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So Who Finds Themselves Being Converted?


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??? no you're not ????

do you consider that an argument?

come on, you can do better than that.

after all the hours you have wasted on this forum,surely you can

for starters, you could mix facts and opinions.

you could call me an absolute idiot.

you could question my reading skills.

you could tell me to go home since i do not like it here

you could call me a whinger, or rosy glasses, a yellow shirter, a red shirter, your choice entirely

as a last resort you could get an ED visa and ask miss trible (not too sure about the exact name of that poster) for private tuition in insults and nonsense arguments.

yours sincerely,


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To the mods:

This is NOT off topic.

I am seriously trying to convert posters to Monthpythonism.

It IS the future, you know.

And it is NOT more silly than conversion to other faiths.

And if that silly Moony replies to this: Yes it is, then he is being argumentative.

Which proves my point.

But then again, he might say " no it does not"

Who needs LoonyMoony anyways, i can fill this thread all by myself.

And Canadians? do not make me laugh. What good did they ever do for this planet?

Ok, they got rid of those shitting baby seals.

OK, they are stubbornly NOT americans.

But apart from that?

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And it is NOT more silly than conversion to other faiths.

I know this is supposed to be an argument, but I agree on this.

You realy don't get it hey???

You CAN NOT AGREE with anything i say.

For god's sake, this is TV.

Just for once, follow the rules.

As practiced by all the other posters.

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Another 41 posts kropothingy and we'll see you in bedlam.


I am not a native.

eeuuhhh not a native english speaker.

so i googled bedlam.

I am not100% sure, but i think you finally got the hang of insulting other posters.

well done.

eeuuhhh, in your case, half done.

thanks for being so understanding.

i am off to town now, wife is not home, so i have to seize the opportunity.

If you need an insult, call me

yours sincerely.


PS if you come accross miss thible in this forum, send him my kindest insults

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I see we now have an" i-Pope app," you can do your confessions online.

great idea - you can behave as you like so long as you tell a priest afterwards and then do a few "hail Mary's" - now it seems you don't even have to go through the hassle of going to church and sitting in the cubicle?

so I expect soon we'll get a "Buddha app" in which you can do what you like and then press a few buttons to "make merit" and all your sins will be absolved too? - very little change from normal Thai buddhism there then.

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I see we now have an" i-Pope app," you can do your confessions online.

great idea - you can behave as you like so long as you tell a priest afterwards and then do a few "hail Mary's" - now it seems you don't even have to go through the hassle of going to church and sitting in the cubicle?

Just make sure that your wife does not know your nickname.

so I expect soon we'll get a "Buddha app" in which you can do what you like and then press a few buttons to "make merit" and all your sins will be absolved too? - very little change from normal Thai buddhism there then.

internet banking has yet to be developed in thailand

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I find conversion to any religion to be quite pathetic, especially when someone moves to an obviously less developed country and takes to their beliefs. As if the evidence of the flaws in their system isn't an indicator. Amulet wearers I find particularly ridiculous.

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I find conversion to any religion to be quite pathetic, especially when someone moves to an obviously less developed country and takes to their beliefs. As if the evidence of the flaws in their system isn't an indicator. Amulet wearers I find particularly ridiculous.

In the sixties we fought against outdated traditions and behaviour in europe.

We won.

I was right, my father was wrong.

I am not going to accept that same backwardnes here in thailand.

We will win again.

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One time when I was doing a South East Asian course at Uni I asked the (Thai) professor a question about Buddhism. It went something like:

'If someone is a gangster - owns brothels where women are imprisoned to sell sex, is violent towards others and extorts money from yet others, but he regularly goes to a temple and donates large amounts of money to it and its causes, will his overall 'karma' improve?

He said yes.

That was nearly 20 years ago. Despite some well documented benefits, I've had some misgivings about Buddhism ever since. Am I missing something?

Edited by hanuman1
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I believe in universal values.

hehehe "believe" is probably not the right word....

and it is difficult to be sure what those values are, even in our own culture - and very difficult in different cultures.

but there are universal values that i try to uphold, where ever i am.

i am not saying that i am good at upholding those values.

but i try.

i try in thailand, just like i try in europe.

i do not accept the "it is their culture" nonsense.

In the sixties we changed the european culture.

we stopped a war.

we stopped sexism.

we stopped bullying by european hiso and church..

ok, not for 100%,.....

but we achieved much.

that is why the thai elite does not want us here.

End of rant.....

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I just go along with whatever makes me and my family happy.

Catch a buzz, sit on the floor, listen to the chants. Makes people feel good.

Convert, nothing to convert from, and I am way to lazy to suddenly become passionate about something.

Ditto, nicely put,


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I just go along with whatever makes me and my family happy.

Catch a buzz, sit on the floor, listen to the chants. Makes people feel good.

Convert, nothing to convert from, and I am way to lazy to suddenly become passionate about something.

Ditto, nicely put,


me me me me me me...........

buddhist are we ?

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I believe in universal values.

hehehe "believe" is probably not the right word....

and it is difficult to be sure what those values are, even in our own culture - and very difficult in different cultures.

but there are universal values that i try to uphold, where ever i am.

i am not saying that i am good at upholding those values.

but i try.

i try in thailand, just like i try in europe.

i do not accept the "it is their culture" nonsense.

In the sixties we changed the european culture.

we stopped a war.

we stopped sexism.

we stopped bullying by european hiso and church..

ok, not for 100%,.....

but we achieved much.

that is why the thai elite does not want us here.

End of rant.....

No way... No way...

So crazy i no Way'd it twice!

I am assuming that you have had a few Changs by now.

i do not accept the "it is their culture" nonsense.

But it IS their culture, and any other culture just because it is different, is not a justification for being 'nonsense',

In the sixties we changed the european culture.

Who changed the European culture?.. You?? or was it the migrants from all over the world coming to take the menial jobs and mix in with the Europeans while maintaining and spreading their own mixed bag of cultures? So who exactly are 'we' in this amazing feat?

we stopped a war.

Who stopped a war?.. you? and who else?... What war did you stop?... Britain has been involved in several wars since the sixties, as a matter of fact we were still entrenched in the Suez Crisis till the late sixties, then there was the Falklands, The gulf War, desert fox, Kosovo, Croatia and Bosnia then Afghanistan and Iraq... As a matter of fact... Britain has probably been in conflict with more nations than any other country in the world 'Since the Sixties'.

we stopped sexism.

How nice of you... Since women's lib kicked into full force in the late 60s the divorce rate in Britain went from 23,000 a year in 1968 to 160,000 a year in 1998. All those broken homes and upset kids. Just goes to show the opposite sexes do not get on as much as they did before that little movement. Also, we have not stopped sexism at all... That is a right crock of s**t...We have just hidden it. Employers will still employ who they think is best for the job no matter what the gender, guys still talk about women in the pub in a sexist way, they just don't do it in front of women now, because the women protest.

we stopped bullying by european hiso and church..

This is very confusing to me... I can't answer that one, i don't have a clue what it means.... If you mean Eurocrat bullies, then i think you need to do a bit of reading on that subject, because britain and the rest of Europe bend over every day to be shafted by Brussels... every day, someone gets one up them from European parliament. In the last 50 years I have never seen so much damage done to a continent. The heart is being ripped out of the people in the name of so called equality and human rights. The laws are being rewritten daily and enforced in such a way that people are being put in prison for saying something about Islam or whatever, and being robbed o0f freedom of speech a constitutional right of everyone... not in Europe it isn't... Say the wrong thing about a minority or Islam, and 'kerchink'.. locked up as a warning to everyone not to upset the very people who rant hatred about us and our culture with the full protection of Brussels and the British government.

but we achieved much.

Yep... There is that 'WE' word again.. who is this we?... in Europe we have achieved nothing of the sort. The continent has opened up to a particularly brutal influence. One where hatred for our culture is spouted in the streets and in the mosques daily. Sharia law has been passed in Britain and there are now around 150 sharia courts dealing with civil matters, but its a start. A law set by a code of hate of everything non-Islamic... which in itself is a stoneage religion, and a poison to everything good and fair and equal... a law that put man on top and women below dog status, a law that wants all gays dead, and any woman stoned to death for having a private life.... Oh I know its only civil cases, but it is a start and it is spreading, and all this because we don't want to harm their 'human rights', and that we have to understand and agree with their culture... Human rights??? Sexism??? .. just like Condell said.. its like giving the fox the keys to the henhouse...

The only thing that everyone in Europe is wondering, is which European country is going to be the first Islamic state???... Britain?.. Denmark?.. Netherlands?..Sweden?

Whichever one it is, it will be the first to slip back into the stone age with the death penalty being dished out to kids, women who have an affair, and are third class citizens and considered dirty by law. Where you will be executed for speaking against Alla...

If you think we are moving forwards in progress, you think again!!... we are slipping backwards to where we were 1000 years ago...

that is why the thai elite does not want us here.

The only thing i agree with you on.... Because they are comfortable with their non - violent religion, and they are in fact developing and at the same time watching the place where you lot come from and thinking to themselves... "we don't want that farang culture here".. No way!!!.... No way!!!!

By the way you mentioned European hiso... did you know hiso is a term that originated in Bangkok to mean High Society, so there you go, you are absorbing a bit of Thai culture and applying it to Europe... So I will remind you of the title of the thread... naaa, I won't actually

End of rant!

Edited by newsite12
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"it's their culture" - is in essence crap.

Empirical experience, critical thinking, science and philosophy are actually trans-cutlural.

Cultures and civilisations rise and fall critical analysis doesn't.

Many try to postulate that science etc is the result of "western" thinking - this is of course also crap and very "euro-centric". It also shows that they haven't really any experience of pure logic or critical thinking.....they confuse this with such expressions as "university of life" and "common sense" "if it looks like a duck" - which are on a much lower level of comprehension

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I believe in universal values.

hehehe "believe" is probably not the right word....

and it is difficult to be sure what those values are, even in our own culture - and very difficult in different cultures.

but there are universal values that i try to uphold, where ever i am.

i am not saying that i am good at upholding those values.

but i try.

i try in thailand, just like i try in europe.

i do not accept the "it is their culture" nonsense.

In the sixties we changed the european culture.

we stopped a war.

we stopped sexism.

we stopped bullying by european hiso and church..

ok, not for 100%,.....

but we achieved much.

that is why the thai elite does not want us here.

End of rant.....

No way... No way...

So crazy i no Way'd it twice!

I am assuming that you have had a few Changs by now.

i do not accept the "it is their culture" nonsense.

But it IS their culture, and any other culture just because it is different, is not a justification for being 'nonsense',

In the sixties we changed the european culture.

Who changed the European culture?.. You?? or was it the migrants from all over the world coming to take the menial jobs and mix in with the Europeans while maintaining and spreading their own mixed bag of cultures? So who exactly are 'we' in this amazing feat?

we stopped a war.

Who stopped a war?.. you? and who else?... What war did you stop?... Britain has been involved in several wars since the sixties, as a matter of fact we were still entrenched in the Suez Crisis till the late sixties, then there was the Falklands, The gulf War, desert fox, Kosovo, Croatia and Bosnia then Afghanistan and Iraq... As a matter of fact... Britain has probably been in conflict with more nations than any other country in the world 'Since the Sixties'.

we stopped sexism.

How nice of you... Since women's lib kicked into full force in the late 60s the divorce rate in Britain went from 23,000 a year in 1968 to 160,000 a year in 1998. All those broken homes and upset kids. Just goes to show the opposite sexes do not get on as much as they did before that little movement. Also, we have not stopped sexism at all... That is a right crock of s**t...We have just hidden it. Employers will still employ who they think is best for the job no matter what the gender, guys still talk about women in the pub in a sexist way, they just don't do it in front of women now, because the women protest.

we stopped bullying by european hiso and church..

This is very confusing to me... I can't answer that one, i don't have a clue what it means.... If you mean Eurocrat bullies, then i think you need to do a bit of reading on that subject, because britain and the rest of Europe bend over every day to be shafted by Brussels... every day, someone gets one up them from European parliament. In the last 50 years I have never seen so much damage done to a continent. The heart is being ripped out of the people in the name of so called equality and human rights. The laws are being rewritten daily and enforced in such a way that people are being put in prison for saying something about Islam or whatever, and being robbed o0f freedom of speech a constitutional right of everyone... not in Europe it isn't... Say the wrong thing about a minority or Islam, and 'kerchink'.. locked up as a warning to everyone not to upset the very people who rant hatred about us and our culture with the full protection of Brussels and the British government.

but we achieved much.

Yep... There is that 'WE' word again.. who is this we?... in Europe we have achieved nothing of the sort. The continent has opened up to a particularly brutal influence. One where hatred for our culture is spouted in the streets and in the mosques daily. Sharia law has been passed in Britain and there are now around 150 sharia courts dealing with civil matters, but its a start. A law set by a code of hate of everything non-Islamic... which in itself is a stoneage religion, and a poison to everything good and fair and equal... a law that put man on top and women below dog status, a law that wants all gays dead, and any woman stoned to death for having a private life.... Oh I know its only civil cases, but it is a start and it is spreading, and all this because we don't want to harm their 'human rights', and that we have to understand and agree with their culture... Human rights??? Sexism??? .. just like Condell said.. its like giving the fox the keys to the henhouse...

The only thing that everyone in Europe is wondering, is which European country is going to be the first Islamic state???... Britain?.. Denmark?.. Netherlands?..Sweden?

Whichever one it is, it will be the first to slip back into the stone age with the death penalty being dished out to kids, women who have an affair, and are third class citizens and considered dirty by law. Where you will be executed for speaking against Alla...

If you think we are moving forwards in progress, you think again!!... we are slipping backwards to where we were 1000 years ago...

that is why the thai elite does not want us here.

The only thing i agree with you on.... Because they are comfortable with their non - violent religion, and they are in fact developing and at the same time watching the place where you lot come from and thinking to themselves... "we don't want that farang culture here".. No way!!!.... No way!!!!

By the way you mentioned European hiso... did you know hiso is a term that originated in Bangkok to mean High Society, so there you go, you are absorbing a bit of Thai culture and applying it to Europe... So I will remind you of the title of the thread... naaa, I won't actually

End of rant!

THis is a classic non argument - you have picked out a few generalities and then misinterpreted them - or taken them too literally and then based on a very small amount of evidence (my dog has 4 legs) and a huge lack of historical knowledge put forward nothing more than a series of fallacious gainsaying.

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I believe in universal values.

hehehe "believe" is probably not the right word....

and it is difficult to be sure what those values are, even in our own culture - and very difficult in different cultures.

but there are universal values that i try to uphold, where ever i am.

i am not saying that i am good at upholding those values.

but i try.

i try in thailand, just like i try in europe.

i do not accept the "it is their culture" nonsense.

In the sixties we changed the european culture.

we stopped a war.

we stopped sexism.

we stopped bullying by european hiso and church..

ok, not for 100%,.....

but we achieved much.

that is why the thai elite does not want us here.

End of rant.....

No way... No way...

So crazy i no Way'd it twice!

I am assuming that you have had a few Changs by now.

i do not accept the "it is their culture" nonsense.

But it IS their culture, and any other culture just because it is different, is not a justification for being 'nonsense',

In the sixties we changed the european culture.

Who changed the European culture?.. You?? or was it the migrants from all over the world coming to take the menial jobs and mix in with the Europeans while maintaining and spreading their own mixed bag of cultures? So who exactly are 'we' in this amazing feat?

we stopped a war.

Who stopped a war?.. you? and who else?... What war did you stop?... Britain has been involved in several wars since the sixties, as a matter of fact we were still entrenched in the Suez Crisis till the late sixties, then there was the Falklands, The gulf War, desert fox, Kosovo, Croatia and Bosnia then Afghanistan and Iraq... As a matter of fact... Britain has probably been in conflict with more nations than any other country in the world 'Since the Sixties'.

we stopped sexism.

How nice of you... Since women's lib kicked into full force in the late 60s the divorce rate in Britain went from 23,000 a year in 1968 to 160,000 a year in 1998. All those broken homes and upset kids. Just goes to show the opposite sexes do not get on as much as they did before that little movement. Also, we have not stopped sexism at all... That is a right crock of s**t...We have just hidden it. Employers will still employ who they think is best for the job no matter what the gender, guys still talk about women in the pub in a sexist way, they just don't do it in front of women now, because the women protest.

we stopped bullying by european hiso and church..

This is very confusing to me... I can't answer that one, i don't have a clue what it means.... If you mean Eurocrat bullies, then i think you need to do a bit of reading on that subject, because britain and the rest of Europe bend over every day to be shafted by Brussels... every day, someone gets one up them from European parliament. In the last 50 years I have never seen so much damage done to a continent. The heart is being ripped out of the people in the name of so called equality and human rights. The laws are being rewritten daily and enforced in such a way that people are being put in prison for saying something about Islam or whatever, and being robbed o0f freedom of speech a constitutional right of everyone... not in Europe it isn't... Say the wrong thing about a minority or Islam, and 'kerchink'.. locked up as a warning to everyone not to upset the very people who rant hatred about us and our culture with the full protection of Brussels and the British government.

but we achieved much.

Yep... There is that 'WE' word again.. who is this we?... in Europe we have achieved nothing of the sort. The continent has opened up to a particularly brutal influence. One where hatred for our culture is spouted in the streets and in the mosques daily. Sharia law has been passed in Britain and there are now around 150 sharia courts dealing with civil matters, but its a start. A law set by a code of hate of everything non-Islamic... which in itself is a stoneage religion, and a poison to everything good and fair and equal... a law that put man on top and women below dog status, a law that wants all gays dead, and any woman stoned to death for having a private life.... Oh I know its only civil cases, but it is a start and it is spreading, and all this because we don't want to harm their 'human rights', and that we have to understand and agree with their culture... Human rights??? Sexism??? .. just like Condell said.. its like giving the fox the keys to the henhouse...

The only thing that everyone in Europe is wondering, is which European country is going to be the first Islamic state???... Britain?.. Denmark?.. Netherlands?..Sweden?

Whichever one it is, it will be the first to slip back into the stone age with the death penalty being dished out to kids, women who have an affair, and are third class citizens and considered dirty by law. Where you will be executed for speaking against Alla...

If you think we are moving forwards in progress, you think again!!... we are slipping backwards to where we were 1000 years ago...

that is why the thai elite does not want us here.

The only thing i agree with you on.... Because they are comfortable with their non - violent religion, and they are in fact developing and at the same time watching the place where you lot come from and thinking to themselves... "we don't want that farang culture here".. No way!!!.... No way!!!!

By the way you mentioned European hiso... did you know hiso is a term that originated in Bangkok to mean High Society, so there you go, you are absorbing a bit of Thai culture and applying it to Europe... So I will remind you of the title of the thread... naaa, I won't actually

End of rant!

I think also you should curb your racist tendencies - perhaps anger management - as recommended by UK sharia tribunals - check your facts on those too before you go off the deep end. - I get the feeling you area Daily mail reader - which means your reading age is about 8 to 12!

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I believe in universal values.

hehehe "believe" is probably not the right word....

and it is difficult to be sure what those values are, even in our own culture - and very difficult in different cultures.

but there are universal values that i try to uphold, where ever i am.

i am not saying that i am good at upholding those values.

but i try.

i try in thailand, just like i try in europe.

i do not accept the "it is their culture" nonsense.

In the sixties we changed the european culture.

we stopped a war.

we stopped sexism.

we stopped bullying by european hiso and church..

ok, not for 100%,.....

but we achieved much.

that is why the thai elite does not want us here.

End of rant.....

No way... No way...

So crazy i no Way'd it twice!

I am assuming that you have had a few Changs by now.

i do not accept the "it is their culture" nonsense.

But it IS their culture, and any other culture just because it is different, is not a justification for being 'nonsense',

Then why do you have such extreme views about muslims?

In the sixties we changed the european culture.

Who changed the European culture?.. You?? or was it the migrants from all over the world coming to take the menial jobs and mix in with the Europeans while maintaining and spreading their own mixed bag of cultures? So who exactly are 'we' in this amazing feat?

we stopped a war.

Who stopped a war?.. you? and who else?... What war did you stop?... Britain has been involved in several wars since the sixties, as a matter of fact we were still entrenched in the Suez Crisis till the late sixties, then there was the Falklands, The gulf War, desert fox, Kosovo, Croatia and Bosnia then Afghanistan and Iraq... As a matter of fact... Britain has probably been in conflict with more nations than any other country in the world 'Since the Sixties'.

WE refers to the generation of the sixties, and yes, we stopped a war not too far from here, remember? Obviously, even more credit goes to the heroic peoples of SE Asia....

we stopped sexism.

How nice of you... Since women's lib kicked into full force in the late 60s the divorce rate in Britain went from 23,000 a year in 1968 to 160,000 a year in 1998. All those broken homes and upset kids. Just goes to show the opposite sexes do not get on as much as they did before that little movement. Also, we have not stopped sexism at all... That is a right crock of s**t...We have just hidden it. Employers will still employ who they think is best for the job no matter what the gender, guys still talk about women in the pub in a sexist way, they just don't do it in front of women now, because the women protest.

Not sure what your point is.

we stopped bullying by european hiso and church..

This is very confusing to me... I can't answer that one, i don't have a clue what it means.... If you mean Eurocrat bullies, then i think you need to do a bit of reading on that subject, because britain and the rest of Europe bend over every day to be shafted by Brussels... every day, someone gets one up them from European parliament. In the last 50 years I have never seen so much damage done to a continent. The heart is being ripped out of the people in the name of so called equality and human rights. The laws are being rewritten daily and enforced in such a way that people are being put in prison for saying something about Islam or whatever, and being robbed o0f freedom of speech a constitutional right of everyone... not in Europe it isn't... Say the wrong thing about a minority or Islam, and 'kerchink'.. locked up as a warning to everyone not to upset the very people who rant hatred about us and our culture with the full protection of Brussels and the British government.

I mean the european hiso, why do you bring up the EU? and Islam?

but we achieved much.

Yep... There is that 'WE' word again.. who is this we?... in Europe we have achieved nothing of the sort. The continent has opened up to a particularly brutal influence. One where hatred for our culture is spouted in the streets and in the mosques daily. Sharia law has been passed in Britain and there are now around 150 sharia courts dealing with civil matters, but its a start. A law set by a code of hate of everything non-Islamic... which in itself is a stoneage religion, and a poison to everything good and fair and equal... a law that put man on top and women below dog status, a law that wants all gays dead, and any woman stoned to death for having a private life.... Oh I know its only civil cases, but it is a start and it is spreading, and all this because we don't want to harm their 'human rights', and that we have to understand and agree with their culture... Human rights??? Sexism??? .. just like Condell said.. its like giving the fox the keys to the henhouse...

Muslims again?

We achieved much, but not enough.

Because we were naive and idealistic, and because the people in power decided to rather burst then to give in.

They did burst, but took part of society with them.

They managed to stop the new values from becoming general rule, while the old outdated values disappeared, leaving us with the valueless society we have now.

The only thing that everyone in Europe is wondering, is which European country is going to be the first Islamic state???... Britain?.. Denmark?.. Netherlands?..Sweden?

Whichever one it is, it will be the first to slip back into the stone age with the death penalty being dished out to kids, women who have an affair, and are third class citizens and considered dirty by law. Where you will be executed for speaking against Alla...

If you think we are moving forwards in progress, you think again!!... we are slipping backwards to where we were 1000 years ago...

that is why the thai elite does not want us here.

The only thing i agree with you on.... Because they are comfortable with their non - violent religion, and they are in fact developing and at the same time watching the place where you lot come from and thinking to themselves... "we don't want that farang culture here".. No way!!!.... No way!!!!

By the way you mentioned European hiso... did you know hiso is a term that originated in Bangkok to mean High Society, so there you go, you are absorbing a bit of Thai culture and applying it to Europe... So I will remind you of the title of the thread... naaa, I won't actually

Yes i know where hiso comes from, i am multicultural and use that word often.

End of rant!

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