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How Feminism Destroyed Real Men


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Interesting thread. More ups n down and outs n ins has left me wondering whether Im coming or going? :blink:

Its definately a TRASH article & makes me wonder if that person actually got paid to write it....perhaps it was a printer malfunction.

Each to their own.

ps: I wish boo would stalk me :lol:

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Problem as I see it, women want equality, but only their definition of equality which is hypocritical because its not the equal way of deciding it.

OK. Not having read the article - you're joking right??

All the women I know do most things around the house (or eventually get fed up as they're working full-time too, so arrange for a cleaner).

To be fair, the husband would (eventually) do anything he was asked to do - but badly.

Please explain why you think women want 'their definition of equality'.

Are you responding from your 'home' country's perspective? insofar as you say you are working full time? here? or there? And as to your comment regarding 'husband would do ... but badly, my Thai husband (this is the 'Women's Forum is it not?) cooked and cleaned together with taking on the general repairs to our house, of which he was very adept.

I get the feeling you're married to a farang and are still 'in your mind' living in Luton or somewhere.Or perhaps, going by the number of posters and mods on this forum, do not actually live in Thailand?

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F1 lives in Thailand as do I, and given the article was written by a farang guy living in farang land about his rather disrespectful relationship with his farang gf, can't see that it matters where one lives or what one's relationship is.

That said, my Thai husband is also very adept at repairs, cooking and cleaning. But then he had a mother who didn't mollycoddle him (bit too much the other way IMO but well, never mind, its all past now).

What disturbed me more about this article was the man's absolutely disrespectful attitude towards his gf. to tell her to shut up! seriously? and he thinks that's ok? do unto others as you would have them do unto you is my motto and I can't imagine he'd put up with being told to shut up.

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What disturbed me more about this article was the man's absolutely disrespectful attitude towards his gf. to tell her to shut up! seriously? and he thinks that's ok? do unto others as you would have them do unto you is my motto and I can't imagine he'd put up with being told to shut up.

Yes thats no way to speak to anyone. Actually, theres a little thai forum and that I post on occassionly (okay, too much) & theres one particular adminerator who always sends me little messages that run along those lines (ie: to shut up) :lol::cheesy: disgusting yet likeable little creature she is :emot-kiss:

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What disturbed me more about this article was the man's absolutely disrespectful attitude towards his gf. to tell her to shut up! seriously? and he thinks that's ok? do unto others as you would have them do unto you is my motto and I can't imagine he'd put up with being told to shut up.

Yes thats no way to speak to anyone. Actually, theres a little thai forum and that I post on occassionly (okay, too much) & theres one particular adminerator who always sends me little messages that run along those lines (ie: to shut up) :lol::cheesy: disgusting yet likeable little creature she is :emot-kiss:

and super hot too, I'd imagine ;)

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I agreed with a lot that he said.

BUT manly men, aren't unfaithful to their women.

A real man doesn't cheat and lie.

Totally disagree. Real men tend to seek more than one female and mate with more than one. That's in a man's genes (or jeans? :whistling: ) and is given to him by nature or evolution or whatever you want to call it.

Men, as well as any other males have the ability and desire to propagate their genes as widely as possible, that assures survival of the species. Women and females, on the other hand, have to take care and protect their offspring the best they can; that's in their genes.

Now women have tried to consider their "natural" behavior as "good" and "moral" and men's behavior as "bad" and "cheating". And they have been very successful with this, making moral codes, even laws. But that totally disregards nature.

One way of doing this was to closely associate sex with love, when these are two totally different things. That's why it is called "cheating" when someone has sex outside the marriage and society's punishment is certain, divorce inevitable and financial ruin unavoidable.

But a "platonic" relationship outside marriage is tolerated, although it goes much deeper, but no sex is involved. Now that is cheating in my view.

Feminism has totally changed social values and I am not sure for the better.

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Um, sorry but your analysis doesn't take into account a few millenia of civilization changing behaviors. But nice try anyway :D

Civilization, being roughly 5 thousand years old is way too short to change genetically mankind. Civilization has put a very thin coat of paint over us animals, but scratch a little and you will find the beast.

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I agreed with a lot that he said.

BUT manly men, aren't unfaithful to their women.

A real man doesn't cheat and lie.

Totally disagree. Real men tend to seek more than one female and mate with more than one. That's in a man's genes (or jeans? :whistling: ) and is given to him by nature or evolution or whatever you want to call it.

Men, as well as any other males have the ability and desire to propagate their genes as widely as possible, that assures survival of the species. Women and females, on the other hand, have to take care and protect their offspring the best they can; that's in their genes.

Now women have tried to consider their "natural" behavior as "good" and "moral" and men's behavior as "bad" and "cheating". And they have been very successful with this, making moral codes, even laws. But that totally disregards nature.

One way of doing this was to closely associate sex with love, when these are two totally different things. That's why it is called "cheating" when someone has sex outside the marriage and society's punishment is certain, divorce inevitable and financial ruin unavoidable.

But a "platonic" relationship outside marriage is tolerated, although it goes much deeper, but no sex is involved. Now that is cheating in my view.

Feminism has totally changed social values and I am not sure for the better.

i think this post is spot on, mexicans which imho are very much like thais except the men are a bit more macho often had minor wives, singapore until the last few yrs was also known for minor wives, the french are famous for their love of women, as are the italians, and it is still common in africa, and soth america so world wide men are doing what men do and women are doing what women do. B)

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Feminism didn't beat men into submission, but it did drive many of them away to rediscover a more traditional balance of the sexes in other countries like Thailand.

After a lifetime of being attracted to ballsy women, the last of whom refused resolutely to say that she loved me over a seven year close relationship as that might show weakness (how about that for role reversal), I find Thai women a breath of fresh air - for all their weaknesses.

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I want to tell you all the truth about feminism. It is really lesbianism. Yes, this was an issue about rights, but eventually women wanted to be men. Personally I don't care much, I get along with women of all types and I especially like lesbians as long as they are willing to have sex (with me). But the reality in America is this: women are trying to break a mold which took thousands of years to form. They want their sexuality to be theirs. I agree with that. In America, men control sexuality. They control how women can act. Women are not free with their sexuality, it is controlled by law.

In Thailand, women are free with their sexuality to the extent that they want or need it to be. They can sell it or they can not sell it. It is freedom. Freedom has been perverted in the US into thinking that freedom has nothing to do with economics. IT HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH ECONOMICS. Freedom was the freedom to make a living as you please. Prior to that people were indentured servants, serfs, slaves and whatever. The concept has been extended to accomodate black "leaders" who insist freedom is shoving your way into an organization, demanding equality in the workplace for minorities, demanding subsidies, demanding food, demanding education, demanding a place in a society which they contribute little to in the way of economic growth. This has resulted in continual reinterpretation of historical government documents that never needed reinterpreting.

Society needs parameters and as you see, we have exceeded them across the board. "Nothing exceeds like excess" in the words of the mistress in "Scarface".

At first blush, this might sound very RACIST. But in fact, it is an affirmation of black folks. They were and are and always have been capable people who could create an economy without subsidies. Leftism created deficits and communist thinking always subverts freedom. If they were not capable, Marcus Garvey would not have owned 1000 stores in the early 1900's. He had is right. Those who came later were too truculent to think clearly. It was communist rhetoric. Lucky for them the government and people and times became more liberal with wealth creation, enough to subsidize this folly. True, things are better today, but there is no proof that they wouldn't have been anyway.

Freedom is economic freedom not government subsidies. You are who you and your family make yourself into. Speaking of which, government subsidies completely subverted the family. Africans have a tendency to be immoral from a Christian perspective anyway, as do many others. It is Christianity in the West which created morality and morality created or was a foundation for creating wealth.

Feminism to the extent that it destroys a family destroys us all.

Edited by Odysseus221
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Totally disagree. Real men tend to seek more than one female and mate with more than one. That's in a man's genes (or jeans? :whistling: ) and is given to him by nature or evolution or whatever you want to call it.

Men, as well as any other males have the ability and desire to propagate their genes as widely as possible, that assures survival of the species

That was because at one time we spent our days hunting wild beasts for survival, and the win-loss ratio being more even in those days, meant that women outnumbered men greatly. These days when our big game kills get delivered to our door in a bucket with fries and two salads, we are expected to act a bit more civilized.

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That was because at one time we spent our days hunting wild beasts for survival, and the win-loss ratio being more even in those days, meant that women outnumbered men greatly. These days when our big game kills get delivered to our door in a bucket with fries and two salads, we are expected to act a bit more civilized.

Not entirely, cdnvic. There are still some of us old cavemen around...


In fact right now I was trying to devise a plan to turn one of the buffalo in the pond behind my room, into hamburger.

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Those horns are plastic stick on ones.

Theres a rumour floating around that Ian has to use all sorts of artificial aids to get his horn to stick out like that :lol: . I guess at his age, thats to be expected :cheesy:

We do whatever we can to please the ladies, neverdie. So far it's working. But who knows for how long. :D

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Feminism didn't Destroy Real Men as the article states! (wishful thinking?)

Feminists Destroyed their own Femininity,

Times have now changed, yet again,and the cycle has thankfully gone full circle.

I don't think Men take Feminists seriously anymore,its Dead but no one's told them yet !

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I'm not sure what the writer of the article thinks feminism is or who he thinks real men are.

As for me, I'm proud (as a real gosh-darn man) to be a feminist myself. Feminism has a lot to offer men who want to be free of all that homophobic he-man crap and embrace real strength of feeling and connection with other human beings- these take a lot more personal bravery than giving in to some urge to 'dominate' the person (of any gender) who is supposedly one's closest mate, which I personally have been lucky enough not to experience.

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