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Acid Reflex Wedge Pillow In Bangkok?

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A piece of plywood under the top 1/3rd of your mattress would work just as well. That's what I used for a year, until the wife complained too much about sliding off the end of the bed! Then switched to Xanadine, one tab at night, worked better. Even better, two months back had an operation (not gut related) and the doc gave me a whole bunch of pills to take for two weeks. Whatever they all were, the did something good, no more GERD!! At least so far.


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There is also a type of traditional Thai pillow which is wedge shaped and in bright woven colors, fro mthe North-east i think. Can find in many handicraft shops. They are rather hard, so you'd want to place something softer over them, or at least I would.

Not eating or drinking anything for 2 hours before going to bed will also help a lot.

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There is also a type of traditional Thai pillow which is wedge shaped and in bright woven colors ...

I've seen triangle shaped ones that match the description, but not wedge shaped. I'll look a closer next time to see if I can spot any wedges.

Well, I would have said that a wedge is a form of triangle, at least in cross section, but Mr Google says it's a whole lot more complicated than that:


Still, I picture a wedge as what I used to use splitting shakes whereas a triangle might be more even sided, which is what those Thai pillows are. So the pillows might be too close to vertical for decent sleeping.

That shortened sheet of plywood I used was raised up about six (6) inches a the head of the mattress, worked pretty well. Used bricks.


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i had the same problem sliding out the bed slowly but surely during the night, 20mg omperazole seems to keep it under control, i tried everything bricks under feet of bed etc. now leave off the sang som

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Still, I picture a wedge as what I used to use splitting shakes whereas a triangle might be more even sided, which is what those Thai pillows are. So the pillows might be too close to vertical for decent sleeping.

I meant, but didn't state, an equilateral triangle. (That's one with three equal length sides for people like me who haven't seen the inside of a geometry classroom for 40+ years.) The 60 degree angle would make sleep impossible for me.

Though about elevating the head of bed or head of mattress but rejected it because I of my other uses for the mattress. Besides, my mattress is about as flexible as an 18 year old sailor on shore leave.

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A piece of plywood under the top 1/3rd of your mattress would work just as well. That's what I used for a year, until the wife complained too much about sliding off the end of the bed! Then switched to Xanadine, one tab at night, worked better. Even better, two months back had an operation (not gut related) and the doc gave me a whole bunch of pills to take for two weeks. Whatever they all were, the did something good, no more GERD!! At least so far.


Hi...The doctor tells me that I have just succumbed to GERD. He gave me a weeks supply of Puriet 20mg and said avoid fats and highly spiced food...not that easy here! Anyway things appear a little better.

I see that you say you changed to Xanadine, I looked it up..it’s a weight loss tablet? And one of the side effects is an upset stomach….interesting.

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A piece of plywood under the top 1/3rd of your mattress would work just as well. That's what I used for a year, until the wife complained too much about sliding off the end of the bed! Then switched to Xanadine, one tab at night, worked better. Even better, two months back had an operation (not gut related) and the doc gave me a whole bunch of pills to take for two weeks. Whatever they all were, the did something good, no more GERD!! At least so far.


Hi...The doctor tells me that I have just succumbed to GERD. He gave me a weeks supply of Puriet 20mg and said avoid fats and highly spiced food...not that easy here! Anyway things appear a little better.

I see that you say you changed to Xanadine, I looked it up..it’s a weight loss tablet? And one of the side effects is an upset stomach….interesting.

You need to change your ways ie your diet to alleviate GERD symptoms. Most of the medications are not a good option long term ......slippery elm powder works well for reflux but you need to address the underlying causes....over eating , alcohol, fatty foods etc

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  • 4 weeks later...

this reply is from someone who suffered very badly for over 20years.first try to elleviate the bed house bricks will do,try and sleep with 2pillows,dont eat any spicy foods before going to bed,also cream/pastry/choco/ and anything acidity,if you are wakeing up coughing with acid in your mouth ask your doc.to give you lansoprazole,they have changed my quallity of life,i now take one every other day 30mg.[been takeing them 9years] my next aim is 2tabs per.week.another thing is try not to wear anything tight on your waist avoid bending down and if your over weight like i was try as hard as it is to lose a few stone.

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