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Full prepared remarks of President Obama's Address to the Nation on Libya


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Maybe this is the Marine invasion force Midas heard about...


Alert Issued After Security Incident On Camp Pendleton

3 Middle Eastern Men Tried To Enter Base Without Proper Authorization, Base Alert Says

POSTED: 4:36 pm PDT March 30, 2011

UPDATED: 6:22 pm PDT March 31, 2011

SAN DIEGO -- One of the nation's largest military bases is reportedly under tighter security after three Middle Eastern men tried to enter without proper authorization.

10News learned the three men -- 40-year-old Afghani Ahmad Rahmani Naeem, 41-year-old Iranian Vahik Petrossian and 27-year-old Iranian Sengekdi Norvik Avanosian -- attempted to get into Camp Pendleton last weekend under what was considered suspicious circumstances.

On Wednesday, base officials said there was no threat, but others on the base told 10News security has been stepped up.

I even provide links... http://www.10news.co...448/detail.html

If they are of Afghani and Iranian decent. Then they are NOT Middle Eastern. They are infact Persian. :jap:

While you are not completely correct, my link is much closer to the truth than the one NOT provided by Midas.

1. Iran is considered a Middle East country by all sources. Afghanistan by many...



2. Not all Afghan citizens are Persians. Many are Pashtun...


3. Persians consider themselves Aryans...


Geographically speaking the Middle East region starts from the Iran - Iraq border to the East going down the Arabian penincular and across to the Mediterainian sea.

It seems most of the world is out of step with coma on this matter.

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What if the US supplied no arms to anyone. What if it involved itself in no overseas conflicts. What if it once again stood as a beacon, in a world wallowing in it's own filth and violence and inequities. Probably not gonna happen, but I can dream can't I?

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You are indeed correct about Iran. My mistake and apologies. However Afghanistan is definaely not a Middle Eastern country. :jap:

As I said in my original post...


"1. Iran is considered a Middle East country by all sources. Afghanistan by many...


One of my links showed Afghanistan in the Middle East. The other one did not.

I never claimed Afghanistan was 'definitely' part of the ME.


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More innuendo and false statements. It's rather pathetic.

In denial of the facts is pathetic, http://news.ninemsn....opose-ceasefire :lol:

Did you even bother to read what you posted or were just relying on one line?

Key points are;

- A Libyan rebel conditional ceasefire offer has been spurned by the regime of Muammar Gaddafi

Gaddaffi declined a ceasefire. No surprise there.

- Transitional National Council leader Mustafa Abdul Jalil said "The goal of the revolution is the liberation of Libya, the unification of its territory and to have Tripoli as its capital."

Oh my.

- The US Presidential press secretary Carney said: "The president's position is that Muammar Gaddafi is no longer fit to lead, he has lost legitimacy in the eyes of his people and the world. It is not his position that Gaddafi should stay in power. "We believe that the Libyan people no longer want Gaddafi to remain in power as the leader of Libya," But I don't want to speculate about outcomes of potential ceasefires or negotiations."

Nothing dishonest there. they want him gone but are not speculating. A prudent measured comment.

- a column of 10 Russian-made BM 21 Grad multiple rocket-launchers heading for Brega on Thursday night.

OMG how'd Russian weapons get to Libya Robbie nz insists its the Americans that provided all the weapons.

As the rebels called for heavy armaments to match the superior firepower of Gaddafi's army, US Defence Secretary Robert Gates asserted they needed training more than guns but suggested other nations do that job.His French counterpart Gerard Longuet said providing weapons was not part of the UN mandate, and NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen also ruled out such a move. "We are there to protect the Libyan people, not to arm people," Rasmussen said.

So much for boots on the ground or heavy arms support theories from the Gaddaffi regime support group of Midas, Coma and Robbienz.

And now for a dose of reality that will hopefully drive home to you why you are wrong and why you will always be wrong on Libya;

Secretary Gates said the military mission did not call for deposing Gaddafi and suggested ultimately it would be economic and political pressure and Libya's people - not coalition air strikes - that would topple him.

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More innuendo and false statements. It's rather pathetic.

In denial of the facts is pathetic, http://news.ninemsn....opose-ceasefire :lol:

Did you even bother to read what you posted or were just relying on one line?

Key points are;

- A Libyan rebel conditional ceasefire offer has been spurned by the regime of Muammar Gaddafi

Gaddaffi declined a ceasefire. No surprise there.

- Transitional National Council leader Mustafa Abdul Jalil said "The goal of the revolution is the liberation of Libya, the unification of its territory and to have Tripoli as its capital."

Oh my.

- The US Presidential press secretary Carney said: "The president's position is that Muammar Gaddafi is no longer fit to lead, he has lost legitimacy in the eyes of his people and the world. It is not his position that Gaddafi should stay in power. "We believe that the Libyan people no longer want Gaddafi to remain in power as the leader of Libya," But I don't want to speculate about outcomes of potential ceasefires or negotiations."

Nothing dishonest there. they want him gone but are not speculating. A prudent measured comment.

- a column of 10 Russian-made BM 21 Grad multiple rocket-launchers heading for Brega on Thursday night.

OMG how'd Russian weapons get to Libya Robbie nz insists its the Americans that provided all the weapons.

As the rebels called for heavy armaments to match the superior firepower of Gaddafi's army, US Defence Secretary Robert Gates asserted they needed training more than guns but suggested other nations do that job.His French counterpart Gerard Longuet said providing weapons was not part of the UN mandate, and NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen also ruled out such a move. "We are there to protect the Libyan people, not to arm people," Rasmussen said.

So much for boots on the ground or heavy arms support theories from the Gaddaffi regime support group of Midas, Coma and Robbienz.

And now for a dose of reality that will hopefully drive home to you why you are wrong and why you will always be wrong on Libya;

Secretary Gates said the military mission did not call for deposing Gaddafi and suggested ultimately it would be economic and political pressure and Libya's people - not coalition air strikes - that would topple him.

Total Rubbish.

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WARMONGER : Asked about the rebel ceasefire offer, White House spokesman Jay Carney appeared to indicate that the administration of US President Barack Obama does not want the conflict in Libya to end with Gaddafi still in power

Nothing in the UN mandate about this is there ????????????? It is infact a personnal issue that the US has with GaddafiIn Washington,

Carney said: "The president's position is that Muammar Gaddafi is no longer fit to lead, he has lost legitimacy in the eyes of his people and the world.

It is not his position that Gaddafi should stay in power "

How do you know that? Have you spoke to the apparent large amount of pro Gaddafi citizens ????

And it is NOT your position to decide if Gaddafi should stay in power or not.It is that of the Libyan people.

"We believe that the Libyan people no longer want Gaddafi to remain in power as the leader of Libya" he said.

If this was the case there would be no ongoing civil war you fool.

At the western entrance to Ajdabiya, 54-year-old reservist and rebel Abdelkarim Mansouri explained: We're implementing a new tactic. We don't want any more kids to die. War is not a game These are the orders of the military council.

Is this news to the rebels? War is not a game? Sending kids off to fight, some of them will inevitabley die.

Look I am against the US being involved in Libya, but goodness, you are really going off the deep end here. So what if Obama thinks Gaddafi should not remain in power? What has that to do with the UN mandate? That is his opinion, and as such, the opinion of his administration.

And do you really think he is just saying that in a vacuum? Of course he's getting reports, and even a simpleton can see that at least some Libyans don't want Gadaffi in power anymore.

I have to stress that I don't want the US in Libya, but Obama's remarks are nothing remarkable. He is just stating his opinion, and all this hate and consternation calling him a liar and such is just plain laughable.

Edited by luckizuchinni
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Broad minded people will find this artical an interesting read. Fellow American Ted Carpenter, with great credentials, has hit the nail on the head.


Enjoy the read if you dare. I did. ;)

Actually, not interesting at all. He is just stating commonly held concepts that many people believe. I believe most of it myself, but this article, even taking into account that it is dated, is hardly earth-shattering. WIth your "if you dare" comment, I was hoping for something with a little more meat to it.

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Broad minded people will find this artical an interesting read. Fellow American Ted Carpenter, with great credentials, has hit the nail on the head.


Enjoy the read if you dare. I did. ;)

Actually, not interesting at all. He is just stating commonly held concepts that many people believe. I believe most of it myself, but this article, even taking into account that it is dated, is hardly earth-shattering. WIth your "if you dare" comment, I was hoping for something with a little more meat to it.

You read it. So it had the desired effect.

There are other posters here that don't share this view. Fair enough as all are entitled to their views. However this guy has hit it right on and I hope the NON believers see past "the

old Jedi mind tricks " that are simple political lies to push an agenda that other people don't agree with. ;) George Bush used this method, right out of the text book to get his War in Iraq. Lies, Lies and then more lies. Administrations change every 4- 8 years. Bad habits and policies don't . :annoyed:

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Well Obama owns Libya now regardles of the outcome. He won't be able to blame this on george Bush like he has done everything else for 2 plus years. The guy is a dolt.

Fine but its way too early to predict how this will turn out. Instant results? Why would you expect that of Obama but tolerate many years of the Iraq war?

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Well Obama owns Libya now regardles of the outcome. He won't be able to blame this on george Bush like he has done everything else for 2 plus years. The guy is a dolt.

Fine but its way too early to predict how this will turn out. Instant results? Why would you expect that of Obama but tolerate many years of the Iraq war?

Results aside, why should America be involved in any of these wars? We've become a nation of coarse <deleted> who can justify any invasion in the name of continued consumption and expanding markets. Putting the "my team" versus "your team" crap aside, wouldn't you agree it is an abomination and absolutely nothing like what the founders of the country (whom most admire) envisioned?

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I find this "the founders" purist idealism totally ridiculous. They were slave owners and never envisioned the American empire. Harking back to "the founders" is mainly used by neo-fascist Americans anyway. Of course, war is hell, and shouldn't be engaged in lightly. I accept Obama's reasons for getting involved in this and I wish the coalition with Nato good luck in the obvious but denied goal, getting rid of Ghaddafi. I think that is a probable result (a political solution and exile). We will see.

Sure Obama will pay a political price if this fails miserably. But he would have also faced a possibly even bigger political price if he had denied to cooperative with Nato and denied the request for help from the Arab league. Being president isn't a garden (tea) party. It's hard choices.

Edited by Jingthing
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I find this "the founders" purist idealism totally ridiculous. They were slave owners and never envisioned the American empire. Harking back to "the founders" is mainly used by neo-fascist Americans anyway. Of course, war is hell, and shouldn't be engaged in lightly. I accept Obama's reasons for getting involved in this and I wish the coalition with Nato good luck in the obvious but denied goal, getting rid of Ghaddafi. I think that is a probable result (a political solution and exile). We will see.

Sure Obama will pay a political price if this fails miserably. But he would have also faced a possibly even bigger political price if he had denied to cooperative with Nato and denied the request for help from the Arab league. Being president isn't a garden (tea) party. It's hard choices.

Actually they did envision an "American Empire" and eschewed it, as any student of empires would do. They were patriots of the American nation, which is not the American Empire. The "Empire" is the birthchild of on and offshore interests which have nothing to do with the interests of the American nation.

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Yeah, sure, America shouldn't have gotten involved in WW2, sure thing. That's what the nativist American fascists wanted back then.

I suppose we had to have some kind of response to the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor (assuming we didn't invite it) but as for the rest of it, beyond lend/lease and whatnot, yeah I'd agree. What's wrong with being pacifists? Not enough money in it?

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I am waiting for the fat lady to sing :rolleyes:

The fact is the Commander in Chief told lies to the American public and I think you should direct your outrage in that direction B)

US says no American 'boots' on ground in Libya, but it is fancy footwork: The CIA is there

WASHINGTON — When U.S. officials promise there will be no American "boots on the ground" in Libya, they are not talking literally, nor about footwear.

It is military shorthand that may look to some like rhetorical sleight of hand. But the CIA paramilitary officers now known to be operatingalongside rebel forces in the North African nation are not part of the U.S. military, and so they are excluded from the promise. :huh:


There was no lying by the President of the USA. The only one that has lied was the person that made the false allegation that there were marines in Libya. Why is it so hard to acknowledge that he lied?

Now you claim that the presence of the CIA in Libya is boots on the ground. You are really trying every which way to avoid dealing with the lie. Deny, deny, go off on a tangent, make up stories, but the lies remain. The CIA is not a military organization. Nor is it a paramilitary organization. It is 100% civilian, just as a US police agency is civilian and not paramilitary .

How about you just stay on story and quit with fantasy tales.

if it walks like a Duck, and quacks like a Duck, it’s probably a Duck. :rolleyes:

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Yeah, sure, America shouldn't have gotten involved in WW2, sure thing. That's what the nativist American fascists wanted back then.

I suppose we had to have some kind of response to the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor (assuming we didn't invite it) but as for the rest of it, beyond lend/lease and whatnot, yeah I'd agree. What's wrong with being pacifists? Not enough money in it?

Pretty radical of you suggesting the US shouldn't have gotten involved in the WW2 European theater, but somehow I am not surprised.

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Secretary Gates said the military mission did not call for deposing Gaddafi and suggested ultimately it would be economic and political pressure and Libya's people - not coalition air strikes - that would topple him.

This is what I meant by total rubbish. See the link in post 128 if you have the time please. Then I would hope to hear your opinion on this article if you would . Please. :jap:

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Secretary Gates said the military mission did not call for deposing Gaddafi and suggested ultimately it would be economic and political pressure and Libya's people - not coalition air strikes - that would topple him.

This is what I meant by total rubbish. See the link in post 128 if you have the time please. Then I would hope to hear your opinion on this article if you would . Please. :jap:

if you really want to see and hear some " inconsistencies " ... take a look at this :lol:

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WARMONGER : Asked about the rebel ceasefire offer, White House spokesman Jay Carney appeared to indicate that the administration of US President Barack Obama does not want the conflict in Libya to end with Gaddafi still in power

Nothing in the UN mandate about this is there ????????????? It is infact a personnal issue that the US has with GaddafiIn Washington,

Carney said: "The president's position is that Muammar Gaddafi is no longer fit to lead, he has lost legitimacy in the eyes of his people and the world.

It is not his position that Gaddafi should stay in power "

How do you know that? Have you spoke to the apparent large amount of pro Gaddafi citizens ????

And it is NOT your position to decide if Gaddafi should stay in power or not.It is that of the Libyan people.

"We believe that the Libyan people no longer want Gaddafi to remain in power as the leader of Libya" he said.

If this was the case there would be no ongoing civil war you fool.

At the western entrance to Ajdabiya, 54-year-old reservist and rebel Abdelkarim Mansouri explained: We're implementing a new tactic. We don't want any more kids to die. War is not a game These are the orders of the military council.

Is this news to the rebels? War is not a game? Sending kids off to fight, some of them will inevitabley die.

Look I am against the US being involved in Libya, but goodness, you are really going off the deep end here. So what if Obama thinks Gaddafi should not remain in power? What has that to do with the UN mandate? That is his opinion, and as such, the opinion of his administration.

And do you really think he is just saying that in a vacuum? Of course he's getting reports, and even a simpleton can see that at least some Libyans don't want Gadaffi in power anymore.

I have to stress that I don't want the US in Libya, but Obama's remarks are nothing remarkable. He is just stating his opinion, and all this hate and consternation calling him a liar and such is just plain laughable.

He is just stating his opinion you say ??? :lol: Very strange way of looking at it considering he gave his consent to military intervention which has killed more Libyans. Libyans that live on the other side of the world to the White House. Opinions are words and do not hurt anybody. Acting as he has on his opinions does hurt people. And he is GUILTY as charged your honor. B)

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Now you claim that the presence of the CIA in Libya is boots on the ground. You are really trying every which way to avoid dealing with the lie. Deny, deny, go off on a tangent, make up stories, but the lies remain. The CIA is not a military organization. Nor is it a paramilitary organization. It is 100% civilian, :huh: just as a US police agency is civilian and not paramilitary .

How about you just stay on story and quit with fantasy tales.

if it walks like a Duck, and quacks like a Duck, it’s probably a Duck. :rolleyes:

Paramilitary Operations Officer/Specialized Skills Officer


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Pretty ordinary effort this one.

A coalition air raid has killed 13 people, four of them civilians, about 15km east of the battleground Libyan oil town of Brega, a rebel civilian official says.

The four civilians comprised an ambulance driver and three medical students from the second city of Benghazi, who were part of a rebel convoy of five or six vehicles, Issa Khamis, liaison officer for the rebels' transitional government in the town of Ajdabiya, east of Brega, told AFP on Saturday.

The strike on Friday came as rebel fighters were shooting tracer fire into the air to celebrate the entry of an advance column into Brega.

"It was a mistake (by the rebel fighters)," Khamis added. "The aircraft thought they were coming under attack and fired on the convoy."

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Broad minded people will find this artical an interesting read. Fellow American Ted Carpenter, with great credentials, has hit the nail on the head.


Enjoy the read if you dare. I did. ;)

Another point of view on your 'Experts' background in the Cato Institute.


Not all agree they are what they want us to think they are, or are for.

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Yeah, sure, America shouldn't have gotten involved in WW2, sure thing. That's what the nativist American fascists wanted back then.

I suppose we had to have some kind of response to the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor (assuming we didn't invite it) but as for the rest of it, beyond lend/lease and whatnot, yeah I'd agree. What's wrong with being pacifists? Not enough money in it?

Pretty radical of you suggesting the US shouldn't have gotten involved in the WW2 European theater, but somehow I am not surprised.

What was our interest?

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