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Notice For Overstaying Visa In Singapore

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Overstaying Visa In Singapore

Office of Labour Affiars in Singapore has been notified that at present, there are still Thai people who travel as a tourist to Singapore to work and look for a job; if they get a job, they will continue working beyond the date for which their visa give them permission to stay.

At present, the number of Thai labours, that travel as a tourist to Singapore to work and unlawfully look for a job in a construction sector, has reduced to almost none. However, recently Office of Labour Affairs in Singapore has been reported that 6-7 Thai people, who entered Singapore with a tourist visa, tried to look for a job in garages in Northern Singapore and overstayed their visa by 6 months. After they were arrested, they were sentenced to imprisonment for 42 days and flogged 4 times. Some were detained as a witness for the prosecution of their employer’s company.

Office of Labour Affairs in Singapore issue following notices:

1) The penalty for overstaying in Singapore is set at a maximum term of 6 months imprisonment and 3-times caning. After being penalized, an offender will be sent back to Thailand. If he desires to come back, he will need permission each time.

2) A believe that there are companies that issue new passport and send Thai workers who overstay their visa, back to Thailand without any offence, is untrue. Singapore has advanced technology and strictly investigates those who try to break the law. Such an action will only increase the penalty.

Source: http://www.mol.go.th/en/anonymouse/foreignlabour/13838

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