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Israel warns against recognition of Palestinian state


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No but statehood might mean they can then finally get some sausages
No sausages? :o

Benz for taxi, yeah must be really struggling.

I do not know any other Western country besides Germany where taxi is a Benz, BUT even in Germany a huge number are VW's and Opels

What point are you trying to make ??

That Gaza is better off under an inhuman blockade ??

Can you accept that Israel could, possibly, be wrong in it's treatment of the Palestinians ??

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No doubt that Gaza would be better off without a blockade, but be fair, and always keep in mind the REASON for the blockade, the Hamas government elected by their people dedicated to the destruction of Israel, and oh yes, the rockets. Europeans are so hypocritical about this. They wouldn't allow this from a neighbor of theirs so why should Israel? Is Israel morally better than Europeans? Not at all, but they aren't worse either.

The Gaza blockade? Blame Israel sure, because they share the blame with the Gazan people who voted in that vile organization of radical Islamic antisemitic fundamentalists -- HAMAS.

Edited by Jingthing
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No doubt that Gaza would be better off without a blockade, but be fair, and always keep in mind the REASON for the blockade, the Hamas government elected by their people dedicated to the destruction of Israel, and oh yes, the rockets. Europeans are so hypocritical about this. They wouldn't allow this from a neighbor of theirs so why should Israel? Is Israel morally better than Europeans? Not at all, but they aren't worse either.

The Gaza blockade? Blame Israel sure, because they share the blame with the Gazan people who voted in that vile organization of radical Islamic antisemitic fundamentalists -- HAMAS.

"Our message to the Israelis is this: we do not fight you because you belong to a certain faith or culture. Jews have lived in the Muslim world for 13 centuries in peace and harmony; they are in our religion "the people of the book" who have a covenant from God and His Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) to be respected and protected. Our conflict with you is not religious but political. We have no problem with Jews who have not attacked us - our problem is with those who came to our land, imposed themselves on us by force, destroyed our society and banished our people.

We shall never recognise the right of any power to rob us of our land and deny us our national rights. We shall never recognise the legitimacy of a Zionist state created on our soil in order to atone for somebody else's sins or solve somebody else's problem. But if you are willing to accept the principle of a long-term truce, we are prepared to negotiate the terms. Hamas is extending a hand of peace to those who are truly interested in a peace based on justice."

· Khalid Mish'al is head of the political bureau of Hamas


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When there ever was Palestine as a country...

There has never been a country called Palestine (since the Jewish one) or a Palestinian language.


The residents of Palestine are called "Palestinians". Since Palestine includes both modern day Israel and Jordan both Arab and Jewish residents of this area were referred to as "Palestinians".

It was only after the Jews re-inhabited their historic homeland of Judea and Samaria, that the myth of an Arab Palestinian nation was created and marketed worldwide.



Your link is broken.

I would like to read some other myths from this "science" source. Can you provide a working link?

Lots of nations have created themselves some myths in the process of their Nation building. To become a country, a new country doesn't have to mean that there must have been some predecessor.

Previously i described the Zionists idea as a child of the time when Europe saw a couple of national liberation movements.

Discrimination, oppression can lead to growing, previously maybe not even existing, ethnic self-consciousness , the wish to self-determination and a national awakening.

The oddest things can be the beginning of such an awakening. Send them cheap tea they don't want and DANG! you have one of the most prosperous and strong Nations where never have been anything similar before.

There has never been a country called Palestine is a pretty weak argument.

Look at a map of Europe from 1830 and compare it with 1871 or 1918. or look at the the map of todays Europe.

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It is theirs because the UN gave it to them and they have won multiple wars. Not a lot to do with any book nowdays. :ermm:

To take a territory by force of arms, the right of conquest, a legit and traditional principle throughout history. :whistling:

It became internationally outlawed with the Nuremberg Principles.

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What point are you trying to make ??

That Gaza is better off under an inhuman blockade ??

It does not look "inhuman" to me - especially for a sworn enemy who targets women and children and refuses to make peace. That is the point.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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It is theirs because the UN gave it to them and they have won multiple wars. Not a lot to do with any book nowdays. :ermm:

To take a territory by force of arms, the right of conquest, a legit and traditional principle throughout history.

The defended a territory that was already theirs according to UN mandate and they have won repeatedly.

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Uploaded by thetruth4uguys on 20 Jul 2010

Wow! what a beautiful mall, look at all those fancy shops and plenty of food and toys.

Hey wait a minute, where are the starving people? isn't there supposed to be a shortage of food and water???


I have been to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, and I have witnessed the racially segregated roads and housing that reminded me so much of the conditions we experienced in South Africa under the racist system of Apartheid. I have witnessed the humiliation of Palestinian men, women, and children made to wait hours at Israeli military checkpoints routinely when trying to make the most basic of trips to visit relatives or attend school or college, and this humiliation is familiar to me and the many black South Africans who were corralled and regularly insulted by the security forces of the Apartheid government.

Desmond Tutu, April 13, 2010

1984 Nobel Peace Prize winner


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It is theirs because the UN gave it to them and they have won multiple wars. Not a lot to do with any book nowdays. :ermm:

To take a territory by force of arms, the right of conquest, a legit and traditional principle throughout history.

The defended a territory that was already theirs according to UN mandate and they have won repeatedly.

Israeli-occupied territories

The Israeli-occupied territories are the territories which have been designated as occupied territory by the United Nations and many other international organizations, governments and others to refer to the territory occupied by Israel from Egypt, Jordan, and Syria after the Six-Day War of 1967. They consist of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and much of the Golan Heights and, until 1982, the Sinai Peninsula. The West Bank and Gaza Strip are also referred to as Palestinian territories or Occupied Palestinian Territory. The Palestinian Authority, the EU,[1] and the UN Security Council[2] consider East Jerusalem to be part of the West Bank, a position disputed by Israel. Israel has annexed East Jerusalem by the Jerusalem Law.

War crimes allegations

The establishment of Israeli settlements are held to constitute a transfer of Israel's civilian population into the occupied territories and as such are illegal under the Fourth Geneva Convention.[75][76][77]

In 2000, the editors of the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Palestine Yearbook of International Law (1998–1999) said "the "transfer, directly or indirectly, by the Occupying Power of parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies, or the deportation or transfer of all or parts of the population of the occupied territory within or outside this territory" amounts to a war crime. This is obviously applicable to Israeli settlement activities in the Occupied Arab Territories."[78]

In 2004 the International Court of Justice, in an advisory, non-binding[79] opinion—noted that the Security Council had described Israel's policy and practices of settling parts of its population and new immigrants in the occupied territories as a "flagrant violation" of the Fourth Geneva Convention. The Court also concluded that the Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (including East Jerusalem) have been established in breach of international law and that all the States parties to the Geneva Convention are under an obligation to ensure compliance by Israel with international law as embodied in the Convention.[71]

Israel denies that the Israeli settlements are in breach of any international laws.[80] The Israeli Supreme Court has yet to rule decisively on settlement legality under the Geneva Convention.[81]


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When there ever was Palestine as a country...

There has never been a country called Palestine (since the Jewish one) or a Palestinian language.


The residents of Palestine are called "Palestinians". Since Palestine includes both modern day Israel and Jordan both Arab and Jewish residents of this area were referred to as "Palestinians".

It was only after the Jews re-inhabited their historic homeland of Judea and Samaria, that the myth of an Arab Palestinian nation was created and marketed worldwide.



Your link is broken.

I would like to read some other myths from this "science" source. Can you provide a working link?

Lots of nations have created themselves some myths in the process of their Nation building. To become a country, a new country doesn't have to mean that there must have been some predecessor.

Previously i described the Zionists idea as a child of the time when Europe saw a couple of national liberation movements.

Discrimination, oppression can lead to growing, previously maybe not even existing, ethnic self-consciousness , the wish to self-determination and a national awakening.

The oddest things can be the beginning of such an awakening. Send them cheap tea they don't want and DANG! you have one of the most prosperous and strong Nations where never have been anything similar before.

There has never been a country called Palestine is a pretty weak argument.

Look at a map of Europe from 1830 and compare it with 1871 or 1918. or look at the the map of todays Europe.

Interesting. FACT that there never was Palestine is a weak argument for you, but claiming something that did not belong to them in the first place in your view of things makes a strong argument.

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It is theirs because the UN gave it to them and they have won multiple wars. Not a lot to do with any book nowdays. :ermm:

To take a territory by force of arms, the right of conquest, a legit and traditional principle throughout history.

The defended a territory that was already theirs according to UN mandate and they have won repeatedly.

Israeli-occupied territories

The Israeli-occupied territories are the territories which have been designated as occupied territory by the United Nations and many other international organizations, governments and others to refer to the territory occupied by Israel from Egypt, Jordan, and Syria after the Six-Day War of 1967. They consist of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and much of the Golan Heights and, until 1982, the Sinai Peninsula. The West Bank and Gaza Strip are also referred to as Palestinian territories or Occupied Palestinian Territory. The Palestinian Authority, the EU,[1] and the UN Security Council[2] consider East Jerusalem to be part of the West Bank, a position disputed by Israel. Israel has annexed East Jerusalem by the Jerusalem Law.

War crimes allegations

The establishment of Israeli settlements are held to constitute a transfer of Israel's civilian population into the occupied territories and as such are illegal under the Fourth Geneva Convention.[75][76][77]

In 2000, the editors of the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Palestine Yearbook of International Law (1998–1999) said "the "transfer, directly or indirectly, by the Occupying Power of parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies, or the deportation or transfer of all or parts of the population of the occupied territory within or outside this territory" amounts to a war crime. This is obviously applicable to Israeli settlement activities in the Occupied Arab Territories."[78]

In 2004 the International Court of Justice, in an advisory, non-binding[79] opinion—noted that the Security Council had described Israel's policy and practices of settling parts of its population and new immigrants in the occupied territories as a "flagrant violation" of the Fourth Geneva Convention. The Court also concluded that the Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (including East Jerusalem) have been established in breach of international law and that all the States parties to the Geneva Convention are under an obligation to ensure compliance by Israel with international law as embodied in the Convention.[71]

Israel denies that the Israeli settlements are in breach of any international laws.[80] The Israeli Supreme Court has yet to rule decisively on settlement legality under the Geneva Convention.[81]


Now even more interesting, because even your own link confirms land did not belong to Palestine but other nations which attacked Israel twice and lost twice

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Uploaded by thetruth4uguys on 20 Jul 2010

Wow! what a beautiful mall, look at all those fancy shops and plenty of food and toys.

Hey wait a minute, where are the starving people? isn't there supposed to be a shortage of food and water???


I have been to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, and I have witnessed the racially segregated roads and housing that reminded me so much of the conditions we experienced in South Africa under the racist system of Apartheid. I have witnessed the humiliation of Palestinian men, women, and children made to wait hours at Israeli military checkpoints routinely when trying to make the most basic of trips to visit relatives or attend school or college, and this humiliation is familiar to me and the many black South Africans who were corralled and regularly insulted by the security forces of the Apartheid government.

Desmond Tutu, April 13, 2010

1984 Nobel Peace Prize winner


yeah all the clips must of been made up by Zionist , the Bez taxi's must be toy cars and the shopping malls with Arabs is really an Israeli mall blink.gif

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Can you accept that Israel could, possibly, be wrong in it's treatment of the Palestinians ??

Well let's see. The Jews and the local Arabs have been fighting for over a century and it was initiated by the Arabs. Israel has tried to make peace repeatedly and it has been rejected every single time.

Israel gave the Palestinians Gaza as a step towards forming their own country and they elected a terrorist organization that openly calls for the destruction of Israel to represent them. They turned Gaza into an armed camp that sends rockets and mortars and suicide bombers into Israel on a regular basis.

What other country besides Israel would put up with this? So, under the circumstances, i would say that the Palestinian Arabs are being treated pretty fairly.

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Uploaded by thetruth4uguys on 20 Jul 2010

Wow! what a beautiful mall, look at all those fancy shops and plenty of food and toys.

Hey wait a minute, where are the starving people? isn't there supposed to be a shortage of food and water???


I have been to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, and I have witnessed the racially segregated roads and housing that reminded me so much of the conditions we experienced in South Africa under the racist system of Apartheid. I have witnessed the humiliation of Palestinian men, women, and children made to wait hours at Israeli military checkpoints routinely when trying to make the most basic of trips to visit relatives or attend school or college, and this humiliation is familiar to me and the many black South Africans who were corralled and regularly insulted by the security forces of the Apartheid government.

Desmond Tutu, April 13, 2010

1984 Nobel Peace Prize winner


yeah all the clips must of been made up by Zionist , the Bez taxi's must be toy cars and the shopping malls with Arabs is really an Israeli mall blink.gif

Desmond Tutu has probably no youtube and does not know how cool shopping malls are.

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Lets see, if a country is occupied against their will, regardless of who supposedly initiated conflict, it seems logical that there would be an ongoing movement to harass and attack the occupier..not so? Had Hitler occupied UK don't think they would just sit back and take it...

Like many I must admit I am rather ignorant of all the issues and implications but it rather looks like Isreal is reaping what they sow and calling anyone who fights for their freedom from occupation a terrorist?? Still cannot grasp why the world allowed and assisted a religious sect to have their own country based on ancient history as depicted in a religious writing and then conveniently ignoring the teachings therein as to treatment of their fellow man...but then that is religion I guess.. hypocritical to the nth degree..always has been and always will be..

Its a political issue, not a religious one.

apart from that you are correct.

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Lets see, if a country is occupied against their will, regardless of who supposedly initiated conflict, it seems logical that there would be an ongoing movement to harass and attack the occupier..not so?

There has never been a country or a people called Palestine or Palestinian other than the ancient Jewish one.

Most of the people who call themselves Palestinians started arriving in the area to work for the Jews who who were the majority in Jerusalem and these Arabs have no more claim to the area than the Israelis who were given it by the UN.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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No doubt that Gaza would be better off without a blockade, but be fair, and always keep in mind the REASON for the blockade, the Hamas government elected by their people dedicated to the destruction of Israel, and oh yes, the rockets. Europeans are so hypocritical about this. They wouldn't allow this from a neighbor of theirs so why should Israel? Is Israel morally better than Europeans? Not at all, but they aren't worse either.

The Gaza blockade? Blame Israel sure, because they share the blame with the Gazan people who voted in that vile organization of radical Islamic antisemitic fundamentalists -- HAMAS.

"Our message to the Israelis is this: we do not fight you because you belong to a certain faith or culture. Jews have lived in the Muslim world for 13 centuries in peace and harmony; they are in our religion "the people of the book" who have a covenant from God and His Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) to be respected and protected. Our conflict with you is not religious but political. We have no problem with Jews who have not attacked us - our problem is with those who came to our land, imposed themselves on us by force, destroyed our society and banished our people.

We shall never recognise the right of any power to rob us of our land and deny us our national rights. We shall never recognise the legitimacy of a Zionist state created on our soil in order to atone for somebody else's sins or solve somebody else's problem. But if you are willing to accept the principle of a long-term truce, we are prepared to negotiate the terms. Hamas is extending a hand of peace to those who are truly interested in a peace based on justice."

· Khalid Mish'al is head of the political bureau of Hamas


was that offer before Hizbullah attacked or after? Or was it before 1000+ rockets fired into Israel from Gaza or after?

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Lets see, if a country is occupied against their will, regardless of who supposedly initiated conflict, it seems logical that there would be an ongoing movement to harass and attack the occupier..not so?

There has never been a country or a people called Palestine or Palestinian other than the ancient Jewish one.

Most of the people who call themselves Palestinians started arriving in the area to work for the Jews who who were the majority in Jerusalem and these Arabs have no more claim to the area than the Israelis who were given it by the UN.

the ancient one... :whistling:

Well, the 'Arabs' gain more and more international recognition for their Palestinian state.

And the Zionists throw a hissy fit.

-- Israel threatened the United Nations Security Council and several European Union countries to respond with a series of "unilateral steps" if the Palestinian Authority persists in its efforts to gain international recognition for statehood at the UN General Assembly session in September, the Haaretz newspaper reported Tuesday.
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No but statehood might mean they can then finally get some sausages
No sausages? :o

Benz for taxi, yeah must be really struggling.

I do not know any other Western country besides Germany where taxi is a Benz, BUT even in Germany a huge number are VW's and Opels

What point are you trying to make ??

That Gaza is better off under an inhuman blockade ??

Can you accept that Israel could, possibly, be wrong in it's treatment of the Palestinians ??

Perhaps the so called inhuman blockade is not all that bad as you and your TV buddies trying to convey.

Blockade is only in place to stop arms smuggling.

Can you accept that Israel is constantly attacked by those "innocent" Palestinians with no life as some like to claim, yet evidence shows otherwise/

Can you accept that it is Palestinians who break the true agreement each and every time by starting to fire rockets.?

Can you accept the fact that any deal offered to them they reject, as its only their way and no other way?

Can you accept that Israel is home to over 1 million arabs and all taxes collected from them is given to Palestine?

So perhaps the treatment is nowhere near as bad as you make it out to be and if you basing your opinions on Palestinian media, we have already established that it is controlled by Hamas (links were provided) so infact anything you read is twisted and untrue

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Light romantic comedy is good stimuli. Google for the link yourself. Anything I put up here will just be refuted by your obvious biasness.

So really what you saying is that there is no link and you made it up


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Lets see, if a country is occupied against their will, regardless of who supposedly initiated conflict, it seems logical that there would be an ongoing movement to harass and attack the occupier..not so?

There has never been a country or a people called Palestine or Palestinian other than the ancient Jewish one.

Most of the people who call themselves Palestinians started arriving in the area to work for the Jews who who were the majority in Jerusalem and these Arabs have no more claim to the area than the Israelis who were given it by the UN.

the ancient one... :whistling:

Well, the 'Arabs' gain more and more international recognition for their Palestinian state.

And the Zionists throw a hissy fit.

-- Israel threatened the United Nations Security Council and several European Union countries to respond with a series of "unilateral steps" if the Palestinian Authority persists in its efforts to gain international recognition for statehood at the UN General Assembly session in September, the Haaretz newspaper reported Tuesday.

How is this related to the OP?blink.gif

Hissy fit, i suppose all the moaning and groaning from Palestinians is a valued complains as oppose to Israel.

Once again, nothing but rubbish when it comes to your posts and then YOU ARE THE ONE to call others hatersbah.gif

Edited by kuffki
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"Our message to the Israelis is this: we do not fight you because you belong to a certain faith or culture. Jews have lived in the Muslim world for 13 centuries in peace and harmony; they are in our religion "the people of the book" who have a covenant from God and His Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) to be respected and protected. Our conflict with you is not religious but political. We have no problem with Jews who have not attacked us - our problem is with those who came to our land, imposed themselves on us by force, destroyed our society and banished our people.

We shall never recognise the right of any power to rob us of our land and deny us our national rights. We shall never recognise the legitimacy of a Zionist state created on our soil in order to atone for somebody else's sins or solve somebody else's problem. But if you are willing to accept the principle of a long-term truce, we are prepared to negotiate the terms. Hamas is extending a hand of peace to those who are truly interested in a peace based on justice."

· Khalid Mish'al is head of the political bureau of Hamas


was that offer before Hizbullah attacked or after? Or was it before 1000+ rockets fired into Israel from Gaza or after?

Not sure if he can help you with your Hezbollah question but you can contact Brother Khalid and ask him what you want to know or write him what you wanna telll him.

At the Guardian page is his email address. its not allowed to post email addresses here.

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It is theirs because the UN gave it to them and they have won multiple wars. Not a lot to do with any book nowdays. :ermm:

To take a territory by force of arms, the right of conquest, a legit and traditional principle throughout history. :whistling:

It became internationally outlawed with the Nuremberg Principles.

so just to clarify, its acceptable and NOT against the law to target civilians only by firing rockets, but is NOT acceptable to respond?

It is acceptable to start 2 wars? but if the wars are lost then demand everything back? Perhaps compensation is to be paid to the country being attacked would be in order?rolleyes.gif

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"Our message to the Israelis is this: we do not fight you because you belong to a certain faith or culture. Jews have lived in the Muslim world for 13 centuries in peace and harmony; they are in our religion "the people of the book" who have a covenant from God and His Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) to be respected and protected. Our conflict with you is not religious but political. We have no problem with Jews who have not attacked us - our problem is with those who came to our land, imposed themselves on us by force, destroyed our society and banished our people.

We shall never recognise the right of any power to rob us of our land and deny us our national rights. We shall never recognise the legitimacy of a Zionist state created on our soil in order to atone for somebody else's sins or solve somebody else's problem. But if you are willing to accept the principle of a long-term truce, we are prepared to negotiate the terms. Hamas is extending a hand of peace to those who are truly interested in a peace based on justice."

· Khalid Mish'al is head of the political bureau of Hamas


was that offer before Hizbullah attacked or after? Or was it before 1000+ rockets fired into Israel from Gaza or after?

Not sure if he can help you with your Hezbollah question but you can contact Brother Khalid and ask him what you want to know or write him what you wanna telll him.

At the Guardian page is his email address. its not allowed to post email addresses here.

Well you brought it up, you made a post now feel free to defend it, rather then AS ALWAYS try to scapegoat it.

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Well, the 'Arabs' gain more and more international recognition for their Palestinian state.

And the Zionists throw a hissy fit.

-- Israel threatened the United Nations Security Council and several European Union countries to respond with a series of "unilateral steps" if the Palestinian Authority persists in its efforts to gain international recognition for statehood at the UN General Assembly session in September, the Haaretz newspaper reported Tuesday.

How is this related to the OP?blink.gif

Hissy fit, i suppose all the moaning and groaning from Palestinians is a valued complains as oppose to Israel.

Once again, nothing but rubbish when it comes to your posts and then YOU ARE THE ONE to call others hatersbah.gif

How is that related to the OP? It is the first sentence from the OP. :whistling:

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" Israel’s efforts to rally countries against Palestinian Authority plans to ask the United Nations to recognize a Palestinian state along the pre-1967 lines are hindered by the fact that Israel has not presented any plan of its own, :huh: diplomatic officials said Tuesday.

The spokesman also brushed aside the Israeli warnings about a unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state by the UN. He said that the number of countries that recognize Palestine is bigger than those who don’t, and added that all West Bank settlements would be dismantled “sooner or later,” just as they were in the Gaza Strip.

According to the plan, Gaza’s exports and imports would go though this island, which would include a port and an airport. The island would be under the security control of NATO or another international body that would search the cargo going in and out of the Gaza Strip.

Israel has adamantly opposed opening a harbor or airport in Gaza because of security concerns."

The question is why won't Israel allow NATO or another international body to monitor security - it just shows

what they are all about :bah:

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UN to Israel: Surrender!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday reiterated that the world body expects Israel to immediately surrender to internationally-backed Arab demands that it relinquish all claims to the Jews’ biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria and half of their ancient capital of Jerusalem.

The Jewish presence in the so-called “West Bank,” which includes the eastern half of Jerusalem, is “morally and politically unsustainable, and must end,” Ban insisted during a press conference in Uruguay.

Meanwhile, the Palestinians are moving forward plans to unilaterally declare an independent state with the support of the UN, outside the framework of a land-for-peace deal with Israel.



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