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Thai Police Officer Confirms Claim Bribery Is Involved For Police Posts


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Well I am sure you are intimating that he did know about this based on your post, pauln clearly asks if there is anyone that does not know about this. You desire to be a smart arse and drag Thaksin into another thread where it is not really warranted or needed and just made you look a tad silly and pretty much showed how desperate you are to discuss the man, dragging him into a thread that is not about him or his party, why don't you focus on the fact that a dem is accussed here or are you not allowed to slag them off, you would rather try misdirection and blame others. Wow it seems you are actually turning into a democrat member of parliament.

Thank you for your profound observation.

PS where did you read Wisut Wanichbutr was a Democrat Party member?

PPS last I voted in the Netherlands, only 15 years ago I voted CDA (Christian Democrats). The only similarity is in name, not in program.

To correct my post:

No one said Wisut W was a Dem's. K. Wisut has accused a close aide to a Dem's. As the close aid has not been named, we don't know what affiliation that aid has. We have a coalition government, so aid may come from many parties.

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To correct my post:

No one said Wisut W was a Dem's. K. Wisut has accused a close aide to a Dem's. As the close aid has not been named, we don't know what affiliation that aid has. We have a coalition government, so aid may come from many parties.

The person being accused is K. Sirichok, a Democrat MP.

Police Major General Wisut Wanichbutr alleged that there are bribes being exchanged for police positions and that the process is coordinated by a close aid to the Prime Minister, Sirichok Sopa.


Wisut went on to say that those who want to be moved into higher positions must pay between 600,000 and one million baht to Sirichok.

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"..there are bribes being exchanged for police positions.."

Is there anyone in this country who didn't know this?

The following names come to mind:

- ex police lieutenant colonel Thaksin S.

- Potjaman Damapong, daughter of a police general

- police captain Chalerm Y.

Oh goody, you managed to turn yet another thread into a thaksin thread <_<

Not really, I just mention in a slightly ironic way a few (ex) police related people who might or might not have known about 'buying position' practices. It may surprise, but i don't know that many police officers here in Thailand ;)

Guaranteed they knew and participated. It's endemic. Sad, but true....

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I believe this copper could gain quite a bit of sympathy and as a result those whose toes he is stepping on may be reluctant to do anything too drastic too soon. It was only a few months ago that another copper asked to be moved prior to retirement to avoid being targeted by "insurgenets" in the South. His request was ignored and he was sadly dispatched. The brass were seen in a very bad light over that.

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To correct my post:

No one said Wisut W was a Dem's. K. Wisut has accused a close aide to a Dem's. As the close aid has not been named, we don't know what affiliation that aid has. We have a coalition government, so aid may come from many parties.

The person being accused is K. Sirichok, a Democrat MP.

Police Major General Wisut Wanichbutr alleged that there are bribes being exchanged for police positions and that the process is coordinated by a close aid to the Prime Minister, Sirichok Sopa.


Wisut went on to say that those who want to be moved into higher positions must pay between 600,000 and one million baht to Sirichok.

Oops! :(

I stand corrected. :wub:

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Years ago there was a book called Sarawat (Sergeant) Yai about an honest policeman. A TV series was made which I believe was quite popular. However, after just a couple of episodes it was withdrawn from TV. I just hope this guy is not permanently withdrawn.

Edited by Valentine
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To correct my post:

No one said Wisut W was a Dem's. K. Wisut has accused a close aide to a Dem's. As the close aid has not been named, we don't know what affiliation that aid has. We have a coalition government, so aid may come from many parties.

The person being accused is K. Sirichok, a Democrat MP.

Police Major General Wisut Wanichbutr alleged that there are bribes being exchanged for police positions and that the process is coordinated by a close aid to the Prime Minister, Sirichok Sopa.


Wisut went on to say that those who want to be moved into higher positions must pay between 600,000 and one million baht to Sirichok.

Oops! :(

I stand corrected. :wub:

Where is my love emoticon :angry:

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PM's Aid Denies Involvement in Bribes in Police Reshuffle

MP Sirichoke Sopa, a close aide to the prime minister, has plans to lodge a defamation lawsuit against Police Major General Wisut Wanichbutr, who has accused him of interfering with the police appointment process.

Songkhla MP Sirichoke Sopa of the Democrat Party insisted that he never interfered with the police reshuffle process as he was accused of doing by former Deputy Commander of the Region 9 Provincial Police Bureau, Police Major General Wisut Wanichbutr, who claimed he was unfairly transferred to the legal affairs office recently.

Sirichoke also challenged Wisut to produce evidence to back up his accusations.

The lawmaker also said that he is prepared to lodge a defamation lawsuit against the high ranking police officer.

Wisut said that it is common for police officers to bribe politicians with highly valued Buddhist amulets or watches for the desirable positions.

Sirichoke refuted the claim by saying that he does not wear or collect Buddhist amulets or watches.


-- Tan Network 2010-11-01


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After my blunder a moment ago, let me try again.

A police officer who claims he was transferred unfairly held another press conference, to reaffirm his claims that there is bribery for police posts and that a close aid to the prime minister is involved.

The story continues with lots more 'alleged', 'swore telling the truth', 'claimed' and 'said'. So basicly we know nothing yet.

The only good thing is at the end: "However, he does plan to go to the court soon." At that time we should get some real details and proof.

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Democrat Party Songkhla MP Sirichok Sopa, a close aide to Abhisit, has continued to expose allegations that police positions were being traded for personal gain.

Interesting that Sirichok is "exposing allegations" and is also being blamed for "co-ordinating" the process.

It would seem because he is exposing this pay for positions business,

they attempt to expose him as the mastermind to stop his expositions.

A classic job of misdirection and blame the whistle blower,

with the testimony of Lieutenant Sacrificial Lamb ;

one cop tethered to a stake to bring the 'alleged smaller carnivores' to the killing ground,

tethered by the even bigger monster actually doing the eating of all who arrive.

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Democrat Party Songkhla MP Sirichok Sopa, a close aide to Abhisit, has continued to expose allegations that police positions were being traded for personal gain.

Interesting that Sirichok is "exposing allegations" and is also being blamed for "co-ordinating" the process.

It would seem because he is exposing this pay for positions business,

they attempt to expose him as the mastermind to stop his expositions.

A classic job of misdirection and blame the whistle blower,

with the testimony of Lieutenant Sacrificial Lamb ;

one cop tethered to a stake to bring the 'alleged smaller carnivores' to the killing ground,

tethered by the even bigger monster actually doing the eating of all who arrive.

And all the while, every Thai in the country knows what is going on...and many participate. Maybe that is why they let this stuff just get swept under the rug???? In your or my country, this would be a big deal and heads would roll...

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He swore to be telling the truth, or else be dead within seven days.

i don't think that will be left to fate anymore.

Good on the guy, he was doing his job properly it seems and he was removed for touching the untouchable

If he is telling the truth, he will probably be dead in seven days.

Good luck to him.

If he is not dead by next week, he is telling the truth. A week is not too long to wait.

Sopa better get pack by next week, because the whole world will know if this police is telling the truth or not by then.

If he's still alive next week, he wasn't telling the truth. Don't mess with the "Untouchables" here. A real brave man.....:jap:

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Democrat Party Songkhla MP Sirichok Sopa, a close aide to Abhisit, has continued to expose allegations that police positions were being traded for personal gain.

Interesting that Sirichok is "exposing allegations" and is also being blamed for "co-ordinating" the process.

It would seem because he is exposing this pay for positions business,

they attempt to expose him as the mastermind to stop his expositions.

A classic job of misdirection and blame the whistle blower,

with the testimony of Lieutenant Sacrificial Lamb ;

one cop tethered to a stake to bring the 'alleged smaller carnivores' to the killing ground,

tethered by the even bigger monster actually doing the eating of all who arrive.

As I pointed out before that is a quote from August 2009 so "is exposing" is not correct. He was exposing in August 2009. He was going to pass information on the the Deputy PM to consider whilst the police reshuffle took place in 2009. As far as I can ascertain there has been no follow-up to this action. Now he is being accused of co-ordinating the payments in 2010. No doubt all will come out in the courts.

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As I pointed out before that is a quote from August 2009 so "is exposing" is not correct. He was exposing in August 2009. He was going to pass information on the the Deputy PM to consider whilst the police reshuffle took place in 2009. As far as I can ascertain there has been no follow-up to this action. Now he is being accused of co-ordinating the payments in 2010. No doubt all will come out in the courts.

So, what you are suggesting is that while he was exposing the payments in 2009, he found out enough to be able to start co-ordinating them, and therefore didn't pass any information on to Suthep (or did, and Suthep asked him to co-ordinate it).

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What a shocking revelation...... Not !! But let us apply a bit of logic here. So if you pay 1 million baht for a position that pays 20,000 baht a month, it stands to reason that you MUST act in a corrupt fashion to supplement your income stream to get that money. For me, nothing screams the title of a 3rd world country louder than the practice of buying a government position.... :annoyed:

All so true in the west it is called nepotism.

No it's not! That is something different!

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As I pointed out before that is a quote from August 2009 so "is exposing" is not correct. He was exposing in August 2009. He was going to pass information on the the Deputy PM to consider whilst the police reshuffle took place in 2009. As far as I can ascertain there has been no follow-up to this action. Now he is being accused of co-ordinating the payments in 2010. No doubt all will come out in the courts.

So, what you are suggesting is that while he was exposing the payments in 2009, he found out enough to be able to start co-ordinating them, and therefore didn't pass any information on to Suthep (or did, and Suthep asked him to co-ordinate it).

I'm not suggesting anything, just putting the record straight. I think my last sentence puts forward my viewpoint. If he is sued for defamation, he will either provide proof or not.

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Democrat Party Songkhla MP Sirichok Sopa, a close aide to Abhisit, has continued to expose allegations that police positions were being traded for personal gain.

Interesting that Sirichok is "exposing allegations" and is also being blamed for "co-ordinating" the process.

It would seem because he is exposing this pay for positions business,

they attempt to expose him as the mastermind to stop his expositions.

A classic job of misdirection and blame the whistle blower,

with the testimony of Lieutenant Sacrificial Lamb ;

one cop tethered to a stake to bring the 'alleged smaller carnivores' to the killing ground,

tethered by the even bigger monster actually doing the eating of all who arrive.

"A classic job of misdirection and blame the whistle blower".

Exactly. just like the case about the corrupted judges being secretly filmed.

The judges: business as usual.

The whist;e blower: On the run like a fugitive overseas, if return, will be arrested immediately.

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"..there are bribes being exchanged for police positions.."

Is there anyone in this country who didn't know this?

Indeed! The best well known secret in Thailand. Then again, all is well in the Kingdom and only Farangs are the bad apples in the barrel.

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What a shocking revelation...... Not !! But let us apply a bit of logic here. So if you pay 1 million baht for a position that pays 20,000 baht a month, it stands to reason that you MUST act in a corrupt fashion to supplement your income stream to get that money. For me, nothing screams the title of a 3rd world country louder than the practice of buying a government position.... :annoyed:

Indeed. I knew a Policeman ,who wanted to be a detective , in Bangrak. He paid 1,000,000 for his position 15 years ago.His salary was about B 15,000, but his "extras amounted to about B40,000 a month. M.B's and B.M.W.'s are very popular, aren't they?

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I would have thought that 1mil baht was significantly low but then Major General Wisut was out in the boonies and that is the going price out there. I venture to suggest that in Pattaya 10 mil would be nearer the mark.

I'm just wondering it this is all sour grapes and/or the good Major General has been overworking. He must be really stressed out making on average 2 arrests every week. I suggest that a visit from the men in white coats who would escort him to a place of safety and put him under lock and key would be a more appropriate remedy than violence. He would of course be unfit to attend court and give evidence. Then all can get on with their iniquitous lives once more. Maybe the friendly Russian Mafia have already suggested this. 

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Hmmm this comment about him being dead in 7 days reminds of the old practice of determining guilt. Usually, an acccused witch would be tied up, but it wasn't a fetish sort of thing the way as some of you and your bargirl/barboys do. The accused would then be tossed into the water. If the poor soul floated up to the surface, it was considered evidence of witchcraft. If the person sank, then innocence was demonstrated. Unfortunately, by the time someone decided to recover the body that had sunk, the accused witch had drowned.

It would be nice if the Prime Minister could make his position in the matter known. If the PM ignores the allegations, then he is just as bad as every other corrupt PM that came before him.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Wisut knows he's been called a "psycho", but if he's psychotic in his duties, he says, it's only a mark of his determination.


I'm just wondering it this is all sour grapes and/or the good Major General has been overworking. He must be really stressed out making on average 2 arrests every week. I suggest that a visit from the men in white coats who would escort him to a place of safety and put him under lock and key would be a more appropriate remedy than violence.

He certainly seems to be "out there."

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Be realistic. Just like judges, police are never corrupted, as they represent the law.

If they are corrupted, that is the end of the society, and people will just take the law in their own hand, and they (judges & police) are not dependable.

However, the Thai society still depended on its judges and police, hence this is the best proof that they are not corrupted.

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The Thai police system is set up in such a way that corruption is a foregone conclusion. When the Thai system, as a whole is considered, those that deny corruption exists, are more than likely those involved or the naive souls who fell off of the turnip truck this morning.

I always have a chuckle when someone is so adamant that they have never received certain items in the process but I have never heard anyone of these individuals deny that they have never benefited from the process personally.

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Be realistic. Just like judges, police are never corrupted, as they represent the law.

If they are corrupted, that is the end of the society, and people will just take the law in their own hand, and they (judges & police) are not dependable.

However, the Thai society still depended on its judges and police, hence this is the best proof that they are not corrupted.

Must be nice living in a sensory deprivation tank.

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"..there are bribes being exchanged for police positions.."

Is there anyone in this country who didn't know this?

Seeing as so many people have strongly suspected this, I hope this policeman has the evidence and courage to name and shame those involved, to substantiate his claims and our suspicions. The PM and Police Chief need to show they are men of principles and support and / or protect this man. I for one don't give a monkeys arse whether the politicians are Dem or PT i'm just getting sick and tired of my tax money propping up a corrupt system and the Mia Nois of fat, aging, viagra popping politicians, whilst so many people live in abject poverty.

Even if he names and shames it will not change anything, too many big snouts in the trough also how long has this guy been a cop, and are hhis hands lily white clean ?

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"..there are bribes being exchanged for police positions.."

Is there anyone in this country who didn't know this?

Indeed! The best well known secret in Thailand. Then again, all is well in the Kingdom and only Farangs are the bad apples in the barrel.

I have spoken to many Thais on bribery and corruption the majority are jealous and wish they were in a position to do the same, ie recieve money through bribery and corruption, its a national disease and will not change in our lifetime, every facet of society is involved so you none believers get used to it.

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Bribery Is Involved For Police Posts.

Shock, horror, can this be true?

Government institutions top ranking employees is a job for the lads and lasses, always has been, always will be.

It`s who you`re related to, who your mates are, being of the old school tie, in the case of women who they are prepared to sleep with or how much you are prepared to pay. Same in every country.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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