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Booze-Free 'Safety Areas' Set For Songkran


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Can we have a water free 'safety area' too please & whilst you're at it, a 'drunk driver free' area on the roads too!?!?

We value our lives & safety and avoid the annual carnage & craziness by making sure every year that we're safely out of the Kingdom, a few days before the so-called 'fun' begins! :(

See ya laterjap.gif

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No drinking? Mai sanook na ka!

I think you can enjoy yourself without alcohol.

Well said...A great improvement would be the banning of throwing water on the roads.

Yes Dad......!

Sorry to sound a bit crazy, but I always get a bit irritated when people think that the only way they can have fun is to dull their normal feelings with some drug or another. While I understand that drinking can be a pleasant experience, this is only pleasant for others when the drinking is done in moderation.

Drunk, out of control, aggressive people are always the main problem when these kind of festivals happen across the world. It is the most serious problem that we will have this coming SongKran, and many moderate or dare I say non drinkers (including impressionable children) will bear the sufferance of a person that is so intoxicated that they are unaware of how much an ass-hole they are being.

If you can't have fun without getting out of it, then there is something seriously wrong with you (or your life) and you should probably go see a psychiatrist or something.

I ain't your daddy, but I do love my children, I won't be drinking this SongKran.

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No drinking? Mai sanook na ka!

I think you can enjoy yourself without alcohol.

Yes Dad......!

Sorry to sound a bit crazy, but I always get a bit irritated when people think that the only way they can have fun is to dull their normal feelings with some drug or another. While I understand that drinking can be a pleasant experience, this is only pleasant for others when the drinking is done in moderation.

Drunk, out of control, aggressive people are always the main problem when these kind of festivals happen across the world. It is the most serious problem that we will have this coming SongKran, and many moderate or dare I say non drinkers (including impressionable children) will bear the sufferance of a person that is so intoxicated that they are unaware of how much an ass-hole they are being.

If you can't have fun without getting out of it, then there is something seriously wrong with you (or your life) and you should probably go see a psychiatrist or something.

I ain't your daddy, but I do love my children, I won't be drinking this SongKran.

"...sound a bit crazy" Sound a bit miserable old Dad more like. "I won't be drinking this Songkran" What's that? - an ego statement to the forum. Live and let live old chap. If these young people want to party and let their hair down amongst themselves, get out of their way and go and buy some easter eggs or something. You might not like to hear this, but alcohol is a drug too, and you take it. And even before you have lifted the glass to your lips, you are already starting to bask in the comfortable glow that's about to embrace you. So let the people play!!!!!

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No drinking? Mai sanook na ka!

I think you can enjoy yourself without alcohol.

Why not Ecstasy free for all? Then it will top any love parade and 9 months later more "World Class Citizens.":jap:

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Soak-Kran is the worst time to be in LOS.

I guess you will be leaving as well? I could probably get a package deal for all the bloggers that think this is a bad thing to happen to fly to no where land to be with the no where man. I know I can't stand for people being happy even if it is with the help of drinks and drugs. It is so distasteful to see others enjoying themselves. especially at my aggravated expense. You all should get a life and start enjoying the few things that still make the MAJORITY smile

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This always amazes me that certain people on this forum hate this festival, hate getting wet, hate the whole thing but still go into town.laugh.gif The ones that jump on a plane should just keep going.post-4641-1156694005.gif

I have to agree they know perfectly well that if they venture into certain areas that they WILL get wet. Makes me think <deleted> why can't these people just think logically and realize the best way to avoid thai culture, festivals and from getting wet is to stay clear. There are plenty of other things to do and places to go in Thailand where you wont get wet. Some grumpy old men will complain if they have nothing to complain about. Personally I love the festival and don't mind getting wet on a 35g day with high humidity. I don't mind all the wet "T" Shirts on the girls either.

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This always amazes me that certain people on this forum hate this festival, hate getting wet, hate the whole thing but still go into town.laugh.gif The ones that jump on a plane should just keep going.post-4641-1156694005.gif

With you Bro drink one for me!

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Soak-Kran is the worst time to be in LOS.

I guess you will be leaving as well? I could probably get a package deal for all the bloggers that think this is a bad thing to happen to fly to no where land to be with the no where man. I know I can't stand for people being happy even if it is with the help of drinks and drugs. It is so distasteful to see others enjoying themselves. especially at my aggravated expense. You all should get a life and start enjoying the few things that still make the MAJORITY smile

Why don't you try getting hit in the face with a bucket of water with ice in it while

riding a motorbike, see if that makes you smile or perhaps if someone close

to you gets killed by one of the thousands of drunk and unlicensed drivers on the

road over songkran, maybe that will make you smile. I doubt that anyone minds

people having fun, however when it endangers innocent people , it is no longer

innocent fun.

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This always amazes me that certain people on this forum hate this festival, hate getting wet, hate the whole thing but still go into town.laugh.gif The ones that jump on a plane should just keep going.post-4641-1156694005.gif

I have to agree they know perfectly well that if they venture into certain areas that they WILL get wet. Makes me think <deleted> why can't these people just think logically and realize the best way to avoid thai culture, festivals and from getting wet is to stay clear. There are plenty of other things to do and places to go in Thailand where you wont get wet. Some grumpy old men will complain if they have nothing to complain about. Personally I love the festival and don't mind getting wet on a 35g day with high humidity. I don't mind all the wet "T" Shirts on the girls either.

Now that's what I'm talking about Bring the Festivities onlicklips.gif

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No drinking? Mai sanook na ka!

I think you can enjoy yourself without alcohol.

well said. Drunk Farangs are an unpleasant sight in Thailand

Yes Dad......!

Sorry to sound a bit crazy, but I always get a bit irritated when people think that the only way they can have fun is to dull their normal feelings with some drug or another. While I understand that drinking can be a pleasant experience, this is only pleasant for others when the drinking is done in moderation.

Drunk, out of control, aggressive people are always the main problem when these kind of festivals happen across the world. It is the most serious problem that we will have this coming SongKran, and many moderate or dare I say non drinkers (including impressionable children) will bear the sufferance of a person that is so intoxicated that they are unaware of how much an ass-hole they are being.

If you can't have fun without getting out of it, then there is something seriously wrong with you (or your life) and you should probably go see a psychiatrist or something.

I ain't your daddy, but I do love my children, I won't be drinking this SongKran.

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Soak-Kran is the worst time to be in LOS.

I guess you will be leaving as well? I could probably get a package deal for all the bloggers that think this is a bad thing to happen to fly to no where land to be with the no where man. I know I can't stand for people being happy even if it is with the help of drinks and drugs. It is so distasteful to see others enjoying themselves. especially at my aggravated expense. You all should get a life and start enjoying the few things that still make the MAJORITY smile

Why don't you try getting hit in the face with a bucket of water with ice in it while

riding a motorbike, see if that makes you smile or perhaps if someone close

to you gets killed by one of the thousands of drunk and unlicensed drivers on the

road over songkran, maybe that will make you smile. I doubt that anyone minds

people having fun, however when it endangers innocent people , it is no longer

innocent fun.

Why don't you stage a protest on the steps of parliament with the rest of the minority farangs calling for a ban on thai culture because you don't like it and speak for all thais, tourists and expats. Muslims have successfully done this in places like Australia and had xmas and easter pagents banned in schools because they don't like christian festivals. Maybe if this festival offends and incites such anger in you then you should not come to Thailand. Problem solved for you and you will not be offended by thais and thier festivals and thais and others in the country will not have to listen to the whinning of grumpy nasty old men. Win Win for all in Thailand.

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Soak-Kran is the worst time to be in LOS.

I guess you will be leaving as well? I could probably get a package deal for all the bloggers that think this is a bad thing to happen to fly to no where land to be with the no where man. I know I can't stand for people being happy even if it is with the help of drinks and drugs. It is so distasteful to see others enjoying themselves. especially at my aggravated expense. You all should get a life and start enjoying the few things that still make the MAJORITY smile

Why don't you try getting hit in the face with a bucket of water with ice in it while

riding a motorbike, see if that makes you smile or perhaps if someone close

to you gets killed by one of the thousands of drunk and unlicensed drivers on the

road over songkran, maybe that will make you smile. I doubt that anyone minds

people having fun, however when it endangers innocent people , it is no longer

innocent fun.

Bla bla bla bla bla It's called that is life my friend and i have had ice water with ice cubes thrown at me and my wife and I go to at least 2 funerals a month from all sorts of causes including car accidents, I will keep on smiling because i never want to wind being bitter and always focused on the negative part of life like you. I suppose that on the night of Dec. 31 you don't drink or make merry because of the countless drunk drivers that drive on that night and the next day endangering people you don't even know. Maybe you will find some peace in the next lifeburp.gif

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They're confidence in this working is shown in the following snews article;

Hospitals Ordered To Prepare For Songkran Road Accidents


Booze free safety areas states, "There have been an average of 1,948 deaths per year during Songkran in the past four years and another 1,423 people made disabled by road accidents caused by drunk driving", and yet "Govt hopes to bring down number of deaths" article states;

"During the same period last year, 361 people were killed in road accidents and 3,802 others injured." Thai Math or drunk Statitions?

That must be Thai math. It is similar to the claim of the police, that in 2010 there were about 11.000 people killed on the road, and no source given. The last official statistic I have seen was from 2005 and it stated 18.000 deaths and an estimated number of unreported cases of about 2000.

Today with more cars and motorcycles on the road, with no extended road safety education, nor any law enforcement on the roads of Thailand, how come that the roadtoll decreased by about 50%. Must be another example of Thai math, or a massive increase of nonreported cases.

No no no...

Its all Kosher!

Kilgore assures us that his friend from the department of Silly Walks oops! I mean "Statistics" (numbery things) is right on top of things, especially since his boss is the Mad Hatter and they are having a wonderful tea party over the Songkran period:)

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<br>There must be a goverment department of usless statistic's which is next door to the ministry of silly walks....<img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/whistling.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":whistling:"><br>
<br><br>Actually there a department for statistics, my friend is a statistician for the government. As for being usless... I doubt it.<br>

Well maybe he would know that statistically the majority of his countrymen are far from happy with things as they stand.

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No drinking? Mai sanook na ka!

I think you can enjoy yourself without alcohol.

Why not Ecstasy free for all? Then it will top any love parade and 9 months later more "World Class Citizens.":jap:

Are you running for election? Because I wanna vote for you!:)

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<br>There must be a goverment department of usless statistic's which is next door to the ministry of silly walks....<img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/whistling.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":whistling:"><br>
<br><br>Actually there a department for statistics, my friend is a statistician for the government. As for being usless... I doubt it.<br>

Really? I have so many questions. Is it possible to contact this person? I always want to know things like:

How many people get shocked to death in the shower by their hot water heaters?

How many people each year die from accidentally touching live electrical wires that are dangling over sidewalks?

How many babies fall off of motorcycles?

How long does it take the average Thai man to leave his high school girlfriend after she gets pregnant?

How many people die in car accidents simply because they weren't wearing a seat-belt?

How many transportation vans don't even have seat-belts?

How many students buy 10 liters of alcohol or more between the hours of 2pm and 5pm just to get past the silly no alcohol between 2 and 5 unless it's 10 liters or more?

How much alcohol do Thai owned "mom & pop" shops sell between 2pm and 5pm when 7-eleven and other corporate owned stores aren't allowed to?

I have often wondered if there were people keeping statistics on some of these things. None of these questions are meant to be offensive to Thais, I'm just a curious guy.



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Soak-Kran is the worst time to be in LOS.

I guess you will be leaving as well? I could probably get a package deal for all the bloggers that think this is a bad thing to happen to fly to no where land to be with the no where man. I know I can't stand for people being happy even if it is with the help of drinks and drugs. It is so distasteful to see others enjoying themselves. especially at my aggravated expense. You all should get a life and start enjoying the few things that still make the MAJORITY smile

Why don't you try getting hit in the face with a bucket of water with ice in it while

riding a motorbike, see if that makes you smile or perhaps if someone close

to you gets killed by one of the thousands of drunk and unlicensed drivers on the

road over songkran, maybe that will make you smile. I doubt that anyone minds

people having fun, however when it endangers innocent people , it is no longer

innocent fun.

Why don't you stage a protest on the steps of parliament with the rest of the minority farangs calling for a ban on thai culture because you don't like it and speak for all thais, tourists and expats. Muslims have successfully done this in places like Australia and had xmas and easter pagents banned in schools because they don't like christian festivals. Maybe if this festival offends and incites such anger in you then you should not come to Thailand. Problem solved for you and you will not be offended by thais and thier festivals and thais and others in the country will not have to listen to the whinning of grumpy nasty old men. Win Win for all in Thailand.

I agree with you up to a point but also understand peoples dislike for the neo songkran. Especially the week long farce that plays out in Pattaya. It is far removed from the actual songkran festival. I mean if there was a kids party every day for a week with them blowing whistles in your ears all the time I'm sure it would get anyone down.Dirty water in the ears,eyes and mouth every day for a week is also annoying when all you wanted was a newspaper. Songkran of today has as much cultural significance as the farce that is modern Christmas or Easter in the West.

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I agree. Drinking in moderation would prevent the high death toll during this religious holiday. In my opinion, it would be nice to return to its original religious intent instead of the drunk water spraying festival it currently is. Thai Buddhism has been corrupted enough.

Actually it is a Hindu festival originally. In some Indian languages it is called Songkrani. Only the educated Thais seem to understand this. Most bargirls are well pissed off when I bring up the fact that most Thai cultural mainstays including their script,dance etc. are inherited from Indian culture with a sprinkling of Chinese.Everything after that is from animism One girl even went hot flushed and called me a liar when I corrected her notion that Buddha was a Thai. When I told her he was actually a prince from India she went ballistic.

Edited by sunnyrolfe
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Actually it is a Hindu festival originally. In some Indian languages it is called Songkrani. Only the educated Thais seem to understand this. Most bargirls are well pissed off when I bring up the fact that most Thai cultural mainstays including their script,dance etc. are inherited from Indian culture with a sprinkling of Chinese.Everything after that is from animism One girl even went hot flushed and called me a liar when I corrected her notion that Buddha was a Thai. When I told her he was actually a prince from India she went ballistic.

The place is located in Nepal, but not important, well, unless ownership is more important than philosophy, I guess..

To discourage drunken celebrations, a group of 2,000 volunteers will be stationed at the 60 locations to take pictures of drunk people before posting them on online social media services, for police to monitor and make arrests in case they commit crimes.

Anybody got the the website address? Let's see how many we can recognise!

Songkran used to be a pleasant one day festival where I live, now its three days. The hooligan element has taken over, imported I feel from the west. For some reason things always have to get bigger. I didn't mind the one day event, but now it's stretched to three or four days. Businesses in the main areas (now remaned "Khao"?) have to close and shutter up, otherwise stocks and shop interiors are ruined.

I suppose I'll do a one day experience and then hibernate during the day. As long as they don't drench the ADSL connection boxes I'll have the internet....

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There must be a goverment department of usless statistic's which is next door to the ministry of silly walks....:whistling:

Which is next door to TAT which is behind the crack down office.

and across the road from the office of HUBS

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It always amazes me how many foreigners cant do a thing without drinking. The percentage of farang alcoholics must be quite high here in Thailand. But that is up to them , i don't mind people drinking as long as they don't drink and drive. That is the real problem. All the water and stuff does not really bother me i just try to avoid it if i need.

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I get it - everyone has to 'run the gauntlet' to get to a safety area, by which time you're soaking wet and covered in flour and well pissed off. You sit down behind the barricade, thoroughly disgruntled to read a wet paperback, dry your telephone, and smoke a few soggy fags with a bottle of soda paid for with dripping wet money. A little time later, once you've dried off nicely and wish you'd stayed at home, you leave, crouching beside little old ladies or stray monks for protection, and run the water gauntlet all over again. I can't stand the water throwing business, but I'm warming to the idea of sitting at the nearest bar to do a bit of ice-cold squirting at the inmates intimates.

Well said and you make me feel left out since I do not have my Songkran in America....thanks for posting.

Edited by ryladie99
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