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Astrologer Sees Tsunami, Hotels Suffer Cancellations


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The doomsaying comes from the fact the next full Moon on the 21st will be a total lunar eclipse. This is where the full Moon fell on the morning of the tsunami in 2004 and the two stars the Sun and Moon fall in have a particulary bad reputation in the East as being stars of disaster and misfortune.

The Sun will be in a constellation the Hindus call Mula and the full Moon in one called Ardra, both have reputations for trouble when certain planets move through them. The attacks on September 11th in America also took place on this axis with the Moon in Ardra opposite Mars in Mula. Mars of course is the planet of war.

Vedic astrology is vastly different from the astrology that is used in the west. It is very complicated and as a system it is basically the same one that has been used for thousands of years in India. Western astrology or the tropical zodiac is simply wrong in its calculations and is a watered down almost comical version of the authentic Vedic version. The Greeks at the time of Ptolemy forgot about the precession of the equinox.

I studied and researched it for 10 years after being originally taught by an elderly Sri Lankan man who made some brilliant predictions I witnessed. I just had to learn more after seeing a few things happen. People are skeptical which is understandable but when you make a comment bagging a subject you know nothing about it then becomes ignorance. Mind you I'd say 99.9% of public astrologers are shit talkers either way. The best Vedic astrologers I know don't even practice it for money, I can count them on 3 fingers.

The genuine astrologer cannot win either way, I made a lengthy attack on George Bush based on the horoscope for the time of his inauguration that was posted online. ( Most people don't even know the U.S President is elected in November but not sworn in until midday January 20 as the basic horoscope of that day is considered powerful.) I said he would lead America into war, ruin the economy and people would live in fear while he ruled. I was attacked as a "doomsayer" and never even once did anybody say I was correct. I also predicted the resignation of Thaksin, the EXACT day 6 months before he resigned. I posted it on webboards but again people just think you made a lucky guess.

The current doomsaying in Thailand is not without precedent. When the massive economic crash came it was also at the time of a total lunar eclipse. The Thais were all going to the temple dressed in black with black chickens etc to pay homage to Rahu the mythical demon that appears to swallow the Moon during a total lunar eclipse.

When I was doing my research I had discussions with people ranging from a scientist at N.A.S.A to an Indian guy working at the Pentagon. The guy at N.A.S.A said that during the peak of the solar flare cycle the earth is bombarded with all sorts of violent energies that effect everything from radars to animal behaviour. I was extremely interested in solar eclipses as earthquakes often follow in countries where the eclipse was seen.

Not every psychic is a crackpot, I know a lady who worked for the FBI and also the Goldman family in the OJ Simpson case. She told me something about what was to happen to me and it happened almost word for word. She consulted me to see if Vedic astrology confirmed or contradicted her psychic visions. She has a TV show now.

I did a lot of research as the internet is an amazing study resource to look into events that happened in the past. I'm pretty good at working out exactly when an event will occur, the trouble is defining exactly what, as good or bad are relative terms. As an example, winning the lottery is actually shown to be something not so good in Vedic astrology. People don't realise all these subjects like Yoga, Vedic astrology and Ayurveda are only tools for a person to realise the unicity and intelligence of the energy that controls our universe and existence.

You don't even have to be a seer to know what is going on, Wiki Leaks is quietly funded by George Soros who was behind the last economic crash in Asia. I'm expecting more bail outs and more economic woes. I don't actually do much astrology now other than observe. As for a tsunami, just watch the animals, they'll know a long time before any of us idiots do. :D

Thank you logbags, your intelligent and insightful post I'm sure has helped to put a few feet in the mouths of those who have little understanding of astrology. As a person who has some belief but little understanding I find your knowledgable reply interesting however how can they actually say what type of occurrence will happen on that day? Sure maybe all of the same cycles and alignments of the planets etc are the same as the day that the first Tsunami happened but does that really mean that another actual Tsunami will happen on that day or could it be any other of many types of disaster or natural occurrence even such as a bad storm??? how can you actually know what the event will be??

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