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Express Bus From Finland To Thailand.


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That's great. A memorable experience for all, as long as they get along well enough.

There should be bus trips going every which way - Thais to Europe, Chinese to Sri Lanka, Kenyans to Korea, ...you name it. So happens, it's mostly the Americans and Europeans who venture far from their homes, and it's not just because of finances. Here's an example: there's an organization called WWOOF which enables backpackers to visit nearly anywhere in the world, where there's a wwoof host. In exchange for easy-going work about 5-6 hours a day, the backpackers get meals and a modest place to sleep. I've been a host for several years. Out of 200 or so backpackers who have stayed at my farm in northern Thailand, guess how many were Asian. Zero. Not even one from Singapore or HK. Same with the other dozen or so hosts in Thailand. You'd think at least one Thai would want to try it - Nope. They either don't know about it, or are too busy being worried about getting in to the rat race, and think it's a frivolous endeavor.

I could go on, but that's it for now. Great for the Finns, and an open invitation for them to visit my very cool Adventure Park (climbing, zip lines) in northernmost Thailand.

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