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The Large Black Wasps In Thailand?


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I have had a few fly into the house, but luckily they normally fly out and are not a problem. But what are they? Wasps? Do they have a sting? If so, is it painful? They look as if they can pack a punch. I would not want to mess with one.

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The OP needs to post a photo to establish the type of 'wasp' he is talking about.

The joy of Thai wasps (IMO) is that they don't follow you about - they ignore you. They might pack a nasty sting, but as long as you leave them alone they have no interest in people.

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The wasps in Thailand don't appear to live in large nests, rather they live as individuals or small groups.

This probably explains why they are less aggressive as nest wasps tend to be very protective of the nest. The Thai wasps aren't so bothered. Mess with them directly though and I think they'll have something to say about it.

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