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Where Can A Girl Get Make-Up Done In Bangkok?


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I have never had my make-up done, except for one time for senior prom at a salon back in the ol' US of A. It's my last night in Bangkok for a few months (I'll be traveling Asia)... planning to go out with a few friends (and with a bang, as well), and would like to know where I can get my make-up done for not-too-expensive. Why don't I do it myself? I'm running out of products, not to mention the lighting in my house in Bangkok isn't that great (I always think it looks better than it does... then I check myself in the mirror somewhere around town).

I know there are plenty of cosmetic counters at the malls, but I don't know if they have make-up artists? And if they're any good? Cost?

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No idea of the cost at the counters, or the professionalism, but they do do it. BUT! beware they don't make you look like a clown, salons will also do make up but again, beware the clown effect!

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