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Visa Information.

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hi everyone, Next year me and the wife r thinking about going to Poland with my parents to go and visit some of the relations. My question is, what kind of visa do I need to get for my wife to get into Poland.

I spoke to my father and he says we will be travelling on the ferry to Amsterdam then driving into Poland, he says in Poland there is no passport check as we r driving so does this mean she will need to get a visa for Amsterdam only?

Currently the visa she has in the Uk is the first year of her settlement visa but by the time next year comes round she will only have 3 months left to finish of the 2 year settlement visa.

Also when the settlement visa finishes what visa do when then apply for ?

Thanks guys.

I await your reply Scouse :o

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Hi Makavelli,

Firstly, about 1 month before your wife's current visa expires you should apply to the Home Office for indefinite leave to remain. Providing that the marriage is subsisting, she will then be permitted to remain in the UK permanently unless she spends in excess of 2 years outside of the country. The cost is £335 for a postal application.

With regard to going to Poland, your wife should apply for a visa from the Polish embassy and this would be good for entry to Amsterdam en route. As your wife is married to an EU citizen, she should technically qualify for a family permit which is issued free of charge. However, I don't know how the Poles are applying the rules and, also, her only having 3 months remaining on her visa for the UK may have a bearing upon whether they consent to issuing a family permit.



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