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Australia Partner Visa - Thai Police Clearance Problem

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I have my partner visa application ready to submit - it's complete and it's strong. The only problem is my wife is having problems getting a National police clearance. She got caught gambling pitiful handfuls of stang with her aunties one night. She has had to go to her home town to get the document the Bangkok police department need and the courts have told her it will take 3 - 12 months??!!!! - They did give her another document to say that she is a good law abiding citizen however the migration agent was told by the Police department that they need the other document.

My wife is travelling onroute to Bangkok to go with our migration agent to plead our case and see if they will issue the National Police clearance. The migration agent told us that one of his clients had the same problem last month and they went together to the police dept and they issued it.

Guys if they don't issue it what other steps or options do I have - What is this form that will take 3 - 12 months to get and is this outrageous or the norm - or is this just present issues with the current Thai government. Should I call the Embassy as I do remember reading somewhere in these forums that someone had the same issues and VFS accepted this - but cannot find it now. Any help, suggestions would be unbelieveably appreciated.

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Yes she went to the Royal Thai police HQ in bangkok and was told she had to get a court document regarding the offence. this document was mean't to be sent to her and her aunties 2 years ago but no one received it. the police in Petchaboon issued another document stating that this was the only offence and she was a good law abiding citizen etc. She is going back today to see someone else and try and get the court document faster. if that fails she is going in person to the Royal Thai police HQ again and explain the situation.

Has all this come about after your wife attended Royal Thai Police HQ and applied for her penal clearance certificate?

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UPDATE: My wife went back to the court in Petchaboon today to ask if they could get the document faster - she was once again told 3 - 12 months!! They confirmed to her that the case is resolved but a letter was never issued or sent as it should have been, the man who was responsible for this 2 years ago is no longer in that department. my wife will now go to Bangkok tonight 7hour bus trip to plead her case with the Bangkok police - if this fails what other options do we have and or who can we contact. My wife and i a deaply in love and the prosect of waiting even another 1 month let alone 3 before we can make the visa will destroy us. I have only just returned and the visa application is ready to be submitted along with the cheque payable and as you all know we only have a small amount of time to resolve this issue before everything expires. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.

Yes she went to the Royal Thai police HQ in bangkok and was told she had to get a court document regarding the offence. this document was mean't to be sent to her and her aunties 2 years ago but no one received it. the police in Petchaboon issued another document stating that this was the only offence and she was a good law abiding citizen etc. She is going back today to see someone else and try and get the court document faster. if that fails she is going in person to the Royal Thai police HQ again and explain the situation.

Has all this come about after your wife attended Royal Thai Police HQ and applied for her penal clearance certificate?

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UPDATE: My wife went back to the court in Petchaboon today to ask if they could get the document faster - she was once again told 3 - 12 months!! They confirmed to her that the case is resolved but a letter was never issued or sent as it should have been, the man who was responsible for this 2 years ago is no longer in that department. my wife will now go to Bangkok tonight 7hour bus trip to plead her case with the Bangkok police - if this fails what other options do we have and or who can we contact. My wife and i a deaply in love and the prosect of waiting even another 1 month let alone 3 before we can make the visa will destroy us. I have only just returned and the visa application is ready to be submitted along with the cheque payable and as you all know we only have a small amount of time to resolve this issue before everything expires. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.

Yes she went to the Royal Thai police HQ in bangkok and was told she had to get a court document regarding the offence. this document was mean't to be sent to her and her aunties 2 years ago but no one received it. the police in Petchaboon issued another document stating that this was the only offence and she was a good law abiding citizen etc. She is going back today to see someone else and try and get the court document faster. if that fails she is going in person to the Royal Thai police HQ again and explain the situation.

Has all this come about after your wife attended Royal Thai Police HQ and applied for her penal clearance certificate?

You have been told 3 to 12 months, so why don't you at least submit the application now. Remember processing time is currently 10 months, and in any event the police clearance is not needed at time of application, only by time of decision.

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I had to arrange for some Thai staff to move to NZ at the end of last year, they left here early this year. All the Embassy required was a receipt that showed the Police clearance had been applied for and then the cerificate forwarded once it was issued.

They said the application could proceed that way as the medicals etc where the most time consuming part of the application. The visa's would not be issued without the clearance from the Police but would accept the certificates when they were available. No problems.

Not sure if the Aus Embassy works the same way but you could ask them?

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Thank you very much - If my wife cannot get the National police clearance tomorrow I will get her to lodge the visa application without this whilst she is in Bangkok. I cannot believe that a document could take 3 - 12 months - Will keep you updated on result tomorrow and if anyone else has been in this situation any advice would be appreciated.

UPDATE: My wife went back to the court in Petchaboon today to ask if they could get the document faster - she was once again told 3 - 12 months!! They confirmed to her that the case is resolved but a letter was never issued or sent as it should have been, the man who was responsible for this 2 years ago is no longer in that department. my wife will now go to Bangkok tonight 7hour bus trip to plead her case with the Bangkok police - if this fails what other options do we have and or who can we contact. My wife and i a deaply in love and the prosect of waiting even another 1 month let alone 3 before we can make the visa will destroy us. I have only just returned and the visa application is ready to be submitted along with the cheque payable and as you all know we only have a small amount of time to resolve this issue before everything expires. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.

Yes she went to the Royal Thai police HQ in bangkok and was told she had to get a court document regarding the offence. this document was mean't to be sent to her and her aunties 2 years ago but no one received it. the police in Petchaboon issued another document stating that this was the only offence and she was a good law abiding citizen etc. She is going back today to see someone else and try and get the court document faster. if that fails she is going in person to the Royal Thai police HQ again and explain the situation.

Has all this come about after your wife attended Royal Thai Police HQ and applied for her penal clearance certificate?

You have been told 3 to 12 months, so why don't you at least submit the application now. Remember processing time is currently 10 months, and in any event the police clearance is not needed at time of application, only by time of decision.

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<P>UPDATE: My wife has been to the Royal Thai police station and they will not accept the letter from my wifes local Police Station. The Royal police however have told her that her local police are playing games and they have given her an official letter demanding they give her the document they need - so she is on bus for another 7 hours back to her town. I have told her to get certified copies of both documents in case they continue to play games. Will keep you posted on what I am starting to understand is Thai politics :):(</P>

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<P>UPDATE: My wife has been to the Royal Thai police station and they will not accept the letter from my wifes local Police Station. The Royal police however have told her that her local police are playing games and they have given her an official letter demanding they give her the document they need - so she is on bus for another 7 hours back to her town. I have told her to get certified copies of both documents in case they continue to play games. Will keep you posted on what I am starting to understand is Thai politics :):(</P>

What a nightmare. Please keep us updated. I am very interested to see how this ends.

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Ok my wife has been back to her local Police Dept - after 3 hours and reluctantly they have provided a letter to you - the letter has been sent to our migration agent who will take it to the Royal Thai police hopefully tommorrow - will update - i pray this is now ok

<P>UPDATE: My wife has been to the Royal Thai police station and they will not accept the letter from my wifes local Police Station. The Royal police however have told her that her local police are playing games and they have given her an official letter demanding they give her the document they need - so she is on bus for another 7 hours back to her town. I have told her to get certified copies of both documents in case they continue to play games. Will keep you posted on what I am starting to understand is Thai politics :):(</P>

What a nightmare. Please keep us updated. I am very interested to see how this ends.

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Petchebun is not 7 hours from Bangkok, its about 340 odd kms one stretch.

Regarding your concerns, I think you should follow what people in know have told you, and need not worry as the amount of time it will take, marriage lasts a long time, and my hopes will be she will eventually get it and join you.

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Yes I agree marriage is for a life time and i cannot wait for her to be with me. I panicked because our embassy cheque expires soon and did not realise that we could lodge the visa application without the police report - thanks bridge - We are going to see if we can get the police clearance in time first as it would be better to lodge complete - if not then we will lodge and wait for police clearance.

Depending on when and what bus you catch it's a 5 - 7 hour bus trip - and under the circumstances she should not have had to make these trips

Petchebun is not 7 hours from Bangkok, its about 340 odd kms one stretch.

Regarding your concerns, I think you should follow what people in know have told you, and need not worry as the amount of time it will take, marriage lasts a long time, and my hopes will be she will eventually get it and join you.

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Yes I agree marriage is for a life time and i cannot wait for her to be with me. I panicked because our embassy cheque expires soon and did not realise that we could lodge the visa application without the police report - thanks bridge - We are going to see if we can get the police clearance in time first as it would be better to lodge complete - if not then we will lodge and wait for police clearance.

Depending on when and what bus you catch it's a 5 - 7 hour bus trip - and under the circumstances she should not have had to make these trips

Petchebun is not 7 hours from Bangkok, its about 340 odd kms one stretch.

Regarding your concerns, I think you should follow what people in know have told you, and need not worry as the amount of time it will take, marriage lasts a long time, and my hopes will be she will eventually get it and join you.

My advice is get the application in ASAP. Remember 10 months standard processing time bow from date of application submission. It is only a requirement that you make a valid application, not a complete one. The Thai Police clearance certificate can follow when you have it. Don't unnecessarily hold up the application any longer than necessary.

Good Luck


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Yes I agree marriage is for a life time and i cannot wait for her to be with me. I panicked because our embassy cheque expires soon and did not realise that we could lodge the visa application without the police report - thanks bridge - We are going to see if we can get the police clearance in time first as it would be better to lodge complete - if not then we will lodge and wait for police clearance.

Depending on when and what bus you catch it's a 5 - 7 hour bus trip - and under the circumstances she should not have had to make these trips

Petchebun is not 7 hours from Bangkok, its about 340 odd kms one stretch.

Regarding your concerns, I think you should follow what people in know have told you, and need not worry as the amount of time it will take, marriage lasts a long time, and my hopes will be she will eventually get it and join you.

understand how u are feeling - frustrated for sure -- everything takes time in LOS as u should be aware -- get your application in - get your medicals done -- and sit back and wait --- not much or little u can do to rush the process --- just go with the flow ---this is thailand -- and even the aust embassy is in thai mode --- problem of employing thai staff

good luck and keep us all posted of your progress

My advice is get the application in ASAP. Remember 10 months standard processing time bow from date of application submission. It is only a requirement that you make a valid application, not a complete one. The Thai Police clearance certificate can follow when you have it. Don't unnecessarily hold up the application any longer than necessary.

Good Luck


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So wait... What happen in the end?

Did the local police stop playing games and give you the letter??

I feel like an old Thai lady watching one of those soaps haha I NEED TO KNOW THE ENDING!!

Yes, they gave him the letter. Hope it's all worked out.

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Good news Bangkok Police ok'd the new letter and Police Clearance is being issued - thank buddha but on a not so good news a friend of mine and maybe some people on this forum also knew Shane Wheatley who was tragically killed in a motor vehicle accident on Monday Anzac day in Thailand. He was on route to bridge on the river kwai Anzac memorial and his mini bus was t boned by a truck. Shane was well known in Pattaya and had lived there for many years, RIP mate

This advice is too late for the OP but there is a quick and slow way to every government process is Asia. It is always up to you which one you take. 'Facilitation fees' can save you a lot of time and agony.

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Good news Bangkok Police ok'd the new letter and Police Clearance is being issued - thank buddha but on a not so good news a friend of mine and maybe some people on this forum also knew Shane Wheatley who was tragically killed in a motor vehicle accident on Monday Anzac day in Thailand. He was on route to bridge on the river kwai Anzac memorial and his mini bus was t boned by a truck. Shane was well known in Pattaya and had lived there for many years, RIP mate

Good to hear your news.

Sad news about your friend.

RIP Shane Wheatley.

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