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Motorbike Crash Helmets


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Sorry, might not be quite the right forum for this but I live in Chiang Mai. Overnight it seems that someone (no idea who, it's a mystery) has drilled 3 holes of about 5mm diameter each into the top of my girlfriend's crash helmet which was sat outside on her bike. They're across the middle top of the helmet and a couple of inches apart. Can anyone think of a reason why someone would do this? Is it sometimes done to attach something else to the helmet? It's most odd.

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Check with the neighbours see if there were other similiar cases, could be just some prankster going about a random rampage to text out his new found hobby, this would be the lesser concern scenario.

Worse if your gf had some disagreement with someone before this fateful night, and that someone is sending a threatening message or something as it appears to be slots for 3 joss sticks offered to the ..........:blink:

I mean no offence to the above, just that you asked Steve and I answered.

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not at all, any responses or suggestions gratefully received. girlfriend definitely hasn't had any disagreements recently and the place we live is usually really safe and secure. so i guess canvassing the nearby neighbours is the next step. it is really odd though.

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Ahhaa.....yes, E.T. must have stopped by to refuel on the way back home for the annual bowling league and could not resist trying out so had to drill the tiny holes for its long thin fingers....only to realised after picking up the 'ball' that its only halves and no core in it so E.T. goes home leaving the 'ball' back on the motobike.....:jap:

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Steve, you mentioned the place is 'safe & secure', so you may wanna check the CCTV if any.

Come to think of it, the drilling of 3 holes would have to make some noise in the quiet night so maybe the holes were already there way before you realised them this morning, could have been days already so going around the neighbours would be fruitless.:unsure:

Having said, you may wanna bring your gf shopping to get her a new one for safety purpose and keep it indoors during the night.

May wanna leave the vandalised helmet outside to see if more mysterious holes were to be discovered every morning, thus gives a sense of excitement to know if E.T. is back in town.:jap:

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Does your girlfriend seem very upset about it, or mostly thinks it's weird?

Either way you need to replace the helmet now.

absolutely baffled, not upset particularly. they're properly drilled, neat holes all in a straight line across the middle of the helmet. as if someone was trying to attach something else to the helmet. the most puzzling bit is that it happened while i was out last night but she was home and didn't hear any drilling noises. plus we have electronically locked gates on our moo baan so it shouldn't have just been some random stranger wandering by.

and yeah, the lid will need replacing regardless.

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May wanna leave the vandalised helmet outside to see if more mysterious holes were to be discovered every morning, thus gives a sense of excitement to know if E.T. is back in town.:jap:

we have a number of earthworms in the driveway. can worms eat through crash helmets and if so are they known for doing it very neatly?

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Where I come from, the earthworms would not have the abilities nor the appetite to make those damages, but I can't speak for those at your drive way, must be the som-tum diet making the local thai earthworms mutated, do be careful thay do not eat thru the motobike next.:jap:

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Harry, I'd just checked with the immigration dept, naww......Woddy did not enter thailand so it couldn't be the woodpecker.

But hmmm, wait a minute.... does Woddy need to check-in at the immigrations to come here???:whistling:

and if Woddy is here in CNX would its beak still be strong enough??? I'd guess Woddy should be close to 70 yrs old now.

Aah..ha...ha...ha..haek, aah..ha...ha...ha...haek....

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Is it a common helmet??? Maybe you GF/someone elses GF picked up the wrong helmet some time...

I am thinking more likely there was something always mounted on the helmet which covered these holes, and that has come off... maybe they are the standard air vents, and the cover come off...


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A cordless electric drill wouldn't make much noise especially on fibreglass.

Wonder if someone wanted to modify their own helmet and decided to try it out on someone else's first? Some motorcycle taxi drivers seem to like mounting decorative stuff on their helmets. Or perhaps it is their helmet - they got the holes wrong and swapped their failed project for your GF's.

Otherwise keep an eye out for a local midget, wearing a bowling shirt and carrying cordless drill.

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Is it a common helmet??? Maybe you GF/someone elses GF picked up the wrong helmet some time...

I am thinking more likely there was something always mounted on the helmet which covered these holes, and that has come off... maybe they are the standard air vents, and the cover come off...


it's not that common a helmet, it's a pretty decent one which cost a couple of thousand baht. thing is she is absolutely 100% certain that the holes were not there when she arrived home yesterday around 5pm. so i don't think it's a case of her picking up the wrong one.

common sense is bringing me round to the fact that there simply must have been something there previously which has come loose. why in the world would anyone drill three perfectly aligned holes into a stranger's crash helmet?

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You're an analytical kind of guy, aren't you Daewoo....or is Sherlock your real identity?:jap:

I am sure anyone to be Stevie's gf would have to be sharp enough to know if the headgear was hers and good old Steve would not have missed a thing if that your tacks are correct.

I'd speculate that one of the neighbouring teenager is a vocational student and he had the helmet brought back to his room where he tried out his new tri-inline drill bits and it worked....so he was happy with it and had the responsibility to return to its rightful owner but at the meantime, he is also broke thus explains why he had to 'borrow' Stevie's gf's gear and obviously couldn't pay for a replacement and yet he was concerned about her safety so he placed it back on her motobike........

What do you think of it Steve? You must have gone around the neighbours by now, any news?

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i feel we may have solved the mystery of the nighttime driller.


I hope this isn't a common fault with bowling equipment as I've been dancing to strikes for sometime with the same gear! Having big hands and fat fingers I always just used the see through slot at the back on mine


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it's not that common a helmet, it's a pretty decent one which cost a couple of thousand baht. thing is she is absolutely 100% certain that the holes were not there when she arrived home yesterday around 5pm. so i don't think it's a case of her picking up the wrong one.

common sense is bringing me round to the fact that there simply must have been something there previously which has come loose. why in the world would anyone drill three perfectly aligned holes into a stranger's crash helmet?

Stevie, Stevie & Stevie.....1stly it IS a common helmet, then you said your gf IS ABSOLUTELY 100% CERTAIN there wasn't any holes before and you knew she did not pick up a wrong one......

But now you show a picture of a common helmet and suggested the ventilation grill must have came loose thus leaving the 3 perfectly aligned holes as the answer.....

Meaning to say, not you nor your gf noticed there was a vent grill before it went missing yesterday..............

Or the Men-In-Black paid you a visit and Will Smith had you and your gf to stare at the little red light before it flashed up and left the both of you clueless of the whole incident..............by the way, did you noticed if Tommy Lee Jones was standing or sitting down just before the little red light flashed up?:jap:

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Could this be some sort of manifacturing fault?

The holes maybe some sort of finish from the factory and later filled in with some kind of material or grommets.. The filler or grommets could have fallen out exposing the holes.

I very much doubt if anyone would have done this as a practical joke.

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