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Asia - Women In Local Government


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Yet another example of how the governing elite that is running the country is failing to allow Thailand to evolve into a true democracy....Major EL paper reportsfollow the linkhttp://www.china-focus.net/?p=44539

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Perhaps Thai women have other preferences than being in local government?

Thai women don't care about Western gender-crap?

Thai women are allowed to be women?


'Thai women are ALLOWED to be women"!? which century were you born in? Who does the work in Thailand ? Who supports families, looks after the kids. Who tries to get the tertiary education?

But who has the power and the money? and why? More than half the population here are women. Like western women in the '50s, Thai women think that they have no choice, because of custom and tradition. They still think that they must 'look after men'- with all the variations that are implied in that phrase. But slowly the times are a changing. When they start to travel a bit more, have their own incomes, and become better educated, Thailand will change

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Perhaps Thai women have other preferences than being in local government?

Thai women don't care about Western gender-crap?

Thai women are allowed to be women?

Well - I can't argue with this sort of post as it is so utterly bereft of any evidence of an intelligent appreciation of reality.It is however a classic example of the attitude that "keeps women in their place"

I can't believe in this day an age that people still think that the opinions expressed are in any way val;id - they actually aren't even opinions. How little they must know about how the owrld works to still harbour such unsustainable beliefs (they aren't opinions - opinions are based on thought and fact)

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Perhaps Thai women have other preferences than being in local government?

Thai women don't care about Western gender-crap?

Thai women are allowed to be women?

Well - I can't argue with this sort of post as it is so utterly bereft of any evidence of an intelligent appreciation of reality.It is however a classic example of the attitude that "keeps women in their place"

I can't believe in this day an age that people still think that the opinions expressed are in any way val;id - they actually aren't even opinions. How little they must know about how the owrld works to still harbour such unsustainable beliefs (they aren't opinions - opinions are based on thought and fact)

I find mostly Thai women run everything in Thailand.

Thailand seems to have proper equality between the sexes.

Women can build houses, mix concrete, sweep roads, collect garbage just like Thai men.

The only right they don't seem to have is the automatic right to be kept by a man (or the state) after conceiving children.

Their body, their choice, and their responsibility for their own actions. Good for them!

As for local government, the staff in most Amphur offices I have visited seem to be entirely female.

Edited by pjclark1
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Perhaps Thai women have other preferences than being in local government?

Thai women don't care about Western gender-crap?

Thai women are allowed to be women?

Well - I can't argue with this sort of post as it is so utterly bereft of any evidence of an intelligent appreciation of reality.It is however a classic example of the attitude that "keeps women in their place"

I can't believe in this day an age that people still think that the opinions expressed are in any way val;id - they actually aren't even opinions. How little they must know about how the owrld works to still harbour such unsustainable beliefs (they aren't opinions - opinions are based on thought and fact)

You're not a very likeable person, are you Deeral?

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Perhaps Thai women have other preferences than being in local government?

Thai women don't care about Western gender-crap?

Thai women are allowed to be women?

Well - I can't argue with this sort of post as it is so utterly bereft of any evidence of an intelligent appreciation of reality.It is however a classic example of the attitude that "keeps women in their place"

I can't believe in this day an age that people still think that the opinions expressed are in any way val;id - they actually aren't even opinions. How little they must know about how the owrld works to still harbour such unsustainable beliefs (they aren't opinions - opinions are based on thought and fact)

You're not a very likeable person, are you Deeral?


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Perhaps Thai women have other preferences than being in local government?

Thai women don't care about Western gender-crap?

Thai women are allowed to be women?

Well - I can't argue with this sort of post as it is so utterly bereft of any evidence of an intelligent appreciation of reality.It is however a classic example of the attitude that "keeps women in their place"

I can't believe in this day an age that people still think that the opinions expressed are in any way val;id - they actually aren't even opinions. How little they must know about how the owrld works to still harbour such unsustainable beliefs (they aren't opinions - opinions are based on thought and fact)

I find mostly Thai women run everything in Thailand.

Thailand seems to have proper equality between the sexes.

Women can build houses, mix concrete, sweep roads, collect garbage just like Thai men.

The only right they don't seem to have is the automatic right to be kept by a man (or the state) after conceiving children.

Their body, their choice, and their responsibility for their own actions. Good for them!

As for local government, the staff in most Amphur offices I have visited seem to be entirely female.

Just shows how poor you are at analyzing what you see

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Perhaps Thai women have other preferences than being in local government?

Thai women don't care about Western gender-crap?

Thai women are allowed to be women?

Well - I can't argue with this sort of post as it is so utterly bereft of any evidence of an intelligent appreciation of reality.It is however a classic example of the attitude that "keeps women in their place"

I can't believe in this day an age that people still think that the opinions expressed are in any way val;id - they actually aren't even opinions. How little they must know about how the owrld works to still harbour such unsustainable beliefs (they aren't opinions - opinions are based on thought and fact)

I find mostly Thai women run everything in Thailand.

Thailand seems to have proper equality between the sexes.

Women can build houses, mix concrete, sweep roads, collect garbage just like Thai men.

The only right they don't seem to have is the automatic right to be kept by a man (or the state) after conceiving children.

Their body, their choice, and their responsibility for their own actions. Good for them!

As for local government, the staff in most Amphur offices I have visited seem to be entirely female.

Just shows how poor you are at analyzing what you see

Please enlighten us then. What we are seeing?

Rather than attack peoples intelligence when they fail to agree with you. How about dialogue?

Even the village idiot knows something you don't.

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"Please enlighten us then. What we are seeing?"

Firstly - what are you saying that the survey is incorrect?

Secondly - some of the views put forward here are so profoundly ill-informed that meaningful dialogue directly on the issue would seemingly be impossible.What is needed is a huge amount of education of these posters.I for one think ti is the responsibility of those people to get two thingsFirstly lern to be analytical and critical in their thinking and when they have done that start reading up on the issues they'd like to talk about.

I would suggest that the average 14 year old school kid is better equipped and able to appraise and then speak about these issues.

remember to red a paper like the Sun (IK) or the Inquirer (US) - you need a reading age of 7!

but if you then intend to pass comment you also need some critical and analytical abilities.If you think I can impart that to you in a post on a forum them it really only shows what a long way you still have to go

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Secondly - some of the views put forward here are so profoundly ill-informed that meaningful dialogue directly on the issue would seemingly be impossible.What is needed is a huge amount of education of these posters.I for one think ti is the responsibility of those people to get two thingsFirstly lern to be analytical and critical in their thinking and when they have done that start reading up on the issues they'd like to talk about.

But you are never prepared to state your educational level, so your post is pointless.

What I can say is my educational level is likely way above yours (because I reside in the top 0.1% of the western world)

You seem to place your trust in statistics produced by governments, NGOs and their like, which I think tells us much about your analytical and critical thinking (i.e. Baaaaaaa).

Edited by pjclark1
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Deeral- your goofy dude. You hijacked your own thread so you could talk down to people. You have these awesome skills but couldn't answer the question.

I understand. I miss college as well.

I'm sure this is only an online persona that your grooming and your probably not a bitch in real life. Got it. The Internet is crazy that way.

You and your mensa buddies keep doing what you do. There's a 19 yr old selling ice cream outside my house. I'm going to hit on her. Later.

Edited by mstribling
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Well this other thread currently running on TV (http://www.thaivisa....n-women-bosses/) says that Thailand is ahead of everyone in the world (and not just in Asia like this thread) in terms of having women in senior management roles. That's a little more broad than just "women in local government" I'd say.

THis is what is so sad - TV posters don't have the ability or skills to look at these to distinct issues and make an appraisal that encompasses them both without trying to say they are the same thing - THINK!!!


Dogs have 4 legs.My cat has 4 legs therefore my cat is a dog.

and then look up my take on that too!

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Deeral- your goofy dude. You hijacked your own thread so you could talk down to people. You have these awesome skills but couldn't answer the question.

I understand. I miss college as well.

I'm sure this is only an online persona that your grooming and your probably not a bitch in real life. Got it. The Internet is crazy that way.

You and your mensa buddies keep doing what you do. There's a 19 yr old selling ice cream outside my house. I'm going to hit on her. Later.

THere is no question to answer!Any questions I've been asked aren't connected rationally to anything I've posted.They a more of the "my daddies a policeman" school of thought

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Come one guys.

It's clear that Deeral has such a profound intelligence that none of us can even aspire to be half as bright as he is.

I think we should just bow to his superior IQ and bask in the glory of being in the same forum as him.

We are not worthy!

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I believe he is in some sort of competition to see how many times a person can use the phrase " critical and analytical thinking" in a post. Seems to be his buzz phrase.

I wonder if he is able to stand himself. He looks down upon us simple people and our small thinking abilities, and then does something stupid like spell learn " lern" <deleted>!

Of all the words to misspell while touting your education you misspell 'learn'

Epic fail

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I believe he is in some sort of competition to see how many times a person can use the phrase " critical and analytical thinking" in a post. Seems to be his buzz phrase.

I wonder if he is able to stand himself. He looks down upon us simple people and our small thinking abilities, and then does something stupid like spell learn " lern" <deleted>!

Of all the words to misspell while touting your education you misspell 'learn'

Epic fail

It is more a reflection on yourself that the best you can come up with is the "spelling nazi' stance - you might notice how that is treated on ALL forums.If I were you I'd be sad.

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There ya go Stribling.

Another demonstration of the remarkable wit and infallible knowledge of the Deeral one. We minions simply don't possess the capacity for critical thought and analytical thinking to even contemplate being in the same league as the oracle of Deeral.

We can only hope that perhaps even a tiny fraction of such a supreme intellect might rub off on us and give us the inspiration to raise our capacity for thought.

Alas, I fear that such aspirations would only be in vain.

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