as you did, just as it may have been better had you phoned her before you left this morning (as the other poster did) which would have saved you a wasted journey.

Once I know exactly what the current situation is I will confirm it here, however as the lady in question is far from well and has been being treated for advanced cancer for several months I do not think it would be appropriate to call her at this time of night to interrogate her.

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everyone, tempers down. jai yen.

the OP is just a person trying to help an other person who is terminally ill. like many know, the road to good intentions... etc. so could be several misunderstandings...

please pm the OP for confirmation of details before making long drives or raising expectations; understand also that many times, terminally ill people especially those undergoing treatments or taking pain meds can forget decisons made previously, change their minds, forgot what was promised or be unclear about things--

someone going back home whilst ill and wanting to rehome pets will obviously want some money, want to find good homes... so possible that some were free, some were bought, and some have a high going price because the owner might be ambivalent about actually re homeing them. this way she can ask a price yet not hae takers, and then take them... all speculation of course but have seen this before...

so keepit all civil; people want to help, and others want to benefit for the good of all....



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...... possible that some were free, some were bought, and some have a high going price because the owner might be ambivalent about actually re homeing them. this way she can ask a price yet not hae takers, and then take them... all speculation of course but have seen this before... .....

Bina, your "speculation" was uncannily perceptive. I told those who PM'd me that I would post an update, so although she "forgot" to tell me that she had already advertised on TV (twice!), I am glad to say that the younger dogs I said were available free on Monday night had all been given away by Wednesday, some locally and some to TV members. She was apparently then persuaded to sell the three parent dogs she had brought from the States with her, although she has evidently been making little effort to be separated from her oldest dogs and she has warned off anyone phoning in advance that she no longer has any free dogs available.

Thanks to all those who PM'd me, and thank you, Bina, for understanding the position so well.

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I am not refering to the OP...LC as the scammer, sorry that was not clear.

It is the same person most definitely.

They had an add in the classified section for the dogs.

Very ndisappointing to drive so far and then be asked for a pile of cash for an inferior quality dog anyway.

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I am not refering to the OP...LC as the scammer, sorry that was not clear.

It is the same person most definitely.

They had an add in the classified section for the dogs.

Very ndisappointing to drive so far and then be asked for a pile of cash for an inferior quality dog anyway.

yes, it now seems that the ill aquaintance was also advertising somewhere here unknown to the OP... like i said before, terminally ill people on meds and under pressure dont always do things in a socially apropriate nor organized fashion... so thereofre the mistakes...

second: yes have been in similar (not terminally ill just having to rehome or sell off my goats, most of whom were really pets)... i adverted as free, but when people came to take, i often changed my mind and put a price t the animal, in which case the people would leave... if they were persistant enough, and i felt that they were indeed a good home, then they would get it for free anyhow, but often the refusal of 'free' winnowed out many folks (some of which wanted the animal for free and then they would do a turnaround manoever and resell for more-- ive been in the animal business for way long time....... and often had dealings with old eccentrics or ill and eccentric people that for whatever reasons had to sell off their dogs, rabbits, cats, goats, horses, donkeys, ducks whatever... these same scenarios happen over and over again. so it was speculatin based on knowlege of human behavior ive seen in past.

anyhow, glad to see most dogs got rehomed, and for the disappointed wanting tobe owner of a jack russel, there will be more im sure, patience and scrolling through all the forums here im sure u will find one although probably not free, but u nver know... there is something called serendipity: i wanted a boxer pup from a specific breeder from finland(!)and had been in contact for a while. howver couldnt afford her prices. i had almost given up, then almost a year later, i got an email from her saying that she had a year old male that ws from her kennel but had been abandoned and was returned to her, with some behavioral problmes. she also didnt need a male from that blood line. i agreed to take him just paying the shipment fee. at the same time, we had a finnish rep at our factory. i sent money for the flight to israel with him in cash when he went home (how trusting i was then) , he brought it to her, i picked up nero the boxer from the airport. this was many years ago, and he is now dead poor doggie from cancer, but somehow, things work out//

so u never know .... btw, if u lived here i would gladly give u our 'bunjee', the jack russel, as my dogs dont like him so he really lives with my ex in laws... great family dog, just the lhasos gang up on him and he suffers...



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