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Are Thai Women Vain?


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Hi guys,

New to the thai scene,met my thai girlfriend last year and have come back to see her this year in khon kaen from england,were just wondering if you thought thai women as a whole loved themselves a little too much.The reason im asking is i have alot of the girlfriends,friends on facebook now and all they seem to do is take pictures of themselves and these girls are not teenagers they are all between 27 and 42.I have girlfriends on facebook from england in the same age bracket but they dont do this, they will take pics with friends on a nightout or with their boyfriends but not alone.Also i must add that most of the girls are either married or have boyfriends so its not as if they are advertising themselves or is it!?!

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Yes, many Thai women (but most certainly not all) are vain. And they are not afraid to purloin your wallet in advancement of their vanity in the form of boob jobs, gold jewelry, designer clothes, a car, a condo, etc, etc. They can also be control freaks IF you let them. The first best Thai word to learn in dealing with these type of women??? MEI-OW (NO)...and to be more emphatic about it, add "mak-mak" after mei-ow...which roughly means NO, VERY MUCH. Do not be afraid to hurt their feelings by kicking them to the curb if they get out of hand with you. They can be like buses; there's always another one coming along in 15 minutes. Be careful and TAKE YOUR TIME. Thai women are capable of being the most gracious and beautiful mates one could ever ask for.

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Yes, many Thai women (but most certainly not all) are vain. And they are not afraid to purloin your wallet in advancement of their vanity in the form of boob jobs, gold jewelry, designer clothes, a car, a condo, etc, etc. They can also be control freaks IF you let them. The first best Thai word to learn in dealing with these type of women??? MEI-OW (NO)...and to be more emphatic about it, add "mak-mak" after mei-ow...which roughly means NO, VERY MUCH. Do not be afraid to hurt their feelings by kicking them to the curb if they get out of hand with you. They can be like buses; there's always another one coming along in 15 minutes. Be careful and TAKE YOUR TIME. Thai women are capable of being the most gracious and beautiful mates one could ever ask for.

Oh the irony of it!


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Typical Thai girls.. get use to it and NEVER trust any of them.. It is all about how much money you are willing to pay them to be your girl friend or wife.. None are doing you for free.. all expect money for everything and anything.. Even doing translation.. My girl wants money for gasoline who helps me in any business deal and wants at least 300 baht a day for her working.. figure that is just hang out money,,

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Thais in general are possibly the most vain race I have come across and I have so many examples, I cannot begin to list them here.

Rhank you very much for helping us appreciate the small mercies from which we benefit!

Please - feel free to decease and refrain; you are a joy to us all!


Sorry - are we on the topic of 'unjustified bigotries' or 'contempt for our hosts'"? If the former, I have found the English to be the most unnecessarily pugilistic, , while if the latter, I geeel I have never ben in a situation that more drink could not rectify....

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Typical Thai girls.. get use to it and NEVER trust any of them.. It is all about how much money you are willing to pay them to be your girl friend or wife.. None are doing you for free.. all expect money for everything and anything.. Even doing translation.. My girl wants money for gasoline who helps me in any business deal and wants at least 300 baht a day for her working.. figure that is just hang out money,,

That's an incredibly sad world you live in :(

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Yes, many Thai women (but most certainly not all) are vain. And they are not afraid to purloin your wallet in advancement of their vanity in the form of boob jobs, gold jewelry, designer clothes, a car, a condo, etc, etc. They can also be control freaks IF you let them. The first best Thai word to learn in dealing with these type of women??? MEI-OW (NO)...and to be more emphatic about it, add "mak-mak" after mei-ow...which roughly means NO, VERY MUCH. Do not be afraid to hurt their feelings by kicking them to the curb if they get out of hand with you. They can be like buses; there's always another one coming along in 15 minutes. Be careful and TAKE YOUR TIME. Thai women are capable of being the most gracious and beautiful mates one could ever ask for.

I can only give you my experience with Thai lady's a vien. My wife has never had a problem with telling me how beautiful she is and of course, she is. But they are a little overboard, yes. But always let them feel good about themselves. I think its a healthy thing for them to feel or joke about it. It for us, Has been a joke but surely mean't serious by her. Never try and take that away from her or at least not too much as it will hurt her feeling very much. Let her feel you think she is too but keep in mind, this is a factor that she can use thinking she will be spoiled more by you because she is beautiful. I just smile and jokingly say yes, I would never have an ugly wife, which is true also but. Sometimes when they continulaly say how beautiful they are this could go to thier head more than you want, so just keep it simple and agree and change the subject. I once said to my wife something about being a tiny bit overweight and it really got to her and then started on some diet pill thing. Walking or working out was not in the cards as walking would mean being outdoors in the sun and that is a big no no because then she might get a little darker from the sun. Sometimes it almost makes you feel as they are doing you a favor by being with you because they think that they are beautiful. Yes yes, Vien is common with thai ladys. I have said yes, "you are very beautiful and modest too" with a smile of course. She never has figured out what I mean't by "modest" but let her have it. if it makes her feel good, that's good.

I have found many other thai ladys with the same "i'm very pretty" or I'm prettier than my sister etc. Just a difference in culture and no need to worry about it. Let her feel good but don't ever let her feel she is doing you a favor by being with you. I used the same tactic back saying yes, "i am really handsome" too and I get a look of ...what?.:unsure:..I'm not supposed to say that. My intention was to try and let her know that modestly is a good thing rather than being conceited and telling you how beautiful she is.

There is a way to handle that if you are tired of hearing it so often. What I do is flash a little (extra) glance at another attrative lady to get her to understand that she is not the worlds prize although she is very beautiful and not because she is my wife but because she just is. Many people have said to us/her that they aren't used to seeing a beautful thai girl with a falang. (my wife is not from issaan). I think Thai people consider issan woman who have a little darker skin to be not pretty. But the fact is, many many issan women are some of the most beautiul I have ever seen...In Thailand darker skin is considered underclass and the lighter skin is upper class i.e. working in the sun that gives them darker skin from the sun but also shows to other thai's that they are a lower class because most likely poorer.

It's sad, but that it is that way of judging people that way in los. We grew up learning differently than that. In my contry It is who a person is, rather than where or how much money you have that lets us decide about someone.Thailand has a long way to go yet, but it's just that way right now and will be for another 10-20 years if not more.

In the west women buy skin darkening lotion and in the east women buy skin whitening lotion all with the same intent of becoming more attractive. It's just totally backwards from what you've known and stands to reason because from America everyone in Thailand is upside down(literally) and in America everyone is upside down from thailand......everything you know and learned in your country is backwards....., just think the oposite in Thailand...that's normal!...many things anyway.....not all....it's a leaning experience for sure. Many things your gf will say or do won't make any sense to you but to her many things you say and do won't either....so just take it as it comes and learn..

and the last op is right about saying no. You won't get a good response when you use that word but in time, you will gain some respect. If you always let her have her way all the time...you might as well leave now because she won't respect you and think of you as not smart...they are very good at what they do too!!...it's hard to say no to a very beautiful soft spoken thai lady and they know this about falang's generosity. So keep that in mind while you learn. One other tip. Never let her know your true worth or income until you know what you are in!!!...see how long it lasts if she thinks you are not as rich as she thinks. Then you will have a better idea of what it is she is after, you or your money!!!.....good luck!

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Yes, many Thai women (but most certainly not all) are vain. And they are not afraid to purloin your wallet in advancement of their vanity in the form of boob jobs, gold jewelry, designer clothes, a car, a condo, etc, etc. They can also be control freaks IF you let them. The first best Thai word to learn in dealing with these type of women??? MEI-OW (NO)...and to be more emphatic about it, add "mak-mak" after mei-ow...which roughly means NO, VERY MUCH. Do not be afraid to hurt their feelings by kicking them to the curb if they get out of hand with you. They can be like buses; there's always another one coming along in 15 minutes. Be careful and TAKE YOUR TIME. Thai women are capable of being the most gracious and beautiful mates one could ever ask for.

I can only give you my experience with Thai lady's a vien. My wife has never had a problem with telling me how beautiful she is and of course, she is. But they are a little overboard, yes. But always let them feel good about themselves. I think its a healthy thing for them to feel or joke about it. It for us, Has been a joke but surely mean't serious by her. Never try and take that away from her or at least not too much as it will hurt her feeling very much. Let her feel you think she is too but keep in mind, this is a factor that she can use thinking she will be spoiled more by you because she is beautiful. I just smile and jokingly say yes, I would never have an ugly wife, which is true also but. Sometimes when they continulaly say how beautiful they are this could go to thier head more than you want, so just keep it simple and agree and change the subject. I once said to my wife something about being a tiny bit overweight and it really got to her and then started on some diet pill thing. Walking or working out was not in the cards as walking would mean being outdoors in the sun and that is a big no no because then she might get a little darker from the sun. Sometimes it almost makes you feel as they are doing you a favor by being with you because they think that they are beautiful. Yes yes, Vien is common with thai ladys. I have said yes, "you are very beautiful and modest too" with a smile of course. She never has figured out what I mean't by "modest" but let her have it. if it makes her feel good, that's good.

I have found many other thai ladys with the same "i'm very pretty" or I'm prettier than my sister etc. Just a difference in culture and no need to worry about it. Let her feel good but don't ever let her feel she is doing you a favor by being with you. I used the same tactic back saying yes, "i am really handsome" too and I get a look of ...what?.:unsure:..I'm not supposed to say that. My intention was to try and let her know that modestly is a good thing rather than being conceited and telling you how beautiful she is.

There is a way to handle that if you are tired of hearing it so often. What I do is flash a little (extra) glance at another attrative lady to get her to understand that she is not the worlds prize although she is very beautiful and not because she is my wife but because she just is. Many people have said to us/her that they aren't used to seeing a beautful thai girl with a falang. (my wife is not from issaan). I think Thai people consider issan woman who have a little darker skin to be not pretty. But the fact is, many many issan women are some of the most beautiul I have ever seen...In Thailand darker skin is considered underclass and the lighter skin is upper class i.e. working in the sun that gives them darker skin from the sun but also shows to other thai's that they are a lower class because most likely poorer.

It's sad, but that it is that way of judging people that way in los. We grew up learning differently than that. In my contry It is who a person is, rather than where or how much money you have that lets us decide about someone.Thailand has a long way to go yet, but it's just that way right now and will be for another 10-20 years if not more.

In the west women buy skin darkening lotion and in the east women buy skin whitening lotion all with the same intent of becoming more attractive. It's just totally backwards from what you've known and stands to reason because from America everyone in Thailand is upside down(literally) and in America everyone is upside down from thailand......everything you know and learned in your country is backwards....., just think the oposite in Thailand...that's normal!...many things anyway.....not all....it's a leaning experience for sure. Many things your gf will say or do won't make any sense to you but to her many things you say and do won't either....so just take it as it comes and learn..

and the last op is right about saying no. You won't get a good response when you use that word but in time, you will gain some respect. If you always let her have her way all the time...you might as well leave now because she won't respect you and think of you as not smart...they are very good at what they do too!!...it's hard to say no to a very beautiful soft spoken thai lady and they know this about falang's generosity. So keep that in mind while you learn. One other tip. Never let her know your true worth or income until you know what you are in!!!...see how long it lasts if she thinks you are not as rich as she thinks. Then you will have a better idea of what it is she is after, you or your money!!!.....good luck!

thanks for the input lads,very grateful.i think im lucky with my girlfriend because she is naturally beautiful but not interested in designer clothes,make up, salons and she works full time so she isnt bleeding me dry.Im kinda thinking its too could to be true though and somethings gonna happen but what makes me laugh is she goes on a forum for thai girls with falang boyfriends called inter so maybe shes just like me.

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Yes, many Thai women (but most certainly not all) are vain. And they are not afraid to purloin your wallet in advancement of their vanity in the form of boob jobs, gold jewelry, designer clothes, a car, a condo, etc, etc. They can also be control freaks IF you let them. The first best Thai word to learn in dealing with these type of women??? MEI-OW (NO)...and to be more emphatic about it, add "mak-mak" after mei-ow...which roughly means NO, VERY MUCH. Do not be afraid to hurt their feelings by kicking them to the curb if they get out of hand with you. They can be like buses; there's always another one coming along in 15 minutes. Be careful and TAKE YOUR TIME. Thai women are capable of being the most gracious and beautiful mates one could ever ask for.

I can only give you my experience with Thai lady's a vien. My wife has never had a problem with telling me how beautiful she is and of course, she is. But they are a little overboard, yes. But always let them feel good about themselves. I think its a healthy thing for them to feel or joke about it. It for us, Has been a joke but surely mean't serious by her. Never try and take that away from her or at least not too much as it will hurt her feeling very much. Let her feel you think she is too but keep in mind, this is a factor that she can use thinking she will be spoiled more by you because she is beautiful. I just smile and jokingly say yes, I would never have an ugly wife, which is true also but. Sometimes when they continulaly say how beautiful they are this could go to thier head more than you want, so just keep it simple and agree and change the subject. I once said to my wife something about being a tiny bit overweight and it really got to her and then started on some diet pill thing. Walking or working out was not in the cards as walking would mean being outdoors in the sun and that is a big no no because then she might get a little darker from the sun. Sometimes it almost makes you feel as they are doing you a favor by being with you because they think that they are beautiful. Yes yes, Vien is common with thai ladys. I have said yes, "you are very beautiful and modest too" with a smile of course. She never has figured out what I mean't by "modest" but let her have it. if it makes her feel good, that's good.

I have found many other thai ladys with the same "i'm very pretty" or I'm prettier than my sister etc. Just a difference in culture and no need to worry about it. Let her feel good but don't ever let her feel she is doing you a favor by being with you. I used the same tactic back saying yes, "i am really handsome" too and I get a look of ...what?.:unsure:..I'm not supposed to say that. My intention was to try and let her know that modestly is a good thing rather than being conceited and telling you how beautiful she is.

There is a way to handle that if you are tired of hearing it so often. What I do is flash a little (extra) glance at another attrative lady to get her to understand that she is not the worlds prize although she is very beautiful and not because she is my wife but because she just is. Many people have said to us/her that they aren't used to seeing a beautful thai girl with a falang. (my wife is not from issaan). I think Thai people consider issan woman who have a little darker skin to be not pretty. But the fact is, many many issan women are some of the most beautiul I have ever seen...In Thailand darker skin is considered underclass and the lighter skin is upper class i.e. working in the sun that gives them darker skin from the sun but also shows to other thai's that they are a lower class because most likely poorer.

It's sad, but that it is that way of judging people that way in los. We grew up learning differently than that. In my contry It is who a person is, rather than where or how much money you have that lets us decide about someone.Thailand has a long way to go yet, but it's just that way right now and will be for another 10-20 years if not more.

In the west women buy skin darkening lotion and in the east women buy skin whitening lotion all with the same intent of becoming more attractive. It's just totally backwards from what you've known and stands to reason because from America everyone in Thailand is upside down(literally) and in America everyone is upside down from thailand......everything you know and learned in your country is backwards....., just think the oposite in Thailand...that's normal!...many things anyway.....not all....it's a leaning experience for sure. Many things your gf will say or do won't make any sense to you but to her many things you say and do won't either....so just take it as it comes and learn..

and the last op is right about saying no. You won't get a good response when you use that word but in time, you will gain some respect. If you always let her have her way all the time...you might as well leave now because she won't respect you and think of you as not smart...they are very good at what they do too!!...it's hard to say no to a very beautiful soft spoken thai lady and they know this about falang's generosity. So keep that in mind while you learn. One other tip. Never let her know your true worth or income until you know what you are in!!!...see how long it lasts if she thinks you are not as rich as she thinks. Then you will have a better idea of what it is she is after, you or your money!!!.....good luck!

thanks for the input lads,very grateful.i think im lucky with my girlfriend because she is naturally beautiful but not interested in designer clothes,make up, salons and she works full time so she isnt bleeding me dry.Im kinda thinking its too could to be true though and somethings gonna happen but what makes me laugh is she goes on a forum for thai girls with falang boyfriends called inter so maybe shes just like me.

Perhaps W. Shakespeare was wrong? Vanity, not Frailty? But why knock Thai women? Are they not all women? Thai, American, Russian, Indian....? Get off this lame high horse and go get a cuppa...:D

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Yes, many Thai women (but most certainly not all) are vain. And they are not afraid to purloin your wallet in advancement of their vanity in the form of boob jobs, gold jewelry, designer clothes, a car, a condo, etc, etc. They can also be control freaks IF you let them. The first best Thai word to learn in dealing with these type of women??? MEI-OW (NO)...and to be more emphatic about it, add "mak-mak" after mei-ow...which roughly means NO, VERY MUCH. Do not be afraid to hurt their feelings by kicking them to the curb if they get out of hand with you. They can be like buses; there's always another one coming along in 15 minutes. Be careful and TAKE YOUR TIME. Thai women are capable of being the most gracious and beautiful mates one could ever ask for.

I can only give you my experience with Thai lady's a vien. My wife has never had a problem with telling me how beautiful she is and of course, she is. But they are a little overboard, yes. But always let them feel good about themselves. I think its a healthy thing for them to feel or joke about it. It for us, Has been a joke but surely mean't serious by her. Never try and take that away from her or at least not too much as it will hurt her feeling very much. Let her feel you think she is too but keep in mind, this is a factor that she can use thinking she will be spoiled more by you because she is beautiful. I just smile and jokingly say yes, I would never have an ugly wife, which is true also but. Sometimes when they continulaly say how beautiful they are this could go to thier head more than you want, so just keep it simple and agree and change the subject. I once said to my wife something about being a tiny bit overweight and it really got to her and then started on some diet pill thing. Walking or working out was not in the cards as walking would mean being outdoors in the sun and that is a big no no because then she might get a little darker from the sun. Sometimes it almost makes you feel as they are doing you a favor by being with you because they think that they are beautiful. Yes yes, Vien is common with thai ladys. I have said yes, "you are very beautiful and modest too" with a smile of course. She never has figured out what I mean't by "modest" but let her have it. if it makes her feel good, that's good.

I have found many other thai ladys with the same "i'm very pretty" or I'm prettier than my sister etc. Just a difference in culture and no need to worry about it. Let her feel good but don't ever let her feel she is doing you a favor by being with you. I used the same tactic back saying yes, "i am really handsome" too and I get a look of ...what?.:unsure:..I'm not supposed to say that. My intention was to try and let her know that modestly is a good thing rather than being conceited and telling you how beautiful she is.

There is a way to handle that if you are tired of hearing it so often. What I do is flash a little (extra) glance at another attrative lady to get her to understand that she is not the worlds prize although she is very beautiful and not because she is my wife but because she just is. Many people have said to us/her that they aren't used to seeing a beautful thai girl with a falang. (my wife is not from issaan). I think Thai people consider issan woman who have a little darker skin to be not pretty. But the fact is, many many issan women are some of the most beautiul I have ever seen...In Thailand darker skin is considered underclass and the lighter skin is upper class i.e. working in the sun that gives them darker skin from the sun but also shows to other thai's that they are a lower class because most likely poorer.

It's sad, but that it is that way of judging people that way in los. We grew up learning differently than that. In my contry It is who a person is, rather than where or how much money you have that lets us decide about someone.Thailand has a long way to go yet, but it's just that way right now and will be for another 10-20 years if not more.

In the west women buy skin darkening lotion and in the east women buy skin whitening lotion all with the same intent of becoming more attractive. It's just totally backwards from what you've known and stands to reason because from America everyone in Thailand is upside down(literally) and in America everyone is upside down from thailand......everything you know and learned in your country is backwards....., just think the oposite in Thailand...that's normal!...many things anyway.....not all....it's a leaning experience for sure. Many things your gf will say or do won't make any sense to you but to her many things you say and do won't either....so just take it as it comes and learn..

and the last op is right about saying no. You won't get a good response when you use that word but in time, you will gain some respect. If you always let her have her way all the time...you might as well leave now because she won't respect you and think of you as not smart...they are very good at what they do too!!...it's hard to say no to a very beautiful soft spoken thai lady and they know this about falang's generosity. So keep that in mind while you learn. One other tip. Never let her know your true worth or income until you know what you are in!!!...see how long it lasts if she thinks you are not as rich as she thinks. Then you will have a better idea of what it is she is after, you or your money!!!.....good luck!

thanks for the input lads,very grateful.i think im lucky with my girlfriend because she is naturally beautiful but not interested in designer clothes,make up, salons and she works full time so she isnt bleeding me dry.Im kinda thinking its too could to be true though and somethings gonna happen but what makes me laugh is she goes on a forum for thai girls with falang boyfriends called inter so maybe shes just like me.

Perhaps W. Shakespeare was wrong? Vanity, not Frailty? But why knock Thai women? Are they not all women? Thai, American, Russian, Indian....? Get off this lame high horse and go get a cuppa...:D

to Mr. higher horse himself!

I'm not sure who you think was knocking thai women. There are realitys in the world, my boy, and you need to learn them. In a world of idealistic values you seem to carry by knocking someone elses realistic experiences , that seems a little lame to me. You are the one on the high horse not anyone else here, so get off the higher horse okie dokie?...learn, my boy, learn! you can get a cuppa yourself anywhere. Be careful with your young idealistic idea's! ...these are real experices, not just talk. This man asked a question in sincerety asking advice. You might just try listening before you talk without knowing what your talking about,...There is a big difference in all the countrys you mentioned! have you been to all of them to give that advice? I think not,or you would not have said what you did. Learn, my boy! No one can generalize thailand as being the same as Russia nor American. Not even close! So please don't throw all cultures in one pot. Each has thier own quirks and good and bad. No one was knocking anybody! the reality of things just don't sit right with some people with blinders on.

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My take, and of course it might be mine alone, is that Thai women (and sometimes men too) may appear more "vain" than their western counterparts.....but that's a result of the entire culture and its attitude about beauty. It seems like looking good is what matters here, especially for women. Beauty/appearance seems to define a lot of women, more than other qualities and personal characteristics. My female Thai friends have told me that they want nothing more than to be beautiful, because that is how they will be successful in life. If the culture of Thailand focuses so intently on appearance (which is seems to do), then of course women are going to be obsessed with their looks. I don't think everyone that is obsessed with their looks is confident, though - many of the Thai women I know who post hundreds of pictures of themselves, check themselves out in the mirror all day, and dress in flashy clothing still feel like they are ugly/fat/etc.

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Thais in general are possibly the most vain race I have come across and I have so many examples, I cannot begin to list them here.

Rhank you very much for helping us appreciate the small mercies from which we benefit!

Please - feel free to decease and refrain; you are a joy to us all!

You are most relcome

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My take, and of course it might be mine alone, is that Thai women (and sometimes men too) may appear more "vain" than their western counterparts.....but that's a result of the entire culture and its attitude about beauty. It seems like looking good is what matters here, especially for women. Beauty/appearance seems to define a lot of women, more than other qualities and personal characteristics. My female Thai friends have told me that they want nothing more than to be beautiful, because that is how they will be successful in life. If the culture of Thailand focuses so intently on appearance (which is seems to do), then of course women are going to be obsessed with their looks. I don't think everyone that is obsessed with their looks is confident, though - many of the Thai women I know who post hundreds of pictures of themselves, check themselves out in the mirror all day, and dress in flashy clothing still feel like they are ugly/fat/etc.

You have it nailed on the head, I believe you have a good grip on how it is and what the culture expects from people.

I.e. Dressing polite etc. It is very important to look the part whether you are actually the real part. Looks and how a person dresses and what kind of clothes they wear has a big impact on how you are seen. And yes, women in Thailand are just a product of that culture and I agee that because they say many things about thier looks does not neccessarily mean they feel good about themselves.

It does put a lot of pressure on them for having to look a certain way to gain the class that anyone wants to portray. It's just that way. I will say, that Thai women have the most impeccable hygiene that could not be matched in any other culture. That is one reason they are so beautiful and I love the fact my wife keeps herself looking perfect at all times. She even makes sure I don't go out of the house with something scewed like my tie or anything out of place. Looks do count big time in Thailand. If you want respect and good service, then always look your best and wear good clothes. The toursists that wear shorts and a T-shirt are tolerated but not seen as classy. Even where it is hot and humid a long sleeve shirt is more effective than casual T-shirt. Always make sure if you are going to a government office to look good so you can get good service!! Looks are important. As you said, some women may act and talk vain but actually feel less than they portray. You are right on the money!!! Even when looking for a job, if you look the part whether you actually are qualified will goes a lot ferther towards getting that job. This is the reason many thai ladys want gold and designer clothes to show that they are in a class everyone there wants to be in. Its rather shallow but that is how it is! Nothing wrong with that, it's just Thailand!....

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Does anybody have a clue how this vanity thing is related to buddhist culture?

I just do not understand.

Why so much materialism, vanity?

I would think buddhism to be the exact opposite?

Or do we see this wrongly?

you're right, you would think that buddhism culture(98%) would be less materialistic. I thought the same thing!! But that religeon is(in my opinion) done and acted on in the same way many christians do. They talk the talk but don't walk the walk. It's the same in los. It's for show for many because it is expected. How can one be a good buddhist and then turn around and do some of the things that they do? same goes for other religions...and that goes for many religions anywhere. If it were all true to teachings, then you would see a lot more orange robes that don't come off after 1 week of thier ceromony. I don't know, but you're right, it doesn't fit...(.I'm gonna hear about this one now!!!!):jap::blink:.....this is what makes it all so interesting!!

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Does anybody have a clue how this vanity thing is related to buddhist culture?

I just do not understand.

Why so much materialism, vanity?

I would think buddhism to be the exact opposite?

Or do we see this wrongly?

you're right, you would think that buddhism culture(98%) would be less materialistic. I thought the same thing!! But that religeon is(in my opinion) done and acted on in the same way many christians do. They talk the talk but don't walk the walk. It's the same in los. It's for show for many because it is expected. How can one be a good buddhist and then turn around and do some of the things that they do? same goes for other religions...and that goes for many religions anywhere. If it were all true to teachings, then you would see a lot more orange robes that don't come off after 1 week of thier ceromony. I don't know, but you're right, it doesn't fit...(.I'm gonna hear about this one now!!!!):jap::blink:.....this is what makes it all so interesting!!

Yes, this applies to all religions - including not much christian behaviour to be seen in the western world.

But what i do not understand, is that the thai seem to behave so un-buddhist like, while there are temples and monks and ceremonies everywhere?

No one to speak out against vanity and materialism?

At least in Europe, almost no one goes to churces any more, almost no one respects the church.

How can thai people be so vain and materialistic and at the same time so involved in buddhist formalities?

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I'd like to remind posters that slagging off thai women or thai people in general is not acceptable on thaivisa so keep it nice. ;)

I'd like to submit, that perhaps this is the wrong policy. If Thais were less concerned about losing face and more willing to accept criticism, they might just benefit in the long run.

I have lost face and been criticized all my life. I think I am better off for it. Just a thought.

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I'd like to remind posters that slagging off thai women or thai people in general is not acceptable on thaivisa so keep it nice. ;)

I'd like to submit, that perhaps this is the wrong policy. If Thais were less concerned about losing face and more willing to accept criticism, they might just benefit in the long run.

I have lost face and been criticized all my life. I think I am better off for it. Just a thought.

I see your point, but I think it's more about the whole thing just getting old.

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Thais in general are possibly the most vain race I have come across and I have so many examples, I cannot begin to list them here.

Rhank you very much for helping us appreciate the small mercies from which we benefit!

Please - feel free to decease and refrain; you are a joy to us all!

If you think asking someone to feel free to die is a nice thing to say, then you might want to check another blog site, such as coroners anonymous! The remark is a little redundant because obviously if you are diseased you obviously are refrained. I think the words you were trying to grasp for were "cease and desist" which, I might ad, is a legal term backed up with a threat of legal action! Have you passed that Bar?:lol:

Please try and not threaten people with wanting them to die ok? This is a forum where people just state their own experiences and ask questions! I don't for a second think anyone means to denigrate Thai people in the least. It's just information of peoples experiences in a country and culture. It;s been a joy having you around this thread also!....I hope you are not trying to get an english teaching job. It is very easy, but I think you need a class for a bit more time!

The saracsm of some asian peoples pronunciation of L's a R's is not funny! I think as kids in 6th grade that was pretty much over...for most! That weren't held back! Please give them a break! There is always one in every group somewhere like you! Feel better now? ..great!

You are most relcome

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Thais in general are possibly the most vain race I have come across and I have so many examples, I cannot begin to list them here.

Rhank you very much for helping us appreciate the small mercies from which we benefit!

Please - feel free to decease and refrain; you are a joy to us all!

If you think asking someone to feel free to die is a nice thing to say, then you might want to check another blog site, such as coroners anonymous! The remark is a little redundant because obviously if you are diseased you obviously are refrained. I think the words you were trying to grasp for were "cease and desist" which, I might ad, is a legal term backed up with a threat of legal action! Have you passed that Bar?:lol:

Please try and not threaten people with wanting them to die ok? This is a forum where people just state their own experiences and ask questions! I don't for a second think anyone means to denigrate Thai people in the least. It's just information of peoples experiences in a country and culture. It;s been a joy having you around this thread also!....I hope you are not trying to get an english teaching job. It is very easy, but I think you need a class for a bit more time!

The saracsm of some asian peoples pronunciation of L's a R's is not funny! I think as kids in 6th grade that was pretty much over...for most! That weren't held back! Please give them a break! There is always one in every group somewhere like you! Feel better now? ..great!

You are most relcome

You are quite right - I should have used the phrase "cease and desist", or perhaps 'desist and refrain', but as you point out, I was posting from the wrong Bar.

And the 'Rhank' was a simple typo.

My apologies for any offence caused; none was intended, other than a gentle sarcastic wind-up for our Kurnell, whom I bear no ill-will.


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I was with one lady and only had photos of her ass as she spent so much time in front of the mirror.  

I kid you not, many times 2+ hour to get ready to go out  

late you ask? arriving as the doors closed mostly.  

vanity or insecurity, both imo.

the white black thing is total BS and severely holds the country back

Edited by kaorop
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Does anybody have a clue how this vanity thing is related to buddhist culture?

I just do not understand.

Why so much materialism, vanity?

I would think buddhism to be the exact opposite?

Or do we see this wrongly?

you're right, you would think that buddhism culture(98%) would be less materialistic. I thought the same thing!! But that religeon is(in my opinion) done and acted on in the same way many christians do. They talk the talk but don't walk the walk. It's the same in los. It's for show for many because it is expected. How can one be a good buddhist and then turn around and do some of the things that they do? same goes for other religions...and that goes for many religions anywhere. If it were all true to teachings, then you would see a lot more orange robes that don't come off after 1 week of thier ceromony. I don't know, but you're right, it doesn't fit...(.I'm gonna hear about this one now!!!!):jap::blink:.....this is what makes it all so interesting!!

Yes, this applies to all religions - including not much christian behaviour to be seen in the western world.

But what i do not understand, is that the thai seem to behave so un-buddhist like, while there are temples and monks and ceremonies everywhere?

No one to speak out against vanity and materialism?

At least in Europe, almost no one goes to churces any more, almost no one respects the church.

How can thai people be so vain and materialistic and at the same time so involved in buddhist formalities?

I agree, it's amazing. No one can say it is boring! Just trying to figure things out will keep you busy for a long time! Hey, it's Thailand

"amazing Thailand"...Makes ya crazy huh??...hehe...me too!.:whistling:..mai pen rai!.....just keep that thought and you'll survive.:jap:

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