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In These Tough Ecnomic Times You Need To Enjoy The Little Things

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It was quite difficult to decide the proper response to your sensitive and timely post about this sacred event and its accompanying glorious global day.( I hear they will actually have two cakes! With fruit soaked Brandy, even! Who wouldn't be excited? Cherish the thought!)

My first thought was, wow, you're on a first name basis! Could you get me an invite?

Then I thought, no, sarcasm was far more appropriate.

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I felt the same as you, Robert. I didn't (don't) know if the topic is sarcasm or not..." IN THESE TOUGH ECONOMIC TIMES." I DO know the wedding is going to cost a whole lot of money of which the British people will pick up the tab for.

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I felt the same as you, Robert. I didn't (don't) know if the topic is sarcasm or not..." IN THESE TOUGH ECONOMIC TIMES." I DO know the wedding is going to cost a whole lot of money of which the British people will pick up the tab for.

But just think of all those tourism pounds dollars dinari or whatever currency you like that will come flooding into the UK for the joyous event....what with the wedding this year and then the Olympics next year dear old Blighty just might get out of the pooh pooh that the beloved Gordon Brown dragged it into....now who wants to buy my tickets to the Abbey

Edited by Phuket Stan
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I felt the same as you, Robert. I didn't (don't) know if the topic is sarcasm or not..." IN THESE TOUGH ECONOMIC TIMES." I DO know the wedding is going to cost a whole lot of money of which the British people will pick up the tab for.

But just think of all those tourism pounds dollars dinari or whatever currency you like that will come flooding into the UK for the joyous event....what with the wedding this year and then the Olympics next year dear old Blighty just might get out of the pooh pooh that the beloved Gordon Brown dragged it into....now who wants to buy my tickets to the Abbey

i just hope they have applied early for a visa. Unless it's only Thailand that takes weeks / months to get one.

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