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First Visit For Xmas & New Year - Suggestions?


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I'm coming to Thailand for Xmas and New Year this year. I've been before but never at this time time of year.

I'm thinking off staying in Bangkok for New Year's eve but haven't decided yet.

I'm going by myself so I can pretty much do what I want. Has anyone got any good suggestions on how to spend xmas day and new year? Is the western Xmas and new year celebrated in thailand (maybe just for the tourists?)



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I'm coming to Thailand for Xmas and New Year this year. I've been before but never at this time time of year.

I'm thinking off staying in Bangkok for New Year's eve but haven't decided yet.

I'm going by myself so I can pretty much do what I want. Has anyone got any good suggestions on how to spend xmas day and new year? Is the western Xmas and new year celebrated in thailand (maybe just for the tourists?)



Tariq, not really celebrated here, but there are lots of bars you could celebrate if you want - check out the British ones like Londoner. Irish ones are better in my opinion.

Why on earth would you want to stay in Bangkok? Get down to the beautiful beaches, or whastever else you fancy. Why are you coming to Thailand?

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thanks... why am i coming to thailand? why not?! never been out of the UK for xmas and new year. If xmas isn't celebrated then thats not a problem. I reckon xmas in the west id mostly for kids anyway of which i have none.

i'm looking forward to new year though.. i presumed new year in a capital city would be an experience but maybe not.

I'm just happy to be ibak in thailand regardless of the time of year.



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Spent my first Xmas & New Year outside of the UK in Patong a couple of years back, being a tourist hot spot xmas was catered for in a big way if a little cheesy.... but still good fun

we all had a fantastic time and id recommend it - although sadly Im guessing it may be a more somber affair there this year as they mark the 1st anniversary of the tnsunami.


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