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Are Thai Women Vain?


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The first best Thai word to learn in dealing with these type of women??? MEI-OW (NO)...

I'm pretty sure that it actually means "don't want/need", but close enough. :)

Thanks. UG,

It will be used in the future!!! I hereby, pledge to uphold my constitutional right to say "MEI OW"

And here all along my cat has been telling me no..:annoyed::rolleyes:.hmm,..here kitty kitty.. :crazy:

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The first best Thai word to learn in dealing with these type of women??? MEI-OW (NO)...

I'm pretty sure that it actually means "don't want/need", but close enough. :)

Thanks. UG,

It will be used in the future!!! I hereby, pledge to uphold my constitutional right to say "MEI OW"

And here all along my cat has been telling me no..:annoyed::rolleyes:.hmm,..here kitty kitty.. :crazy:

If you want to be rude sod, sure use may-ow (definitely not mee-ow, which is a rather confusing 'have want').

A more polite decline - add khrap! For some reason even taxi touts tend to smile back when a falang says may-ow khrap. I use it all the time at Swampy.

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A more polite decline - add khrap! For some reason even taxi touts tend to smile back when a falang says may-ow khrap. I use it all the time at Swampy.

Mai ow dee gwah

Mai as in my

Ow as in cow

Dee as in Tweedeldee

Gwah as in gwasshopper or gwarden or Gwarfield

Edited by andrewbkk
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"You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you..."

In all seriousness, I have to agree with most of the replies. Yes, as much as it hurts, Thai girls are vain. One of the first conversations I had with a Thai girl I met was: "What you do for a living?" followed by "How much you earn?" ending in "I can give you (and I quote) happy time".

It doesn't get any more obvious than that. As a friend once said:" It is easy to get a Thai girl, simply sit at a bar and you're bound to hook up with one within 30 seconds. But it is very difficult to find a decent Thai girl. So difficult that you're better off finding a farang girl, at least you know what to expect. With Thai girls it's tricky, they may seem friendly on the outside, but they may be slowly exploiting you from behind your back.

Conclusion: Be very, very careful in choosing a Thai partner.

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"You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you..."

In all seriousness, I have to agree with most of the replies. Yes, as much as it hurts, Thai girls are vain. One of the first conversations I had with a Thai girl I met was: "What you do for a living?" followed by "How much you earn?" ending in "I can give you (and I quote) happy time".

It doesn't get any more obvious than that. As a friend once said:" It is easy to get a Thai girl, simply sit at a bar and you're bound to hook up with one within 30 seconds. But it is very difficult to find a decent Thai girl. So difficult that you're better off finding a farang girl, at least you know what to expect. With Thai girls it's tricky, they may seem friendly on the outside, but they may be slowly exploiting you from behind your back.

Conclusion: Be very, very careful in choosing a Thai partner.

And set the rules.......

My wife and i met 3 years ago when we were 52 and 56 - i told her i am an easy going man, but no whitener, no make up, no hair coloring, no fancy clothes.....

And i told her she does not need those artificial things - guess i used her vanity against her?

By the way, she truly IS a natural beauty.

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Yes, this applies to all religions - including not much christian behaviour to be seen in the western world.

But what i do not understand, is that the thai seem to behave so un-buddhist like, while there are temples and monks and ceremonies everywhere?

No one to speak out against vanity and materialism?

At least in Europe, almost no one goes to churces any more, almost no one respects the church.

How can thai people be so vain and materialistic and at the same time so involved in buddhist formalities?

How can anyone respect the church of any religion when the priests, ministers, monks, rabbis, and other heads of the church are so often hypocrits? They all preach one thing and do the exact opposite. I've seen it in every denomination in every country I've ever visited.

But. back on topic...

Certainly a lot of beautiful women are vain or narcissistic. It goes with the territory. So are a lot of handsome men. So what? Whether or not Thai women are any more vain than women from other countries is a moot point. I am with a lot of beautiful women and listen to them compare themselves with others all the time...

ie... "Her skin is whiter than mine"

"She has bigger breasts (nom) than me but she is poopui (fat)"

"I have nicer legs than her, but her tummy is flatter"

"When I get braces my teeth will be nicer than hers"

"Her teeth are whiter than mine because I smoke"

I enjoy beautiful women and don't care if they are vain or not. Of course, I'm not marrying them either. There's an old story about never making a beautiful woman your wife or you'll spend the rest of your life dealing with her flirting with other men. It goes with the territory. And, it gets even worse when she starts losing her youthful beauty. That can be a disaster in relationships.

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"You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you..."

In all seriousness, I have to agree with most of the replies. Yes, as much as it hurts, Thai girls are vain. One of the first conversations I had with a Thai girl I met was: "What you do for a living?" followed by "How much you earn?" ending in "I can give you (and I quote) happy time".

The first two questions are fairly standard Thai as she's trying to establish your place in the pecking order (sakdina). Other acceptable questions are 'how old are you, 'are you married' and 'how many children do you have'. Offering you a happy time is another matter entirely :rolleyes:

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"You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you..."

In all seriousness, I have to agree with most of the replies. Yes, as much as it hurts, Thai girls are vain. One of the first conversations I had with a Thai girl I met was: "What you do for a living?" followed by "How much you earn?" ending in "I can give you (and I quote) happy time".

The first two questions are fairly standard Thai as she's trying to establish your place in the pecking order (sakdina). Other acceptable questions are 'how old are you, 'are you married' and 'how many children do you have'. Offering you a happy time is another matter entirely :rolleyes:

Gee, I wonder what she meant by that...:blink:

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"You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you..."

In all seriousness, I have to agree with most of the replies. Yes, as much as it hurts, Thai girls are vain. One of the first conversations I had with a Thai girl I met was: "What you do for a living?" followed by "How much you earn?" ending in "I can give you (and I quote) happy time".

The first two questions are fairly standard Thai as she's trying to establish your place in the pecking order (sakdina). Other acceptable questions are 'how old are you, 'are you married' and 'how many children do you have'. Offering you a happy time is another matter entirely :rolleyes:

Gee, I wonder what she meant by that...:blink:

She means that when it is your birthday she will bake you a cake and make you happy, mak mak. (Actually probably will if everything is going smoothly.)

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"You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you..."

In all seriousness, I have to agree with most of the replies. Yes, as much as it hurts, Thai girls are vain. One of the first conversations I had with a Thai girl I met was: "What you do for a living?" followed by "How much you earn?" ending in "I can give you (and I quote) happy time".

The first two questions are fairly standard Thai as she's trying to establish your place in the pecking order (sakdina). Other acceptable questions are 'how old are you, 'are you married' and 'how many children do you have'. Offering you a happy time is another matter entirely :rolleyes:

Gee, I wonder what she meant by that...:blink:

She means that when it is your birthday she will bake you a cake and make you happy, mak mak. (Actually probably will if everything is going smoothly.)

To get back to the original question. I don't think Thai women are any more vain than women anywhere in the world. They may have a different way of showing their vanity, which may accentuate the point for us. But lets face it, probably 95% of the good looking people in the world are vain--women or men!

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Are you asking if THAI women are more vain than women of other nationalities...or is it just that ALL women are vain... was that your question?

(Please don't hit me ladies, that was just a joke)

But regarding your Facebook comment...you will find Thai women of all ages have women friends they talk to regularly. It's common, it's just the custom, and it means nothing but that they are friends.

My (Thai) teenage granddaughter has friends on Facebook she talks to every day. I would guess at least two thirds of them are girls her age and only about one third are boys. And everyone of them has a photo or two (at least) posted on their profile page.

These days, instead of going to your friends house every day, you just chat with them on Facebook.


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My first post on virtually my first time on the forums...

The first best Thai word to learn in dealing with these type of women??? MEI-OW (NO)...and to be more emphatic about it, add "mak-mak" after mei-ow...which roughly means NO, VERY MUCH.

Note: Do not go to this poster for any insight on the Thai language. ("Roughly" indeed.)


Typical Thai girls.. get use to it and NEVER trust any of them.. It is all about how much money you are willing to pay them to be your girl friend or wife.. None are doing you for free.. all expect money for everything and anything.. Even doing translation.. My girl wants money for gasoline who helps me in any business deal and wants at least 300 baht a day for her working.. figure that is just hang out money,,

Note: Do not go to this poster for any insight on cross-cultural relations (or dealing with women).

My take, and of course it might be mine alone, is that Thai women (and sometimes men too) may appear more "vain" than their western counterparts.....but that's a result of the entire culture and its attitude about beauty. It seems like looking good is what matters here, especially for women. Beauty/appearance seems to define a lot of women, more than other qualities and personal characteristics. My female Thai friends have told me that they want nothing more than to be beautiful, because that is how they will be successful in life. If the culture of Thailand focuses so intently on appearance (which is seems to do), then of course women are going to be obsessed with their looks. I don't think everyone that is obsessed with their looks is confident, though - many of the Thai women I know who post hundreds of pictures of themselves, check themselves out in the mirror all day, and dress in flashy clothing still feel like they are ugly/fat/etc.

No, not yours alone. That was pretty spot on and rather astute.

Does anybody have a clue how this vanity thing is related to buddhist culture?

I just do not understand.

Why so much materialism, vanity?

To be brief on what could be (and probably has been)discussed for many, many pages: just because most Thais are (ostensibly) "Buddhists doesn't mean it necessarily has a whole lot to do with how they live (especially as much of what they think of as Buddhism has little or nothing to do with Dharma etc and far more to do with superstitions and ancient traditions based on things other than what the Buddha taught).

No different from the millions of Americans (for example) who call themselves Christians but who in fact don't live according to the tenets of their professed faith, or even try to.

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Rhank you very much for helping us appreciate the small mercies from which we benefit!

Please - feel free to decease and refrain; you are a joy to us all!

If you think asking someone to feel free to die is a nice thing to say, then you might want to check another blog site, such as coroners anonymous! The remark is a little redundant because obviously if you are diseased you obviously are refrained. I think the words you were trying to grasp for were "cease and desist" which, I might ad, is a legal term backed up with a threat of legal action! Have you passed that Bar?:lol:

Please try and not threaten people with wanting them to die ok? This is a forum where people just state their own experiences and ask questions! I don't for a second think anyone means to denigrate Thai people in the least. It's just information of peoples experiences in a country and culture. It;s been a joy having you around this thread also!....I hope you are not trying to get an english teaching job. It is very easy, but I think you need a class for a bit more time!

The saracsm of some asian peoples pronunciation of L's a R's is not funny! I think as kids in 6th grade that was pretty much over...for most! That weren't held back! Please give them a break! There is always one in every group somewhere like you! Feel better now? ..great!

You are most relcome

You are quite right - I should have used the phrase "cease and desist", or perhaps 'desist and refrain', but as you point out, I was posting from the wrong Bar.

And the 'Rhank' was a simple typo.

My apologies for any offence caused; none was intended, other than a gentle sarcastic wind-up for our Kurnell, whom I bear no ill-will.


Has all this <deleted> started from your typo?? I think some members of this forum need to cut back on the caffeine

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I'm going to remind everyone to keep it civil.

That includes refraining from across the board negative generalizations against Thai (or other) women.

Or this thread gets closed.

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The Thai women that i know here in the U.S studying for their Masters and PHd as well as working as professionals are not vain. Very nice and probably some of the sweetest women i've ever met. I haven't been to Thailand yet, but i can speak from experience of the educated ones studying and working here in the U.S. I am waiting on word whether my next assignment will be in Thailand. There is a possibility i might be working in Vietnam instead.

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I find Thai people in general take loads of pictures.

Ever been to a ranroop? aka cheesy Thai photo place. Guys and girls both do it.

Not once have I gone out with Thais and a photo hasn't been taken of the group.

Then take a look at the Philippinos, Malaysians, or even the Japanese (just to keep it regional since we are here).

Moving on,

Personally I think the Thais (both men and women) are a bit more vain than other, but I dont see anything wrong with that.

If people want to look their best at all times, then It's up to them really.

The reason I do not why.

But I noticed an enormeous pressure from the adds on television.

But then again, I might be wrong..................again.


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  • 2 weeks later...

The Thai women that i know here in the U.S studying for their Masters and PHd as well as working as professionals are not vain. Very nice and probably some of the sweetest women i've ever met. I haven't been to Thailand yet, but i can speak from experience of the educated ones studying and working here in the U.S. I am waiting on word whether my next assignment will be in Thailand. There is a possibility i might be working in Vietnam instead.

You really can't make this kind of stuff up :)

Yes, Thai women are vain.

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