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How Do U Get Rid Of Ur Old Bra And Underware ?


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Hi ladies,

i wonder how do u get rid of ur old bras and undies ? personally i havnt throw them away yet just keep it in a place.

reason is im not dare enough to put in the bin, afraid of the dogs will dig it or some guy (that find stuff in the bin to sell) will find them.

i know it a silly question, maybe its will be a good idea to hear some other story? :lol:

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donate the to a womans shelter or burn them. take them to a bin far from your house? use the material as cleaning cloth? (after washing of course) quite a few ways to get rid of them i think.

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possibly the best question ever asked in TV........Whilst I am not a lady I also have many used and unwanted pieces of lingerie that no longer hold any sentimental value to me :P

if they are really not in good condition then yes, i thouw them in the garbage. what do i care if someone else pulls them out ? and just so u should know, here on kibbutz all our clothes is marked with our name or personal laundry number (central laundry for those that want)so i do black out the number and name :))

if in decent shape, put in a plastic bag and placed in the 'donation' wagon. once a month the laundry ladies (little old pensioners that work for a few hours a day to get out of the house) sort thru it all and stuff that is good condition, shoes etc, get sent to a womens' shelters, and the like... or we give them to our duaghters' and their friends (bras), our kids here dont mind second hand stuff. ruined underwear gets tossed. husband's ripped boxers become rags, as do son's boxers...

and lilee the lhasa dog loves to chew old underwear (dont ask why)....


muppet that has to be the thaivisa question of the day........:))

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lol haha because i have seen somebody blue underware got dig out by street dogs ripping it into pieces in the middle of the road , if it was mine i would be ashame of coz i know it mine! lol if u know wat i mean


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LOL I'm glad I just got new underwear haven't thought about what to do with my broken bra's....not so bothered by the shame though, our neighbors burn stuff everyday somewhere up the road, might toss them in there [and swing them high above my head on the bike driving over there...:D]

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:lol: I can picture that Carry!

No, I throw mine away but I make sure they are double bagged so as to avoid any embarrassing mishaps of undies in the street. I can't imagine donating old underwear, in the US nobody would take it anyway

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Sell em online, Japanese guys especially, you'll make big money and all anonymous win win..

Seriously though what's to be embarrassed about? Even if the soi dogs tear them up in the street who really knows who's they are?? JFYI clean them first the dogs are after the scent of a woman..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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I put them in the same bag with the used cat litter, which I double bag with other household trash before it goes onto the soi. I make it a practice to put the really good stuff (like empty cans and beer bottles) in a separate bag that isn't tied shut. The various people who cruise the sois looking into trash bags have learned that when we really tie something tightly and double bag, it isn't something wothwhile. In the U.S., I donated gently used underwear to the women's shelters -- otherwise if it was worthless, it was thrown out with the cat litter.

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100 baht buying price isnt too bad. You can get some of those 3 pairs of cheap knickers for a 100 baht here..so, if sub is up for buying them in bulk, thats a pretty good profit.

On the other hand, how much you recon can be made selling to the Japanese market? Any sources?

lol. :lol:

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100 baht buying price isnt too bad. You can get some of those 3 pairs of cheap knickers for a 100 baht here..so, if sub is up for buying them in bulk, thats a pretty good profit.

On the other hand, how much you recon can be made selling to the Japanese market? Any sources?

lol. :lol:

Main market is USA, varies from $30-$200 per pair, also PH, socks etc. wife buys them for 10 baht soi bakoaw market. Problem selling to Japanese is all the web sites are in Japanese. huge market in USA. footwear too but airmail makes it a little more expensive. Problem in Thailand is Victoria Secrets brand are difficult to find and thats where the bigger bucks are, guys seem to prefer them, as is Satin. Lots of ladies in USA earning thousands per month.

hope that answers the question.

as for sources google

p.s vacuum sealer a must.

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I hear its gotta be schoolgirls panties, eek. So, back to school for all of us if we want to make a profit out of it eh? :lol:

no worries on that one, one lady on the website i see is about 300 pounds, over 50 years old, made $1000 on pair of shoes last week. Fergie brand though

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p.s vacuum sealer a must.

that earned the ewww factor on that post nalak!

i do cheat a little to be honest, not from real ladies just products of the Ocean but the guys are happy. i am amazed some guys spending $500 per month on such stuff. anyway hope its answered OP as an option.

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Tell you what, I need some rags to clean the chain/engine on my Honda Wave. I doubt that the misfits would want to sniff them when they are caked with oil sludge.

Then on the other hand some of the folks I've run across here... :rolleyes:

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I've been deliberating on this conundrum for some time. In Australia, the charity shops used to get my old stuff (wouldn't buy 2nd hand underwear myself, I suppose I'm lucky not to have ever been in the situation where I've had so little money). I have quite a bit stuffed in a big carrier bag under the bed - a couple of dresses, skirts, trousers, shoes and a fair bit of underwear. I can't bring myself to throw it out, it has to be of use to someone. Hadn't thought about the women on the construction sites - would they think me a bit patronising if I handed a bag of (cleaned) clothing and shoes over to them?

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They make 6,000 baht a month and probably have families they are supporting back in Myanmar. Well at least here. Some of the camps have Thais. No they always look grateful. No different then my friends giving me a bag of close to rummage through that they don't like. Also here in Phuket people go through all the trash so you could just set it next to a trash bin and I am sure it will be appreciated.

Nicer clothes, like work clothes, I give to the Life Home Project or She Thailand. I just stick it in a box and mail it.

-Charity committed to helping women and children at risk in Thailand, many of whom are trapped in the commercial sex trade


http://www.lifehomeproject.org/ Life Home Project Foundation

A Home for HIV/AIDS Women and Their Children in Thailand.

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