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My Wife Is Being Naughty I Think


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How can i make sure my wife is not having me on. all the women i meet over here seem to get me spening loads of money.

i not minde as long as they are well behaved once my presence has gone and just my money is left there to reminde them of me lol

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Isn't there a "Joke" area on this forum we can move this post to?

First you say you have a "WIFE" which normally is someone you would love with all your heart and never do anything to hurt them.

Then you say that you meet "All sorts of woman here" that have you spending all sorts of money?

Then you say you don't care about the "all sorts of money" you spend on woman while your wife sits at home waiting for the one man she loves and that you hope after you leave these woman that they will be reminded of you by the money you left in their pockets? Man you are one sick quack.

Then you even go on to say that you feel your "WIFE" is being naughty and having you on?

Wow some peoples children. I think you need some serious consulting dude and try not to make all married men look like jerks.

These kind of posts have no meaning here what so ever.

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Isn't there a "Joke" area on this forum we can move this post to?

First you say you have a "WIFE" which normally is someone you would love with all your heart and never do anything to hurt them.

Then you say that you meet "All sorts of woman here" that have you spending all sorts of money?

Then you say you don't care about the "all sorts of money" you spend on woman while your wife sits at home waiting for the one man she loves and that you hope after you leave these woman that they will be reminded of you by the money you left in their pockets? Man you are one sick quack.

Then you even go on to say that you feel your "WIFE" is being naughty and having you on?

Wow some peoples children. I think you need some serious consulting dude and try not to make all married men look like jerks.

These kind of posts have no meaning here what so ever.

Those mia noi's can be bothersome.....best to just take a second wife.....much cheaper in the long run. ;)

EDIT: I forgot.....:cheesy: :cheesy: BigC.....:clap2:

Edited by smokie36
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Are you asking, is it likely that your wife is a bit of a loose tart, and is banging left right and centre while you are away?

Ask yourself why you have this distrust? I mean did you meet her in a beer-bar in Pattaya, marry her, then send her back to work in the same bar on the promise that "no darling, I be good girl, I just sell drink now"..... or did she dump a previous long term partner for you because you're a better catch...... when you are out socialising with her do you find yourself at your whits end as she flirts and gropes at every passer by........ does she have a drink or drug or gambling problem for which you seem to be the ideal ATM........ then chances are, yes, she's spending all your money and as much of everyone elses she can get in the mean time..... and killing herself laughing at how stupid you are to fund her lifestyle.

Similarly, lets say she is from a well-to-do family, and you met her at some premier nightspot, took her home that night and had your wicked way and her apetite for "it" is insatiable....... now ask youself how long are you apart, and can she "go without"?

Conversely, lets say you got married and now has gone back to her home town where she has set up home and waits eagerly for your return, keeping a good home and tenderly caring for your every need, and doing thoughtful little things for you all the time that only someone "in love" would do...... well then she is as likely as any woman to do the dirt.... maybe she will, maybe she won't...... if she gets lonely and feels unloved and some local well-to-do Thai bloke butters her up.......

Really, its a bit of a dopey question, without context...... and is no doubt loaded or just trolling. Not all Thai women are money grabbing whoring sex maniacs..... did you choose wisely, or hastily? Once a brasser always a brasser is not neessarily true or fair (be it for money or fun)......... and well to do Thai women are notorious for having "gigs" ............ but if you believe all the dopey surveys in the papers etc. that suggest 50% of Thai men have 2 or more wives (or seomthing like that), then it quickly becomes clear that women must have more than one husband..... LOL..... last time I ocunted the demographic was about 50-50 male-female :)

In conclusion, unless your are very naive or paranoid, then your gut seems to be telling you that she's being bold........... ask yourself why your gut tells you that, and post that info here.

Edited by corkman
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If she is being naughty, send her round to my place and i will give her a good spanking.

2nd that, ill pick up the piecea left of this relationship if shes under 25 and has worked in cowboy, nana or walking street.

What about Suk 7/1, Suk33, patpong, or bangla ........ there are some talented hidden gems there too :lol:

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BigC is a Samui forum regular Ian and, as far as I am aware, a native English speaker, or rather a native BigC speaker :D

Oh, in that case he would enjoy my boat... it's called a TROLLER :)


looks like BigC could get a big fish in dat troller, Ian...

meself I likes my 20lb whole pacific salmon in de oven for about 2 hours on low heat, cavity filled wid butter, lemon slices and fresh dill...

then some grey beard loon approaches and sez; 'there was a ship...!' and I sez get outta here, there's plenty fer all, just get yerself a plate and dig in...we's trine t'have a party ovah heah...<_<

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